/* Copyright 2022 The Ceph-CSI Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package e2e import ( "context" "fmt" "strings" "sync" "time" snapapi "github.com/kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter/client/v6/apis/volumesnapshot/v1" . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" // nolint v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" apierrs "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait" clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes" "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework" e2elog "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/log" ) var ( nfsProvisioner = "csi-nfsplugin-provisioner.yaml" nfsProvisionerRBAC = "csi-provisioner-rbac.yaml" nfsProvisionerPSP = "csi-provisioner-psp.yaml" nfsNodePlugin = "csi-nfsplugin.yaml" nfsNodePluginRBAC = "csi-nodeplugin-rbac.yaml" nfsNodePluginPSP = "csi-nodeplugin-psp.yaml" nfsRookCephNFS = "rook-nfs.yaml" nfsDeploymentName = "csi-nfsplugin-provisioner" nfsDeamonSetName = "csi-nfs-node" nfsDirPath = "../deploy/nfs/kubernetes/" nfsExamplePath = examplePath + "nfs/" nfsPoolName = ".nfs" // FIXME: some tests change the subvolumegroup to "e2e". defaultSubvolumegroup = "csi" ) func deployNFSPlugin(f *framework.Framework) { // delete objects deployed by rook err := deleteResource(nfsDirPath + nfsProvisionerRBAC) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete provisioner rbac %s: %v", nfsDirPath+nfsProvisionerRBAC, err) } err = deleteResource(nfsDirPath + nfsNodePluginRBAC) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete nodeplugin rbac %s: %v", nfsDirPath+nfsNodePluginRBAC, err) } // the pool should not be deleted, as it may contain configurations // from non-e2e related CephNFS objects err = createPool(f, nfsPoolName) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create pool for NFS config %q: %v", nfsPoolName, err) } createORDeleteNFSResources(f, kubectlCreate) } func deleteNFSPlugin() { createORDeleteNFSResources(nil, kubectlDelete) } func createORDeleteNFSResources(f *framework.Framework, action kubectlAction) { resources := []ResourceDeployer{ // shared resources &yamlResource{ filename: nfsDirPath + csiDriverObject, allowMissing: true, }, &yamlResource{ filename: examplePath + cephConfconfigMap, allowMissing: true, }, // dependencies for provisioner &yamlResourceNamespaced{ filename: nfsDirPath + nfsProvisionerRBAC, namespace: cephCSINamespace, }, &yamlResourceNamespaced{ filename: nfsDirPath + nfsProvisionerPSP, namespace: cephCSINamespace, }, // the provisioner itself &yamlResourceNamespaced{ filename: nfsDirPath + nfsProvisioner, namespace: cephCSINamespace, oneReplica: true, }, // dependencies for the node-plugin &yamlResourceNamespaced{ filename: nfsDirPath + nfsNodePluginRBAC, namespace: cephCSINamespace, }, &yamlResourceNamespaced{ filename: nfsDirPath + nfsNodePluginPSP, namespace: cephCSINamespace, }, // the node-plugin itself &yamlResourceNamespaced{ filename: nfsDirPath + nfsNodePlugin, namespace: cephCSINamespace, }, // NFS-export management by Rook &rookNFSResource{ f: f, modules: []string{"rook", "nfs"}, orchBackend: "rook", }, &yamlResourceNamespaced{ filename: nfsExamplePath + nfsRookCephNFS, namespace: rookNamespace, }, } for _, r := range resources { err := r.Do(action) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to %s resource: %v", action, err) } } } func createNFSStorageClass( c clientset.Interface, f *framework.Framework, enablePool bool, params map[string]string, ) error { scPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", nfsExamplePath, "storageclass.yaml") sc, err := getStorageClass(scPath) if err != nil { return err } sc.Parameters["nfsCluster"] = "my-nfs" sc.Parameters["server"] = "rook-ceph-nfs-my-nfs-a." + rookNamespace + ".svc.cluster.local" // standard CephFS parameters sc.Parameters["fsName"] = fileSystemName sc.Parameters["csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-namespace"] = cephCSINamespace sc.Parameters["csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-name"] = cephFSProvisionerSecretName sc.Parameters["csi.storage.k8s.io/controller-expand-secret-namespace"] = cephCSINamespace sc.Parameters["csi.storage.k8s.io/controller-expand-secret-name"] = cephFSProvisionerSecretName