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// Package options contains flags and options for initializing kube-apiserver
package options

import (


	utilnet "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/net"
	genericoptions "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/options"
	kubeserver "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubeapiserver/server"

// NewSecureServingOptions gives default values for the kube-apiserver which are not the options wanted by
// "normal" API servers running on the platform
func NewSecureServingOptions() *genericoptions.SecureServingOptionsWithLoopback {
	return genericoptions.WithLoopback(&genericoptions.SecureServingOptions{
		BindAddress: net.ParseIP(""),
		BindPort:    6443,
		ServerCert: genericoptions.GeneratableKeyCert{
			PairName:      "apiserver",
			CertDirectory: "/var/run/kubernetes",

// DefaultAdvertiseAddress sets the field AdvertiseAddress if
// unset. The field will be set based on the SecureServingOptions. If
// the SecureServingOptions is not present, DefaultExternalAddress
// will fall back to the insecure ServingOptions.
func DefaultAdvertiseAddress(s *genericoptions.ServerRunOptions, insecure *InsecureServingOptions) error {
	if insecure == nil {
		return nil

	if s.AdvertiseAddress == nil || s.AdvertiseAddress.IsUnspecified() {
		hostIP, err := insecure.DefaultExternalAddress()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to find suitable network address.error='%v'. "+
				"Try to set the AdvertiseAddress directly or provide a valid BindAddress to fix this", err)
		s.AdvertiseAddress = hostIP

	return nil

// InsecureServingOptions are for creating an unauthenticated, unauthorized, insecure port.
// No one should be using these anymore.
type InsecureServingOptions struct {
	BindAddress net.IP
	BindPort    int

// NewInsecureServingOptions is for creating an unauthenticated, unauthorized, insecure port.
// No one should be using these anymore.
func NewInsecureServingOptions() *InsecureServingOptions {
	return &InsecureServingOptions{
		BindAddress: net.ParseIP(""),
		BindPort:    8080,

func (s InsecureServingOptions) Validate() []error {
	errors := []error{}

	if s.BindPort < 0 || s.BindPort > 65535 {
		errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("--insecure-port %v must be between 0 and 65535, inclusive. 0 for turning off insecure (HTTP) port", s.BindPort))

	return errors

func (s *InsecureServingOptions) DefaultExternalAddress() (net.IP, error) {
	return utilnet.ChooseBindAddress(s.BindAddress)

func (s *InsecureServingOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IPVar(&s.BindAddress, "insecure-bind-address", s.BindAddress, ""+
		"The IP address on which to serve the --insecure-port (set to for all IPv4 interfaces and :: for all IPv6 interfaces).")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("insecure-bind-address", "This flag will be removed in a future version.")
	fs.Lookup("insecure-bind-address").Hidden = false

	fs.IntVar(&s.BindPort, "insecure-port", s.BindPort, ""+
		"The port on which to serve unsecured, unauthenticated access. It is assumed "+
		"that firewall rules are set up such that this port is not reachable from outside of "+
		"the cluster and that port 443 on the cluster's public address is proxied to this "+
		"port. This is performed by nginx in the default setup. Set to zero to disable.")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("insecure-port", "This flag will be removed in a future version.")
	fs.Lookup("insecure-port").Hidden = false

// TODO: remove it until kops stop using `--address`
func (s *InsecureServingOptions) AddDeprecatedFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IPVar(&s.BindAddress, "address", s.BindAddress,
		"DEPRECATED: see --insecure-bind-address instead.")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("address", "see --insecure-bind-address instead.")

	fs.IntVar(&s.BindPort, "port", s.BindPort, "DEPRECATED: see --insecure-port instead.")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("port", "see --insecure-port instead.")

func (s *InsecureServingOptions) ApplyTo(c *server.Config) (*kubeserver.InsecureServingInfo, error) {
	if s.BindPort <= 0 {
		return nil, nil

	ret := &kubeserver.InsecureServingInfo{
		BindAddress: net.JoinHostPort(s.BindAddress.String(), strconv.Itoa(s.BindPort)),

	var err error
	privilegedLoopbackToken := uuid.NewRandom().String()
	if c.LoopbackClientConfig, err = ret.NewLoopbackClientConfig(privilegedLoopbackToken); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return ret, nil