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synced 2025-03-21 06:39:28 +00:00
This makes it possible to pull images from Docker Hub through the local container image registry in the CI OpenShift deployment. The registry in the CI is configured with the 'cephcsibot' account so that pulling images is accounted towards the account, and not anonymous consumers within the whole CentOS CI. There should be no need to manually sync the images between the local registry and Docker Hub anymore. Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
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def cico_retries = 16
def cico_retry_interval = 60
def ci_git_repo = 'https://github.com/ceph/ceph-csi'
def ci_git_branch = 'ci/centos'
def git_repo = 'https://github.com/ceph/ceph-csi'
def ref = "master"
def git_since = 'master'
def workdir = '/opt/build/go/src/github.com/ceph/ceph-csi'
def doc_change = 0
// private, internal container image repository
def ci_registry = 'registry-ceph-csi.apps.ocp.ci.centos.org'
def cached_image = "ceph-csi"
def use_test_image = 'USE_PULLED_IMAGE=yes'
def use_build_image = 'USE_PULLED_IMAGE=yes'
def ssh(cmd) {
sh "ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@${CICO_NODE} '${cmd}'"
def podman_login(registry, username, passwd) {
ssh "podman login --authfile=~/.podman-auth.json --username=${username} --password='${passwd}' ${registry}"
ssh 'cp container-registry.conf /etc/containers/registries.conf'
def podman_pull(registry, image) {
ssh "podman pull --authfile=~/.podman-auth.json ${registry}/${image} && podman tag ${registry}/${image} ${image}"
node('cico-workspace') {
stage('checkout ci repository') {
git url: "${ci_git_repo}",
branch: "${ci_git_branch}",
changelog: false
stage('checkout PR') {
if (params.ghprbPullId != null) {
ref = "pull/${ghprbPullId}/merge"
if (params.ghprbTargetBranch != null) {
git_since = "${ghprbTargetBranch}"
sh "git clone --depth=1 --branch='${git_since}' '${git_repo}' ~/build/ceph-csi"
sh "cd ~/build/ceph-csi && git fetch origin ${ref} && git checkout -b ${ref} FETCH_HEAD"
stage('check doc-only change') {
doc_change = sh(
script: "cd ~/build/ceph-csi && \${OLDPWD}/scripts/skip-doc-change.sh origin/${git_since}",
returnStatus: true)
// if doc_change (return value of skip-doc-change.sh is 1, do not run the other stages
if (doc_change == 1) {
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
stage('reserve bare-metal machine') {
def firstAttempt = true
retry(30) {
if (!firstAttempt) {
sleep(time: 5, unit: "MINUTES")
firstAttempt = false
cico = sh(
script: "cico node get -f value -c hostname -c comment --release=8 --retry-count=${cico_retries} --retry-interval=${cico_retry_interval}",
returnStdout: true
).trim().tokenize(' ')
env.CICO_NODE = "${cico[0]}.ci.centos.org"
env.CICO_SSID = "${cico[1]}"
try {
stage('prepare bare-metal machine') {
sh 'scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ./prepare.sh container-registry.conf root@${CICO_NODE}:'
// TODO: already checked out the PR on the node, scp the contents?
ssh "./prepare.sh --workdir=${workdir} --gitrepo=${git_repo} --ref=${ref}"
// run two jobs in parallel, one for the test container, and
// one for the devel container
// - check if the PR modifies the container image files
// - pull the container image from the repository of no
// modifications are detected
stage('pull container images') {
def rebuild_test_container = sh(
script: "cd ~/build/ceph-csi && \${OLDPWD}/scripts/container-needs-rebuild.sh test origin/${git_since}",
returnStatus: true)
def rebuild_devel_container = sh(
script: "cd ~/build/ceph-csi && \${OLDPWD}/scripts/container-needs-rebuild.sh devel origin/${git_since}",
returnStatus: true)
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'container-registry-auth', usernameVariable: 'CREDS_USER', passwordVariable: 'CREDS_PASSWD')]) {
podman_login(ci_registry, "${CREDS_USER}", "${CREDS_PASSWD}")
parallel test: {
node('cico-workspace') {
if (rebuild_test_container == 10) {
// container needs rebuild, don't pull
use_test_image = 'USE_PULLED_IMAGE=no'
podman_pull(ci_registry, "${cached_image}:test")
devel: {
node('cico-workspace') {
if (rebuild_devel_container == 10) {
// container needs rebuild, don't pull
use_build_image = 'USE_PULLED_IMAGE=no'
podman_pull(ci_registry, "${cached_image}:devel")
ceph: {
node('cico-workspace') {
def base_image = sh(
script: 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@${CICO_NODE} \'source /opt/build/go/src/github.com/ceph/ceph-csi/build.env && echo ${BASE_IMAGE}\'',
returnStdout: true
// base_image is like ceph/ceph:v15
podman_pull("docker.io", "${base_image}")
stage('test & build') {
parallel test: {
node ('cico-workspace') {
ssh "cd /opt/build/go/src/github.com/ceph/ceph-csi && make containerized-test CONTAINER_CMD=podman ENV_CSI_IMAGE_NAME=${cached_image} ${use_test_image}"
verify: {
node ('cico-workspace') {
ssh "cd /opt/build/go/src/github.com/ceph/ceph-csi && make containerized-test TARGET=mod-check CONTAINER_CMD=podman ENV_CSI_IMAGE_NAME=${cached_image} ${use_test_image}"
build: {
node('cico-workspace') {
ssh "cd /opt/build/go/src/github.com/ceph/ceph-csi && make containerized-build CONTAINER_CMD=podman ENV_CSI_IMAGE_NAME=${cached_image} ${use_build_image}"
finally {
stage('return bare-metal machine') {
sh 'cico node done ${CICO_SSID}'