# cloud-provider This repository defines the cloud-provider interface and mechanism to initialize a cloud-provider implementation into Kubernetes. Currently multiple processes use this code although the intent is that it will eventually only be cloud controller manager. **Note:** go-get or vendor this package as `k8s.io/cloud-provider`. ## Purpose This library is a shared dependency for processes which need to be able to integrate with cloud-provider specific functionality. ## Compatibility Cloud Providers are expected to keep the HEAD of their implementations in sync with the HEAD of this repository. ## Where does it come from? `cloud-provider` is synced from https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/staging/src/k8s.io/cloud-provider. Code changes are made in that location, merged into k8s.io/kubernetes and later synced here. ## Things you should NOT do 1. Add an cloud provider specific code to this repo. 2. Directly modify anything under vendor/k8s.io/cloud-provider in this repo. Those are driven from `k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/cloud-provider`. 3. Make interface changes without first discussing them with sig-cloudprovider.