Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors.

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limitations under the License.

package cluster

import (


	logf "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/internal/log"
	intrec "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/internal/recorder"

// Cluster provides various methods to interact with a cluster.
type Cluster interface {
	// GetHTTPClient returns an HTTP client that can be used to talk to the apiserver
	GetHTTPClient() *http.Client

	// GetConfig returns an initialized Config
	GetConfig() *rest.Config

	// GetCache returns a cache.Cache
	GetCache() cache.Cache

	// GetScheme returns an initialized Scheme
	GetScheme() *runtime.Scheme

	// GetClient returns a client configured with the Config. This client may
	// not be a fully "direct" client -- it may read from a cache, for
	// instance.  See Options.NewClient for more information on how the default
	// implementation works.
	GetClient() client.Client

	// GetFieldIndexer returns a client.FieldIndexer configured with the client
	GetFieldIndexer() client.FieldIndexer

	// GetEventRecorderFor returns a new EventRecorder for the provided name
	GetEventRecorderFor(name string) record.EventRecorder

	// GetRESTMapper returns a RESTMapper
	GetRESTMapper() meta.RESTMapper

	// GetAPIReader returns a reader that will be configured to use the API server.
	// This should be used sparingly and only when the client does not fit your
	// use case.
	GetAPIReader() client.Reader

	// Start starts the cluster
	Start(ctx context.Context) error

// Options are the possible options that can be configured for a Cluster.
type Options struct {
	// Scheme is the scheme used to resolve runtime.Objects to GroupVersionKinds / Resources
	// Defaults to the kubernetes/client-go scheme.Scheme, but it's almost always better
	// idea to pass your own scheme in.  See the documentation in pkg/scheme for more information.
	Scheme *runtime.Scheme

	// MapperProvider provides the rest mapper used to map go types to Kubernetes APIs
	MapperProvider func(c *rest.Config, httpClient *http.Client) (meta.RESTMapper, error)

	// Logger is the logger that should be used by this Cluster.
	// If none is set, it defaults to log.Log global logger.
	Logger logr.Logger

	// SyncPeriod determines the minimum frequency at which watched resources are
	// reconciled. A lower period will correct entropy more quickly, but reduce
	// responsiveness to change if there are many watched resources. Change this
	// value only if you know what you are doing. Defaults to 10 hours if unset.
	// there will a 10 percent jitter between the SyncPeriod of all controllers
	// so that all controllers will not send list requests simultaneously.
	// Deprecated: Use Cache.SyncPeriod instead.
	SyncPeriod *time.Duration

	// HTTPClient is the http client that will be used to create the default
	// Cache and Client. If not set the rest.HTTPClientFor function will be used
	// to create the http client.
	HTTPClient *http.Client

	// Cache is the cache.Options that will be used to create the default Cache.
	// By default, the cache will watch and list requested objects in all namespaces.
	Cache cache.Options

	// NewCache is the function that will create the cache to be used
	// by the manager. If not set this will use the default new cache function.
	// When using a custom NewCache, the Cache options will be passed to the
	// NewCache function.
	// Only use a custom NewCache if you know what you are doing.
	NewCache cache.NewCacheFunc

	// Client is the client.Options that will be used to create the default Client.
	// By default, the client will use the cache for reads and direct calls for writes.
	Client client.Options

	// NewClient is the func that creates the client to be used by the manager.
	// If not set this will create a Client backed by a Cache for read operations
	// and a direct Client for write operations.
	// When using a custom NewClient, the Client options will be passed to the
	// NewClient function.
	// Only use a custom NewClient if you know what you are doing.
	NewClient client.NewClientFunc

	// EventBroadcaster records Events emitted by the manager and sends them to the Kubernetes API
	// Use this to customize the event correlator and spam filter
	// Deprecated: using this may cause goroutine leaks if the lifetime of your manager or controllers
	// is shorter than the lifetime of your process.
	EventBroadcaster record.EventBroadcaster

	// makeBroadcaster allows deferring the creation of the broadcaster to
	// avoid leaking goroutines if we never call Start on this manager.  It also
	// returns whether or not this is a "owned" broadcaster, and as such should be
	// stopped with the manager.
	makeBroadcaster intrec.EventBroadcasterProducer

	// Dependency injection for testing
	newRecorderProvider func(config *rest.Config, httpClient *http.Client, scheme *runtime.Scheme, logger logr.Logger, makeBroadcaster intrec.EventBroadcasterProducer) (*intrec.Provider, error)

