package kmip

import (

// 3

// Name 3.2 Table 57
// The Name attribute is a structure (see Table 57) used to identify and locate an object.
// This attribute is assigned by the client, and the Name Value is intended to be in a form that
// humans are able to interpret. The key management system MAY specify rules by which the client
// creates valid names. Clients are informed of such rules by a mechanism that is not specified by
// this standard. Names SHALL be unique within a given key management domain,
// but are NOT REQUIRED to be globally unique.
type Name struct {
	NameValue string
	NameType  kmip14.NameType

// Cryptographic Parameters 3.6 Table 65
// The Cryptographic Parameters attribute is a structure (see Table 65) that contains a set of OPTIONAL
// fields that describe certain cryptographic parameters to be used when performing cryptographic operations
// using the object. Specific fields MAY pertain only to certain types of Managed Cryptographic Objects. The
// Cryptographic Parameters attribute of a Certificate object identifies the cryptographic parameters of the
// public key contained within the Certificate.
// The Cryptographic Algorithm is also used to specify the parameters for cryptographic operations. For operations
// involving digital signatures, either the Digital Signature Algorithm can be specified or the Cryptographic
// Algorithm and Hashing Algorithm combination can be specified.
// Random IV can be used to request that the KMIP server generate an appropriate IV for a
// cryptographic operation that uses an IV. The generated Random IV is returned in the response
// to the cryptographic operation.
// IV Length is the length of the Initialization Vector in bits. This parameter SHALL be provided when the
// specified Block Cipher Mode supports variable IV lengths such as CTR or GCM.
// Tag Length is the length of the authentication tag in bytes. This parameter SHALL be provided when the
// Block Cipher Mode is GCM or CCM.
// The IV used with counter modes of operation (e.g., CTR and GCM) cannot repeat for a given cryptographic key.
// To prevent an IV/key reuse, the IV is often constructed of three parts: a fixed field, an invocation field,
// and a counter as described in [SP800-38A] and [SP800-38D]. The Fixed Field Length is the length of the fixed
// field portion of the IV in bits. The Invocation Field Length is the length of the invocation field portion of
// the IV in bits. The Counter Length is the length of the counter portion of the IV in bits.
// Initial Counter Value is the starting counter value for CTR mode (for [RFC3686] it is 1).
type CryptographicParameters struct {
	BlockCipherMode               kmip14.BlockCipherMode           `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	PaddingMethod                 kmip14.PaddingMethod             `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	HashingAlgorithm              kmip14.HashingAlgorithm          `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	KeyRoleType                   kmip14.KeyRoleType               `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	DigitalSignatureAlgorithm     kmip14.DigitalSignatureAlgorithm `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	CryptographicAlgorithm        kmip14.CryptographicAlgorithm    `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	RandomIV                      bool                             `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	IVLength                      int                              `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	TagLength                     int                              `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	FixedFieldLength              int                              `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	InvocationFieldLength         int                              `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	CounterLength                 int                              `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	InitialCounterValue           int                              `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	SaltLength                    int                              `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	MaskGenerator                 kmip14.MaskGenerator             `ttlv:",omitempty" default:"1"` // defaults to MGF1
	MaskGeneratorHashingAlgorithm kmip14.HashingAlgorithm          `ttlv:",omitempty" default:"4"` // defaults to SHA-1
	PSource                       []byte                           `ttlv:",omitempty"`
	TrailerField                  int                              `ttlv:",omitempty"`