package rbd

#include <errno.h>
import "C"

import (


// rbdError represents an error condition returned from the librbd APIs.
type rbdError int

func (e rbdError) Error() string {
	return errutil.FormatErrorCode("rbd", int(e))

func (e rbdError) ErrorCode() int {
	return int(e)

func getError(err error {
	if err != 0 {
		if err == -C.ENOENT {
			return ErrNotFound
		return rbdError(err)
	return nil

// getErrorIfNegative converts a ceph return code to error if negative.
// This is useful for functions that return a usable positive value on
// success but a negative error number on error.
func getErrorIfNegative(ret error {
	if ret >= 0 {
		return nil
	return getError(ret)

// Public go errors:

var (
	// ErrNoIOContext may be returned if an api call requires an IOContext and
	// it is not provided.
	ErrNoIOContext = errors.New("IOContext is missing")
	// ErrNoName may be returned if an api call requires a name and it is
	// not provided.
	ErrNoName = errors.New("RBD image does not have a name")
	// ErrSnapshotNoName may be returned if an api call requires a snapshot
	// name and it is not provided.
	ErrSnapshotNoName = errors.New("RBD snapshot does not have a name")
	// ErrImageNotOpen may be returned if an api call requires an open image handle and one is not provided.
	ErrImageNotOpen = errors.New("RBD image not open")
	// ErrImageIsOpen may be returned if an api call requires a closed image handle and one is not provided.
	ErrImageIsOpen = errors.New("RBD image is open")
	// ErrNotFound may be returned from an api call when the requested item is
	// missing.
	ErrNotFound = errors.New("RBD image not found")
	// ErrNoNamespaceName maye be returned if an api call requires a namespace
	// name and it is not provided.
	ErrNoNamespaceName = errors.New("Namespace value is missing")

	// revive:disable:exported for compatibility with old versions
	RbdErrorImageNotOpen = ErrImageNotOpen
	RbdErrorNotFound     = ErrNotFound
	// revive:enable:exported

// Public general error
const (
	// ErrNotExist indicates a non-specific missing resource.
	ErrNotExist = rbdError(-C.ENOENT)

// Private errors:

const (
	errRange = rbdError(-C.ERANGE)