sc.Parameters["csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-namespace"] = cephCSINamespace sc.Parameters["csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-name"] = cephFSNodePluginSecretName if enablePool { sc.Parameters["pool"] = "myfs-replicated" } // overload any parameters that were passed if params == nil { // create an empty params, so that params["clusterID"] below // does not panic params = map[string]string{} } for param, value := range params { sc.Parameters[param] = value } // fetch and set fsID from the cluster if not set in params if _, found := params["clusterID"]; !found { var fsID string fsID, err = getClusterID(f) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to get clusterID: %w", err) } sc.Parameters["clusterID"] = fsID } sc.Provisioner = nfsDriverName timeout := time.Duration(deployTimeout) * time.Minute return wait.PollImmediate(poll, timeout, func() (bool, error) { _, err = c.StorageV1().StorageClasses().Create(context.TODO(), &sc, metav1.CreateOptions{}) if err != nil { e2elog.Logf("error creating StorageClass %q: %v", sc.Name, err) if apierrs.IsAlreadyExists(err) { return true, nil } if isRetryableAPIError(err) { return false, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to create StorageClass %q: %w", sc.Name, err) } return true, nil }) } // unmountNFSVolume unmounts a NFS volume mounted on a pod. func unmountNFSVolume(f *framework.Framework, appName, pvcName string) error { pod, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Pods(f.UniqueName).Get(context.TODO(), appName, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { e2elog.Logf("Error occurred getting pod %s in namespace %s", appName, f.UniqueName) return fmt.Errorf("failed to get pod: %w", err) } pvc, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1(). PersistentVolumeClaims(f.UniqueName). Get(context.TODO(), pvcName, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { e2elog.Logf("Error occurred getting PVC %s in namespace %s", pvcName, f.UniqueName) return fmt.Errorf("failed to get pvc: %w", err) } cmd := fmt.Sprintf( "umount /var/lib/kubelet/pods/%s/volumes/kubernetes.io~csi/%s/mount", pod.UID, pvc.Spec.VolumeName) stdErr, err := execCommandInDaemonsetPod( f, cmd, nfsDeamonSetName, pod.Spec.NodeName, "nfs", // name of the container cephCSINamespace) if stdErr != "" { e2elog.Logf("StdErr occurred: %s", stdErr) } return err } var _ = Describe("nfs", func() { f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("nfs") var c clientset.Interface // deploy CephFS CSI BeforeEach(func() { if !testNFS || upgradeTesting || helmTest { Skip("Skipping NFS E2E") } c = f.ClientSet if deployNFS { if cephCSINamespace != defaultNs { err := createNamespace(c, cephCSINamespace) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create namespace %s: %v", cephCSINamespace, err) } } deployNFSPlugin(f) } // cephfs testing might have changed the default subvolumegroup subvolumegroup = defaultSubvolumegroup err := createConfigMap(nfsDirPath, f.ClientSet, f) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create configmap: %v", err) } // create nfs provisioner secret key, err := createCephUser(f, keyringCephFSProvisionerUsername, cephFSProvisionerCaps()) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create user %s: %v", keyringCephFSProvisionerUsername, err) } err = createCephfsSecret(f, cephFSProvisionerSecretName, keyringCephFSProvisionerUsername, key) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create provisioner secret: %v", err) } // create nfs plugin secret key, err = createCephUser(f, keyringCephFSNodePluginUsername, cephFSNodePluginCaps()) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create user %s: %v", keyringCephFSNodePluginUsername, err) } err = createCephfsSecret(f, cephFSNodePluginSecretName, keyringCephFSNodePluginUsername, key) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create node secret: %v", err) } }) AfterEach(func() { if !testNFS || upgradeTesting { Skip("Skipping NFS E2E") } if CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Failed { // log pods created by helm chart logsCSIPods("app=ceph-csi-nfs", c) // log provisioner logsCSIPods("app=csi-nfsplugin-provisioner", c) // log node plugin logsCSIPods("app=csi-nfs-node", c) // log all details from the namespace