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synced 2025-03-09 17:09:29 +00:00
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image. By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs). Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
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// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package checker defines functions to type-checked a parsed expression
// against a set of identifier and function declarations.
package checker
import (
type checker struct {
env *Env
errors *typeErrors
mappings *mapping
freeTypeVarCounter int
// Check performs type checking, giving a typed AST.
// The input is a parsed AST and an env which encapsulates type binding of variables,
// declarations of built-in functions, descriptions of protocol buffers, and a registry for
// errors.
// Returns a type-checked AST, which might not be usable if there are errors in the error
// registry.
func Check(parsed *ast.AST, source common.Source, env *Env) (*ast.AST, *common.Errors) {
errs := common.NewErrors(source)
typeMap := make(map[int64]*types.Type)
refMap := make(map[int64]*ast.ReferenceInfo)
c := checker{
AST: ast.NewCheckedAST(parsed, typeMap, refMap),
ExprFactory: ast.NewExprFactory(),
env: env,
errors: &typeErrors{errs: errs},
mappings: newMapping(),
freeTypeVarCounter: 0,
// Walk over the final type map substituting any type parameters either by their bound value
// or by DYN.
for id, t := range c.TypeMap() {
c.SetType(id, substitute(c.mappings, t, true))
return c.AST, errs
func (c *checker) check(e ast.Expr) {
if e == nil {
switch e.Kind() {
case ast.LiteralKind:
literal := ref.Val(e.AsLiteral())
switch literal.Type() {
case types.BoolType, types.BytesType, types.DoubleType, types.IntType,
types.NullType, types.StringType, types.UintType:
c.setType(e, literal.Type().(*types.Type))
c.errors.unexpectedASTType(e.ID(), c.location(e), "literal", literal.Type().TypeName())
case ast.IdentKind:
case ast.SelectKind:
case ast.CallKind:
case ast.ListKind:
case ast.MapKind:
case ast.StructKind:
case ast.ComprehensionKind:
c.errors.unexpectedASTType(e.ID(), c.location(e), "unspecified", reflect.TypeOf(e).Name())
func (c *checker) checkIdent(e ast.Expr) {
identName := e.AsIdent()
// Check to see if the identifier is declared.
if ident := c.env.LookupIdent(identName); ident != nil {
c.setType(e, ident.Type())
c.setReference(e, ast.NewIdentReference(ident.Name(), ident.Value()))
// Overwrite the identifier with its fully qualified name.
e.SetKindCase(c.NewIdent(e.ID(), ident.Name()))
c.setType(e, types.ErrorType)
c.errors.undeclaredReference(e.ID(), c.location(e), c.env.container.Name(), identName)
func (c *checker) checkSelect(e ast.Expr) {
sel := e.AsSelect()
// Before traversing down the tree, try to interpret as qualified name.
qname, found := containers.ToQualifiedName(e)
if found {
ident := c.env.LookupIdent(qname)
if ident != nil {
// We don't check for a TestOnly expression here since the `found` result is
// always going to be false for TestOnly expressions.
// Rewrite the node to be a variable reference to the resolved fully-qualified
// variable name.
c.setType(e, ident.Type())
c.setReference(e, ast.NewIdentReference(ident.Name(), ident.Value()))
e.SetKindCase(c.NewIdent(e.ID(), ident.Name()))
resultType := c.checkSelectField(e, sel.Operand(), sel.FieldName(), false)
if sel.IsTestOnly() {
resultType = types.BoolType
c.setType(e, substitute(c.mappings, resultType, false))
func (c *checker) checkOptSelect(e ast.Expr) {
// Collect metadata related to the opt select call packaged by the parser.
call := e.AsCall()
operand := call.Args()[0]
field := call.Args()[1]
fieldName, isString := maybeUnwrapString(field)
if !isString {
c.errors.notAnOptionalFieldSelection(field.ID(), c.location(field), field)
// Perform type-checking using the field selection logic.
resultType := c.checkSelectField(e, operand, fieldName, true)
c.setType(e, substitute(c.mappings, resultType, false))
c.setReference(e, ast.NewFunctionReference("select_optional_field"))
func (c *checker) checkSelectField(e, operand ast.Expr, field string, optional bool) *types.Type {
// Interpret as field selection, first traversing down the operand.
