Niels de Vos 91774fc936 rebase: vendor dependencies for Vault API
Uses github.com/libopenstorage/secrets to communicate with Vault. This
removes the need for maintaining our own limited Vault APIs.

By adding the new dependency, several other packages got updated in the
process. Unused indirect dependencies have been removed from go.mod.

Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
2020-11-29 04:03:59 +00:00

592 lines
16 KiB

package sockaddr
import (
type (
// IPv6Address is a named type representing an IPv6 address.
IPv6Address *big.Int
// IPv6Network is a named type representing an IPv6 network.
IPv6Network *big.Int
// IPv6Mask is a named type representing an IPv6 network mask.
IPv6Mask *big.Int
// IPv6HostPrefix is a constant represents a /128 IPv6 Prefix.
const IPv6HostPrefix = IPPrefixLen(128)
// ipv6HostMask is an unexported big.Int representing a /128 IPv6 address.
// This value must be a constant and always set to all ones.
var ipv6HostMask IPv6Mask
// ipv6AddrAttrMap is a map of the IPv6Addr type-specific attributes.
var ipv6AddrAttrMap map[AttrName]func(IPv6Addr) string
var ipv6AddrAttrs []AttrName
func init() {
biMask := new(big.Int)
0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff,
ipv6HostMask = IPv6Mask(biMask)
// IPv6Addr implements a convenience wrapper around the union of Go's
// built-in net.IP and net.IPNet types. In UNIX-speak, IPv6Addr implements
// `sockaddr` when the the address family is set to AF_INET6
// (i.e. `sockaddr_in6`).
type IPv6Addr struct {
Address IPv6Address
Mask IPv6Mask
Port IPPort
// NewIPv6Addr creates an IPv6Addr from a string. String can be in the form of
// an an IPv6:port (e.g. `[2001:4860:0:2001::68]:80`, in which case the mask is
// assumed to be a /128), an IPv6 address (e.g. `2001:4860:0:2001::68`, also
// with a `/128` mask), an IPv6 CIDR (e.g. `2001:4860:0:2001::68/64`, which has
// its IP port initialized to zero). ipv6Str can not be a hostname.
// NOTE: Many net.*() routines will initialize and return an IPv4 address.
// Always test to make sure the address returned cannot be converted to a 4 byte
// array using To4().
func NewIPv6Addr(ipv6Str string) (IPv6Addr, error) {
v6Addr := false
for i := 0; i < len(ipv6Str); i++ {
switch ipv6Str[i] {
case '.':
break LOOP
case ':':
v6Addr = true
break LOOP
if !v6Addr {
return IPv6Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to resolve %+q as an IPv6 address, appears to be an IPv4 address", ipv6Str)
// Attempt to parse ipv6Str as a /128 host with a port number.
tcpAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp6", ipv6Str)
if err == nil {
ipv6 := tcpAddr.IP.To16()
if ipv6 == nil {
return IPv6Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to resolve %+q as a 16byte IPv6 address", ipv6Str)
ipv6BigIntAddr := new(big.Int)
ipv6BigIntMask := new(big.Int)
ipv6Addr := IPv6Addr{
Address: IPv6Address(ipv6BigIntAddr),
Mask: IPv6Mask(ipv6BigIntMask),
Port: IPPort(tcpAddr.Port),
return ipv6Addr, nil
// Parse as a naked IPv6 address. Trim square brackets if present.
