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// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ext
import (
const (
mapInsert = "cel.@mapInsert"
mapInsertOverloadMap = "@mapInsert_map_map"
mapInsertOverloadKeyValue = "@mapInsert_map_key_value"
// TwoVarComprehensions introduces support for two-variable comprehensions.
// The two-variable form of comprehensions looks similar to the one-variable counterparts.
// Where possible, the same macro names were used and additional macro signatures added.
// The notable distinction for two-variable comprehensions is the introduction of
// `transformList`, `transformMap`, and `transformMapEntry` support for list and map types
// rather than the more traditional `map` and `filter` macros.
// # All
// Comprehension which tests whether all elements in the list or map satisfy a given
// predicate. The `all` macro evaluates in a manner consistent with logical AND and will
// short-circuit when encountering a `false` value.
// <list>.all(indexVar, valueVar, <predicate>) -> bool
// <map>.all(keyVar, valueVar, <predicate>) -> bool
// Examples:
// [1, 2, 3].all(i, j, i < j) // returns true
// {'hello': 'world', 'taco': 'taco'}.all(k, v, k != v) // returns false
// // Combines two-variable comprehension with single variable
// {'h': ['hello', 'hi'], 'j': ['joke', 'jog']}
// .all(k, vals, vals.all(v, v.startsWith(k))) // returns true
// # Exists
// Comprehension which tests whether any element in a list or map exists which satisfies
// a given predicate. The `exists` macro evaluates in a manner consistent with logical OR
// and will short-circuit when encountering a `true` value.
// <list>.exists(indexVar, valueVar, <predicate>) -> bool
// <map>.exists(keyVar, valueVar, <predicate>) -> bool
// Examples:
// {'greeting': 'hello', 'farewell': 'goodbye'}
// .exists(k, v, k.startsWith('good') || v.endsWith('bye')) // returns true
// [1, 2, 4, 8, 16].exists(i, v, v == 1024 && i == 10) // returns false
// # ExistsOne
// Comprehension which tests whether exactly one element in a list or map exists which
// satisfies a given predicate expression. This comprehension does not short-circuit in
// keeping with the one-variable exists one macro semantics.
// <list>.existsOne(indexVar, valueVar, <predicate>)
// <map>.existsOne(keyVar, valueVar, <predicate>)
// This macro may also be used with the `exists_one` function name, for compatibility
// with the one-variable macro of the same name.
// Examples:
// [1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4].existsOne(i, v, i == 1 || v == 1) // returns false
// [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3].existsOne(i, v, i == 2 && v == 2) // returns true
// {'i': 0, 'j': 1, 'k': 2}.existsOne(i, v, i == 'l' || v == 1) // returns true
// # TransformList
// Comprehension which converts a map or a list into a list value. The output expression
// of the comprehension determines the contents of the output list. Elements in the list
// may optionally be filtered according to a predicate expression, where elements that
// satisfy the predicate are transformed.
// <list>.transformList(indexVar, valueVar, <transform>)
// <list>.transformList(indexVar, valueVar, <filter>, <transform>)
// <map>.transformList(keyVar, valueVar, <transform>)
// <map>.transformList(keyVar, valueVar, <filter>, <transform>)
// Examples:
// [1, 2, 3].transformList(indexVar, valueVar,
// (indexVar * valueVar) + valueVar) // returns [1, 4, 9]
// [1, 2, 3].transformList(indexVar, valueVar, indexVar % 2 == 0
// (indexVar * valueVar) + valueVar) // returns [1, 9]
// {'greeting': 'hello', 'farewell': 'goodbye'}
// .transformList(k, _, k) // returns ['greeting', 'farewell']
// {'greeting': 'hello', 'farewell': 'goodbye'}
// .transformList(_, v, v) // returns ['hello', 'goodbye']
// # TransformMap
// Comprehension which converts a map or a list into a map value. The output expression
// of the comprehension determines the value of the output map entry; however, the key
// remains fixed. Elements in the map may optionally be filtered according to a predicate
// expression, where elements that satisfy the predicate are transformed.
// <list>.transformMap(indexVar, valueVar, <transform>)
// <list>.transformMap(indexVar, valueVar, <filter>, <transform>)
// <map>.transformMap(keyVar, valueVar, <transform>)
// <map>.transformMap(keyVar, valueVar, <filter>, <transform>)
// Examples:
// [1, 2, 3].transformMap(indexVar, valueVar,
// (indexVar * valueVar) + valueVar) // returns {0: 1, 1: 4, 2: 9}
// [1, 2, 3].transformMap(indexVar, valueVar, indexVar % 2 == 0
// (indexVar * valueVar) + valueVar) // returns {0: 1, 2: 9}
// {'greeting': 'hello'}.transformMap(k, v, v + '!') // returns {'greeting': 'hello!'}
// # TransformMapEntry
// Comprehension which converts a map or a list into a map value; however, this transform
// expects the entry expression be a map literal. If the tranform produces an entry which
// duplicates a key in the target map, the comprehension will error. Note, that key
// equality is determined using CEL equality which asserts that numeric values which are
// equal, even if they don't have the same type will cause a key collision.
