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Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package plugins
import (
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
storage "k8s.io/api/storage/v1"
// InTreePlugin handles translations between CSI and in-tree sources in a PV
type InTreePlugin interface {
// TranslateInTreeStorageClassToCSI takes in-tree volume options
// and translates them to a volume options consumable by CSI plugin
TranslateInTreeStorageClassToCSI(logger klog.Logger, sc *storage.StorageClass) (*storage.StorageClass, error)
// TranslateInTreeInlineVolumeToCSI takes a inline volume and will translate
// the in-tree inline volume source to a CSIPersistentVolumeSource
// A PV object containing the CSIPersistentVolumeSource in it's spec is returned
// podNamespace is only needed for azurefile to fetch secret namespace, no need to be set for other plugins.
TranslateInTreeInlineVolumeToCSI(logger klog.Logger, volume *v1.Volume, podNamespace string) (*v1.PersistentVolume, error)
// TranslateInTreePVToCSI takes a persistent volume and will translate
// the in-tree pv source to a CSI Source. The input persistent volume can be modified
TranslateInTreePVToCSI(logger klog.Logger, pv *v1.PersistentVolume) (*v1.PersistentVolume, error)
// TranslateCSIPVToInTree takes a PV with a CSI PersistentVolume Source and will translate
// it to a in-tree Persistent Volume Source for the in-tree volume
// by the `Driver` field in the CSI Source. The input PV object can be modified
TranslateCSIPVToInTree(pv *v1.PersistentVolume) (*v1.PersistentVolume, error)
// CanSupport tests whether the plugin supports a given persistent volume
// specification from the API.
CanSupport(pv *v1.PersistentVolume) bool
// CanSupportInline tests whether the plugin supports a given inline volume
// specification from the API.
CanSupportInline(vol *v1.Volume) bool
// GetInTreePluginName returns the in-tree plugin name this migrates
GetInTreePluginName() string
// GetCSIPluginName returns the name of the CSI plugin that supersedes the in-tree plugin
GetCSIPluginName() string
// RepairVolumeHandle generates a correct volume handle based on node ID information.
RepairVolumeHandle(volumeHandle, nodeID string) (string, error)
const (
// fsTypeKey is the deprecated storage class parameter key for fstype
fsTypeKey = "fstype"
// csiFsTypeKey is the storage class parameter key for CSI fstype
csiFsTypeKey = "csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype"
// zoneKey is the deprecated storage class parameter key for zone
zoneKey = "zone"
// zonesKey is the deprecated storage class parameter key for zones
zonesKey = "zones"
// replaceTopology overwrites an existing key in NodeAffinity by a new one.
// If there are any newKey already exist in an expression of a term, we will
// not combine the replaced key Values with the existing ones.
// So there might be duplication if there is any newKey expression
// already in the terms.
func replaceTopology(pv *v1.PersistentVolume, oldKey, newKey string) error {
// Make sure the necessary fields exist
if pv == nil || pv.Spec.NodeAffinity == nil || pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required == nil ||
pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms == nil || len(pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms) == 0 {
return nil
for i := range pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms {
for j, r := range pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms[i].MatchExpressions {
if r.Key == oldKey {
pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms[i].MatchExpressions[j].Key = newKey
return nil
// getTopologyValues returns all unique topology values with the given key found in
// the PV NodeAffinity. Sort by alphabetical order.
// This function collapses multiple zones into a list that is ORed. This assumes that
// the plugin does not support a constraint like key in "zone1" AND "zone2"
func getTopologyValues(pv *v1.PersistentVolume, key string) []string {
if pv.Spec.NodeAffinity == nil ||
pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required == nil ||
len(pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms) < 1 {
return nil
values := make(map[string]bool)
for i := range pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms {
for _, r := range pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms[i].MatchExpressions {
if r.Key == key {
for _, v := range r.Values {
values[v] = true
// remove duplication and sort them in order for better usage
var re []string
for k := range values {
re = append(re, k)
return re
// addTopology appends the topology to the given PV to all Terms.
func addTopology(pv *v1.PersistentVolume, topologyKey string, zones []string) error {
// Make sure there are no duplicate or empty strings
filteredZones := sets.String{}
for i := range zones {
zone := strings.TrimSpace(zones[i])
if len(zone) > 0 {
zones = filteredZones.List()
if len(zones) < 1 {
return errors.New("there are no valid zones to add to pv")
// Make sure the necessary fields exist
if pv.Spec.NodeAffinity == nil {
pv.Spec.NodeAffinity = new(v1.VolumeNodeAffinity)
if pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required == nil {
pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required = new(v1.NodeSelector)
if len(pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms) == 0 {
pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms = make([]v1.NodeSelectorTerm, 1)
topology := v1.NodeSelectorRequirement{
Key: topologyKey,
Operator: v1.NodeSelectorOpIn,
Values: zones,
// add the CSI topology to each term
for i := range pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms {
pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms[i].MatchExpressions = append(
return nil
// translateTopologyFromInTreeToCSI converts existing zone labels or in-tree topology to CSI topology.