if len(ipv6Str) > 2 && ipv6Str[0] == '[' && ipv6Str[len(ipv6Str)-1] == ']' {
ipv6Str = ipv6Str[1 : len(ipv6Str)-1]
ip := net.ParseIP(ipv6Str)
if ip != nil {
ipv6 := ip.To16()
if ipv6 == nil {
return IPv6Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to string convert %+q to a 16byte IPv6 address", ipv6Str)
ipv6BigIntAddr := new(big.Int)
ipv6BigIntMask := new(big.Int)
return IPv6Addr{
Address: IPv6Address(ipv6BigIntAddr),
Mask: IPv6Mask(ipv6BigIntMask),
}, nil
// Parse as an IPv6 CIDR
ipAddr, network, err := net.ParseCIDR(ipv6Str)
if err == nil {
ipv6 := ipAddr.To16()
if ipv6 == nil {
return IPv6Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to convert %+q to a 16byte IPv6 address", ipv6Str)
ipv6BigIntAddr := new(big.Int)
ipv6BigIntMask := new(big.Int)
ipv6Addr := IPv6Addr{
Address: IPv6Address(ipv6BigIntAddr),
Mask: IPv6Mask(ipv6BigIntMask),
return ipv6Addr, nil
return IPv6Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse %+q to an IPv6 address: %v", ipv6Str, err)
// AddressBinString returns a string with the IPv6Addr's Address represented
// as a sequence of '0' and '1' characters. This method is useful for
// debugging or by operators who want to inspect an address.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) AddressBinString() string {
bi := big.Int(*ipv6.Address)
return fmt.Sprintf("%0128s", bi.Text(2))
// AddressHexString returns a string with the IPv6Addr address represented as
// a sequence of hex characters. This method is useful for debugging or by
// operators who want to inspect an address.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) AddressHexString() string {
bi := big.Int(*ipv6.Address)
return fmt.Sprintf("%032s", bi.Text(16))
// CmpAddress follows the Cmp() standard protocol and returns:
// - -1 If the receiver should sort first because its address is lower than arg
// - 0 if the SockAddr arg equal to the receiving IPv6Addr or the argument is of a
// different type.
// - 1 If the argument should sort first.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) CmpAddress(sa SockAddr) int {
ipv6b, ok := sa.(IPv6Addr)
if !ok {
return sortDeferDecision
ipv6aBigInt := new(big.Int)
ipv6bBigInt := new(big.Int)
return ipv6aBigInt.Cmp(ipv6bBigInt)
// CmpPort follows the Cmp() standard protocol and returns:
// - -1 If the receiver should sort first because its port is lower than arg
// - 0 if the SockAddr arg's port number is equal to the receiving IPv6Addr,
// regardless of type.
// - 1 If the argument should sort first.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) CmpPort(sa SockAddr) int {
var saPort IPPort
switch v := sa.(type) {
case IPv4Addr:
saPort = v.Port
case IPv6Addr:
saPort = v.Port
return sortDeferDecision
switch {
case ipv6.Port == saPort:
return sortDeferDecision
case ipv6.Port < saPort:
return sortReceiverBeforeArg
return sortArgBeforeReceiver
// CmpRFC follows the Cmp() standard protocol and returns:
// - -1 If the receiver should sort first because it belongs to the RFC and its
// arg does not
// - 0 if the receiver and arg both belong to the same RFC or neither do.
// - 1 If the arg belongs to the RFC but receiver does not.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) CmpRFC(rfcNum uint, sa SockAddr) int {
recvInRFC := IsRFC(rfcNum, ipv6)
ipv6b, ok := sa.(IPv6Addr)
if !ok {
// If the receiver is part of the desired RFC and the SockAddr
// argument is not, sort receiver before the non-IPv6 SockAddr.
// Conversely, if the receiver is not part of the RFC, punt on
// sorting and leave it for the next sorter.
if recvInRFC {
return sortReceiverBeforeArg
} else {
return sortDeferDecision
argInRFC := IsRFC(rfcNum, ipv6b)
switch {
case (recvInRFC && argInRFC), (!recvInRFC && !argInRFC):
// If a and b both belong to the RFC, or neither belong to
// rfcNum, defer sorting to the next sorter.
return sortDeferDecision
case recvInRFC && !argInRFC:
return sortReceiverBeforeArg
return sortArgBeforeReceiver
// Contains returns true if the SockAddr is contained within the receiver.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) Contains(sa SockAddr) bool {
ipv6b, ok := sa.(IPv6Addr)
if !ok {
return false
return ipv6.ContainsNetwork(ipv6b)
// ContainsAddress returns true if the IPv6Address is contained within the
// receiver.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) ContainsAddress(x IPv6Address) bool {
xAddr := IPv6Addr{
Address: x,
Mask: ipv6HostMask,
xIPv6 := xAddr.FirstUsable().(IPv6Addr)
yIPv6 := ipv6.FirstUsable().(IPv6Addr)
if xIPv6.CmpAddress(yIPv6) >= 1 {
return false
xIPv6 := xAddr.LastUsable().(IPv6Addr)
yIPv6 := ipv6.LastUsable().(IPv6Addr)
if xIPv6.CmpAddress(yIPv6) <= -1 {
return false
return true
// ContainsNetwork returns true if the network from IPv6Addr is contained within
// the receiver.
