Praveen M 47b202554e rebase: Azure key vault module dependency update
This commit adds the Azure SDK for Azure key vault KMS
integration to the Ceph CSI driver.

Signed-off-by: Praveen M <m.praveen@ibm.com>
2024-03-13 14:46:41 +00:00

64 lines
2.3 KiB

package jwt
// RegisteredClaims are a structured version of the JWT Claims Set,
// restricted to Registered Claim Names, as referenced at
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1
// This type can be used on its own, but then additional private and
// public claims embedded in the JWT will not be parsed. The typical use-case
// therefore is to embedded this in a user-defined claim type.
// See examples for how to use this with your own claim types.
type RegisteredClaims struct {
// the `iss` (Issuer) claim. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.1
Issuer string `json:"iss,omitempty"`
// the `sub` (Subject) claim. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.2
Subject string `json:"sub,omitempty"`
// the `aud` (Audience) claim. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.3
Audience ClaimStrings `json:"aud,omitempty"`
// the `exp` (Expiration Time) claim. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.4
ExpiresAt *NumericDate `json:"exp,omitempty"`
// the `nbf` (Not Before) claim. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.5
NotBefore *NumericDate `json:"nbf,omitempty"`
// the `iat` (Issued At) claim. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.6
IssuedAt *NumericDate `json:"iat,omitempty"`
// the `jti` (JWT ID) claim. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.7
ID string `json:"jti,omitempty"`
// GetExpirationTime implements the Claims interface.
func (c RegisteredClaims) GetExpirationTime() (*NumericDate, error) {
return c.ExpiresAt, nil
// GetNotBefore implements the Claims interface.
func (c RegisteredClaims) GetNotBefore() (*NumericDate, error) {
return c.NotBefore, nil
// GetIssuedAt implements the Claims interface.
func (c RegisteredClaims) GetIssuedAt() (*NumericDate, error) {
return c.IssuedAt, nil
// GetAudience implements the Claims interface.
func (c RegisteredClaims) GetAudience() (ClaimStrings, error) {
return c.Audience, nil
// GetIssuer implements the Claims interface.
func (c RegisteredClaims) GetIssuer() (string, error) {
return c.Issuer, nil
// GetSubject implements the Claims interface.
func (c RegisteredClaims) GetSubject() (string, error) {
return c.Subject, nil