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package reconcilers

Original Source:

import (

	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
	kruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
	apirequest "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/request"
	api "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core"

// Leases is an interface which assists in managing the set of active masters
type Leases interface {
	// ListLeases retrieves a list of the current master IPs
	ListLeases() ([]string, error)

	// UpdateLease adds or refreshes a master's lease
	UpdateLease(ip string) error

	// RemoveLease removes a master's lease
	RemoveLease(ip string) error

type storageLeases struct {
	storage   storage.Interface
	baseKey   string
	leaseTime time.Duration

var _ Leases = &storageLeases{}

// ListLeases retrieves a list of the current master IPs from storage
func (s *storageLeases) ListLeases() ([]string, error) {
	ipInfoList := &api.EndpointsList{}
	if err := s.storage.List(apirequest.NewDefaultContext(), s.baseKey, "0", storage.Everything, ipInfoList); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ipList := make([]string, len(ipInfoList.Items))
	for i, ip := range ipInfoList.Items {
		ipList[i] = ip.Subsets[0].Addresses[0].IP

	glog.V(6).Infof("Current master IPs listed in storage are %v", ipList)

	return ipList, nil

// UpdateLease resets the TTL on a master IP in storage
func (s *storageLeases) UpdateLease(ip string) error {
	key := path.Join(s.baseKey, ip)
	return s.storage.GuaranteedUpdate(apirequest.NewDefaultContext(), key, &api.Endpoints{}, true, nil, func(input kruntime.Object, respMeta storage.ResponseMeta) (kruntime.Object, *uint64, error) {
		// just make sure we've got the right IP set, and then refresh the TTL
		existing := input.(*api.Endpoints)
		existing.Subsets = []api.EndpointSubset{
				Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ip}},

		// leaseTime needs to be in seconds
		leaseTime := uint64(s.leaseTime / time.Second)

		// NB: GuaranteedUpdate does not perform the store operation unless
		// something changed between load and store (not including resource
		// version), meaning we can't refresh the TTL without actually
		// changing a field.

		glog.V(6).Infof("Resetting TTL on master IP %q listed in storage to %v", ip, leaseTime)

		return existing, &leaseTime, nil

// RemoveLease removes the lease on a master IP in storage
func (s *storageLeases) RemoveLease(ip string) error {
	return s.storage.Delete(apirequest.NewDefaultContext(), s.baseKey+"/"+ip, &api.Endpoints{}, nil)

// NewLeases creates a new etcd-based Leases implementation.
func NewLeases(storage storage.Interface, baseKey string, leaseTime time.Duration) Leases {
	return &storageLeases{
		storage:   storage,
		baseKey:   baseKey,
		leaseTime: leaseTime,

type leaseEndpointReconciler struct {
	endpointRegistry      endpoint.Registry
	masterLeases          Leases
	stopReconcilingCalled bool
	reconcilingLock       sync.Mutex

// NewLeaseEndpointReconciler creates a new LeaseEndpoint reconciler
func NewLeaseEndpointReconciler(endpointRegistry endpoint.Registry, masterLeases Leases) EndpointReconciler {
	return &leaseEndpointReconciler{
		endpointRegistry:      endpointRegistry,
		masterLeases:          masterLeases,
		stopReconcilingCalled: false,

// ReconcileEndpoints lists keys in a special etcd directory.
// Each key is expected to have a TTL of R+n, where R is the refresh interval
// at which this function is called, and n is some small value.  If an
// apiserver goes down, it will fail to refresh its key's TTL and the key will
// expire. ReconcileEndpoints will notice that the endpoints object is
// different from the directory listing, and update the endpoints object
// accordingly.
func (r *leaseEndpointReconciler) ReconcileEndpoints(serviceName string, ip net.IP, endpointPorts []api.EndpointPort, reconcilePorts bool) error {
	defer r.reconcilingLock.Unlock()

	if r.stopReconcilingCalled {
		return nil

	// Refresh the TTL on our key, independently of whether any error or
	// update conflict happens below. This makes sure that at least some of
	// the masters will add our endpoint.
	if err := r.masterLeases.UpdateLease(ip.String()); err != nil {
		return err

	return r.doReconcile(serviceName, endpointPorts, reconcilePorts)

func (r *leaseEndpointReconciler) doReconcile(serviceName string, endpointPorts []api.EndpointPort, reconcilePorts bool) error {
	ctx := apirequest.NewDefaultContext()

