Niels de Vos f87d06ed85 build: move e2e dependencies into e2e/go.mod
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These
packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the
final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image.

By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is
easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the
testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs).

Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
2025-03-04 17:43:49 +01:00

262 lines
8.2 KiB

// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ext
import (
// Sets returns a cel.EnvOption to configure namespaced set relationship
// functions.
// There is no set type within CEL, and while one may be introduced in the
// future, there are cases where a `list` type is known to behave like a set.
// For such cases, this library provides some basic functionality for
// determining set containment, equivalence, and intersection.
// # Sets.Contains
// Returns whether the first list argument contains all elements in the second
// list argument. The list may contain elements of any type and standard CEL
// equality is used to determine whether a value exists in both lists. If the
// second list is empty, the result will always return true.
// sets.contains(list(T), list(T)) -> bool
// Examples:
// sets.contains([], []) // true
// sets.contains([], [1]) // false
// sets.contains([1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3]) // true
// sets.contains([1, 2.0, 3u], [1.0, 2u, 3]) // true
// # Sets.Equivalent
// Returns whether the first and second list are set equivalent. Lists are set
// equivalent if for every item in the first list, there is an element in the
// second which is equal. The lists may not be of the same size as they do not
// guarantee the elements within them are unique, so size does not factor into
// the computation.
// Examples:
// sets.equivalent([], []) // true
// sets.equivalent([1], [1, 1]) // true
// sets.equivalent([1], [1u, 1.0]) // true
// sets.equivalent([1, 2, 3], [3u, 2.0, 1]) // true
// # Sets.Intersects
// Returns whether the first list has at least one element whose value is equal
// to an element in the second list. If either list is empty, the result will
// be false.
// Examples:
// sets.intersects([1], []) // false
// sets.intersects([1], [1, 2]) // true
// sets.intersects([[1], [2, 3]], [[1, 2], [2, 3.0]]) // true
func Sets() cel.EnvOption {
return cel.Lib(setsLib{})
type setsLib struct{}
// LibraryName implements the SingletonLibrary interface method.
func (setsLib) LibraryName() string {
return "cel.lib.ext.sets"
// CompileOptions implements the Library interface method.
func (setsLib) CompileOptions() []cel.EnvOption {
listType := cel.ListType(cel.TypeParamType("T"))
return []cel.EnvOption{
cel.Overload("list_sets_contains_list", []*cel.Type{listType, listType}, cel.BoolType,
cel.Overload("list_sets_equivalent_list", []*cel.Type{listType, listType}, cel.BoolType,
cel.Overload("list_sets_intersects_list", []*cel.Type{listType, listType}, cel.BoolType,
checker.OverloadCostEstimate("list_sets_contains_list", estimateSetsCost(1)),
checker.OverloadCostEstimate("list_sets_intersects_list", estimateSetsCost(1)),
// equivalence requires potentially two m*n comparisons to ensure each list is contained by the other
checker.OverloadCostEstimate("list_sets_equivalent_list", estimateSetsCost(2)),
// ProgramOptions implements the Library interface method.
func (setsLib) ProgramOptions() []cel.ProgramOption {
return []cel.ProgramOption{
interpreter.OverloadCostTracker("list_sets_contains_list", trackSetsCost(1)),
interpreter.OverloadCostTracker("list_sets_intersects_list", trackSetsCost(1)),
interpreter.OverloadCostTracker("list_sets_equivalent_list", trackSetsCost(2)),
// NewSetMembershipOptimizer rewrites set membership tests using the `in` operator against a list
// of constant values of enum, int, uint, string, or boolean type into a set membership test against
// a map where the map keys are the elements of the list.
func NewSetMembershipOptimizer() (cel.ASTOptimizer, error) {
return setsLib{}, nil
func (setsLib) Optimize(ctx *cel.OptimizerContext, a *ast.AST) *ast.AST {
root := ast.NavigateAST(a)
matches := ast.MatchDescendants(root, matchInConstantList(a))
for _, match := range matches {
call := match.AsCall()
listArg := call.Args()[1]
entries := make([]ast.EntryExpr, len(listArg.AsList().Elements()))
for i, elem := range listArg.AsList().Elements() {
var entry ast.EntryExpr
if r, found := a.ReferenceMap()[elem.ID()]; found && r.Value != nil {
entry = ctx.NewMapEntry(ctx.NewLiteral(r.Value), ctx.NewLiteral(types.True), false)
} else {
entry = ctx.NewMapEntry(elem, ctx.NewLiteral(types.True), false)
entries[i] = entry
mapArg := ctx.NewMap(entries)
ctx.UpdateExpr(listArg, mapArg)
return a
func matchInConstantList(a *ast.AST) ast.ExprMatcher {
return func(e ast.NavigableExpr) bool {
if e.Kind() != ast.CallKind {
return false
call := e.AsCall()
if call.FunctionName() != operators.In {
return false
aggregateVal := call.Args()[1]
if aggregateVal.Kind() != ast.ListKind {
return false
listVal := aggregateVal.AsList()
for _, elem := range listVal.Elements() {
if r, found := a.ReferenceMap()[elem.ID()]; found {
if r.Value != nil {
if elem.Kind() != ast.LiteralKind {
return false
lit := elem.AsLiteral()
if !(lit.Type() == cel.StringType || lit.Type() == cel.IntType ||
lit.Type() == cel.UintType || lit.Type() == cel.BoolType) {
return false
return true
func setsIntersects(listA, listB ref.Val) ref.Val {
lA := listA.(traits.Lister)
lB := listB.(traits.Lister)
it := lA.Iterator()
for it.HasNext() == types.True {
exists := lB.Contains(it.Next())
if exists == types.True {
return types.True
return types.False
func setsContains(list, sublist ref.Val) ref.Val {
l := list.(traits.Lister)
sub := sublist.(traits.Lister)
it := sub.Iterator()
for it.HasNext() == types.True {
exists := l.Contains(it.Next())
if exists != types.True {
return exists
return types.True
func setsEquivalent(listA, listB ref.Val) ref.Val {
aContainsB := setsContains(listA, listB)
if aContainsB != types.True {
return aContainsB
return setsContains(listB, listA)
func estimateSetsCost(costFactor float64) checker.FunctionEstimator {
return func(estimator checker.CostEstimator, target *checker.AstNode, args []checker.AstNode) *checker.CallEstimate {
if len(args) == 2 {
arg0Size := estimateSize(estimator, args[0])
arg1Size := estimateSize(estimator, args[1])
costEstimate := arg0Size.Multiply(arg1Size).MultiplyByCostFactor(costFactor).Add(callCostEstimate)
return &checker.CallEstimate{CostEstimate: costEstimate}
return nil
func estimateSize(estimator checker.CostEstimator, node checker.AstNode) checker.SizeEstimate {
if l := node.ComputedSize(); l != nil {
return *l
if l := estimator.EstimateSize(node); l != nil {
return *l
return checker.SizeEstimate{Min: 0, Max: math.MaxUint64}
func trackSetsCost(costFactor float64) interpreter.FunctionTracker {
return func(args []ref.Val, _ ref.Val) *uint64 {
lhsSize := actualSize(args[0])
rhsSize := actualSize(args[1])
cost := callCost + uint64(float64(lhsSize*rhsSize)*costFactor)
return &cost
func actualSize(value ref.Val) uint64 {
if sz, ok := value.(traits.Sizer); ok {
return uint64(sz.Size().(types.Int))
return 1
var (
callCostEstimate = checker.CostEstimate{Min: 1, Max: 1}
callCost = uint64(1)