where Ceph-CSI is deployed framework.DumpAllNamespaceInfo(c, cephCSINamespace) } err := deleteConfigMap(nfsDirPath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete configmap: %v", err) } err = c.CoreV1(). Secrets(cephCSINamespace). Delete(context.TODO(), cephFSProvisionerSecretName, metav1.DeleteOptions{}) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete provisioner secret: %v", err) } err = c.CoreV1(). Secrets(cephCSINamespace). Delete(context.TODO(), cephFSNodePluginSecretName, metav1.DeleteOptions{}) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete node secret: %v", err) } err = deleteResource(nfsExamplePath + "storageclass.yaml") if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete storageclass: %v", err) } if deployNFS { deleteNFSPlugin() if cephCSINamespace != defaultNs { err := deleteNamespace(c, cephCSINamespace) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete namespace %s: %v", cephCSINamespace, err) } } } }) Context("Test NFS CSI", func() { if !testNFS { return } It("Test NFS CSI", func() { pvcPath := nfsExamplePath + "pvc.yaml" appPath := nfsExamplePath + "pod.yaml" appRWOPPath := nfsExamplePath + "pod-rwop.yaml" pvcRWOPPath := nfsExamplePath + "pvc-rwop.yaml" pvcSmartClonePath := nfsExamplePath + "pvc-clone.yaml" appSmartClonePath := nfsExamplePath + "pod-clone.yaml" pvcClonePath := nfsExamplePath + "pvc-restore.yaml" appClonePath := nfsExamplePath + "pod-restore.yaml" snapshotPath := nfsExamplePath + "snapshot.yaml" metadataPool, getErr := getCephFSMetadataPoolName(f, fileSystemName) if getErr != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed getting cephFS metadata pool name: %v", getErr) } By("checking provisioner deployment is running", func() { err := waitForDeploymentComplete(f.ClientSet, nfsDeploymentName, cephCSINamespace, deployTimeout) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("timeout waiting for deployment %s: %v", nfsDeploymentName, err) } }) By("checking nodeplugin deamonset pods are running", func() { err := waitForDaemonSets(nfsDeamonSetName, cephCSINamespace, f.ClientSet, deployTimeout) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("timeout waiting for daemonset %s: %v", nfsDeamonSetName, err) } }) By("verify RWOP volume support", func() { err := createNFSStorageClass(f.ClientSet, f, false, nil) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create CephFS storageclass: %v", err) } pvc, err := loadPVC(pvcRWOPPath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load PVC: %v", err) } pvc.Namespace = f.UniqueName // create application app, err := loadApp(appRWOPPath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load application: %v", err) } app.Namespace = f.UniqueName baseAppName := app.Name err = createPVCAndvalidatePV(f.ClientSet, pvc, deployTimeout) if err != nil { if rwopMayFail(err) { e2elog.Logf("RWOP is not supported: %v", err) return } e2elog.Failf("failed to create PVC: %v", err) } err = createApp(f.ClientSet, app, deployTimeout) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create application: %v", err) } validateSubvolumeCount(f, 1, fileSystemName, defaultSubvolumegroup) err = validateRWOPPodCreation(f, pvc, app, baseAppName) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to validate RWOP pod creation: %v", err) } validateSubvolumeCount(f, 0, fileSystemName, defaultSubvolumegroup) err = deleteResource(nfsExamplePath + "storageclass.yaml") if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete CephFS storageclass: %v", err) } }) By("create a storageclass with pool and a PVC then bind it to an app", func() { err := createNFSStorageClass(f.ClientSet, f, false, nil) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create CephFS storageclass: %v", err) } err = validatePVCAndAppBinding(pvcPath, appPath, f) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to validate CephFS pvc and application binding: %v", err) } err = deleteResource(nfsExamplePath + "storageclass.yaml") if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete CephFS storageclass: %v", err) } }) By("create a PVC and bind it to an app", func() { err := createNFSStorageClass(f.ClientSet, f, false, nil) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create CephFS storageclass: %v", err) } err = validatePVCAndAppBinding(pvcPath, appPath, f) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to validate CephFS pvc and application binding: %v", err) } }) By("create a PVC and bind it to an app with normal user", func() { err := validateNormalUserPVCAccess(pvcPath, f) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to validate normal user CephFS pvc and application binding: %v", err) } }) By("create/delete multiple PVCs and Apps", func() { totalCount := 2 pvc, err := loadPVC(pvcPath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load PVC: %v", err) } pvc.Namespace = f.UniqueName app, err := loadApp(appPath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load application: %v", err) } app.Namespace = f.UniqueName // create PVC and app for i := 0; i < totalCount; i++ { name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, i) err = createPVCAndApp(name, f, pvc, app, deployTimeout) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create PVC or application: %v", err) } err = validateSubvolumePath(f, pvc.Name, pvc.Namespace, fileSystemName, defaultSubvolumegroup) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to validate subvolumePath: %v", err) } } validateSubvolumeCount(f, totalCount, fileSystemName, defaultSubvolumegroup) // delete PVC and app for i := 0; i < totalCount; i++ { name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, i) err = deletePVCAndApp(name, f, pvc, app) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete PVC or application: %v", err) } } validateSubvolumeCount(f, 0, fileSystemName, defaultSubvolumegroup) }) By("check data persist after recreating pod", func() { err := checkDataPersist(pvcPath, appPath, f) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to check data persist in pvc: %v", err) } }) By("Create PVC, bind it to an app, unmount volume and check app deletion", func() { pvc, app, err := createPVCAndAppBinding(pvcPath, appPath, f, deployTimeout) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create PVC or application: %v", err) } err = unmountNFSVolume(f, app.Name, pvc.Name) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to unmount volume: %v", err) } err = deletePVCAndApp("", f, pvc, app) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete PVC or application: %v", err) } }) By("Mount pvc as readonly in pod", func() { // create PVC and bind it to an app pvc, err := loadPVC(pvcPath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load PVC: %v", err) } pvc.Namespace = f.UniqueName app, err := loadApp(appPath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load application: %v", err) } app.Namespace = f.UniqueName label := map[string]string{ "app": app.Name, } app.Labels = label app.Spec.Volumes[0].PersistentVolumeClaim.ClaimName = pvc.Name app.Spec.Volumes[0].PersistentVolumeClaim.ReadOnly = true err = createPVCAndApp("", f, pvc, app, deployTimeout) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create PVC or application: %v", err) } opt := metav1.ListOptions{ LabelSelector: fmt.Sprintf("app=%s", app.Name), } filePath := app.Spec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts[0].MountPath + "/test" _, stdErr := execCommandInPodAndAllowFail( f, fmt.Sprintf("echo 'Hello World' > %s", filePath), app.Namespace, &opt) readOnlyErr := fmt.Sprintf("cannot create %s: Read-only file system", filePath) if !strings.Contains(stdErr, readOnlyErr) { e2elog.Failf(stdErr) } // delete PVC and app err = deletePVCAndApp("", f, pvc, app) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete PVC or application: %v", err) } }) // delete nfs provisioner secret err := deleteCephUser(f, keyringCephFSProvisionerUsername) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete user %s: %v", keyringCephFSProvisionerUsername, err) } // delete nfs plugin secret err = deleteCephUser(f, keyringCephFSNodePluginUsername) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete user %s: %v", keyringCephFSNodePluginUsername, err) } By("Resize PVC and check application directory size", func() { err := resizePVCAndValidateSize(pvcPath, appPath, f) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to resize PVC: %v", err) } }) By("create a PVC clone and bind it to an app", func() { var wg sync.WaitGroup totalCount := 3 wgErrs := make([]error, totalCount) chErrs := make([]error, totalCount) // totalSubvolumes represents the subvolumes in backend // always totalCount+parentPVC totalSubvolumes := totalCount + 1 wg.Add(totalCount) err := createNFSSnapshotClass(f) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete NFS snapshotclass: %v", err) } defer func() { err = deleteNFSSnapshotClass() if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete VolumeSnapshotClass: %v", err) } }() pvc, err := loadPVC(pvcPath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load PVC: %v", err) } pvc.Namespace = f.UniqueName err = createPVCAndvalidatePV(f.ClientSet, pvc, deployTimeout) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create PVC: %v", err) } app, err := loadApp(appPath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load application: %v", err) } app.Namespace = f.UniqueName app.Spec.Volumes[0].PersistentVolumeClaim.ClaimName = pvc.Name label := make(map[string]string) label[appKey] = appLabel app.Labels = label opt := metav1.ListOptions{ LabelSelector: fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", appKey, label[appKey]), } checkSum, err := writeDataAndCalChecksum(app, &opt, f) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to calculate checksum: %v", err) } snap := getSnapshot(snapshotPath) snap.Namespace = f.UniqueName snap.Spec.Source.PersistentVolumeClaimName = &pvc.Name // create snapshot for i := 0; i < totalCount; i++ { go func(n int, s snapapi.VolumeSnapshot) { s.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, n) wgErrs[n] = createSnapshot(&s, deployTimeout) wg.Done() }(i, snap) } wg.Wait() failed := 0 for i, err := range wgErrs { if err != nil { // not using Failf() as it aborts the test and does not log other errors e2elog.Logf("failed to create snapshot (%s%d): %v", f.UniqueName, i, err) failed++ } } if failed != 0 { e2elog.Failf("creating snapshots failed, %d errors were logged", failed) } pvcClone, err := loadPVC(pvcClonePath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load PVC: %v", err) } appClone, err := loadApp(appClonePath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load application: %v", err) } pvcClone.Namespace = f.UniqueName appClone.Namespace = f.UniqueName pvcClone.Spec.DataSource.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, 0) appClone.Labels = label // create multiple PVC from same snapshot wg.Add(totalCount) for i := 0; i < totalCount; i++ { go func(n int, p v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, a v1.Pod) { name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, n) wgErrs[n] = createPVCAndApp(name, f, &p, &a, deployTimeout) if wgErrs[n] == nil { err = validateSubvolumePath(f, p.Name, p.Namespace, fileSystemName, subvolumegroup) if err != nil { wgErrs[n] = err } filePath := a.Spec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts[0].MountPath + "/test" var checkSumClone string e2elog.Logf("Calculating checksum clone for filepath %s", filePath) checkSumClone, chErrs[n] = calculateSHA512sum(f, &a, filePath, &opt) e2elog.Logf("checksum for clone is %s", checkSumClone) if chErrs[n] != nil { e2elog.Logf("Failed calculating checksum clone %s", chErrs[n]) } if checkSumClone != checkSum { e2elog.Logf("checksum didn't match. checksum=%s and checksumclone=%s", checkSum, checkSumClone) } } wg.Done() }(i, *pvcClone, *appClone) } wg.Wait() for i, err := range wgErrs { if err != nil { // not using Failf() as it aborts the test and does not log other errors e2elog.Logf("failed to create PVC and app (%s%d): %v", f.UniqueName, i, err) failed++ } } if failed != 0 { e2elog.Failf("creating PVCs and apps failed, %d errors were logged", failed) } for i, err := range chErrs { if err != nil { // not using Failf() as it aborts the test and does not log other errors e2elog.Logf("failed to calculate checksum (%s%d): %v", f.UniqueName, i, err) failed++ } } if failed != 0 { e2elog.Failf("calculating checksum failed, %d errors were logged", failed) } validateSubvolumeCount(f, totalSubvolumes, fileSystemName, subvolumegroup) validateOmapCount(f, totalSubvolumes, cephfsType, metadataPool, volumesType) validateOmapCount(f, totalCount, cephfsType, metadataPool, snapsType) wg.Add(totalCount) // delete clone and app for i := 0; i < totalCount; i++ { go func(n int, p v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, a