// Elements in the map may optionally be filtered according to a predicate expression, where
// elements that satisfy the predicate are transformed.
// <list>.transformMap(indexVar, valueVar, <transform>)
// <list>.transformMap(indexVar, valueVar, <filter>, <transform>)
// <map>.transformMap(keyVar, valueVar, <transform>)
// <map>.transformMap(keyVar, valueVar, <filter>, <transform>)
// Examples:
// // returns {'hello': 'greeting'}
// {'greeting': 'hello'}.transformMapEntry(keyVar, valueVar, {valueVar: keyVar})
// // reverse lookup, require all values in list be unique
// [1, 2, 3].transformMapEntry(indexVar, valueVar, {valueVar: indexVar})
// {'greeting': 'aloha', 'farewell': 'aloha'}
// .transformMapEntry(keyVar, valueVar, {valueVar: keyVar}) // error, duplicate key
func TwoVarComprehensions() cel.EnvOption {
return cel.Lib(compreV2Lib{})
type compreV2Lib struct{}
// LibraryName implements that SingletonLibrary interface method.
func (compreV2Lib) LibraryName() string {
return "cel.lib.ext.comprev2"
// CompileOptions implements the cel.Library interface method.
func (compreV2Lib) CompileOptions() []cel.EnvOption {
kType := cel.TypeParamType("K")
vType := cel.TypeParamType("V")
mapKVType := cel.MapType(kType, vType)
opts := []cel.EnvOption{
cel.ReceiverMacro("all", 3, quantifierAll),
cel.ReceiverMacro("exists", 3, quantifierExists),
cel.ReceiverMacro("existsOne", 3, quantifierExistsOne),
cel.ReceiverMacro("exists_one", 3, quantifierExistsOne),
cel.ReceiverMacro("transformList", 3, transformList),
cel.ReceiverMacro("transformList", 4, transformList),
cel.ReceiverMacro("transformMap", 3, transformMap),
cel.ReceiverMacro("transformMap", 4, transformMap),
cel.ReceiverMacro("transformMapEntry", 3, transformMapEntry),
cel.ReceiverMacro("transformMapEntry", 4, transformMapEntry),
cel.Overload(mapInsertOverloadKeyValue, []*cel.Type{mapKVType, kType, vType}, mapKVType,
cel.FunctionBinding(func(args ...ref.Val) ref.Val {
m := args[0].(traits.Mapper)
k := args[1]
v := args[2]
return types.InsertMapKeyValue(m, k, v)
cel.Overload(mapInsertOverloadMap, []*cel.Type{mapKVType, mapKVType}, mapKVType,
cel.BinaryBinding(func(targetMap, updateMap ref.Val) ref.Val {
tm := targetMap.(traits.Mapper)
um := updateMap.(traits.Mapper)
umIt := um.Iterator()
for umIt.HasNext() == types.True {
k := umIt.Next()
updateOrErr := types.InsertMapKeyValue(tm, k, um.Get(k))
if types.IsError(updateOrErr) {
return updateOrErr
tm = updateOrErr.(traits.Mapper)
return tm
return opts
// ProgramOptions implements the cel.Library interface method
func (compreV2Lib) ProgramOptions() []cel.ProgramOption {
return []cel.ProgramOption{}
func quantifierAll(mef cel.MacroExprFactory, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *cel.Error) {
iterVar1, iterVar2, err := extractIterVars(mef, args[0], args[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mef.NewComprehensionTwoVar(
/*accuInit=*/ mef.NewLiteral(types.True),
/*condition=*/ mef.NewCall(operators.NotStrictlyFalse, mef.NewAccuIdent()),
/*step=*/ mef.NewCall(operators.LogicalAnd, mef.NewAccuIdent(), args[2]),
/*result=*/ mef.NewAccuIdent(),
), nil
func quantifierExists(mef cel.MacroExprFactory, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *cel.Error) {
iterVar1, iterVar2, err := extractIterVars(mef, args[0], args[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mef.NewComprehensionTwoVar(
/*accuInit=*/ mef.NewLiteral(types.False),
/*condition=*/ mef.NewCall(operators.NotStrictlyFalse, mef.NewCall(operators.LogicalNot, mef.NewAccuIdent())),
/*step=*/ mef.NewCall(operators.LogicalOr, mef.NewAccuIdent(), args[2]),
/*result=*/ mef.NewAccuIdent(),
), nil
func quantifierExistsOne(mef cel.MacroExprFactory, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *cel.Error) {
