Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors.

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package util

import (

	v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
	utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
	v1helper "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/v1/helper"

// SELinuxLabelTranslator translates v1.SELinuxOptions of a process to SELinux file label.
type SELinuxLabelTranslator interface {
	// SELinuxOptionsToFileLabel returns SELinux file label for given SELinuxOptions
	// of a container process.
	// When Role, User or Type are empty, they're read from the system defaults.
	// It returns "" and no error on platforms that do not have SELinux enabled
	// or don't support SELinux at all.
	SELinuxOptionsToFileLabel(opts *v1.SELinuxOptions) (string, error)

	// SELinuxEnabled returns true when the OS has enabled SELinux support.
	SELinuxEnabled() bool

// Real implementation of the interface.
// On Linux with SELinux enabled it translates. Otherwise it always returns an empty string and no error.
type translator struct{}

var _ SELinuxLabelTranslator = &translator{}

// NewSELinuxLabelTranslator returns new SELinuxLabelTranslator for the platform.
func NewSELinuxLabelTranslator() SELinuxLabelTranslator {
	return &translator{}

// SELinuxOptionsToFileLabel returns SELinux file label for given SELinuxOptions
// of a container process.
// When Role, User or Type are empty, they're read from the system defaults.
// It returns "" and no error on platforms that do not have SELinux enabled
// or don't support SELinux at all.
func (l *translator) SELinuxOptionsToFileLabel(opts *v1.SELinuxOptions) (string, error) {
	if opts == nil {
		return "", nil

	args := contextOptions(opts)
	if len(args) == 0 {
		return "", nil

	processLabel, fileLabel, err := label.InitLabels(args)
	if err != nil {
		// In theory, this should be unreachable. InitLabels can fail only when args contain an unknown option,
		// and all options returned by contextOptions are known.
		return "", &SELinuxLabelTranslationError{msg: err.Error()}
	// InitLabels() may allocate a new unique SELinux label in kubelet memory. The label is *not* allocated
	// in the container runtime. Clear it to avoid memory problems.
	// ReleaseLabel on non-allocated label is NOOP.

	return fileLabel, nil

// Convert SELinuxOptions to []string accepted by label.InitLabels
func contextOptions(opts *v1.SELinuxOptions) []string {
	if opts == nil {
		return nil
	args := make([]string, 0, 3)
	if opts.User != "" {
		args = append(args, "user:"+opts.User)
	if opts.Role != "" {
		args = append(args, "role:"+opts.Role)
	if opts.Type != "" {
		args = append(args, "type:"+opts.Type)
	if opts.Level != "" {
		args = append(args, "level:"+opts.Level)
	return args

func (l *translator) SELinuxEnabled() bool {
	return selinux.GetEnabled()

// Fake implementation of the interface for unit tests.
type fakeTranslator struct{}

var _ SELinuxLabelTranslator = &fakeTranslator{}

// NewFakeSELinuxLabelTranslator returns a fake translator for unit tests.
// It imitates a real translator on platforms that do not have SELinux enabled
// or don't support SELinux at all.
func NewFakeSELinuxLabelTranslator() SELinuxLabelTranslator {
	return &fakeTranslator{}

// SELinuxOptionsToFileLabel returns SELinux file label for given options.
func (l *fakeTranslator) SELinuxOptionsToFileLabel(opts *v1.SELinuxOptions) (string, error) {
	if opts == nil {
		return "", nil
	// Fill empty values from "system defaults" (taken from Fedora Linux).
	user := opts.User
	if user == "" {
		user = "system_u"

	role := opts.Role
	if role == "" {
		role = "object_r"

	// opts is context of the *process* to run in a container. Translate
	// process type "container_t" to file label type "container_file_t".
	// (The rest of the context is the same for processes and files).
	fileType := opts.Type
	if fileType == "" || fileType == "container_t" {
		fileType = "container_file_t"

	level := opts.Level
	if level == "" {
		// If empty, level is allocated randomly.
		level = "s0:c998,c999"

	ctx := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s:%s", user, role, fileType, level)
	return ctx, nil

func (l *fakeTranslator) SELinuxEnabled() bool {
	return true

type SELinuxLabelTranslationError struct {
	msg string

func (e *SELinuxLabelTranslationError) Error() string {
	return e.msg

func IsSELinuxLabelTranslationError(err error) bool {
	var seLinuxError *SELinuxLabelTranslationError
	return errors.As(err, &seLinuxError)

// SupportsSELinuxContextMount checks if the given volumeSpec supports with mount -o context
func SupportsSELinuxContextMount(volumeSpec *volume.Spec, volumePluginMgr *volume.VolumePluginMgr) (bool, error) {
	plugin, _ := volumePluginMgr.FindPluginBySpec(volumeSpec)
	if plugin != nil {
		return plugin.SupportsSELinuxContextMount(volumeSpec)

	return false, nil

// VolumeSupportsSELinuxMount returns true if given volume access mode can support mount with SELinux mount options.
func VolumeSupportsSELinuxMount(volumeSpec *volume.Spec) bool {
	if !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod) {
		return false
	if volumeSpec.PersistentVolume == nil {
		return false
	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.SELinuxMount) {
		return true