// In-tree topology has precedence over zone labels. When both in-tree topology and zone labels exist
// for a particular CSI topology, in-tree topology will be used.
// This function will remove the Beta version Kubernetes topology label in case the node upgrade to a
// newer version where it does not have any Beta topology label anymore
func translateTopologyFromInTreeToCSI(pv *v1.PersistentVolume, csiTopologyKey string) error {
zoneLabel, regionLabel := getTopologyLabel(pv)
// If Zone kubernetes topology exist, replace it to use csiTopologyKey
zones := getTopologyValues(pv, zoneLabel)
if len(zones) > 0 {
replaceTopology(pv, zoneLabel, csiTopologyKey)
} else {
// if nothing is in the NodeAffinity, try to fetch the topology from PV labels
if label, ok := pv.Labels[zoneLabel]; ok {
zones = strings.Split(label, labelMultiZoneDelimiter)
if len(zones) > 0 {
addTopology(pv, csiTopologyKey, zones)
// if the in-tree PV has beta region label, replace it with GA label to ensure
// the scheduler is able to schedule it on new nodes with only GA kubernetes label
// No need to check it for zone label because it has already been replaced if exist
if regionLabel == v1.LabelFailureDomainBetaRegion {
regions := getTopologyValues(pv, regionLabel)
if len(regions) > 0 {
replaceTopology(pv, regionLabel, v1.LabelTopologyRegion)
return nil
// getTopologyLabel checks if the kubernetes topology label used in this
// PV is GA and return the zone/region label used.
// The version checking follows the following orders
// 1. Check NodeAffinity
// 1.1 Check if zoneGA exists, if yes return GA labels
// 1.2 Check if zoneBeta exists, if yes return Beta labels
// 2. Check PV labels
// 2.1 Check if zoneGA exists, if yes return GA labels
// 2.2 Check if zoneBeta exists, if yes return Beta labels
func getTopologyLabel(pv *v1.PersistentVolume) (zoneLabel string, regionLabel string) {
if zoneGA := TopologyKeyExist(v1.LabelTopologyZone, pv.Spec.NodeAffinity); zoneGA {
return v1.LabelTopologyZone, v1.LabelTopologyRegion
if zoneBeta := TopologyKeyExist(v1.LabelFailureDomainBetaZone, pv.Spec.NodeAffinity); zoneBeta {
return v1.LabelFailureDomainBetaZone, v1.LabelFailureDomainBetaRegion
if _, zoneGA := pv.Labels[v1.LabelTopologyZone]; zoneGA {
return v1.LabelTopologyZone, v1.LabelTopologyRegion
if _, zoneBeta := pv.Labels[v1.LabelFailureDomainBetaZone]; zoneBeta {
return v1.LabelFailureDomainBetaZone, v1.LabelFailureDomainBetaRegion
// No labels or NodeAffinity exist, default to GA version
return v1.LabelTopologyZone, v1.LabelTopologyRegion
// TopologyKeyExist checks if a certain key exists in a VolumeNodeAffinity
func TopologyKeyExist(key string, vna *v1.VolumeNodeAffinity) bool {
if vna == nil || vna.Required == nil || vna.Required.NodeSelectorTerms == nil || len(vna.Required.NodeSelectorTerms) == 0 {
return false
for _, nodeSelectorTerms := range vna.Required.NodeSelectorTerms {
nsrequirements := nodeSelectorTerms.MatchExpressions
for _, nodeSelectorRequirement := range nsrequirements {
if nodeSelectorRequirement.Key == key {
return true
return false
type regionParserFn func([]string) (string, error)
// translateTopologyFromCSIToInTree translate a CSI topology to
// Kubernetes topology and add topology labels to it. Note that this function
// will only work for plugin with a single topologyKey that translates to
// Kubernetes zone(and region if regionParser is passed in).
