#!/bin/bash ## This file is for app/hostpathplugin ## It could be used for other apps in this repo, but ## those applications may or may not take the same ## arguments ## Must be run from the root of the repo UDS="/tmp/e2e-csi-sanity.sock" CSI_ENDPOINT="unix://${UDS}" CSI_MOUNTPOINT="/mnt" APP=hostpathplugin SKIP="WithCapacity" SKIP="" if [ x${TRAVIS} = x"true" ] ; then SKIP="WithCapacity|NodeUnpublishVolume|NodePublishVolume" fi # Get csi-sanity git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/csi-test $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubernetes-csi/csi-test pushd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubernetes-csi/csi-test/cmd/csi-sanity make all make install popd #./hack/get-sanity.sh # Build cd app/hostpathplugin go install || exit 1 cd ../.. # Cleanup rm -f $UDS # Start the application in the background sudo $GOPATH/bin/$APP --endpoint=$CSI_ENDPOINT --nodeid=1 & pid=$! # Need to skip Capacity testing since hostpath does not support it sudo $GOPATH/bin/csi-sanity $@ \ --ginkgo.skip=${SKIP} \ --csi.mountpoint=$CSI_MOUNTPOINT \ --csi.endpoint=$CSI_ENDPOINT ; ret=$? sudo kill -9 $pid sudo rm -f $UDS if [ $ret -ne 0 ] ; then exit $ret fi exit 0