operandType := substitute(c.mappings, c.getType(operand), false)
// If the target type is 'optional', unwrap it for the sake of this check.
targetType, isOpt := maybeUnwrapOptional(operandType)
// Assume error type by default as most types do not support field selection.
resultType := types.ErrorType
switch targetType.Kind() {
case types.MapKind:
// Maps yield their value type as the selection result type.
resultType = targetType.Parameters()[1]
case types.StructKind:
// Objects yield their field type declaration as the selection result type, but only if
// the field is defined.
messageType := targetType
if fieldType, found := c.lookupFieldType(e.ID(), messageType.TypeName(), field); found {
resultType = fieldType
case types.TypeParamKind:
// Set the operand type to DYN to prevent assignment to a potentially incorrect type
// at a later point in type-checking. The isAssignable call will update the type
// substitutions for the type param under the covers.
c.isAssignable(types.DynType, targetType)
// Also, set the result type to DYN.
resultType = types.DynType
// Dynamic / error values are treated as DYN type. Errors are handled this way as well
// in order to allow forward progress on the check.
if !isDynOrError(targetType) {
c.errors.typeDoesNotSupportFieldSelection(e.ID(), c.location(e), targetType)
resultType = types.DynType
// If the target type was optional coming in, then the result must be optional going out.
if isOpt || optional {
return types.NewOptionalType(resultType)
return resultType
func (c *checker) checkCall(e ast.Expr) {
// Note: similar logic exists within the `interpreter/planner.go`. If making changes here
// please consider the impact on planner.go and consolidate implementations or mirror code
// as appropriate.
call := e.AsCall()
fnName := call.FunctionName()
if fnName == operators.OptSelect {
args := call.Args()
// Traverse arguments.
for _, arg := range args {
// Regular static call with simple name.
if !call.IsMemberFunction() {
// Check for the existence of the function.
fn := c.env.LookupFunction(fnName)
if fn == nil {
c.errors.undeclaredReference(e.ID(), c.location(e), c.env.container.Name(), fnName)
c.setType(e, types.ErrorType)
// Overwrite the function name with its fully qualified resolved name.
e.SetKindCase(c.NewCall(e.ID(), fn.Name(), args...))
// Check to see whether the overload resolves.
c.resolveOverloadOrError(e, fn, nil, args)
// If a receiver 'target' is present, it may either be a receiver function, or a namespaced
// function, but not both. Given a.b.c() either a.b.c is a function or c is a function with
// target a.b.
// Check whether the target is a namespaced function name.
target := call.Target()
qualifiedPrefix, maybeQualified := containers.ToQualifiedName(target)
if maybeQualified {
maybeQualifiedName := qualifiedPrefix + "." + fnName
fn := c.env.LookupFunction(maybeQualifiedName)
if fn != nil {
// The function name is namespaced and so preserving the target operand would
// be an inaccurate representation of the desired evaluation behavior.
// Overwrite with fully-qualified resolved function name sans receiver target.
e.SetKindCase(c.NewCall(e.ID(), fn.Name(), args...))
c.resolveOverloadOrError(e, fn, nil, args)
// Regular instance call.
fn := c.env.LookupFunction(fnName)
// Function found, attempt overload resolution.
if fn != nil {
c.resolveOverloadOrError(e, fn, target, args)
// Function name not declared, record error.
c.setType(e, types.ErrorType)
c.errors.undeclaredReference(e.ID(), c.location(e), c.env.container.Name(), fnName)
func (c *checker) resolveOverloadOrError(
e ast.Expr, fn *decls.FunctionDecl, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) {
// Attempt to resolve the overload.
resolution := c.resolveOverload(e, fn, target, args)
// No such overload, error noted in the resolveOverload call, type recorded here.
if resolution == nil {
c.setType(e, types.ErrorType)
// Overload found.
c.setType(e, resolution.Type)
c.setReference(e, resolution.Reference)
func (c *checker) resolveOverload(
call ast.Expr, fn *decls.FunctionDecl, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) *overloadResolution {
var argTypes []*types.Type
if target != nil {
argTypes = append(argTypes, c.getType(target))
for _, arg := range args {
argTypes = append(argTypes, c.getType(arg))
var resultType *types.Type
var checkedRef *ast.ReferenceInfo
for _, overload := range fn.OverloadDecls() {
// Determine whether the overload is currently considered.
if c.env.isOverloadDisabled(overload.ID()) {
// Ensure the call style for the overload matches.
if (target == nil && overload.IsMemberFunction()) ||
(target != nil && !overload.IsMemberFunction()) {
// not a compatible call style.