iterVar1, iterVar2, err := extractIterVars(mef, args[0], args[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mef.NewComprehensionTwoVar(
/*accuInit=*/ mef.NewLiteral(types.Int(0)),
/*condition=*/ mef.NewLiteral(types.True),
/*step=*/ mef.NewCall(operators.Conditional, args[2],
mef.NewCall(operators.Add, mef.NewAccuIdent(), mef.NewLiteral(types.Int(1))),
/*result=*/ mef.NewCall(operators.Equals, mef.NewAccuIdent(), mef.NewLiteral(types.Int(1))),
), nil
func transformList(mef cel.MacroExprFactory, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *cel.Error) {
iterVar1, iterVar2, err := extractIterVars(mef, args[0], args[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var transform ast.Expr
var filter ast.Expr
if len(args) == 4 {
filter = args[2]
transform = args[3]
} else {
filter = nil
transform = args[2]
// __result__ = __result__ + [transform]
step := mef.NewCall(operators.Add, mef.NewAccuIdent(), mef.NewList(transform))
if filter != nil {
// __result__ = (filter) ? __result__ + [transform] : __result__
step = mef.NewCall(operators.Conditional, filter, step, mef.NewAccuIdent())
return mef.NewComprehensionTwoVar(
/*accuInit=*/ mef.NewList(),
/*condition=*/ mef.NewLiteral(types.True),
/*result=*/ mef.NewAccuIdent(),
), nil
func transformMap(mef cel.MacroExprFactory, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *cel.Error) {
iterVar1, iterVar2, err := extractIterVars(mef, args[0], args[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var transform ast.Expr
var filter ast.Expr
if len(args) == 4 {
filter = args[2]
transform = args[3]
} else {
filter = nil
transform = args[2]
// __result__ = cel.@mapInsert(__result__, iterVar1, transform)
step := mef.NewCall(mapInsert, mef.NewAccuIdent(), mef.NewIdent(iterVar1), transform)
if filter != nil {
// __result__ = (filter) ? cel.@mapInsert(__result__, iterVar1, transform) : __result__
step = mef.NewCall(operators.Conditional, filter, step, mef.NewAccuIdent())
return mef.NewComprehensionTwoVar(
/*accuInit=*/ mef.NewMap(),
/*condition=*/ mef.NewLiteral(types.True),
/*result=*/ mef.NewAccuIdent(),
), nil
func transformMapEntry(mef cel.MacroExprFactory, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *cel.Error) {
iterVar1, iterVar2, err := extractIterVars(mef, args[0], args[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var transform ast.Expr
var filter ast.Expr
if len(args) == 4 {
filter = args[2]
transform = args[3]
} else {
filter = nil
transform = args[2]
// __result__ = cel.@mapInsert(__result__, transform)
step := mef.NewCall(mapInsert, mef.NewAccuIdent(), transform)
if filter != nil {
// __result__ = (filter) ? cel.@mapInsert(__result__, transform) : __result__
step = mef.NewCall(operators.Conditional, filter, step, mef.NewAccuIdent())
return mef.NewComprehensionTwoVar(
/*accuInit=*/ mef.NewMap(),
/*condition=*/ mef.NewLiteral(types.True),
/*result=*/ mef.NewAccuIdent(),
), nil
func extractIterVars(mef cel.MacroExprFactory, arg0, arg1 ast.Expr) (string, string, *cel.Error) {
iterVar1, err := extractIterVar(mef, arg0)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
iterVar2, err := extractIterVar(mef, arg1)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
if iterVar1 == iterVar2 {
return "", "", mef.NewError(arg1.ID(), fmt.Sprintf("duplicate variable name: %s", iterVar1))
if iterVar1 == parser.AccumulatorName {
return "", "", mef.NewError(arg0.ID(), "iteration variable overwrites accumulator variable")
if iterVar2 == parser.AccumulatorName {
return "", "", mef.NewError(arg1.ID(), "iteration variable overwrites accumulator variable")
return iterVar1, iterVar2, nil
func extractIterVar(mef cel.MacroExprFactory, target ast.Expr) (string, *cel.Error) {
iterVar, found := extractIdent(target)
if !found {
return "", mef.NewError(target.ID(), "argument must be a simple name")
return iterVar, nil