v1.Pod) { name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, n) p.Spec.DataSource.Name = name wgErrs[n] = deletePVCAndApp(name, f, &p, &a) wg.Done() }(i, *pvcClone, *appClone) } wg.Wait() for i, err := range wgErrs { if err != nil { // not using Failf() as it aborts the test and does not log other errors e2elog.Logf("failed to delete PVC and app (%s%d): %v", f.UniqueName, i, err) failed++ } } if failed != 0 { e2elog.Failf("deleting PVCs and apps failed, %d errors were logged", failed) } parentPVCCount := totalSubvolumes - totalCount validateSubvolumeCount(f, parentPVCCount, fileSystemName, subvolumegroup) validateOmapCount(f, parentPVCCount, cephfsType, metadataPool, volumesType) validateOmapCount(f, totalCount, cephfsType, metadataPool, snapsType) // create clones from different snapshots and bind it to an app wg.Add(totalCount) for i := 0; i < totalCount; i++ { go func(n int, p v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, a v1.Pod) { name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, n) p.Spec.DataSource.Name = name wgErrs[n] = createPVCAndApp(name, f, &p, &a, deployTimeout) if wgErrs[n] == nil { err = validateSubvolumePath(f, p.Name, p.Namespace, fileSystemName, subvolumegroup) if err != nil { wgErrs[n] = err } filePath := a.Spec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts[0].MountPath + "/test" var checkSumClone string e2elog.Logf("Calculating checksum clone for filepath %s", filePath) checkSumClone, chErrs[n] = calculateSHA512sum(f, &a, filePath, &opt) e2elog.Logf("checksum for clone is %s", checkSumClone) if chErrs[n] != nil { e2elog.Logf("Failed calculating checksum clone %s", chErrs[n]) } if checkSumClone != checkSum { e2elog.Logf("checksum didn't match. checksum=%s and checksumclone=%s", checkSum, checkSumClone) } } wg.Done() }(i, *pvcClone, *appClone) } wg.Wait() for i, err := range wgErrs { if err != nil { // not using Failf() as it aborts the test and does not log other errors e2elog.Logf("failed to create PVC and app (%s%d): %v", f.UniqueName, i, err) failed++ } } if failed != 0 { e2elog.Failf("creating PVCs and apps failed, %d errors were logged", failed) } for i, err := range chErrs { if err != nil { // not using Failf() as it aborts the test and does not log other errors e2elog.Logf("failed to calculate checksum (%s%d): %v", f.UniqueName, i, err) failed++ } } if failed != 0 { e2elog.Failf("calculating checksum failed, %d errors were logged", failed) } validateSubvolumeCount(f, totalSubvolumes, fileSystemName, subvolumegroup) validateOmapCount(f, totalSubvolumes, cephfsType, metadataPool, volumesType) validateOmapCount(f, totalCount, cephfsType, metadataPool, snapsType) wg.Add(totalCount) // delete snapshot for i := 0; i < totalCount; i++ { go func(n int, s snapapi.VolumeSnapshot) { s.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, n) wgErrs[n] = deleteSnapshot(&s, deployTimeout) wg.Done() }(i, snap) } wg.Wait() for i, err := range wgErrs { if err != nil { // not using Failf() as it aborts the test and does not log other errors e2elog.Logf("failed to delete snapshot (%s%d): %v", f.UniqueName, i, err) failed++ } } if failed != 0 { e2elog.Failf("deleting snapshots failed, %d errors were logged", failed) } wg.Add(totalCount) // delete clone and app for i := 0; i < totalCount; i++ { go func(n int, p v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, a v1.Pod) { name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, n) p.Spec.DataSource.Name = name wgErrs[n] = deletePVCAndApp(name, f, &p, &a) wg.Done() }(i, *pvcClone, *appClone) } wg.Wait() for i, err := range wgErrs { if err != nil { // not using Failf() as it aborts the test and does not log other errors e2elog.Logf("failed to delete PVC and app (%s%d): %v", f.UniqueName, i, err) failed++ } } if failed != 0 { e2elog.Failf("deleting PVCs and apps failed, %d errors were logged", failed) } validateSubvolumeCount(f, parentPVCCount, fileSystemName, subvolumegroup) validateOmapCount(f, parentPVCCount, cephfsType, metadataPool, volumesType) validateOmapCount(f, 0, cephfsType, metadataPool, snapsType) // delete parent pvc err = deletePVCAndValidatePV(f.ClientSet, pvc, deployTimeout) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete PVC or application: %v", err) } validateSubvolumeCount(f, 