# Overview The goal of this Go project is to consolidate all low-level network testing "daemons" into one place. In network testing we frequently have need of simple daemons (common/Runner) that perform some "trivial" set of actions on a socket. # Usage * A package for each general area that is being tested, for example `nat/` will contain Runners that test various NAT features. * Every runner should be registered via `main.go:makeRunnerMap()`. * Runners receive a JSON options structure as to their configuration. `Run()` should return the disposition of the test. Runners can be executed into two different ways, either through the the command-line or via an HTTP request: ## Command-line ```` $ ./net -runner -options ./net \ -runner nat-closewait-client \ -options '{"RemoteAddr":""}' ```` ## HTTP server ```` $ ./net --serve :8889 $ curl -v -X POST localhost:8889/run/nat-closewait-server \ -d '{"LocalAddr":""}' ```` [![Analytics](https://kubernetes-site.appspot.com/UA-36037335-10/GitHub/test/images/net/README.md?pixel)]()