def cico_retries = 16
def cico_retry_interval = 60
def ci_git_repo = ''
def ci_git_branch = 'ci/centos'
def git_repo = ''
def ref = "devel"
def git_since = 'devel'
def workdir = '/opt/build/go/src/'
def doc_change = 0
// private, internal container image repository
def ci_registry = ''
def cached_image = "ceph-csi"
def use_test_image = 'USE_PULLED_IMAGE=yes'
def use_build_image = 'USE_PULLED_IMAGE=yes'

def ssh(cmd) {
	sh "ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@${CICO_NODE} '${cmd}'"

def podman_login(registry, username, passwd) {
	ssh "podman login --authfile=~/.podman-auth.json --username='${username}' --password='${passwd}' ${registry}"

// podman_pull pulls image from the source (CI internal) registry, and tags it
// as unqualified image name and into the destination registry. This prevents
// pulling from the destination registry.
// Images need to be pre-pushed into the source registry, though.
def podman_pull(source, destination, image) {
	ssh "podman pull --authfile=~/.podman-auth.json ${source}/${image} && podman tag ${source}/${image} ${image} ${destination}/${image}"

node('cico-workspace') {

	stage('checkout ci repository') {
		git url: "${ci_git_repo}",
			branch: "${ci_git_branch}",
			changelog: false

	stage('checkout PR') {
		if (params.ghprbPullId != null) {
			ref = "pull/${ghprbPullId}/merge"
		if (params.ghprbTargetBranch != null) {
			git_since = "${ghprbTargetBranch}"

		sh "git clone --depth=1 --branch='${git_since}' '${git_repo}' ~/build/ceph-csi"
		if (ref != git_since) {
			sh "cd ~/build/ceph-csi && git fetch origin ${ref} && git checkout -b ${ref} FETCH_HEAD"

	stage('check doc-only change') {
		doc_change = sh(
			script: "cd ~/build/ceph-csi && \${OLDPWD}/scripts/ origin/${git_since}",
			returnStatus: true)
	// if doc_change (return value of is 1, do not run the other stages
	if (doc_change == 1 && ref != git_since) {
		currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'

	stage('reserve bare-metal machine') {
		def firstAttempt = true
		retry(30) {
			if (!firstAttempt) {
				sleep(time: 5, unit: "MINUTES")
			firstAttempt = false
			cico = sh(
				script: "cico node get -f value -c hostname -c comment --release=8-stream --retry-count=${cico_retries} --retry-interval=${cico_retry_interval}",
				returnStdout: true
			).trim().tokenize(' ')
			env.CICO_NODE = "${cico[0]}"
			env.CICO_SSID = "${cico[1]}"

	try {
		stage('prepare bare-metal machine') {
			sh 'scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ./ root@${CICO_NODE}:'
			// TODO: already checked out the PR on the node, scp the contents?
			ssh "./ --workdir=${workdir} --gitrepo=${git_repo} --ref=${ref}"

		// run two jobs in parallel, one for the test container, and
		// one for the devel container
		// - check if the PR modifies the container image files
		// - pull the container image from the repository of no
		//   modifications are detected
		stage('pull container images') {
			def rebuild_test_container = sh(
				script: "cd ~/build/ceph-csi && \${OLDPWD}/scripts/ test origin/${git_since}",
				returnStatus: true)

			def rebuild_devel_container = sh(
				script: "cd ~/build/ceph-csi && \${OLDPWD}/scripts/ devel origin/${git_since}",
				returnStatus: true)

			withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'container-registry-auth', usernameVariable: 'CREDS_USER', passwordVariable: 'CREDS_PASSWD')]) {
				podman_login(ci_registry, '$CREDS_USER', '$CREDS_PASSWD')

			parallel test: {
				node('cico-workspace') {
					if (rebuild_test_container == 10) {
						// container needs rebuild, don't pull
						use_test_image = 'USE_PULLED_IMAGE=no'
						// build the test image
						ssh "cd /opt/build/go/src/ && make CONTAINER_CMD=podman ENV_CSI_IMAGE_NAME=${ci_registry}/${cached_image} .test-container-id"

					podman_pull(ci_registry, ci_registry, "${cached_image}:test")
			devel: {
				node('cico-workspace') {
					if (rebuild_devel_container == 10) {
						// container needs rebuild, don't pull
						use_build_image = 'USE_PULLED_IMAGE=no'
						// build the devel image
						ssh "cd /opt/build/go/src/ && make CONTAINER_CMD=podman ENV_CSI_IMAGE_NAME=${ci_registry}/${cached_image} .devel-container-id"

					podman_pull(ci_registry, ci_registry, "${cached_image}:devel")
			ceph: {
				node('cico-workspace') {
					def base_image = sh(
						script: 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@${CICO_NODE} \'source /opt/build/go/src/ && echo ${BASE_IMAGE}\'',
						returnStdout: true
					def d_io_regex = ~"^"

					// base_image is like ceph/ceph:v15 or, strip ""
					podman_pull(ci_registry, "", "${base_image}" - d_io_regex)
		stage('test & build') {
			parallel test: {
				node ('cico-workspace') {
					ssh "cd /opt/build/go/src/ && make containerized-test CONTAINER_CMD=podman ENV_CSI_IMAGE_NAME=${ci_registry}/${cached_image} ${use_test_image}"
			verify: {
				node ('cico-workspace') {
					ssh "cd /opt/build/go/src/ && make containerized-test TARGET=mod-check CONTAINER_CMD=podman ENV_CSI_IMAGE_NAME=${ci_registry}/${cached_image} ${use_test_image}"
			build: {
				node('cico-workspace') {
					ssh "cd /opt/build/go/src/ && make containerized-build CONTAINER_CMD=podman ENV_CSI_IMAGE_NAME=${ci_registry}/${cached_image} ${use_build_image}"

	finally {
		stage('return bare-metal machine') {
			sh 'cico node done ${CICO_SSID}'