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package log

import (


// loggerPromise knows how to populate a concrete logr.Logger
// with options, given an actual base logger later on down the line.
type loggerPromise struct {
	logger        *DelegatingLogger
	childPromises []*loggerPromise
	promisesLock  sync.Mutex

	name  *string
	tags  []interface{}
	level int

func (p *loggerPromise) WithName(l *DelegatingLogger, name string) *loggerPromise {
	res := &loggerPromise{
		logger:       l,
		name:         &name,
		promisesLock: sync.Mutex{},

	defer p.promisesLock.Unlock()
	p.childPromises = append(p.childPromises, res)
	return res

// WithValues provides a new Logger with the tags appended.
func (p *loggerPromise) WithValues(l *DelegatingLogger, tags ...interface{}) *loggerPromise {
	res := &loggerPromise{
		logger:       l,
		tags:         tags,
		promisesLock: sync.Mutex{},

	defer p.promisesLock.Unlock()
	p.childPromises = append(p.childPromises, res)
	return res

func (p *loggerPromise) V(l *DelegatingLogger, level int) *loggerPromise {
	res := &loggerPromise{
		logger:       l,
		level:        level,
		promisesLock: sync.Mutex{},

	defer p.promisesLock.Unlock()
	p.childPromises = append(p.childPromises, res)
	return res

// Fulfill instantiates the Logger with the provided logger.
func (p *loggerPromise) Fulfill(parentLogger logr.Logger) {
	logger := logr.WithCallDepth(parentLogger, 1)
	if p.name != nil {
		logger = logger.WithName(*p.name)

	if p.tags != nil {
		logger = logger.WithValues(p.tags...)
	if p.level != 0 {
		logger = logger.V(p.level)

	p.logger.logger = logger
	p.logger.promise = nil

	for _, childPromise := range p.childPromises {

// DelegatingLogger is a logr.Logger that delegates to another logr.Logger.
// If the underlying promise is not nil, it registers calls to sub-loggers with
// the logging factory to be populated later, and returns a new delegating
// logger.  It expects to have *some* logr.Logger set at all times (generally
// a no-op logger before the promises are fulfilled).
type DelegatingLogger struct {
	lock    sync.RWMutex
	logger  logr.Logger
	promise *loggerPromise

// Enabled tests whether this Logger is enabled.  For example, commandline
// flags might be used to set the logging verbosity and disable some info
// logs.
func (l *DelegatingLogger) Enabled() bool {
	defer l.lock.RUnlock()
	return l.logger.Enabled()

// Info logs a non-error message with the given key/value pairs as context.
// The msg argument should be used to add some constant description to
// the log line.  The key/value pairs can then be used to add additional
// variable information.  The key/value pairs should alternate string
// keys and arbitrary values.
func (l *DelegatingLogger) Info(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) {
	defer l.lock.RUnlock()
	l.logger.Info(msg, keysAndValues...)

// Error logs an error, with the given message and key/value pairs as context.
// It functions similarly to calling Info with the "error" named value, but may
// have unique behavior, and should be preferred for logging errors (see the
// package documentations for more information).
// The msg field should be used to add context to any underlying error,
// while the err field should be used to attach the actual error that
// triggered this log line, if present.
func (l *DelegatingLogger) Error(err error, msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) {
	defer l.lock.RUnlock()
	l.logger.Error(err, msg, keysAndValues...)

// V returns an Logger value for a specific verbosity level, relative to
// this Logger.  In other words, V values are additive.  V higher verbosity
// level means a log message is less important.  It's illegal to pass a log
// level less than zero.
func (l *DelegatingLogger) V(level int) logr.Logger {
	defer l.lock.RUnlock()

	if l.promise == nil {
		return l.logger.V(level)

	res := &DelegatingLogger{logger: l.logger}
	promise := l.promise.V(res, level)
	res.promise = promise

	return res

// WithName provides a new Logger with the name appended.
func (l *DelegatingLogger) WithName(name string) logr.Logger {
	defer l.lock.RUnlock()

	if l.promise == nil {
		return l.logger.WithName(name)

	res := &DelegatingLogger{logger: l.logger}
	promise := l.promise.WithName(res, name)
	res.promise = promise

	return res

// WithValues provides a new Logger with the tags appended.
func (l *DelegatingLogger) WithValues(tags ...interface{}) logr.Logger {
	defer l.lock.RUnlock()

	if l.promise == nil {
		return l.logger.WithValues(tags...)

	res := &DelegatingLogger{logger: l.logger}
	promise := l.promise.WithValues(res, tags...)
	res.promise = promise

	return res

// Fulfill switches the logger over to use the actual logger
// provided, instead of the temporary initial one, if this method
// has not been previously called.
func (l *DelegatingLogger) Fulfill(actual logr.Logger) {
	if l.promise != nil {

// NewDelegatingLogger constructs a new DelegatingLogger which uses
// the given logger before it's promise is fulfilled.
func NewDelegatingLogger(initial logr.Logger) *DelegatingLogger {
	l := &DelegatingLogger{
		logger:  initial,
		promise: &loggerPromise{promisesLock: sync.Mutex{}},
	l.promise.logger = l
	return l