// Alternative type-checking behavior when the logical operators are compacted into
// variadic AST representations.
if fn.Name() == operators.LogicalAnd || fn.Name() == operators.LogicalOr {
checkedRef = ast.NewFunctionReference(overload.ID())
for i, argType := range argTypes {
if !c.isAssignable(argType, types.BoolType) {
resultType = types.ErrorType
if isError(resultType) {
return nil
return newResolution(checkedRef, types.BoolType)
overloadType := newFunctionType(overload.ResultType(), overload.ArgTypes()...)
typeParams := overload.TypeParams()
if len(typeParams) != 0 {
// Instantiate overload's type with fresh type variables.
substitutions := newMapping()
for _, typePar := range typeParams {
substitutions.add(types.NewTypeParamType(typePar), c.newTypeVar())
overloadType = substitute(substitutions, overloadType, false)
candidateArgTypes := overloadType.Parameters()[1:]
if c.isAssignableList(argTypes, candidateArgTypes) {
if checkedRef == nil {
checkedRef = ast.NewFunctionReference(overload.ID())
} else {
// First matching overload, determines result type.
fnResultType := substitute(c.mappings, overloadType.Parameters()[0], false)
if resultType == nil {
resultType = fnResultType
} else if !isDyn(resultType) && !fnResultType.IsExactType(resultType) {
resultType = types.DynType
if resultType == nil {
for i, argType := range argTypes {
argTypes[i] = substitute(c.mappings, argType, true)
c.errors.noMatchingOverload(call.ID(), c.location(call), fn.Name(), argTypes, target != nil)
return nil
return newResolution(checkedRef, resultType)
func (c *checker) checkCreateList(e ast.Expr) {
create := e.AsList()
var elemsType *types.Type
optionalIndices := create.OptionalIndices()
optionals := make(map[int32]bool, len(optionalIndices))
for _, optInd := range optionalIndices {
optionals[optInd] = true
for i, e := range create.Elements() {
elemType := c.getType(e)
if optionals[int32(i)] {
var isOptional bool
elemType, isOptional = maybeUnwrapOptional(elemType)
if !isOptional && !isDyn(elemType) {
c.errors.typeMismatch(e.ID(), c.location(e), types.NewOptionalType(elemType), elemType)
elemsType = c.joinTypes(e, elemsType, elemType)
if elemsType == nil {
// If the list is empty, assign free type var to elem type.
elemsType = c.newTypeVar()
c.setType(e, types.NewListType(elemsType))
func (c *checker) checkCreateMap(e ast.Expr) {
mapVal := e.AsMap()
var mapKeyType *types.Type
var mapValueType *types.Type
for _, e := range mapVal.Entries() {
entry := e.AsMapEntry()
key := entry.Key()
mapKeyType = c.joinTypes(key, mapKeyType, c.getType(key))
val := entry.Value()
valType := c.getType(val)
if entry.IsOptional() {
var isOptional bool
valType, isOptional = maybeUnwrapOptional(valType)
if !isOptional && !isDyn(valType) {
c.errors.typeMismatch(val.ID(), c.location(val), types.NewOptionalType(valType), valType)
mapValueType = c.joinTypes(val, mapValueType, valType)
if mapKeyType == nil {
// If the map is empty, assign free type variables to typeKey and value type.
mapKeyType = c.newTypeVar()
mapValueType = c.newTypeVar()
c.setType(e, types.NewMapType(mapKeyType, mapValueType))
func (c *checker) checkCreateStruct(e ast.Expr) {
msgVal := e.AsStruct()
// Determine the type of the message.
resultType := types.ErrorType
ident := c.env.LookupIdent(msgVal.TypeName())
if ident == nil {
e.ID(), c.location(e), c.env.container.Name(), msgVal.TypeName())
c.setType(e, types.ErrorType)
// Ensure the type name is fully qualified in the AST.
