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synced 2025-03-08 16:39:29 +00:00
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image. By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs). Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
686 lines
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686 lines
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package antlr
// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
import (
// Collectable is an interface that a struct should implement if it is to be
// usable as a key in these collections.
type Collectable[T any] interface {
Hash() int
Equals(other Collectable[T]) bool
type Comparator[T any] interface {
Hash1(o T) int
Equals2(T, T) bool
type CollectionSource int
type CollectionDescriptor struct {
SybolicName string
Description string
const (
UnknownCollection CollectionSource = iota
var CollectionDescriptors = map[CollectionSource]CollectionDescriptor{
UnknownCollection: {
SybolicName: "UnknownCollection",
Description: "Unknown collection type. Only used if the target author thought it was an unimportant collection.",
ATNConfigCollection: {
SybolicName: "ATNConfigCollection",
Description: "ATNConfig collection. Used to store the ATNConfigs for a particular state in the ATN." +
"For instance, it is used to store the results of the closure() operation in the ATN.",
ATNConfigLookupCollection: {
SybolicName: "ATNConfigLookupCollection",
Description: "ATNConfigLookup collection. Used to store the ATNConfigs for a particular state in the ATN." +
"This is used to prevent duplicating equivalent states in an ATNConfigurationSet.",
ATNStateCollection: {
SybolicName: "ATNStateCollection",
Description: "ATNState collection. This is used to store the states of the ATN.",
DFAStateCollection: {
SybolicName: "DFAStateCollection",
Description: "DFAState collection. This is used to store the states of the DFA.",
PredictionContextCollection: {
SybolicName: "PredictionContextCollection",
Description: "PredictionContext collection. This is used to store the prediction contexts of the ATN and cache computes.",
SemanticContextCollection: {
SybolicName: "SemanticContextCollection",
Description: "SemanticContext collection. This is used to store the semantic contexts of the ATN.",
ClosureBusyCollection: {
SybolicName: "ClosureBusyCollection",
Description: "ClosureBusy collection. This is used to check and prevent infinite recursion right recursive rules." +
"It stores ATNConfigs that are currently being processed in the closure() operation.",
PredictionVisitedCollection: {
SybolicName: "PredictionVisitedCollection",
Description: "A map that records whether we have visited a particular context when searching through cached entries.",
MergeCacheCollection: {
SybolicName: "MergeCacheCollection",
Description: "A map that records whether we have already merged two particular contexts and can save effort by not repeating it.",
PredictionContextCacheCollection: {
SybolicName: "PredictionContextCacheCollection",
Description: "A map that records whether we have already created a particular context and can save effort by not computing it again.",
AltSetCollection: {
SybolicName: "AltSetCollection",
Description: "Used to eliminate duplicate alternatives in an ATN config set.",
ReachSetCollection: {
SybolicName: "ReachSetCollection",
Description: "Used as merge cache to prevent us needing to compute the merge of two states if we have already done it.",
// JStore implements a container that allows the use of a struct to calculate the key
// for a collection of values akin to map. This is not meant to be a full-blown HashMap but just
// serve the needs of the ANTLR Go runtime.
// For ease of porting the logic of the runtime from the master target (Java), this collection
// operates in a similar way to Java, in that it can use any struct that supplies a Hash() and Equals()
// function as the key. The values are stored in a standard go map which internally is a form of hashmap
// itself, the key for the go map is the hash supplied by the key object. The collection is able to deal with
// hash conflicts by using a simple slice of values associated with the hash code indexed bucket. That isn't
// particularly efficient, but it is simple, and it works. As this is specifically for the ANTLR runtime, and
// we understand the requirements, then this is fine - this is not a general purpose collection.
