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synced 2025-03-08 16:39:29 +00:00
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image. By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs). Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
440 lines
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440 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
package antlr
import (
// atom, set, epsilon, action, predicate, rule transitions.
// <p>This is a one way link. It emanates from a state (usually via a list of
// transitions) and has a target state.</p>
// <p>Since we never have to change the ATN transitions once we construct it,
// the states. We'll use the term Edge for the DFA to distinguish them from
// ATN transitions.</p>
type Transition interface {
getTarget() ATNState
getIsEpsilon() bool
getLabel() *IntervalSet
getSerializationType() int
Matches(int, int, int) bool
type BaseTransition struct {
target ATNState
isEpsilon bool
label int
intervalSet *IntervalSet
serializationType int
func NewBaseTransition(target ATNState) *BaseTransition {
if target == nil {
panic("target cannot be nil.")
t := new(BaseTransition)
t.target = target
// Are we epsilon, action, sempred?
t.isEpsilon = false
t.intervalSet = nil
return t
func (t *BaseTransition) getTarget() ATNState {
return t.target
func (t *BaseTransition) setTarget(s ATNState) {
t.target = s
func (t *BaseTransition) getIsEpsilon() bool {
return t.isEpsilon
func (t *BaseTransition) getLabel() *IntervalSet {
return t.intervalSet
func (t *BaseTransition) getSerializationType() int {
return t.serializationType
func (t *BaseTransition) Matches(_, _, _ int) bool {
panic("Not implemented")
const (
TransitionEPSILON = 1
TransitionRANGE = 2
TransitionRULE = 3
TransitionPREDICATE = 4 // e.g., {isType(input.LT(1))}?
TransitionATOM = 5
TransitionACTION = 6
TransitionSET = 7 // ~(A|B) or ~atom, wildcard, which convert to next 2
TransitionNOTSET = 8
TransitionWILDCARD = 9
TransitionPRECEDENCE = 10
//goland:noinspection GoUnusedGlobalVariable
var TransitionserializationNames = []string{
//var TransitionserializationTypes struct {
// EpsilonTransition int
// RangeTransition int
// RuleTransition int
// PredicateTransition int
// AtomTransition int
// ActionTransition int
// SetTransition int
// NotSetTransition int
// WildcardTransition int
// PrecedencePredicateTransition int
// TransitionEPSILON,
// TransitionRANGE,
// TransitionRULE,
// TransitionPREDICATE,
// TransitionATOM,
// TransitionACTION,
// TransitionSET,
// TransitionNOTSET,
// TransitionWILDCARD,
// TransitionPRECEDENCE
// AtomTransition
// TODO: make all transitions sets? no, should remove set edges
type AtomTransition struct {
func NewAtomTransition(target ATNState, intervalSet int) *AtomTransition {
t := &AtomTransition{
BaseTransition: BaseTransition{
target: target,
serializationType: TransitionATOM,
label: intervalSet,
isEpsilon: false,
t.intervalSet = t.makeLabel()
return t
func (t *AtomTransition) makeLabel() *IntervalSet {
s := NewIntervalSet()
return s
func (t *AtomTransition) Matches(symbol, _, _ int) bool {
return t.label == symbol
func (t *AtomTransition) String() string {
return strconv.Itoa(t.label)
type RuleTransition struct {
followState ATNState
ruleIndex, precedence int
func NewRuleTransition(ruleStart ATNState, ruleIndex, precedence int, followState ATNState) *RuleTransition {
return &RuleTransition{
BaseTransition: BaseTransition{
target: ruleStart,
isEpsilon: true,
serializationType: TransitionRULE,
ruleIndex: ruleIndex,
precedence: precedence,
followState: followState,
func (t *RuleTransition) Matches(_, _, _ int) bool {
return false
type EpsilonTransition struct {
outermostPrecedenceReturn int
func NewEpsilonTransition(target ATNState, outermostPrecedenceReturn int) *EpsilonTransition {
return &EpsilonTransition{
BaseTransition: BaseTransition{
target: target,
serializationType: TransitionEPSILON,
isEpsilon: true,
outermostPrecedenceReturn: outermostPrecedenceReturn,
func (t *EpsilonTransition) Matches(_, _, _ int) bool {
return false
func (t *EpsilonTransition) String() string {
return "epsilon"
type RangeTransition struct {
start, stop int
func NewRangeTransition(target ATNState, start, stop int) *RangeTransition {
t := &RangeTransition{
BaseTransition: BaseTransition{
target: target,
serializationType: TransitionRANGE,