	// Retrieve the current list of endpoints...
	e, err := r.endpointRegistry.GetEndpoints(ctx, serviceName, &metav1.GetOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return err

		e = &api.Endpoints{
			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
				Name:      serviceName,
				Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault,

	// ... and the list of master IP keys from etcd
	masterIPs, err := r.masterLeases.ListLeases()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Since we just refreshed our own key, assume that zero endpoints
	// returned from storage indicates an issue or invalid state, and thus do
	// not update the endpoints list based on the result.
	if len(masterIPs) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("no master IPs were listed in storage, refusing to erase all endpoints for the kubernetes service")

	// Next, we compare the current list of endpoints with the list of master IP keys
	formatCorrect, ipCorrect, portsCorrect := checkEndpointSubsetFormatWithLease(e, masterIPs, endpointPorts, reconcilePorts)
	if formatCorrect && ipCorrect && portsCorrect {
		return nil

	if !formatCorrect {
		// Something is egregiously wrong, just re-make the endpoints record.
		e.Subsets = []api.EndpointSubset{{
			Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{},
			Ports:     endpointPorts,

	if !formatCorrect || !ipCorrect {
		// repopulate the addresses according to the expected IPs from etcd
		e.Subsets[0].Addresses = make([]api.EndpointAddress, len(masterIPs))
		for ind, ip := range masterIPs {
			e.Subsets[0].Addresses[ind] = api.EndpointAddress{IP: ip}

		// Lexicographic order is retained by this step.
		e.Subsets = endpoints.RepackSubsets(e.Subsets)

	if !portsCorrect {
		// Reset ports.
		e.Subsets[0].Ports = endpointPorts

	glog.Warningf("Resetting endpoints for master service %q to %v", serviceName, masterIPs)
	return r.endpointRegistry.UpdateEndpoints(ctx, e, rest.ValidateAllObjectFunc, rest.ValidateAllObjectUpdateFunc)

// checkEndpointSubsetFormatWithLease determines if the endpoint is in the
// format ReconcileEndpoints expects when the controller is using leases.
// Return values:
// * formatCorrect is true if exactly one subset is found.
// * ipsCorrect when the addresses in the endpoints match the expected addresses list
// * portsCorrect is true when endpoint ports exactly match provided ports.
//     portsCorrect is only evaluated when reconcilePorts is set to true.
func checkEndpointSubsetFormatWithLease(e *api.Endpoints, expectedIPs []string, ports []api.EndpointPort, reconcilePorts bool) (formatCorrect bool, ipsCorrect bool, portsCorrect bool) {
	if len(e.Subsets) != 1 {
		return false, false, false
	sub := &e.Subsets[0]
	portsCorrect = true
	if reconcilePorts {
		if len(sub.Ports) != len(ports) {
			portsCorrect = false
		} else {
			for i, port := range ports {
				if port != sub.Ports[i] {
					portsCorrect = false

	ipsCorrect = true
	if len(sub.Addresses) != len(expectedIPs) {
		ipsCorrect = false
	} else {
		// check the actual content of the addresses
		// present addrs is used as a set (the keys) and to indicate if a
		// value was already found (the values)
		presentAddrs := make(map[string]bool, len(expectedIPs))
		for _, ip := range expectedIPs {
			presentAddrs[ip] = false

		// uniqueness is assumed amongst all Addresses.
		for _, addr := range sub.Addresses {
			if alreadySeen, ok := presentAddrs[addr.IP]; alreadySeen || !ok {
				ipsCorrect = false

			presentAddrs[addr.IP] = true

	return true, ipsCorrect, portsCorrect

func (r *leaseEndpointReconciler) StopReconciling(serviceName string, ip net.IP, endpointPorts []api.EndpointPort) error {
	defer r.reconcilingLock.Unlock()
	r.stopReconcilingCalled = true

	if err := r.masterLeases.RemoveLease(ip.String()); err != nil {
		return err

	return r.doReconcile(serviceName, endpointPorts, true)