Niels de Vos f87d06ed85 build: move e2e dependencies into e2e/go.mod
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These
packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the
final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image.

By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is
easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the
testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs).

Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
2025-03-04 17:43:49 +01:00

117 lines
3.3 KiB

// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package resource // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/resource"
import (
semconv "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.26.0"
type (
// telemetrySDK is a Detector that provides information about
// the OpenTelemetry SDK used. This Detector is included as a
// builtin. If these resource attributes are not wanted, use
// resource.New() to explicitly disable them.
telemetrySDK struct{}
// host is a Detector that provides information about the host
// being run on. This Detector is included as a builtin. If
// these resource attributes are not wanted, use the
// resource.New() to explicitly disable them.
host struct{}
stringDetector struct {
schemaURL string
K attribute.Key
F func() (string, error)
defaultServiceNameDetector struct{}
defaultServiceInstanceIDDetector struct{}
var (
_ Detector = telemetrySDK{}
_ Detector = host{}
_ Detector = stringDetector{}
_ Detector = defaultServiceNameDetector{}
_ Detector = defaultServiceInstanceIDDetector{}
// Detect returns a *Resource that describes the OpenTelemetry SDK used.
func (telemetrySDK) Detect(context.Context) (*Resource, error) {
return NewWithAttributes(
), nil
// Detect returns a *Resource that describes the host being run on.
func (host) Detect(ctx context.Context) (*Resource, error) {
return StringDetector(semconv.SchemaURL, semconv.HostNameKey, os.Hostname).Detect(ctx)
// StringDetector returns a Detector that will produce a *Resource
// containing the string as a value corresponding to k. The resulting Resource
// will have the specified schemaURL.
func StringDetector(schemaURL string, k attribute.Key, f func() (string, error)) Detector {
return stringDetector{schemaURL: schemaURL, K: k, F: f}
// Detect returns a *Resource that describes the string as a value
// corresponding to attribute.Key as well as the specific schemaURL.
func (sd stringDetector) Detect(ctx context.Context) (*Resource, error) {
value, err := sd.F()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", string(sd.K), err)
a := sd.K.String(value)
if !a.Valid() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid attribute: %q -> %q", a.Key, a.Value.Emit())
return NewWithAttributes(sd.schemaURL, sd.K.String(value)), nil
// Detect implements Detector.
func (defaultServiceNameDetector) Detect(ctx context.Context) (*Resource, error) {
return StringDetector(
func() (string, error) {
executable, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return "unknown_service:go", nil
return "unknown_service:" + filepath.Base(executable), nil
// Detect implements Detector.
func (defaultServiceInstanceIDDetector) Detect(ctx context.Context) (*Resource, error) {
return StringDetector(
func() (string, error) {
version4Uuid, err := uuid.NewRandom()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return version4Uuid.String(), nil