typeName := ident.Name()
if msgVal.TypeName() != typeName {
e.SetKindCase(c.NewStruct(e.ID(), typeName, msgVal.Fields()))
msgVal = e.AsStruct()
c.setReference(e, ast.NewIdentReference(typeName, nil))
identKind := ident.Type().Kind()
if identKind != types.ErrorKind {
if identKind != types.TypeKind {
c.errors.notAType(e.ID(), c.location(e), ident.Type().DeclaredTypeName())
} else {
resultType = ident.Type().Parameters()[0]
// Backwards compatibility test between well-known types and message types
// In this context, the type is being instantiated by its protobuf name which
// is not ideal or recommended, but some users expect this to work.
if isWellKnownType(resultType) {
typeName = getWellKnownTypeName(resultType)
} else if resultType.Kind() == types.StructKind {
typeName = resultType.DeclaredTypeName()
} else {
c.errors.notAMessageType(e.ID(), c.location(e), resultType.DeclaredTypeName())
resultType = types.ErrorType
c.setType(e, resultType)
// Check the field initializers.
for _, f := range msgVal.Fields() {
field := f.AsStructField()
fieldName := field.Name()
value := field.Value()
fieldType := types.ErrorType
ft, found := c.lookupFieldType(f.ID(), typeName, fieldName)
if found {
fieldType = ft
valType := c.getType(value)
if field.IsOptional() {
var isOptional bool
valType, isOptional = maybeUnwrapOptional(valType)
if !isOptional && !isDyn(valType) {
c.errors.typeMismatch(value.ID(), c.location(value), types.NewOptionalType(valType), valType)
if !c.isAssignable(fieldType, valType) {
c.errors.fieldTypeMismatch(f.ID(), c.locationByID(f.ID()), fieldName, fieldType, valType)
func (c *checker) checkComprehension(e ast.Expr) {
comp := e.AsComprehension()
rangeType := substitute(c.mappings, c.getType(comp.IterRange()), false)
// Create a scope for the comprehension since it has a local accumulation variable.
// This scope will contain the accumulation variable used to compute the result.
accuType := c.getType(comp.AccuInit())
c.env = c.env.enterScope()
c.env.AddIdents(decls.NewVariable(comp.AccuVar(), accuType))
var varType, var2Type *types.Type
switch rangeType.Kind() {
case types.ListKind:
// varType represents the list element type for one-variable comprehensions.
varType = rangeType.Parameters()[0]
if comp.HasIterVar2() {
// varType represents the list index (int) for two-variable comprehensions,
// and var2Type represents the list element type.
var2Type = varType
varType = types.IntType
case types.MapKind:
// varType represents the map entry key for all comprehension types.
varType = rangeType.Parameters()[0]
if comp.HasIterVar2() {
// var2Type represents the map entry value for two-variable comprehensions.
var2Type = rangeType.Parameters()[1]
case types.DynKind, types.ErrorKind, types.TypeParamKind:
// Set the range type to DYN to prevent assignment to a potentially incorrect type
// at a later point in type-checking. The isAssignable call will update the type
// substitutions for the type param under the covers.
c.isAssignable(types.DynType, rangeType)
// Set the range iteration variable to type DYN as well.
varType = types.DynType
c.errors.notAComprehensionRange(comp.IterRange().ID(), c.location(comp.IterRange()), rangeType)
varType = types.ErrorType
// Create a block scope for the loop.
c.env = c.env.enterScope()
c.env.AddIdents(decls.NewVariable(comp.IterVar(), varType))
if comp.HasIterVar2() {
c.env.AddIdents(decls.NewVariable(comp.IterVar2(), var2Type))
// Check the variable references in the condition and step.
c.assertType(comp.LoopCondition(), types.BoolType)
c.assertType(comp.LoopStep(), accuType)
// Exit the loop's block scope before checking the result.
c.env = c.env.exitScope()
// Exit the comprehension scope.
c.env = c.env.exitScope()
c.setType(e, substitute(c.mappings, c.getType(comp.Result()), false))
// Checks compatibility of joined types, and returns the most general common type.
