Niels de Vos f87d06ed85 build: move e2e dependencies into e2e/go.mod
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These
packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the
final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image.

By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is
easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the
testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs).

Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
2025-03-04 17:43:49 +01:00

429 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package parser
import (
// NewGlobalMacro creates a Macro for a global function with the specified arg count.
func NewGlobalMacro(function string, argCount int, expander MacroExpander) Macro {
return &macro{
function: function,
argCount: argCount,
expander: expander}
// NewReceiverMacro creates a Macro for a receiver function matching the specified arg count.
func NewReceiverMacro(function string, argCount int, expander MacroExpander) Macro {
return &macro{
function: function,
argCount: argCount,
expander: expander,
receiverStyle: true}
// NewGlobalVarArgMacro creates a Macro for a global function with a variable arg count.
func NewGlobalVarArgMacro(function string, expander MacroExpander) Macro {
return &macro{
function: function,
expander: expander,
varArgStyle: true}
// NewReceiverVarArgMacro creates a Macro for a receiver function matching a variable arg count.
func NewReceiverVarArgMacro(function string, expander MacroExpander) Macro {
return &macro{
function: function,
expander: expander,
receiverStyle: true,
varArgStyle: true}
// Macro interface for describing the function signature to match and the MacroExpander to apply.
// Note: when a Macro should apply to multiple overloads (based on arg count) of a given function,
// a Macro should be created per arg-count.
type Macro interface {
// Function name to match.
Function() string
// ArgCount for the function call.
// When the macro is a var-arg style macro, the return value will be zero, but the MacroKey
// will contain a `*` where the arg count would have been.
ArgCount() int
// IsReceiverStyle returns true if the macro matches a receiver style call.
IsReceiverStyle() bool
// MacroKey returns the macro signatures accepted by this macro.
// Format: `<function>:<arg-count>:<is-receiver>`.
// When the macros is a var-arg style macro, the `arg-count` value is represented as a `*`.
MacroKey() string
// Expander returns the MacroExpander to apply when the macro key matches the parsed call
// signature.
Expander() MacroExpander
// Macro type which declares the function name and arg count expected for the
// macro, as well as a macro expansion function.
type macro struct {
function string
receiverStyle bool
varArgStyle bool
argCount int
expander MacroExpander
// Function returns the macro's function name (i.e. the function whose syntax it mimics).
func (m *macro) Function() string {
return m.function
// ArgCount returns the number of arguments the macro expects.
func (m *macro) ArgCount() int {
return m.argCount
// IsReceiverStyle returns whether the macro is receiver style.
func (m *macro) IsReceiverStyle() bool {
return m.receiverStyle
// Expander implements the Macro interface method.
func (m *macro) Expander() MacroExpander {
return m.expander
// MacroKey implements the Macro interface method.
func (m *macro) MacroKey() string {
if m.varArgStyle {
return makeVarArgMacroKey(m.function, m.receiverStyle)
return makeMacroKey(m.function, m.argCount, m.receiverStyle)
func makeMacroKey(name string, args int, receiverStyle bool) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%v", name, args, receiverStyle)
func makeVarArgMacroKey(name string, receiverStyle bool) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:*:%v", name, receiverStyle)
// MacroExpander converts a call and its associated arguments into a new CEL abstract syntax tree.
// If the MacroExpander determines within the implementation that an expansion is not needed it may return
// a nil Expr value to indicate a non-match. However, if an expansion is to be performed, but the arguments
// are not well-formed, the result of the expansion will be an error.
// The MacroExpander accepts as arguments a MacroExprHelper as well as the arguments used in the function call
// and produces as output an Expr ast node.
// Note: when the Macro.IsReceiverStyle() method returns true, the target argument will be nil.
type MacroExpander func(eh ExprHelper, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *common.Error)
// ExprHelper assists with the creation of Expr values in a manner which is consistent
// the internal semantics and id generation behaviors of the parser and checker libraries.
type ExprHelper interface {
// Copy the input expression with a brand new set of identifiers.
Copy(ast.Expr) ast.Expr
// Literal creates an Expr value for a scalar literal value.
NewLiteral(value ref.Val) ast.Expr
// NewList creates a list literal instruction with an optional set of elements.
NewList(elems ...ast.Expr) ast.Expr
// NewMap creates a CreateStruct instruction for a map where the map is comprised of the
// optional set of key, value entries.
NewMap(entries ...ast.EntryExpr) ast.Expr
// NewMapEntry creates a Map Entry for the key, value pair.
NewMapEntry(key ast.Expr, val ast.Expr, optional bool) ast.EntryExpr
// NewStruct creates a struct literal expression with an optional set of field initializers.
NewStruct(typeName string, fieldInits ...ast.EntryExpr) ast.Expr
// NewStructField creates a new struct field initializer from the field name and value.
