Niels de Vos 772d1dfa77 rebase: use go-ceph v0.3.0
v0.3.0 adds support for rbd.FeatureSet that can be used to parse the
features of an RBD image. This will be used in the followup commit that
adds rbdVolume.getImageInfo().

Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
2020-06-17 09:28:57 +00:00

44 lines
924 B

// +build luminous mimic
// +build !nautilus
// Ceph Nautilus includes rbd_list2() and marked rbd_list() deprecated.
package rbd
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lrbd
// #include <rados/librados.h>
// #include <rbd/librbd.h>
// #include <errno.h>
import "C"
import (
// GetImageNames returns the list of current RBD images.
func GetImageNames(ioctx *rados.IOContext) (names []string, err error) {
buf := make([]byte, 4096)
for {
size := C.size_t(len(buf))
ret := C.rbd_list(cephIoctx(ioctx),
(*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), &size)
if ret == -C.ERANGE {
buf = make([]byte, size)
} else if ret < 0 {
return nil, RBDError(ret)
tmp := bytes.Split(buf[:size-1], []byte{0})
for _, s := range tmp {
if len(s) > 0 {
name := C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&s[0])))
names = append(names, name)
return names, nil