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synced 2025-03-09 17:09:29 +00:00
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image. By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs). Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
630 lines
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630 lines
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// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package parser
import (
// Unparse takes an input expression and source position information and generates a human-readable
// expression.
// Note, unparsing an AST will often generate the same expression as was originally parsed, but some
// formatting may be lost in translation, notably:
// - All quoted literals are doubled quoted.
// - Byte literals are represented as octal escapes (same as Google SQL).
// - Floating point values are converted to the small number of digits needed to represent the value.
// - Spacing around punctuation marks may be lost.
// - Parentheses will only be applied when they affect operator precedence.
// This function optionally takes in one or more UnparserOption to alter the unparsing behavior, such as
// performing word wrapping on expressions.
func Unparse(expr ast.Expr, info *ast.SourceInfo, opts ...UnparserOption) (string, error) {
unparserOpts := &unparserOption{
wrapOnColumn: defaultWrapOnColumn,
wrapAfterColumnLimit: defaultWrapAfterColumnLimit,
operatorsToWrapOn: defaultOperatorsToWrapOn,
var err error
for _, opt := range opts {
unparserOpts, err = opt(unparserOpts)
if err != nil {
return "", err
un := &unparser{
info: info,
options: unparserOpts,
err = un.visit(expr)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return un.str.String(), nil
// unparser visits an expression to reconstruct a human-readable string from an AST.
type unparser struct {
str strings.Builder
info *ast.SourceInfo
options *unparserOption
lastWrappedIndex int
func (un *unparser) visit(expr ast.Expr) error {
if expr == nil {
return errors.New("unsupported expression")
visited, err := un.visitMaybeMacroCall(expr)
if visited || err != nil {
return err
switch expr.Kind() {
case ast.CallKind:
return un.visitCall(expr)
case ast.LiteralKind:
return un.visitConst(expr)
case ast.IdentKind:
return un.visitIdent(expr)
case ast.ListKind:
return un.visitList(expr)
case ast.MapKind:
return un.visitStructMap(expr)
case ast.SelectKind:
return un.visitSelect(expr)
case ast.StructKind:
return un.visitStructMsg(expr)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported expression: %v", expr)
func (un *unparser) visitCall(expr ast.Expr) error {
c := expr.AsCall()
fun := c.FunctionName()
switch fun {
// ternary operator
case operators.Conditional:
return un.visitCallConditional(expr)
// optional select operator
case operators.OptSelect:
return un.visitOptSelect(expr)
// index operator
case operators.Index:
return un.visitCallIndex(expr)
// optional index operator
case operators.OptIndex:
return un.visitCallOptIndex(expr)
// unary operators
case operators.LogicalNot, operators.Negate:
return un.visitCallUnary(expr)
// binary operators
case operators.Add,
return un.visitCallBinary(expr)
// standard function calls.
return un.visitCallFunc(expr)
func (un *unparser) visitCallBinary(expr ast.Expr) error {
c := expr.AsCall()
fun := c.FunctionName()
args := c.Args()
lhs := args[0]
// add parens if the current operator is lower precedence than the lhs expr operator.
lhsParen := isComplexOperatorWithRespectTo(fun, lhs)
rhs := args[1]
// add parens if the current operator is lower precedence than the rhs expr operator,
// or the same precedence and the operator is left recursive.
rhsParen := isComplexOperatorWithRespectTo(fun, rhs)
if !rhsParen && isLeftRecursive(fun) {
rhsParen = isSamePrecedence(fun, rhs)
err := un.visitMaybeNested(lhs, lhsParen)
if err != nil {
return err
unmangled, found := operators.FindReverseBinaryOperator(fun)
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmangle operator: %s", fun)
un.writeOperatorWithWrapping(fun, unmangled)
return un.visitMaybeNested(rhs, rhsParen)
func (un *unparser) visitCallConditional(expr ast.Expr) error {
c := expr.AsCall()
args := c.Args()
// add parens if operand is a conditional itself.
nested := isSamePrecedence(operators.Conditional, args[0]) ||
err := un.visitMaybeNested(args[0], nested)
if err != nil {
return err
un.writeOperatorWithWrapping(operators.Conditional, "?")
// add parens if operand is a conditional itself.
nested = isSamePrecedence(operators.Conditional, args[1]) ||
err = un.visitMaybeNested(args[1], nested)
if err != nil {
return err
un.str.WriteString(" : ")
// add parens if operand is a conditional itself.
nested = isSamePrecedence(operators.Conditional, args[2]) ||
return un.visitMaybeNested(args[2], nested)
func (un *unparser) visitCallFunc(expr ast.Expr) error {
c := expr.AsCall()
fun := c.FunctionName()
args := c.Args()
if c.IsMemberFunction() {
nested := isBinaryOrTernaryOperator(c.Target())
err := un.visitMaybeNested(c.Target(), nested)
if err != nil {
return err
for i, arg := range args {
err := un.visit(arg)
if err != nil {
return err
if i < len(args)-1 {
un.str.WriteString(", ")
return nil
func (un *unparser) visitCallIndex(expr ast.Expr) error {
return un.visitCallIndexInternal(expr, "[")
func (un *unparser) visitCallOptIndex(expr ast.Expr) error {
return un.visitCallIndexInternal(expr, "[?")