func (x IPv6Addr) ContainsNetwork(y IPv6Addr) bool {
xIPv6 := x.FirstUsable().(IPv6Addr)
yIPv6 := y.FirstUsable().(IPv6Addr)
if ret := xIPv6.CmpAddress(yIPv6); ret >= 1 {
return false
xIPv6 := x.LastUsable().(IPv6Addr)
yIPv6 := y.LastUsable().(IPv6Addr)
if ret := xIPv6.CmpAddress(yIPv6); ret <= -1 {
return false
return true
// DialPacketArgs returns the arguments required to be passed to
// net.DialUDP(). If the Mask of ipv6 is not a /128 or the Port is 0,
// DialPacketArgs() will fail. See Host() to create an IPv6Addr with its
// mask set to /128.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) DialPacketArgs() (network, dialArgs string) {
ipv6Mask := big.Int(*ipv6.Mask)
if ipv6Mask.Cmp(ipv6HostMask) != 0 || ipv6.Port == 0 {
return "udp6", ""
return "udp6", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%d", ipv6.NetIP().String(), ipv6.Port)
// DialStreamArgs returns the arguments required to be passed to
// net.DialTCP(). If the Mask of ipv6 is not a /128 or the Port is 0,
// DialStreamArgs() will fail. See Host() to create an IPv6Addr with its
// mask set to /128.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) DialStreamArgs() (network, dialArgs string) {
ipv6Mask := big.Int(*ipv6.Mask)
if ipv6Mask.Cmp(ipv6HostMask) != 0 || ipv6.Port == 0 {
return "tcp6", ""
return "tcp6", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%d", ipv6.NetIP().String(), ipv6.Port)
// Equal returns true if a SockAddr is equal to the receiving IPv4Addr.
func (ipv6a IPv6Addr) Equal(sa SockAddr) bool {
ipv6b, ok := sa.(IPv6Addr)
if !ok {
return false
if ipv6a.NetIP().String() != ipv6b.NetIP().String() {
return false
if ipv6a.NetIPNet().String() != ipv6b.NetIPNet().String() {
return false
if ipv6a.Port != ipv6b.Port {
return false
return true
// FirstUsable returns an IPv6Addr set to the first address following the
// network prefix. The first usable address in a network is normally the
// gateway and should not be used except by devices forwarding packets
// between two administratively distinct networks (i.e. a router). This
// function does not discriminate against first usable vs "first address that
// should be used." For example, FirstUsable() on "2001:0db8::0003/64" would
// return "2001:0db8::00011".
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) FirstUsable() IPAddr {
return IPv6Addr{
Address: IPv6Address(ipv6.NetworkAddress()),
Mask: ipv6HostMask,
// Host returns a copy of ipv6 with its mask set to /128 so that it can be
// used by DialPacketArgs(), DialStreamArgs(), ListenPacketArgs(), or
// ListenStreamArgs().
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) Host() IPAddr {
// Nothing should listen on a broadcast address.
return IPv6Addr{
Address: ipv6.Address,
Mask: ipv6HostMask,
Port: ipv6.Port,
// IPPort returns the Port number attached to the IPv6Addr
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) IPPort() IPPort {
return ipv6.Port
// LastUsable returns the last address in a given network.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) LastUsable() IPAddr {
addr := new(big.Int)
mask := new(big.Int)
negMask := new(big.Int)
negMask.Xor(ipv6HostMask, mask)
lastAddr := new(big.Int)
lastAddr.And(addr, mask)
lastAddr.Or(lastAddr, negMask)
return IPv6Addr{
Address: IPv6Address(lastAddr),
Mask: ipv6HostMask,
// ListenPacketArgs returns the arguments required to be passed to
// net.ListenUDP(). If the Mask of ipv6 is not a /128, ListenPacketArgs()
// will fail. See Host() to create an IPv6Addr with its mask set to /128.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) ListenPacketArgs() (network, listenArgs string) {
ipv6Mask := big.Int(*ipv6.Mask)
if ipv6Mask.Cmp(ipv6HostMask) != 0 {
return "udp6", ""
return "udp6", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%d", ipv6.NetIP().String(), ipv6.Port)
// ListenStreamArgs returns the arguments required to be passed to
// net.ListenTCP(). If the Mask of ipv6 is not a /128, ListenStreamArgs()
// will fail. See Host() to create an IPv6Addr with its mask set to /128.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) ListenStreamArgs() (network, listenArgs string) {
ipv6Mask := big.Int(*ipv6.Mask)
if ipv6Mask.Cmp(ipv6HostMask) != 0 {
return "tcp6", ""
return "tcp6", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%d", ipv6.NetIP().String(), ipv6.Port)
// Maskbits returns the number of network mask bits in a given IPv6Addr. For
// example, the Maskbits() of "2001:0db8::0003/64" would return 64.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) Maskbits() int {
maskOnes, _ := ipv6.NetIPNet().Mask.Size()
return maskOnes
// MustIPv6Addr is a helper method that must return an IPv6Addr or panic on
// invalid input.
