# Kubernetes External Admission Webhook Example The example shows how to build and deploy an external webhook that only admits pods creation and update if the container images have the "grc.io" prefix. ## Prerequisites Please use a Kubernetes release at least as new as v1.8.0 or v1.9.0-alpha.1, because the generated server cert/key only works with Kubernetes release that contains this [change](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/50476). Please checkout the `pre-v1.8` tag for an example that works with older clusters. Please enable the admission webhook feature ([doc](https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/extensible-admission-controllers/#enable-external-admission-webhooks)). ## Build the code ```bash make build ``` ## Deploy the code ```bash make deploy-only ``` The Makefile assumes your cluster is created by the [hack/local-up-cluster.sh](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/hack/local-up-cluster.sh). Please modify the Makefile accordingly if your cluster is created differently. ## Explanation on the CAs/Certs/Keys The apiserver initiates a tls connection with the webhook, so the apiserver is the tls client, and the webhook is the tls server. The webhook proves its identity by the `serverCert` in the certs.go. The server cert is signed by the CA in certs.go. To let the apiserver trust the `caCert`, the webhook registers itself with the apiserver via the `admissionregistration/v1beta1/externalAdmissionHook` API, with `clientConfig.caBundle=caCert`. For maximum protection, this example webhook requires and verifies the client (i.e., the apiserver in this case) cert. The cert presented by the apiserver is signed by a client CA, whose cert is stored in the configmap `extension-apiserver-authentication` in the `kube-system` namespace. See the `getAPIServerCert` function for more information. Usually you don't need to worry about setting up this CA cert. It's taken care of when the cluster is created. You can disable the client cert verification by setting the `tls.Config.ClientAuth` to `tls.NoClientCert` in `config.go`.