type JStore[T any, C Comparator[T]] struct {
store map[int][]T
len int
comparator Comparator[T]
stats *JStatRec
func NewJStore[T any, C Comparator[T]](comparator Comparator[T], cType CollectionSource, desc string) *JStore[T, C] {
if comparator == nil {
panic("comparator cannot be nil")
s := &JStore[T, C]{
store: make(map[int][]T, 1),
comparator: comparator,
if collectStats {
s.stats = &JStatRec{
Source: cType,
Description: desc,
// Track where we created it from if we are being asked to do so
if runtimeConfig.statsTraceStacks {
s.stats.CreateStack = debug.Stack()
return s
// Put will store given value in the collection. Note that the key for storage is generated from
// the value itself - this is specifically because that is what ANTLR needs - this would not be useful
// as any kind of general collection.
// If the key has a hash conflict, then the value will be added to the slice of values associated with the
// hash, unless the value is already in the slice, in which case the existing value is returned. Value equivalence is
// tested by calling the equals() method on the key.
// # If the given value is already present in the store, then the existing value is returned as v and exists is set to true
// If the given value is not present in the store, then the value is added to the store and returned as v and exists is set to false.
func (s *JStore[T, C]) Put(value T) (v T, exists bool) {
if collectStats {
kh := s.comparator.Hash1(value)
var hClash bool
for _, v1 := range s.store[kh] {
hClash = true
if s.comparator.Equals2(value, v1) {
if collectStats {
return v1, true
if collectStats {
if collectStats && hClash {
s.store[kh] = append(s.store[kh], value)
if collectStats {
if len(s.store[kh]) > s.stats.MaxSlotSize {
s.stats.MaxSlotSize = len(s.store[kh])
if collectStats {
s.stats.CurSize = s.len
if s.len > s.stats.MaxSize {
s.stats.MaxSize = s.len
return value, false
// Get will return the value associated with the key - the type of the key is the same type as the value
// which would not generally be useful, but this is a specific thing for ANTLR where the key is
// generated using the object we are going to store.
func (s *JStore[T, C]) Get(key T) (T, bool) {
if collectStats {
kh := s.comparator.Hash1(key)
var hClash bool
for _, v := range s.store[kh] {
hClash = true
if s.comparator.Equals2(key, v) {
if collectStats {
return v, true
if collectStats {
if collectStats {
if hClash {
return key, false
// Contains returns true if the given key is present in the store
func (s *JStore[T, C]) Contains(key T) bool {
_, present := s.Get(key)
return present
func (s *JStore[T, C]) SortedSlice(less func(i, j T) bool) []T {
vs := make([]T, 0, len(s.store))
for _, v := range s.store {
vs = append(vs, v...)
sort.Slice(vs, func(i, j int) bool {
return less(vs[i], vs[j])
return vs
func (s *JStore[T, C]) Each(f func(T) bool) {
for _, e := range s.store {
for _, v := range e {
func (s *JStore[T, C]) Len() int {
return s.len
func (s *JStore[T, C]) Values() []T {
vs := make([]T, 0, len(s.store))
for _, e := range s.store {
vs = append(vs, e...)