func MustIPv6Addr(addr string) IPv6Addr {
ipv6, err := NewIPv6Addr(addr)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to create an IPv6Addr from %+q: %v", addr, err))
return ipv6
// NetIP returns the address as a net.IP.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) NetIP() *net.IP {
return bigIntToNetIPv6(ipv6.Address)
// NetIPMask create a new net.IPMask from the IPv6Addr.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) NetIPMask() *net.IPMask {
ipv6Mask := make(net.IPMask, IPv6len)
m := big.Int(*ipv6.Mask)
copy(ipv6Mask, m.Bytes())
return &ipv6Mask
// Network returns a pointer to the net.IPNet within IPv4Addr receiver.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) NetIPNet() *net.IPNet {
ipv6net := &net.IPNet{}
ipv6net.IP = make(net.IP, IPv6len)
copy(ipv6net.IP, *ipv6.NetIP())
ipv6net.Mask = *ipv6.NetIPMask()
return ipv6net
// Network returns the network prefix or network address for a given network.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) Network() IPAddr {
return IPv6Addr{
Address: IPv6Address(ipv6.NetworkAddress()),
Mask: ipv6.Mask,
// NetworkAddress returns an IPv6Network of the IPv6Addr's network address.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) NetworkAddress() IPv6Network {
addr := new(big.Int)
mask := new(big.Int)
netAddr := new(big.Int)
netAddr.And(addr, mask)
return IPv6Network(netAddr)
// Octets returns a slice of the 16 octets in an IPv6Addr's Address. The
// order of the bytes is big endian.
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) Octets() []int {
x := make([]int, IPv6len)
for i, b := range *bigIntToNetIPv6(ipv6.Address) {
x[i] = int(b)
return x
// String returns a string representation of the IPv6Addr
func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) String() string {
if ipv6.Port != 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%d", ipv6.NetIP().String(), ipv6.Port)
if ipv6.Maskbits() == 128 {
return ipv6.NetIP().String()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", ipv6.NetIP().String(), ipv6.Maskbits())
// Type is used as a type switch and returns TypeIPv6
func (IPv6Addr) Type() SockAddrType {
return TypeIPv6
// IPv6Attrs returns a list of attributes supported by the IPv6Addr type
func IPv6Attrs() []AttrName {
return ipv6AddrAttrs
// IPv6AddrAttr returns a string representation of an attribute for the given
// IPv6Addr.
func IPv6AddrAttr(ipv6 IPv6Addr, selector AttrName) string {
fn, found := ipv6AddrAttrMap[selector]
if !found {
return ""
return fn(ipv6)
// ipv6AddrInit is called once at init()
func ipv6AddrInit() {
// Sorted for human readability
ipv6AddrAttrs = []AttrName{
"size", // Same position as in IPv6 for output consistency
ipv6AddrAttrMap = map[AttrName]func(ipv6 IPv6Addr) string{
"size": func(ipv6 IPv6Addr) string {
netSize := big.NewInt(1)
netSize = netSize.Lsh(netSize, uint(IPv6len*8-ipv6.Maskbits()))
return netSize.Text(10)
"uint128": func(ipv6 IPv6Addr) string {
b := big.Int(*ipv6.Address)
return b.Text(10)
// bigIntToNetIPv6 is a helper function that correctly returns a net.IP with the
// correctly padded values.
func bigIntToNetIPv6(bi *big.Int) *net.IP {
x := make(net.IP, IPv6len)
ipv6Bytes := bi.Bytes()
// It's possibe for ipv6Bytes to be less than IPv6len bytes in size. If
// they are different sizes we to pad the size of response.
if len(ipv6Bytes) < IPv6len {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
for i := len(ipv6Bytes); i < IPv6len; i++ {
if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, byte(0)); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to pad byte %d of input %v: %v", i, bi, err))
for _, b := range ipv6Bytes {
if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, b); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to preserve endianness of input %v: %v", bi, err))
ipv6Bytes = buf.Bytes()
i := copy(x, ipv6Bytes)
if i != IPv6len {
panic("IPv6 wrong size")
return &x