NewStructField(field string, init ast.Expr, optional bool) ast.EntryExpr
// NewComprehension creates a new one-variable comprehension instruction.
// - iterRange represents the expression that resolves to a list or map where the elements or
// keys (respectively) will be iterated over.
// - iterVar is the variable name for the list element value, or the map key, depending on the
// range type.
// - accuVar is the accumulation variable name, typically parser.AccumulatorName.
// - accuInit is the initial expression whose value will be set for the accuVar prior to
// folding.
// - condition is the expression to test to determine whether to continue folding.
// - step is the expression to evaluation at the conclusion of a single fold iteration.
// - result is the computation to evaluate at the conclusion of the fold.
// The accuVar should not shadow variable names that you would like to reference within the
// environment in the step and condition expressions. Presently, the name __result__ is commonly
// used by built-in macros but this may change in the future.
NewComprehension(iterRange ast.Expr,
accuVar string,
result ast.Expr) ast.Expr
// NewComprehensionTwoVar creates a new two-variable comprehension instruction.
// - iterRange represents the expression that resolves to a list or map where the elements or
// keys (respectively) will be iterated over.
// - iterVar is the iteration variable assigned to the list index or the map key.
// - iterVar2 is the iteration variable assigned to the list element value or the map key value.
// - accuVar is the accumulation variable name, typically parser.AccumulatorName.
// - accuInit is the initial expression whose value will be set for the accuVar prior to
// folding.
// - condition is the expression to test to determine whether to continue folding.
// - step is the expression to evaluation at the conclusion of a single fold iteration.
// - result is the computation to evaluate at the conclusion of the fold.
// The accuVar should not shadow variable names that you would like to reference within the
// environment in the step and condition expressions. Presently, the name __result__ is commonly
// used by built-in macros but this may change in the future.
NewComprehensionTwoVar(iterRange ast.Expr,
accuVar string,
result ast.Expr) ast.Expr
// NewIdent creates an identifier Expr value.
NewIdent(name string) ast.Expr
// NewAccuIdent returns an accumulator identifier for use with comprehension results.
NewAccuIdent() ast.Expr
// NewCall creates a function call Expr value for a global (free) function.
NewCall(function string, args ...ast.Expr) ast.Expr
// NewMemberCall creates a function call Expr value for a receiver-style function.
NewMemberCall(function string, target ast.Expr, args ...ast.Expr) ast.Expr
// NewPresenceTest creates a Select TestOnly Expr value for modelling has() semantics.
NewPresenceTest(operand ast.Expr, field string) ast.Expr
// NewSelect create a field traversal Expr value.
NewSelect(operand ast.Expr, field string) ast.Expr
// OffsetLocation returns the Location of the expression identifier.
OffsetLocation(exprID int64) common.Location
// NewError associates an error message with a given expression id.
NewError(exprID int64, message string) *common.Error
var (
// HasMacro expands "has(m.f)" which tests the presence of a field, avoiding the need to
// specify the field as a string.
HasMacro = NewGlobalMacro(operators.Has, 1, MakeHas)
// AllMacro expands "range.all(var, predicate)" into a comprehension which ensures that all
// elements in the range satisfy the predicate.
AllMacro = NewReceiverMacro(operators.All, 2, MakeAll)
// ExistsMacro expands "range.exists(var, predicate)" into a comprehension which ensures that
// some element in the range satisfies the predicate.
ExistsMacro = NewReceiverMacro(operators.Exists, 2, MakeExists)
// ExistsOneMacro expands "range.exists_one(var, predicate)", which is true if for exactly one
// element in range the predicate holds.
ExistsOneMacro = NewReceiverMacro(operators.ExistsOne, 2, MakeExistsOne)
// MapMacro expands "range.map(var, function)" into a comprehension which applies the function
// to each element in the range to produce a new list.
MapMacro = NewReceiverMacro(operators.Map, 2, MakeMap)
// MapFilterMacro expands "range.map(var, predicate, function)" into a comprehension which
// first filters the elements in the range by the predicate, then applies the transform function
// to produce a new list.
MapFilterMacro = NewReceiverMacro(operators.Map, 3, MakeMap)
// FilterMacro expands "range.filter(var, predicate)" into a comprehension which filters
// elements in the range, producing a new list from the elements that satisfy the predicate.
FilterMacro = NewReceiverMacro(operators.Filter, 2, MakeFilter)
// AllMacros includes the list of all spec-supported macros.
AllMacros = []Macro{
// NoMacros list.