	// Only SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod feature is enabled
	if len(volumeSpec.PersistentVolume.Spec.AccessModes) != 1 {
		// RWOP volumes must be the only access mode of the volume
		return false
	if !v1helper.ContainsAccessMode(volumeSpec.PersistentVolume.Spec.AccessModes, v1.ReadWriteOncePod) {
		// Not a RWOP volume
		return false
	// RWOP volume
	return true

// MultipleSELinuxLabelsError tells that one volume in a pod is mounted in multiple containers and each has a different SELinux label.
type MultipleSELinuxLabelsError struct {
	labels []string

func (e *MultipleSELinuxLabelsError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("multiple SELinux labels found: %s", strings.Join(e.labels, ","))

func (e *MultipleSELinuxLabelsError) Labels() []string {
	return e.labels

func IsMultipleSELinuxLabelsError(err error) bool {
	var multiError *MultipleSELinuxLabelsError
	return errors.As(err, &multiError)

// AddSELinuxMountOption adds -o context="XYZ" mount option to a given list
func AddSELinuxMountOption(options []string, seLinuxContext string) []string {
	if !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod) {
		return options
	// Use double quotes to support a comma "," in the SELinux context string.
	// For example: dirsync,context="system_u:object_r:container_file_t:s0:c15,c25",noatime
	return append(options, fmt.Sprintf("context=%q", seLinuxContext))

// SELinuxLabelInfo contains information about SELinux labels that should be used to mount a volume for a Pod.
type SELinuxLabelInfo struct {
	// SELinuxMountLabel is the SELinux label that should be used to mount the volume.
	// The volume plugin supports SELinuxMount and the Pod did not opt out via SELinuxChangePolicy.
	// Empty string otherwise.
	SELinuxMountLabel string
	// SELinuxProcessLabel is the SELinux label that will the container runtime use for the Pod.
	// Regardless if the volume plugin supports SELinuxMount or the Pod opted out via SELinuxChangePolicy.
	SELinuxProcessLabel string
	// PluginSupportsSELinuxContextMount is true if the volume plugin supports SELinux mount.
	PluginSupportsSELinuxContextMount bool

// GetMountSELinuxLabel returns SELinux labels that should be used to mount the given volume volumeSpec and podSecurityContext.
// It expects effectiveSELinuxContainerLabels as returned by volumeutil.GetPodVolumeNames, i.e. with all SELinuxOptions
// from all containers that use the volume in the pod, potentially expanded with PodSecurityContext.SELinuxOptions,
// if container's SELinuxOptions are nil.
// It does not evaluate the volume access mode! It's up to the caller to check SELinuxMount feature gate,
// it may need to bump different metrics based on feature gates / access modes / label anyway.
func GetMountSELinuxLabel(volumeSpec *volume.Spec, effectiveSELinuxContainerLabels []*v1.SELinuxOptions, podSecurityContext *v1.PodSecurityContext, volumePluginMgr *volume.VolumePluginMgr, seLinuxTranslator SELinuxLabelTranslator) (SELinuxLabelInfo, error) {
	info := SELinuxLabelInfo{}
	if !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod) {
		return info, nil

	if !seLinuxTranslator.SELinuxEnabled() {
		return info, nil

	pluginSupportsSELinuxContextMount, err := SupportsSELinuxContextMount(volumeSpec, volumePluginMgr)
	if err != nil {
		return info, err

	info.PluginSupportsSELinuxContextMount = pluginSupportsSELinuxContextMount

	// Collect all SELinux options from all containers that use this volume.
	// A set will squash any duplicities.
	labels := sets.New[string]()
	for _, containerLabel := range effectiveSELinuxContainerLabels {
		lbl, err := seLinuxTranslator.SELinuxOptionsToFileLabel(containerLabel)
		if err != nil {
			fullErr := fmt.Errorf("failed to construct SELinux label from context %q: %w", containerLabel, err)
			return info, fullErr

	// Ensure that all containers use the same SELinux label.
	if labels.Len() > 1 {
		// This volume is used with more than one SELinux label in the pod.
		return info, &MultipleSELinuxLabelsError{labels: labels.UnsortedList()}
	if labels.Len() == 0 {
		return info, nil

	lbl, _ := labels.PopAny()
	info.SELinuxProcessLabel = lbl
	info.SELinuxMountLabel = lbl

	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.SELinuxChangePolicy) &&
		podSecurityContext != nil &&
		podSecurityContext.SELinuxChangePolicy != nil &&
		*podSecurityContext.SELinuxChangePolicy == v1.SELinuxChangePolicyRecursive {
		// The pod has opted into recursive SELinux label changes. Do not mount with -o context.
		info.SELinuxMountLabel = ""

	if !pluginSupportsSELinuxContextMount {
		// The volume plugin does not support SELinux mount. Do not mount with -o context.
		info.SELinuxMountLabel = ""

	return info, nil