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synced 2025-03-21 06:39:28 +00:00
update kubernetes and its dependencies to v1.26.1 Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <madhupr007@gmail.com>
359 lines
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359 lines
13 KiB
package internal
import (
type runOncePair struct {
//nodeId should only run once...
nodeID uint
nodeType types.NodeType
//...for specs in a hierarchy that includes this context
containerID uint
func (pair runOncePair) isZero() bool {
return pair.nodeID == 0
func runOncePairForNode(node Node, containerID uint) runOncePair {
return runOncePair{
nodeID: node.ID,
nodeType: node.NodeType,
containerID: containerID,
type runOncePairs []runOncePair
func runOncePairsForSpec(spec Spec) runOncePairs {
pairs := runOncePairs{}
containers := spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer)
for _, node := range spec.Nodes {
if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll | types.NodeTypeAfterAll) {
pairs = append(pairs, runOncePairForNode(node, containers.FirstWithNestingLevel(node.NestingLevel-1).ID))
} else if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeBeforeEach|types.NodeTypeJustBeforeEach|types.NodeTypeAfterEach|types.NodeTypeJustAfterEach) && node.MarkedOncePerOrdered {
passedIntoAnOrderedContainer := false
firstOrderedContainerDeeperThanNode := containers.FirstSatisfying(func(container Node) bool {
passedIntoAnOrderedContainer = passedIntoAnOrderedContainer || container.MarkedOrdered
return container.NestingLevel >= node.NestingLevel && passedIntoAnOrderedContainer
if firstOrderedContainerDeeperThanNode.IsZero() {
pairs = append(pairs, runOncePairForNode(node, firstOrderedContainerDeeperThanNode.ID))
return pairs
func (pairs runOncePairs) runOncePairFor(nodeID uint) runOncePair {
for i := range pairs {
if pairs[i].nodeID == nodeID {
return pairs[i]
return runOncePair{}
func (pairs runOncePairs) hasRunOncePair(pair runOncePair) bool {
for i := range pairs {
if pairs[i] == pair {
return true
return false
func (pairs runOncePairs) withType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) runOncePairs {
count := 0
for i := range pairs {
if pairs[i].nodeType.Is(nodeTypes) {
out, j := make(runOncePairs, count), 0
for i := range pairs {
if pairs[i].nodeType.Is(nodeTypes) {
out[j] = pairs[i]
return out
type group struct {
suite *Suite
specs Specs
runOncePairs map[uint]runOncePairs
runOnceTracker map[runOncePair]types.SpecState
succeeded bool
func newGroup(suite *Suite) *group {
return &group{
suite: suite,
runOncePairs: map[uint]runOncePairs{},
runOnceTracker: map[runOncePair]types.SpecState{},
succeeded: true,
func (g *group) initialReportForSpec(spec Spec) types.SpecReport {
return types.SpecReport{
ContainerHierarchyTexts: spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer).Texts(),
ContainerHierarchyLocations: spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer).CodeLocations(),
ContainerHierarchyLabels: spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer).Labels(),
LeafNodeLocation: spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).CodeLocation,
LeafNodeType: types.NodeTypeIt,
LeafNodeText: spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).Text,
LeafNodeLabels: []string(spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).Labels),
ParallelProcess: g.suite.config.ParallelProcess,
IsSerial: spec.Nodes.HasNodeMarkedSerial(),
IsInOrderedContainer: !spec.Nodes.FirstNodeMarkedOrdered().IsZero(),
MaxFlakeAttempts: spec.Nodes.GetMaxFlakeAttempts(),
MaxMustPassRepeatedly: spec.Nodes.GetMaxMustPassRepeatedly(),
func (g *group) evaluateSkipStatus(spec Spec) (types.SpecState, types.Failure) {
if spec.Nodes.HasNodeMarkedPending() {
return types.SpecStatePending, types.Failure{}
if spec.Skip {
return types.SpecStateSkipped, types.Failure{}
if g.suite.interruptHandler.Status().Interrupted() || g.suite.skipAll {