return vs
type entry[K, V any] struct {
key K
val V
type JMap[K, V any, C Comparator[K]] struct {
store map[int][]*entry[K, V]
len int
comparator Comparator[K]
stats *JStatRec
func NewJMap[K, V any, C Comparator[K]](comparator Comparator[K], cType CollectionSource, desc string) *JMap[K, V, C] {
m := &JMap[K, V, C]{
store: make(map[int][]*entry[K, V], 1),
comparator: comparator,
if collectStats {
m.stats = &JStatRec{
Source: cType,
Description: desc,
// Track where we created it from if we are being asked to do so
if runtimeConfig.statsTraceStacks {
m.stats.CreateStack = debug.Stack()
return m
func (m *JMap[K, V, C]) Put(key K, val V) (V, bool) {
if collectStats {
kh := m.comparator.Hash1(key)
var hClash bool
for _, e := range m.store[kh] {
hClash = true
if m.comparator.Equals2(e.key, key) {
if collectStats {
return e.val, true
if collectStats {
if collectStats {
if hClash {
m.store[kh] = append(m.store[kh], &entry[K, V]{key, val})
if collectStats {
if len(m.store[kh]) > m.stats.MaxSlotSize {
m.stats.MaxSlotSize = len(m.store[kh])
if collectStats {
m.stats.CurSize = m.len
if m.len > m.stats.MaxSize {
m.stats.MaxSize = m.len
return val, false
func (m *JMap[K, V, C]) Values() []V {
vs := make([]V, 0, len(m.store))
for _, e := range m.store {
for _, v := range e {
vs = append(vs, v.val)
return vs
func (m *JMap[K, V, C]) Get(key K) (V, bool) {
if collectStats {
var none V
kh := m.comparator.Hash1(key)
var hClash bool
for _, e := range m.store[kh] {
hClash = true
if m.comparator.Equals2(e.key, key) {
if collectStats {
return e.val, true
if collectStats {
if collectStats {
if hClash {
return none, false
func (m *JMap[K, V, C]) Len() int {
return m.len
func (m *JMap[K, V, C]) Delete(key K) {
kh := m.comparator.Hash1(key)
for i, e := range m.store[kh] {
if m.comparator.Equals2(e.key, key) {
m.store[kh] = append(m.store[kh][:i], m.store[kh][i+1:]...)
func (m *JMap[K, V, C]) Clear() {
m.store = make(map[int][]*entry[K, V])
type JPCMap struct {
store *JMap[*PredictionContext, *JMap[*PredictionContext, *PredictionContext, *ObjEqComparator[*PredictionContext]], *ObjEqComparator[*PredictionContext]]
size int
stats *JStatRec
func NewJPCMap(cType CollectionSource, desc string) *JPCMap {
m := &JPCMap{
store: NewJMap[*PredictionContext, *JMap[*PredictionContext, *PredictionContext, *ObjEqComparator[*PredictionContext]], *ObjEqComparator[*PredictionContext]](pContextEqInst, cType, desc),
if collectStats {
m.stats = &JStatRec{
Source: cType,
Description: desc,
// Track where we created it from if we are being asked to do so
if runtimeConfig.statsTraceStacks {
m.stats.CreateStack = debug.Stack()
return m
func (pcm *JPCMap) Get(k1, k2 *PredictionContext) (*PredictionContext, bool) {
if collectStats {
// Do we have a map stored by k1?
m2, present := pcm.store.Get(k1)
if present {
if collectStats {
// We found a map of values corresponding to k1, so now we need to look up k2 in that map
return m2.Get(k2)
if collectStats {
return nil, false
func (pcm *JPCMap) Put(k1, k2, v *PredictionContext) {
if collectStats {
// First does a map already exist for k1?