isEpsilon: false,
start: start,
stop: stop,
t.intervalSet = t.makeLabel()
return t
func (t *RangeTransition) makeLabel() *IntervalSet {
s := NewIntervalSet()
s.addRange(t.start, t.stop)
return s
func (t *RangeTransition) Matches(symbol, _, _ int) bool {
return symbol >= t.start && symbol <= t.stop
func (t *RangeTransition) String() string {
var sb strings.Builder
return sb.String()
type AbstractPredicateTransition interface {
type BaseAbstractPredicateTransition struct {
func NewBasePredicateTransition(target ATNState) *BaseAbstractPredicateTransition {
return &BaseAbstractPredicateTransition{
BaseTransition: BaseTransition{
target: target,
func (a *BaseAbstractPredicateTransition) IAbstractPredicateTransitionFoo() {}
type PredicateTransition struct {
isCtxDependent bool
ruleIndex, predIndex int
func NewPredicateTransition(target ATNState, ruleIndex, predIndex int, isCtxDependent bool) *PredicateTransition {
return &PredicateTransition{
BaseAbstractPredicateTransition: BaseAbstractPredicateTransition{
BaseTransition: BaseTransition{
target: target,
serializationType: TransitionPREDICATE,
isEpsilon: true,
isCtxDependent: isCtxDependent,
ruleIndex: ruleIndex,
predIndex: predIndex,
func (t *PredicateTransition) Matches(_, _, _ int) bool {
return false
func (t *PredicateTransition) getPredicate() *Predicate {
return NewPredicate(t.ruleIndex, t.predIndex, t.isCtxDependent)
func (t *PredicateTransition) String() string {
return "pred_" + strconv.Itoa(t.ruleIndex) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(t.predIndex)
type ActionTransition struct {
isCtxDependent bool
ruleIndex, actionIndex, predIndex int
func NewActionTransition(target ATNState, ruleIndex, actionIndex int, isCtxDependent bool) *ActionTransition {
return &ActionTransition{
BaseTransition: BaseTransition{
target: target,
serializationType: TransitionACTION,
isEpsilon: true,
isCtxDependent: isCtxDependent,
ruleIndex: ruleIndex,
actionIndex: actionIndex,
func (t *ActionTransition) Matches(_, _, _ int) bool {
return false
func (t *ActionTransition) String() string {
return "action_" + strconv.Itoa(t.ruleIndex) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(t.actionIndex)
type SetTransition struct {
func NewSetTransition(target ATNState, set *IntervalSet) *SetTransition {
t := &SetTransition{
BaseTransition: BaseTransition{
target: target,
serializationType: TransitionSET,
if set != nil {
t.intervalSet = set
} else {
t.intervalSet = NewIntervalSet()
return t
func (t *SetTransition) Matches(symbol, _, _ int) bool {
return t.intervalSet.contains(symbol)
func (t *SetTransition) String() string {
return t.intervalSet.String()
type NotSetTransition struct {
func NewNotSetTransition(target ATNState, set *IntervalSet) *NotSetTransition {
t := &NotSetTransition{
SetTransition: SetTransition{
BaseTransition: BaseTransition{
target: target,
serializationType: TransitionNOTSET,
if set != nil {
t.intervalSet = set
} else {
t.intervalSet = NewIntervalSet()
return t
func (t *NotSetTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool {
return symbol >= minVocabSymbol && symbol <= maxVocabSymbol && !t.intervalSet.contains(symbol)
func (t *NotSetTransition) String() string {
return "~" + t.intervalSet.String()
type WildcardTransition struct {
func NewWildcardTransition(target ATNState) *WildcardTransition {
return &WildcardTransition{
BaseTransition: BaseTransition{
target: target,
serializationType: TransitionWILDCARD,
func (t *WildcardTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool {
return symbol >= minVocabSymbol && symbol <= maxVocabSymbol
func (t *WildcardTransition) String() string {
return "."
type PrecedencePredicateTransition struct {
precedence int
func NewPrecedencePredicateTransition(target ATNState, precedence int) *PrecedencePredicateTransition {
return &PrecedencePredicateTransition{
BaseAbstractPredicateTransition: BaseAbstractPredicateTransition{
BaseTransition: BaseTransition{
target: target,
serializationType: TransitionPRECEDENCE,
isEpsilon: true,
precedence: precedence,
func (t *PrecedencePredicateTransition) Matches(_, _, _ int) bool {
return false
func (t *PrecedencePredicateTransition) getPredicate() *PrecedencePredicate {
return NewPrecedencePredicate(t.precedence)
func (t *PrecedencePredicateTransition) String() string {
return fmt.Sprint(t.precedence) + " >= _p"