func (c *checker) joinTypes(e ast.Expr, previous, current *types.Type) *types.Type {
if previous == nil {
return current
if c.isAssignable(previous, current) {
return mostGeneral(previous, current)
if c.dynAggregateLiteralElementTypesEnabled() {
return types.DynType
c.errors.typeMismatch(e.ID(), c.location(e), previous, current)
return types.ErrorType
func (c *checker) dynAggregateLiteralElementTypesEnabled() bool {
return c.env.aggLitElemType == dynElementType
func (c *checker) newTypeVar() *types.Type {
id := c.freeTypeVarCounter
return types.NewTypeParamType(fmt.Sprintf("_var%d", id))
func (c *checker) isAssignable(t1, t2 *types.Type) bool {
subs := isAssignable(c.mappings, t1, t2)
if subs != nil {
c.mappings = subs
return true
return false
func (c *checker) isAssignableList(l1, l2 []*types.Type) bool {
subs := isAssignableList(c.mappings, l1, l2)
if subs != nil {
c.mappings = subs
return true
return false
func maybeUnwrapString(e ast.Expr) (string, bool) {
switch e.Kind() {
case ast.LiteralKind:
literal := e.AsLiteral()
switch v := literal.(type) {
case types.String:
return string(v), true
return "", false
func (c *checker) setType(e ast.Expr, t *types.Type) {
if old, found := c.TypeMap()[e.ID()]; found && !old.IsExactType(t) {
c.errors.incompatibleType(e.ID(), c.location(e), e, old, t)
c.SetType(e.ID(), t)
func (c *checker) getType(e ast.Expr) *types.Type {
return c.TypeMap()[e.ID()]
func (c *checker) setReference(e ast.Expr, r *ast.ReferenceInfo) {
if old, found := c.ReferenceMap()[e.ID()]; found && !old.Equals(r) {
c.errors.referenceRedefinition(e.ID(), c.location(e), e, old, r)
c.SetReference(e.ID(), r)
func (c *checker) assertType(e ast.Expr, t *types.Type) {
if !c.isAssignable(t, c.getType(e)) {
c.errors.typeMismatch(e.ID(), c.location(e), t, c.getType(e))
type overloadResolution struct {
Type *types.Type
Reference *ast.ReferenceInfo
func newResolution(r *ast.ReferenceInfo, t *types.Type) *overloadResolution {
return &overloadResolution{
Reference: r,
Type: t,
func (c *checker) location(e ast.Expr) common.Location {
return c.locationByID(e.ID())
func (c *checker) locationByID(id int64) common.Location {
return c.SourceInfo().GetStartLocation(id)
func (c *checker) lookupFieldType(exprID int64, structType, fieldName string) (*types.Type, bool) {
if _, found := c.env.provider.FindStructType(structType); !found {
// This should not happen, anyway, report an error.
c.errors.unexpectedFailedResolution(exprID, c.locationByID(exprID), structType)
return nil, false
if ft, found := c.env.provider.FindStructFieldType(structType, fieldName); found {
return ft.Type, found
c.errors.undefinedField(exprID, c.locationByID(exprID), fieldName)
return nil, false
func isWellKnownType(t *types.Type) bool {
switch t.Kind() {
case types.AnyKind, types.TimestampKind, types.DurationKind, types.DynKind, types.NullTypeKind:
return true
case types.BoolKind, types.BytesKind, types.DoubleKind, types.IntKind, types.StringKind, types.UintKind:
return t.IsAssignableType(types.NullType)
case types.ListKind:
return t.Parameters()[0] == types.DynType
case types.MapKind:
return t.Parameters()[0] == types.StringType && t.Parameters()[1] == types.DynType
return false
func getWellKnownTypeName(t *types.Type) string {
if name, found := wellKnownTypes[t.Kind()]; found {
return name
return ""
var (
wellKnownTypes = map[types.Kind]string{
types.AnyKind: "google.protobuf.Any",
types.BoolKind: "google.protobuf.BoolValue",
types.BytesKind: "google.protobuf.BytesValue",
types.DoubleKind: "google.protobuf.DoubleValue",
types.DurationKind: "google.protobuf.Duration",
types.DynKind: "google.protobuf.Value",
types.IntKind: "google.protobuf.Int64Value",
types.ListKind: "google.protobuf.ListValue",
types.NullTypeKind: "google.protobuf.NullValue",
types.MapKind: "google.protobuf.Struct",
types.StringKind: "google.protobuf.StringValue",
types.TimestampKind: "google.protobuf.Timestamp",
types.UintKind: "google.protobuf.UInt64Value",