if m2, present := pcm.store.Get(k1); present {
if collectStats {
_, present = m2.Put(k2, v)
if !present {
if collectStats {
pcm.stats.CurSize = pcm.size
if pcm.size > pcm.stats.MaxSize {
pcm.stats.MaxSize = pcm.size
} else {
// No map found for k1, so we create it, add in our value, then store is
if collectStats {
m2 = NewJMap[*PredictionContext, *PredictionContext, *ObjEqComparator[*PredictionContext]](pContextEqInst, pcm.stats.Source, pcm.stats.Description+" map entry")
} else {
m2 = NewJMap[*PredictionContext, *PredictionContext, *ObjEqComparator[*PredictionContext]](pContextEqInst, PredictionContextCacheCollection, "map entry")
m2.Put(k2, v)
pcm.store.Put(k1, m2)
type JPCMap2 struct {
store map[int][]JPCEntry
size int
stats *JStatRec
type JPCEntry struct {
k1, k2, v *PredictionContext
func NewJPCMap2(cType CollectionSource, desc string) *JPCMap2 {
m := &JPCMap2{
store: make(map[int][]JPCEntry, 1000),
if collectStats {
m.stats = &JStatRec{
Source: cType,
Description: desc,
// Track where we created it from if we are being asked to do so
if runtimeConfig.statsTraceStacks {
m.stats.CreateStack = debug.Stack()
return m
func dHash(k1, k2 *PredictionContext) int {
return k1.cachedHash*31 + k2.cachedHash
func (pcm *JPCMap2) Get(k1, k2 *PredictionContext) (*PredictionContext, bool) {
if collectStats {
h := dHash(k1, k2)
var hClash bool
for _, e := range pcm.store[h] {
hClash = true
if e.k1.Equals(k1) && e.k2.Equals(k2) {
if collectStats {
return e.v, true
if collectStats {
if collectStats {
if hClash {
return nil, false
func (pcm *JPCMap2) Put(k1, k2, v *PredictionContext) (*PredictionContext, bool) {
if collectStats {
h := dHash(k1, k2)
var hClash bool
for _, e := range pcm.store[h] {
hClash = true
if e.k1.Equals(k1) && e.k2.Equals(k2) {
if collectStats {
return e.v, true
if collectStats {
if collectStats {
if hClash {
pcm.store[h] = append(pcm.store[h], JPCEntry{k1, k2, v})
if collectStats {
pcm.stats.CurSize = pcm.size
if pcm.size > pcm.stats.MaxSize {
pcm.stats.MaxSize = pcm.size
return nil, false
type VisitEntry struct {
k *PredictionContext
v *PredictionContext
type VisitRecord struct {
store map[*PredictionContext]*PredictionContext
len int
stats *JStatRec
type VisitList struct {
cache *list.List
lock sync.RWMutex
var visitListPool = VisitList{
cache: list.New(),
lock: sync.RWMutex{},
// NewVisitRecord returns a new VisitRecord instance from the pool if available.
// Note that this "map" uses a pointer as a key because we are emulating the behavior of
// IdentityHashMap in Java, which uses the `==` operator to compare whether the keys are equal,
// which means is the key the same reference to an object rather than is it .equals() to another
// object.
func NewVisitRecord() *VisitRecord {
el := visitListPool.cache.Front()
defer visitListPool.lock.Unlock()
var vr *VisitRecord
if el == nil {
vr = &VisitRecord{
store: make(map[*PredictionContext]*PredictionContext),
if collectStats {
vr.stats = &JStatRec{
Source: PredictionContextCacheCollection,
Description: "VisitRecord",
// Track where we created it from if we are being asked to do so
if runtimeConfig.statsTraceStacks {
vr.stats.CreateStack = debug.Stack()
} else {
vr = el.Value.(*VisitRecord)
vr.store = make(map[*PredictionContext]*PredictionContext)
if collectStats {
return vr
func (vr *VisitRecord) Release() {
vr.len = 0
vr.store = nil
if collectStats {
vr.stats.MaxSize = 0
vr.stats.CurSize = 0
vr.stats.Gets = 0
vr.stats.GetHits = 0
vr.stats.GetMisses = 0
vr.stats.GetHashConflicts = 0
vr.stats.GetNoEnt = 0
vr.stats.Puts = 0
vr.stats.PutHits = 0
vr.stats.PutMisses = 0
vr.stats.PutHashConflicts = 0
vr.stats.MaxSlotSize = 0
func (vr *VisitRecord) Get(k *PredictionContext) (*PredictionContext, bool) {
if collectStats {
v := vr.store[k]
if v != nil {
if collectStats {
return v, true
if collectStats {
return nil, false
func (vr *VisitRecord) Put(k, v *PredictionContext) (*PredictionContext, bool) {
if collectStats {
vr.store[k] = v
if collectStats {
vr.stats.CurSize = vr.len
if vr.len > vr.stats.MaxSize {
vr.stats.MaxSize = vr.len
return v, false