func (un *unparser) visitCallIndexInternal(expr ast.Expr, op string) error {
c := expr.AsCall()
args := c.Args()
nested := isBinaryOrTernaryOperator(args[0])
err := un.visitMaybeNested(args[0], nested)
if err != nil {
return err
err = un.visit(args[1])
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (un *unparser) visitCallUnary(expr ast.Expr) error {
c := expr.AsCall()
fun := c.FunctionName()
args := c.Args()
unmangled, found := operators.FindReverse(fun)
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmangle operator: %s", fun)
nested := isComplexOperator(args[0])
return un.visitMaybeNested(args[0], nested)
func (un *unparser) visitConst(expr ast.Expr) error {
val := expr.AsLiteral()
switch val := val.(type) {
case types.Bool:
case types.Bytes:
// bytes constants are surrounded with b"<bytes>"
case types.Double:
// represent the float using the minimum required digits
d := strconv.FormatFloat(float64(val), 'g', -1, 64)
if !strings.Contains(d, ".") {
case types.Int:
i := strconv.FormatInt(int64(val), 10)
case types.Null:
case types.String:
// strings will be double quoted with quotes escaped.
case types.Uint:
// uint literals have a 'u' suffix.
ui := strconv.FormatUint(uint64(val), 10)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported constant: %v", expr)
return nil
func (un *unparser) visitIdent(expr ast.Expr) error {
return nil
func (un *unparser) visitList(expr ast.Expr) error {
l := expr.AsList()
elems := l.Elements()
optIndices := make(map[int]bool, len(elems))
for _, idx := range l.OptionalIndices() {
optIndices[int(idx)] = true
for i, elem := range elems {
if optIndices[i] {
err := un.visit(elem)
if err != nil {
return err
if i < len(elems)-1 {
un.str.WriteString(", ")
return nil
func (un *unparser) visitOptSelect(expr ast.Expr) error {
c := expr.AsCall()
args := c.Args()
operand := args[0]
field := args[1].AsLiteral().(types.String)
return un.visitSelectInternal(operand, false, ".?", string(field))
func (un *unparser) visitSelect(expr ast.Expr) error {
sel := expr.AsSelect()
return un.visitSelectInternal(sel.Operand(), sel.IsTestOnly(), ".", sel.FieldName())
func (un *unparser) visitSelectInternal(operand ast.Expr, testOnly bool, op string, field string) error {
// handle the case when the select expression was generated by the has() macro.
if testOnly {
nested := !testOnly && isBinaryOrTernaryOperator(operand)
err := un.visitMaybeNested(operand, nested)
if err != nil {
return err
if testOnly {
return nil
func (un *unparser) visitStructMsg(expr ast.Expr) error {
m := expr.AsStruct()
fields := m.Fields()
for i, f := range fields {
field := f.AsStructField()
f := field.Name()
if field.IsOptional() {
un.str.WriteString(": ")
v := field.Value()
err := un.visit(v)
if err != nil {
return err
if i < len(fields)-1 {
un.str.WriteString(", ")
return nil
func (un *unparser) visitStructMap(expr ast.Expr) error {
m := expr.AsMap()
entries := m.Entries()
for i, e := range entries {
entry := e.AsMapEntry()
k := entry.Key()
if entry.IsOptional() {
err := un.visit(k)
if err != nil {
return err
un.str.WriteString(": ")
v := entry.Value()
err = un.visit(v)
if err != nil {
return err
if i < len(entries)-1 {
un.str.WriteString(", ")
return nil
func (un *unparser) visitMaybeMacroCall(expr ast.Expr) (bool, error) {
call, found := un.info.GetMacroCall(expr.ID())
if !found {
return false, nil
return true, un.visit(call)
func (un *unparser) visitMaybeNested(expr ast.Expr, nested bool) error {
if nested {
err := un.visit(expr)
if err != nil {
return err
if nested {
return nil
// isLeftRecursive indicates whether the parser resolves the call in a left-recursive manner as
// this can have an effect of how parentheses affect the order of operations in the AST.
func isLeftRecursive(op string) bool {
return op != operators.LogicalAnd && op != operators.LogicalOr
// isSamePrecedence indicates whether the precedence of the input operator is the same as the
// precedence of the (possible) operation represented in the input Expr.
// If the expr is not a Call, the result is false.
func isSamePrecedence(op string, expr ast.Expr) bool {
if expr.Kind() != ast.CallKind {
return false
c := expr.AsCall()
other := c.FunctionName()
return operators.Precedence(op) == operators.Precedence(other)
// isLowerPrecedence indicates whether the precedence of the input operator is lower precedence
// than the (possible) operation represented in the input Expr.
// If the expr is not a Call, the result is false.
func isLowerPrecedence(op string, expr ast.Expr) bool {
c := expr.AsCall()
other := c.FunctionName()
return operators.Precedence(op) < operators.Precedence(other)
// Indicates whether the expr is a complex operator, i.e., a call expression
// with 2 or more arguments.
func isComplexOperator(expr ast.Expr) bool {
if expr.Kind() == ast.CallKind && len(expr.AsCall().Args()) >= 2 {
return true
return false
// Indicates whether it is a complex operation compared to another.