return types.SpecStateSkipped, types.Failure{}
if !g.suite.deadline.IsZero() && g.suite.deadline.Before(time.Now()) {
return types.SpecStateSkipped, types.Failure{}
if !g.succeeded {
return types.SpecStateSkipped, g.suite.failureForLeafNodeWithMessage(spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt),
"Spec skipped because an earlier spec in an ordered container failed")
beforeOncePairs := g.runOncePairs[spec.SubjectID()].withType(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll | types.NodeTypeBeforeEach | types.NodeTypeJustBeforeEach)
for _, pair := range beforeOncePairs {
if g.runOnceTracker[pair].Is(types.SpecStateSkipped) {
return types.SpecStateSkipped, g.suite.failureForLeafNodeWithMessage(spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt),
fmt.Sprintf("Spec skipped because Skip() was called in %s", pair.nodeType))
if g.suite.config.DryRun {
return types.SpecStatePassed, types.Failure{}
return g.suite.currentSpecReport.State, g.suite.currentSpecReport.Failure
func (g *group) isLastSpecWithPair(specID uint, pair runOncePair) bool {
lastSpecID := uint(0)
for idx := range g.specs {
if g.specs[idx].Skip {
sID := g.specs[idx].SubjectID()
if g.runOncePairs[sID].hasRunOncePair(pair) {
lastSpecID = sID
return lastSpecID == specID
func (g *group) attemptSpec(isFinalAttempt bool, spec Spec) {
pairs := g.runOncePairs[spec.SubjectID()]
nodes := spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll)
nodes = append(nodes, spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeBeforeEach)...).SortedByAscendingNestingLevel()
nodes = append(nodes, spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeJustBeforeEach).SortedByAscendingNestingLevel()...)
nodes = append(nodes, spec.Nodes.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt))
terminatingNode, terminatingPair := Node{}, runOncePair{}
deadline := time.Time{}
if spec.SpecTimeout() > 0 {
deadline = time.Now().Add(spec.SpecTimeout())
for _, node := range nodes {
oncePair := pairs.runOncePairFor(node.ID)
if !oncePair.isZero() && g.runOnceTracker[oncePair].Is(types.SpecStatePassed) {
g.suite.currentSpecReport.State, g.suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = g.suite.runNode(node, deadline, spec.Nodes.BestTextFor(node))
g.suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = time.Since(g.suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime)
if !oncePair.isZero() {
g.runOnceTracker[oncePair] = g.suite.currentSpecReport.State
if g.suite.currentSpecReport.State != types.SpecStatePassed {
terminatingNode, terminatingPair = node, oncePair
afterNodeWasRun := map[uint]bool{}
includeDeferCleanups := false
for {
nodes := spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeAfterEach)
nodes = append(nodes, spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeAfterAll)...).SortedByDescendingNestingLevel()
nodes = append(spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeJustAfterEach).SortedByDescendingNestingLevel(), nodes...)
if !terminatingNode.IsZero() {
nodes = nodes.WithinNestingLevel(terminatingNode.NestingLevel)
if includeDeferCleanups {
nodes = append(nodes, g.suite.cleanupNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach).Reverse()...)
nodes = append(nodes, g.suite.cleanupNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll).Reverse()...)
nodes = nodes.Filter(func(node Node) bool {
if afterNodeWasRun[node.ID] {
//this node has already been run on this attempt, don't rerun it
return false
pair := runOncePair{}
switch node.NodeType {
case types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach, types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll:
// check if we were generated in an AfterNode that has already run
if afterNodeWasRun[node.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated] {
return true // we were, so we should definitely run this cleanup now
// looks like this cleanup nodes was generated by a before node or it.
