This directory forms the base of the main SaltStack configuration. The place to start with any SaltStack configuration is [top.sls](top.sls). However, unless you are particularly keen on reading Jinja templates, the following tables break down what configurations run on what providers. (NB: The [_states](_states/) directory is a special directory included by Salt for `ensure` blocks, and is only used for the [docker](docker/) config.) Key: M = Config applies to master, n = config applies to nodes Config | GCE | Vagrant | AWS | Azure ----------------------------------------------------|-------|---------|-----|------ [debian-auto-upgrades](debian-auto-upgrades/) | M n | M n | M n | M n [docker](docker/) | M n | M n | M n | M n [etcd](etcd/) | M | M | M | M [generate-cert](generate-cert/) | M | M | M | M [kube-addons](kube-addons/) | M | M | M | M [kube-apiserver](kube-apiserver/) | M | M | M | M [kube-controller-manager](kube-controller-manager/) | M | M | M | M [kube-proxy](kube-proxy/) | n | n | n | n [kube-scheduler](kube-scheduler/) | M | M | M | M [kubelet](kubelet/) | M n | M n | M n | M n [logrotate](logrotate/) | M n | n | M n | M n [supervisord](supervisor/) | M n | M n | M n | M n [base](base.sls) | M n | M n | M n | M n [kube-client-tools](kube-client-tools.sls) | M | M | M | M [![Analytics](]()