// If a plugin has more than one topologyKey, it will need to be processed
// separately by the plugin.
// If regionParser is nil, no region NodeAffinity will be added. If not nil,
// it'll be passed to regionTopologyHandler, which will add region topology NodeAffinity
// and labels for the given PV. It assumes the Zone NodeAffinity already exists.
// In short this function will,
// 1. Replace all CSI topology to Kubernetes Zone topology label
// 2. Process and generate region topology if a regionParser is passed
// 3. Add Kubernetes Topology labels(zone) if they do not exist
func translateTopologyFromCSIToInTree(pv *v1.PersistentVolume, csiTopologyKey string, regionParser regionParserFn) error {
zoneLabel, _ := getTopologyLabel(pv)
// 1. Replace all CSI topology to Kubernetes Zone label
err := replaceTopology(pv, csiTopologyKey, zoneLabel)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to replace CSI topology to Kubernetes topology, error: %v", err)
// 2. Take care of region topology if a regionParser is passed
if regionParser != nil {
// let's make less strict on this one. Even if there is an error in the region processing, just ignore it
err = regionTopologyHandler(pv, regionParser)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to handle region topology. error: %v", err)
// 3. Add labels about Kubernetes Topology
zoneVals := getTopologyValues(pv, zoneLabel)
if len(zoneVals) > 0 {
if pv.Labels == nil {
pv.Labels = make(map[string]string)
_, zoneOK := pv.Labels[zoneLabel]
if !zoneOK {
zoneValStr := strings.Join(zoneVals, labelMultiZoneDelimiter)
pv.Labels[zoneLabel] = zoneValStr
return nil
// translateAllowedTopologies translates allowed topologies within storage class or PV
// from legacy failure domain to given CSI topology key
func translateAllowedTopologies(terms []v1.TopologySelectorTerm, key string) ([]v1.TopologySelectorTerm, error) {
if terms == nil {
return nil, nil
newTopologies := []v1.TopologySelectorTerm{}
for _, term := range terms {
newTerm := v1.TopologySelectorTerm{}
for _, exp := range term.MatchLabelExpressions {
var newExp v1.TopologySelectorLabelRequirement
if exp.Key == v1.LabelFailureDomainBetaZone || exp.Key == v1.LabelTopologyZone {
newExp = v1.TopologySelectorLabelRequirement{
Key: key,
Values: exp.Values,
} else {
// Other topologies are passed through unchanged.
newExp = exp
newTerm.MatchLabelExpressions = append(newTerm.MatchLabelExpressions, newExp)
newTopologies = append(newTopologies, newTerm)
return newTopologies, nil
// regionTopologyHandler will process the PV and add region
// kubernetes topology label to its NodeAffinity and labels
// It assumes the Zone NodeAffinity already exists
// Each provider is responsible for providing their own regionParser
func regionTopologyHandler(pv *v1.PersistentVolume, regionParser regionParserFn) error {
// Make sure the necessary fields exist
if pv == nil || pv.Spec.NodeAffinity == nil || pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required == nil ||
pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms == nil || len(pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms) == 0 {
return nil
zoneLabel, regionLabel := getTopologyLabel(pv)
// process each term
for index, nodeSelectorTerm := range pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms {
// In the first loop, see if regionLabel already exist
regionExist := false
var zoneVals []string
for _, nsRequirement := range nodeSelectorTerm.MatchExpressions {
if nsRequirement.Key == regionLabel {
regionExist = true
} else if nsRequirement.Key == zoneLabel {
zoneVals = append(zoneVals, nsRequirement.Values...)
if regionExist {
// Regionlabel already exist in this term, skip it
// If no regionLabel found, generate region label from the zoneLabel we collect from this term
regionVal, err := regionParser(zoneVals)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add the regionVal to this term
pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms[index].MatchExpressions =
append(pv.Spec.NodeAffinity.Required.NodeSelectorTerms[index].MatchExpressions, v1.NodeSelectorRequirement{
Key: regionLabel,
Operator: v1.NodeSelectorOpIn,
Values: []string{regionVal},
// Add region label
regionVals := getTopologyValues(pv, regionLabel)
if len(regionVals) == 1 {
// We should only have exactly 1 region value
if pv.Labels == nil {
pv.Labels = make(map[string]string)
_, regionOK := pv.Labels[regionLabel]
if !regionOK {
pv.Labels[regionLabel] = regionVals[0]
return nil