// expr is *not* considered complex if it is not a call expression or has
// less than two arguments, or if it has a higher precedence than op.
func isComplexOperatorWithRespectTo(op string, expr ast.Expr) bool {
if expr.Kind() != ast.CallKind || len(expr.AsCall().Args()) < 2 {
return false
return isLowerPrecedence(op, expr)
// Indicate whether this is a binary or ternary operator.
func isBinaryOrTernaryOperator(expr ast.Expr) bool {
if expr.Kind() != ast.CallKind || len(expr.AsCall().Args()) < 2 {
return false
_, isBinaryOp := operators.FindReverseBinaryOperator(expr.AsCall().FunctionName())
return isBinaryOp || isSamePrecedence(operators.Conditional, expr)
// bytesToOctets converts byte sequences to a string using a three digit octal encoded value
// per byte.
func bytesToOctets(byteVal []byte) string {
var b strings.Builder
for _, c := range byteVal {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\\%03o", c)
return b.String()
// writeOperatorWithWrapping outputs the operator and inserts a newline for operators configured
// in the unparser options.
func (un *unparser) writeOperatorWithWrapping(fun string, unmangled string) bool {
_, wrapOperatorExists := un.options.operatorsToWrapOn[fun]
lineLength := un.str.Len() - un.lastWrappedIndex + len(fun)
if wrapOperatorExists && lineLength >= un.options.wrapOnColumn {
un.lastWrappedIndex = un.str.Len()
// wrapAfterColumnLimit flag dictates whether the newline is placed
// before or after the operator
if un.options.wrapAfterColumnLimit {
// Input: a && b
// Output: a &&\nb
un.str.WriteString(" ")
} else {
// Input: a && b
// Output: a\n&& b
un.str.WriteString(" ")
return true
un.str.WriteString(" ")
un.str.WriteString(" ")
return false
// Defined defaults for the unparser options
var (
defaultWrapOnColumn = 80
defaultWrapAfterColumnLimit = true
defaultOperatorsToWrapOn = map[string]bool{
operators.LogicalAnd: true,
operators.LogicalOr: true,
// UnparserOption is a functional option for configuring the output formatting
// of the Unparse function.
type UnparserOption func(*unparserOption) (*unparserOption, error)
// Internal representation of the UnparserOption type
type unparserOption struct {
wrapOnColumn int
operatorsToWrapOn map[string]bool
wrapAfterColumnLimit bool
// WrapOnColumn wraps the output expression when its string length exceeds a specified limit
// for operators set by WrapOnOperators function or by default, "&&" and "||" will be wrapped.
// Example usage:
// Unparse(expr, sourceInfo, WrapOnColumn(40), WrapOnOperators(Operators.LogicalAnd))
// This will insert a newline immediately after the logical AND operator for the below example input:
// Input:
// 'my-principal-group' in request.auth.claims && request.auth.claims.iat > now - duration('5m')
// Output:
// 'my-principal-group' in request.auth.claims &&
// request.auth.claims.iat > now - duration('5m')
func WrapOnColumn(col int) UnparserOption {
return func(opt *unparserOption) (*unparserOption, error) {
if col < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid unparser option. Wrap column value must be greater than or equal to 1. Got %v instead", col)
opt.wrapOnColumn = col
return opt, nil
// WrapOnOperators specifies which operators to perform word wrapping on an output expression when its string length
// exceeds the column limit set by WrapOnColumn function.
// Word wrapping is supported on non-unary symbolic operators. Refer to operators.go for the full list
// This will replace any previously supplied operators instead of merging them.
func WrapOnOperators(symbols ...string) UnparserOption {
return func(opt *unparserOption) (*unparserOption, error) {
opt.operatorsToWrapOn = make(map[string]bool)
for _, symbol := range symbols {
_, found := operators.FindReverse(symbol)
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid unparser option. Unsupported operator: %s", symbol)
arity := operators.Arity(symbol)
if arity < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid unparser option. Unary operators are unsupported: %s", symbol)
opt.operatorsToWrapOn[symbol] = true
return opt, nil
// WrapAfterColumnLimit dictates whether to insert a newline before or after the specified operator
// when word wrapping is performed.
// Example usage:
// Unparse(expr, sourceInfo, WrapOnColumn(40), WrapOnOperators(Operators.LogicalAnd), WrapAfterColumnLimit(false))
// This will insert a newline immediately before the logical AND operator for the below example input, ensuring
// that the length of a line never exceeds the specified column limit:
// Input:
// 'my-principal-group' in request.auth.claims && request.auth.claims.iat > now - duration('5m')
// Output:
// 'my-principal-group' in request.auth.claims
// && request.auth.claims.iat > now - duration('5m')
func WrapAfterColumnLimit(wrapAfter bool) UnparserOption {
return func(opt *unparserOption) (*unparserOption, error) {
opt.wrapAfterColumnLimit = wrapAfter
return opt, nil