// the run-once status of a cleanup node is governed by the run-once status of its generator
pair = pairs.runOncePairFor(node.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated)
pair = pairs.runOncePairFor(node.ID)
if pair.isZero() {
// this node is not governed by any run-once policy, we should run it
return true
// it's our last chance to run if we're the last spec for our oncePair
isLastSpecWithPair := g.isLastSpecWithPair(spec.SubjectID(), pair)
switch g.suite.currentSpecReport.State {
case types.SpecStatePassed: //this attempt is passing...
return isLastSpecWithPair //...we should run-once if we'this is our last chance
case types.SpecStateSkipped: //the spec was skipped by the user...
if isLastSpecWithPair {
return true //...we're the last spec, so we should run the AfterNode
if !terminatingPair.isZero() && terminatingNode.NestingLevel == node.NestingLevel {
return true //...or, a run-once node at our nesting level was skipped which means this is our last chance to run
case types.SpecStateFailed, types.SpecStatePanicked: // the spec has failed...
if isFinalAttempt {
return true //...if this was the last attempt then we're the last spec to run and so the AfterNode should run
if !terminatingPair.isZero() { // ...and it failed in a run-once. which will be running again
if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach | types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll) {
return terminatingNode.ID == node.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated // we should run this node if we're a clean-up generated by it
} else {
return terminatingNode.NestingLevel == node.NestingLevel // ...or if we're at the same nesting level
case types.SpecStateInterrupted, types.SpecStateAborted: // ...we've been interrupted and/or aborted
return true //...that means the test run is over and we should clean up the stack. Run the AfterNode
return false
if len(nodes) == 0 && includeDeferCleanups {
for _, node := range nodes {
afterNodeWasRun[node.ID] = true
state, failure := g.suite.runNode(node, deadline, spec.Nodes.BestTextFor(node))
g.suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = time.Since(g.suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime)
if g.suite.currentSpecReport.State == types.SpecStatePassed || state == types.SpecStateAborted {
g.suite.currentSpecReport.State = state
g.suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = failure
} else if state.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates) {
g.suite.currentSpecReport.AdditionalFailures = append(g.suite.currentSpecReport.AdditionalFailures, types.AdditionalFailure{State: state, Failure: failure})
includeDeferCleanups = true
func (g *group) run(specs Specs) {
g.specs = specs
for _, spec := range g.specs {
g.runOncePairs[spec.SubjectID()] = runOncePairsForSpec(spec)
for _, spec := range g.specs {
g.suite.currentSpecReport = g.initialReportForSpec(spec)
g.suite.currentSpecReport.State, g.suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = g.evaluateSkipStatus(spec)
g.suite.reportEach(spec, types.NodeTypeReportBeforeEach)
skip := g.suite.config.DryRun || g.suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates|types.SpecStateSkipped|types.SpecStatePending)
g.suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime = time.Now()
if !skip {
var maxAttempts = 1
if g.suite.currentSpecReport.MaxMustPassRepeatedly > 0 {
maxAttempts = max(1, spec.MustPassRepeatedly())
} else if g.suite.config.FlakeAttempts > 0 {
maxAttempts = g.suite.config.FlakeAttempts
g.suite.currentSpecReport.MaxFlakeAttempts = maxAttempts
} else if g.suite.currentSpecReport.MaxFlakeAttempts > 0 {
maxAttempts = max(1, spec.FlakeAttempts())
for attempt := 0; attempt < maxAttempts; attempt++ {
g.suite.currentSpecReport.NumAttempts = attempt + 1
if attempt > 0 {
if g.suite.currentSpecReport.MaxMustPassRepeatedly > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(g.suite.writer, "\nGinkgo: Attempt #%d Passed. Repeating...\n", attempt)
if g.suite.currentSpecReport.MaxFlakeAttempts > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(g.suite.writer, "\nGinkgo: Attempt #%d Failed. Retrying...\n", attempt)
g.attemptSpec(attempt == maxAttempts-1, spec)
g.suite.currentSpecReport.EndTime = time.Now()
g.suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = g.suite.currentSpecReport.EndTime.Sub(g.suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime)
g.suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput += string(g.suite.writer.Bytes())
g.suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedStdOutErr += g.suite.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput()
if g.suite.currentSpecReport.MaxMustPassRepeatedly > 0 {
if g.suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates | types.SpecStateSkipped) {
if g.suite.currentSpecReport.MaxFlakeAttempts > 0 {
if g.suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStatePassed | types.SpecStateSkipped | types.SpecStateAborted | types.SpecStateInterrupted) {
g.suite.reportEach(spec, types.NodeTypeReportAfterEach)
if g.suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates) {
g.succeeded = false
g.suite.currentSpecReport = types.SpecReport{}