NoMacros = []Macro{}
// AccumulatorName is the traditional variable name assigned to the fold accumulator variable.
const AccumulatorName = "__result__"
type quantifierKind int
const (
quantifierAll quantifierKind = iota
// MakeAll expands the input call arguments into a comprehension that returns true if all of the
// elements in the range match the predicate expressions:
// <iterRange>.all(<iterVar>, <predicate>)
func MakeAll(eh ExprHelper, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *common.Error) {
return makeQuantifier(quantifierAll, eh, target, args)
// MakeExists expands the input call arguments into a comprehension that returns true if any of the
// elements in the range match the predicate expressions:
// <iterRange>.exists(<iterVar>, <predicate>)
func MakeExists(eh ExprHelper, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *common.Error) {
return makeQuantifier(quantifierExists, eh, target, args)
// MakeExistsOne expands the input call arguments into a comprehension that returns true if exactly
// one of the elements in the range match the predicate expressions:
// <iterRange>.exists_one(<iterVar>, <predicate>)
func MakeExistsOne(eh ExprHelper, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *common.Error) {
return makeQuantifier(quantifierExistsOne, eh, target, args)
// MakeMap expands the input call arguments into a comprehension that transforms each element in the
// input to produce an output list.
// There are two call patterns supported by map:
// <iterRange>.map(<iterVar>, <transform>)
// <iterRange>.map(<iterVar>, <predicate>, <transform>)
// In the second form only iterVar values which return true when provided to the predicate expression
// are transformed.
func MakeMap(eh ExprHelper, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *common.Error) {
v, found := extractIdent(args[0])
if !found {
return nil, eh.NewError(args[0].ID(), "argument is not an identifier")
var fn ast.Expr
var filter ast.Expr
if len(args) == 3 {
filter = args[1]
fn = args[2]
} else {
filter = nil
fn = args[1]
init := eh.NewList()
condition := eh.NewLiteral(types.True)
step := eh.NewCall(operators.Add, eh.NewAccuIdent(), eh.NewList(fn))
if filter != nil {
step = eh.NewCall(operators.Conditional, filter, step, eh.NewAccuIdent())
return eh.NewComprehension(target, v, AccumulatorName, init, condition, step, eh.NewAccuIdent()), nil
// MakeFilter expands the input call arguments into a comprehension which produces a list which contains
// only elements which match the provided predicate expression:
// <iterRange>.filter(<iterVar>, <predicate>)
func MakeFilter(eh ExprHelper, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *common.Error) {
v, found := extractIdent(args[0])
if !found {
return nil, eh.NewError(args[0].ID(), "argument is not an identifier")
filter := args[1]
init := eh.NewList()
condition := eh.NewLiteral(types.True)
step := eh.NewCall(operators.Add, eh.NewAccuIdent(), eh.NewList(args[0]))
step = eh.NewCall(operators.Conditional, filter, step, eh.NewAccuIdent())
return eh.NewComprehension(target, v, AccumulatorName, init, condition, step, eh.NewAccuIdent()), nil
// MakeHas expands the input call arguments into a presence test, e.g. has(<operand>.field)
func MakeHas(eh ExprHelper, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *common.Error) {
if args[0].Kind() == ast.SelectKind {
s := args[0].AsSelect()
return eh.NewPresenceTest(s.Operand(), s.FieldName()), nil
return nil, eh.NewError(args[0].ID(), "invalid argument to has() macro")
func makeQuantifier(kind quantifierKind, eh ExprHelper, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *common.Error) {
v, found := extractIdent(args[0])
if !found {
return nil, eh.NewError(args[0].ID(), "argument must be a simple name")
var init ast.Expr
var condition ast.Expr
var step ast.Expr
var result ast.Expr
switch kind {
case quantifierAll:
init = eh.NewLiteral(types.True)
condition = eh.NewCall(operators.NotStrictlyFalse, eh.NewAccuIdent())
step = eh.NewCall(operators.LogicalAnd, eh.NewAccuIdent(), args[1])
result = eh.NewAccuIdent()
case quantifierExists:
init = eh.NewLiteral(types.False)
condition = eh.NewCall(
eh.NewCall(operators.LogicalNot, eh.NewAccuIdent()))
step = eh.NewCall(operators.LogicalOr, eh.NewAccuIdent(), args[1])
result = eh.NewAccuIdent()
case quantifierExistsOne:
init = eh.NewLiteral(types.Int(0))
condition = eh.NewLiteral(types.True)
step = eh.NewCall(operators.Conditional, args[1],
eh.NewCall(operators.Add, eh.NewAccuIdent(), eh.NewLiteral(types.Int(1))), eh.NewAccuIdent())
result = eh.NewCall(operators.Equals, eh.NewAccuIdent(), eh.NewLiteral(types.Int(1)))
return nil, eh.NewError(args[0].ID(), fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized quantifier '%v'", kind))
return eh.NewComprehension(target, v, AccumulatorName, init, condition, step, result), nil
func extractIdent(e ast.Expr) (string, bool) {
switch e.Kind() {
case ast.IdentKind:
return e.AsIdent(), true
return "", false