// Option can be used to manipulate Options.
type Option func(*Options)

// New constructs a brand new cluster.
func New(config *rest.Config, opts ...Option) (Cluster, error) {
	if config == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("must specify Config")

	originalConfig := config

	config = rest.CopyConfig(config)
	if config.UserAgent == "" {
		config.UserAgent = rest.DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()

	options := Options{}
	for _, opt := range opts {
	options, err := setOptionsDefaults(options, config)
	if err != nil {
		options.Logger.Error(err, "Failed to set defaults")
		return nil, err

	// Create the mapper provider
	mapper, err := options.MapperProvider(config, options.HTTPClient)
	if err != nil {
		options.Logger.Error(err, "Failed to get API Group-Resources")
		return nil, err

	// Create the cache for the cached read client and registering informers
	cacheOpts := options.Cache
		if cacheOpts.Scheme == nil {
			cacheOpts.Scheme = options.Scheme
		if cacheOpts.Mapper == nil {
			cacheOpts.Mapper = mapper
		if cacheOpts.HTTPClient == nil {
			cacheOpts.HTTPClient = options.HTTPClient
		if cacheOpts.SyncPeriod == nil {
			cacheOpts.SyncPeriod = options.SyncPeriod
	cache, err := options.NewCache(config, cacheOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Create the client, and default its options.
	clientOpts := options.Client
		if clientOpts.Scheme == nil {
			clientOpts.Scheme = options.Scheme
		if clientOpts.Mapper == nil {
			clientOpts.Mapper = mapper
		if clientOpts.HTTPClient == nil {
			clientOpts.HTTPClient = options.HTTPClient
		if clientOpts.Cache == nil {
			clientOpts.Cache = &client.CacheOptions{
				Unstructured: false,
		if clientOpts.Cache.Reader == nil {
			clientOpts.Cache.Reader = cache
	clientWriter, err := options.NewClient(config, clientOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Create the API Reader, a client with no cache.
	clientReader, err := client.New(config, client.Options{
		HTTPClient: options.HTTPClient,
		Scheme:     options.Scheme,
		Mapper:     mapper,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Create the recorder provider to inject event recorders for the components.
	// TODO(directxman12): the log for the event provider should have a context (name, tags, etc) specific
	// to the particular controller that it's being injected into, rather than a generic one like is here.
	recorderProvider, err := options.newRecorderProvider(config, options.HTTPClient, options.Scheme, options.Logger.WithName("events"), options.makeBroadcaster)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &cluster{
		config:           originalConfig,
		httpClient:       options.HTTPClient,
		scheme:           options.Scheme,
		cache:            cache,
		fieldIndexes:     cache,
		client:           clientWriter,
		apiReader:        clientReader,
		recorderProvider: recorderProvider,
		mapper:           mapper,
		logger:           options.Logger,
	}, nil

// setOptionsDefaults set default values for Options fields.
func setOptionsDefaults(options Options, config *rest.Config) (Options, error) {
	if options.HTTPClient == nil {
		var err error
		options.HTTPClient, err = rest.HTTPClientFor(config)
		if err != nil {
			return options, err

	// Use the Kubernetes client-go scheme if none is specified
	if options.Scheme == nil {
		options.Scheme = scheme.Scheme

	if options.MapperProvider == nil {
		options.MapperProvider = apiutil.NewDynamicRESTMapper

	// Allow users to define how to create a new client
	if options.NewClient == nil {
		options.NewClient = client.New

	// Allow newCache to be mocked
	if options.NewCache == nil {
		options.NewCache = cache.New

	// Allow newRecorderProvider to be mocked
	if options.newRecorderProvider == nil {
		options.newRecorderProvider = intrec.NewProvider

	// This is duplicated with pkg/manager, we need it here to provide
	// the user with an EventBroadcaster and there for the Leader election
	if options.EventBroadcaster == nil {
		// defer initialization to avoid leaking by default
		options.makeBroadcaster = func() (record.EventBroadcaster, bool) {
			return record.NewBroadcaster(), true
	} else {
		options.makeBroadcaster = func() (record.EventBroadcaster, bool) {
			return options.EventBroadcaster, false

	if options.Logger.GetSink() == nil {
		options.Logger = logf.RuntimeLog.WithName("cluster")

	return options, nil