0, fileSystemName, subvolumegroup) validateOmapCount(f, 0, cephfsType, metadataPool, volumesType) validateOmapCount(f, 0, cephfsType, metadataPool, snapsType) }) By("create a PVC-PVC clone and bind it to an app", func() { var wg sync.WaitGroup totalCount := 3 wgErrs := make([]error, totalCount) chErrs := make([]error, totalCount) // totalSubvolumes represents the subvolumes in backend // always totalCount+parentPVC totalSubvolumes := totalCount + 1 pvc, err := loadPVC(pvcPath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load PVC: %v", err) } pvc.Namespace = f.UniqueName err = createPVCAndvalidatePV(f.ClientSet, pvc, deployTimeout) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to create PVC: %v", err) } app, err := loadApp(appPath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load application: %v", err) } app.Namespace = f.UniqueName app.Spec.Volumes[0].PersistentVolumeClaim.ClaimName = pvc.Name label := make(map[string]string) label[appKey] = appLabel app.Labels = label opt := metav1.ListOptions{ LabelSelector: fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", appKey, label[appKey]), } checkSum, err := writeDataAndCalChecksum(app, &opt, f) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to calculate checksum: %v", err) } pvcClone, err := loadPVC(pvcSmartClonePath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load PVC: %v", err) } pvcClone.Spec.DataSource.Name = pvc.Name pvcClone.Namespace = f.UniqueName appClone, err := loadApp(appSmartClonePath) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to load application: %v", err) } appClone.Namespace = f.UniqueName appClone.Labels = label wg.Add(totalCount) // create clone and bind it to an app for i := 0; i < totalCount; i++ { go func(n int, p v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, a v1.Pod) { name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, n) wgErrs[n] = createPVCAndApp(name, f, &p, &a, deployTimeout) if wgErrs[n] == nil { filePath := a.Spec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts[0].MountPath + "/test" var checkSumClone string e2elog.Logf("Calculating checksum clone for filepath %s", filePath) checkSumClone, chErrs[n] = calculateSHA512sum(f, &a, filePath, &opt) e2elog.Logf("checksum for clone is %s", checkSumClone) if chErrs[n] != nil { e2elog.Logf("Failed calculating checksum clone %s", chErrs[n]) } if checkSumClone != checkSum { e2elog.Logf("checksum didn't match. checksum=%s and checksumclone=%s", checkSum, checkSumClone) } } wg.Done() }(i, *pvcClone, *appClone) } wg.Wait() failed := 0 for i, err := range wgErrs { if err != nil { // not using Failf() as it aborts the test and does not log other errors e2elog.Logf("failed to create PVC or application (%s%d): %v", f.UniqueName, i, err) failed++ } } if failed != 0 { e2elog.Failf("deleting PVCs and apps failed, %d errors were logged", failed) } for i, err := range chErrs { if err != nil { // not using Failf() as it aborts the test and does not log other errors e2elog.Logf("failed to calculate checksum (%s%d): %v", f.UniqueName, i, err) failed++ } } if failed != 0 { e2elog.Failf("calculating checksum failed, %d errors were logged", failed) } validateSubvolumeCount(f, totalSubvolumes, fileSystemName, subvolumegroup) validateOmapCount(f, totalSubvolumes, cephfsType, metadataPool, volumesType) // delete parent pvc err = deletePVCAndValidatePV(f.ClientSet, pvc, deployTimeout) if err != nil { e2elog.Failf("failed to delete PVC or application: %v", err) } wg.Add(totalCount) // delete clone and app for i := 0; i < totalCount; i++ { go func(n int, p v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, a v1.Pod) { name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, n) p.Spec.DataSource.Name = name wgErrs[n] = deletePVCAndApp(name, f, &p, &a) wg.Done() }(i, *pvcClone, *appClone) } wg.Wait() for i, err := range wgErrs { if err != nil { // not using Failf() as it aborts the test and does not log other errors e2elog.Logf("failed to delete PVC or application (%s%d): %v", f.UniqueName, i, err) failed++ } } if failed != 0 { e2elog.Failf("deleting PVCs and apps failed, %d errors were logged", failed) } validateSubvolumeCount(f, 0, fileSystemName, subvolumegroup) validateOmapCount(f, 0, cephfsType, metadataPool, volumesType) }) }) }) })