Niels de Vos f87d06ed85 build: move e2e dependencies into e2e/go.mod
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These
packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the
final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image.

By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is
easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the
testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs).

Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
2025-03-04 17:43:49 +01:00

702 lines
28 KiB

package gomega
import (
// Equal uses reflect.DeepEqual to compare actual with expected. Equal is strict about
// types when performing comparisons.
// It is an error for both actual and expected to be nil. Use BeNil() instead.
func Equal(expected interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.EqualMatcher{
Expected: expected,
// BeEquivalentTo is more lax than Equal, allowing equality between different types.
// This is done by converting actual to have the type of expected before
// attempting equality with reflect.DeepEqual.
// It is an error for actual and expected to be nil. Use BeNil() instead.
func BeEquivalentTo(expected interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeEquivalentToMatcher{
Expected: expected,
// BeComparableTo uses gocmp.Equal from github.com/google/go-cmp (instead of reflect.DeepEqual) to perform a deep comparison.
// You can pass cmp.Option as options.
// It is an error for actual and expected to be nil. Use BeNil() instead.
func BeComparableTo(expected interface{}, opts ...cmp.Option) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeComparableToMatcher{
Expected: expected,
Options: opts,
// BeIdenticalTo uses the == operator to compare actual with expected.
// BeIdenticalTo is strict about types when performing comparisons.
// It is an error for both actual and expected to be nil. Use BeNil() instead.
func BeIdenticalTo(expected interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeIdenticalToMatcher{
Expected: expected,
// BeNil succeeds if actual is nil
func BeNil() types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeNilMatcher{}
// BeTrue succeeds if actual is true
// In general, it's better to use `BeTrueBecause(reason)` to provide a more useful error message if a true check fails.
func BeTrue() types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeTrueMatcher{}
// BeFalse succeeds if actual is false
// In general, it's better to use `BeFalseBecause(reason)` to provide a more useful error message if a false check fails.
func BeFalse() types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeFalseMatcher{}
// BeTrueBecause succeeds if actual is true and displays the provided reason if it is false
// fmt.Sprintf is used to render the reason
func BeTrueBecause(format string, args ...any) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeTrueMatcher{Reason: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)}
// BeFalseBecause succeeds if actual is false and displays the provided reason if it is true.
// fmt.Sprintf is used to render the reason
func BeFalseBecause(format string, args ...any) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeFalseMatcher{Reason: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)}
// HaveOccurred succeeds if actual is a non-nil error
// The typical Go error checking pattern looks like:
// err := SomethingThatMightFail()
// Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
func HaveOccurred() types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveOccurredMatcher{}
// Succeed passes if actual is a nil error
// Succeed is intended to be used with functions that return a single error value. Instead of
// err := SomethingThatMightFail()
// Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
// You can write:
// Expect(SomethingThatMightFail()).Should(Succeed())
// It is a mistake to use Succeed with a function that has multiple return values. Gomega's Ω and Expect
// functions automatically trigger failure if any return values after the first return value are non-zero/non-nil.
// This means that Ω(MultiReturnFunc()).ShouldNot(Succeed()) can never pass.
func Succeed() types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.SucceedMatcher{}
// MatchError succeeds if actual is a non-nil error that matches the passed in
// string, error, function, or matcher.
// These are valid use-cases:
// When passed a string:
// Expect(err).To(MatchError("an error"))
// asserts that err.Error() == "an error"
// When passed an error:
// Expect(err).To(MatchError(SomeError))
// First checks if errors.Is(err, SomeError).
// If that fails then it checks if reflect.DeepEqual(err, SomeError) repeatedly for err and any errors wrapped by err
// When passed a matcher:
// Expect(err).To(MatchError(ContainSubstring("sprocket not found")))
// the matcher is passed err.Error(). In this case it asserts that err.Error() contains substring "sprocket not found"
// When passed a func(err) bool and a description:
// Expect(err).To(MatchError(os.IsNotExist, "IsNotExist"))
// the function is passed err and matches if the return value is true. The description is required to allow Gomega
// to print a useful error message.
// It is an error for err to be nil or an object that does not implement the
// Error interface
// The optional second argument is a description of the error function, if used. This is required when passing a function but is ignored in all other cases.
func MatchError(expected interface{}, functionErrorDescription ...any) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.MatchErrorMatcher{
Expected: expected,
FuncErrDescription: functionErrorDescription,
// BeClosed succeeds if actual is a closed channel.
// It is an error to pass a non-channel to BeClosed, it is also an error to pass nil
// In order to check whether or not the channel is closed, Gomega must try to read from the channel
// (even in the `ShouldNot(BeClosed())` case). You should keep this in mind if you wish to make subsequent assertions about
// values coming down the channel.
// Also, if you are testing that a *buffered* channel is closed you must first read all values out of the channel before
// asserting that it is closed (it is not possible to detect that a buffered-channel has been closed until all its buffered values are read).
// Finally, as a corollary: it is an error to check whether or not a send-only channel is closed.
func BeClosed() types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeClosedMatcher{}
// Receive succeeds if there is a value to be received on actual.
// Actual must be a channel (and cannot be a send-only channel) -- anything else is an error.
// Receive returns immediately and never blocks:
// - If there is nothing on the channel `c` then Expect(c).Should(Receive()) will fail and Ω(c).ShouldNot(Receive()) will pass.
// - If the channel `c` is closed then Expect(c).Should(Receive()) will fail and Ω(c).ShouldNot(Receive()) will pass.
// - If there is something on the channel `c` ready to be read, then Expect(c).Should(Receive()) will pass and Ω(c).ShouldNot(Receive()) will fail.
// If you have a go-routine running in the background that will write to channel `c` you can:
// Eventually(c).Should(Receive())
// This will timeout if nothing gets sent to `c` (you can modify the timeout interval as you normally do with `Eventually`)
// A similar use-case is to assert that no go-routine writes to a channel (for a period of time). You can do this with `Consistently`:
// Consistently(c).ShouldNot(Receive())
// You can pass `Receive` a matcher. If you do so, it will match the received object against the matcher. For example:
// Expect(c).Should(Receive(Equal("foo")))
// When given a matcher, `Receive` will always fail if there is nothing to be received on the channel.
// Passing Receive a matcher is especially useful when paired with Eventually:
// Eventually(c).Should(Receive(ContainSubstring("bar")))
// will repeatedly attempt to pull values out of `c` until a value matching "bar" is received.
// Furthermore, if you want to have a reference to the value *sent* to the channel you can pass the `Receive` matcher a pointer to a variable of the appropriate type:
// var myThing thing
// Eventually(thingChan).Should(Receive(&myThing))
// Expect(myThing.Sprocket).Should(Equal("foo"))
// Expect(myThing.IsValid()).Should(BeTrue())
// Finally, if you want to match the received object as well as get the actual received value into a variable, so you can reason further about the value received,
// you can pass a pointer to a variable of the approriate type first, and second a matcher:
// var myThing thing
// Eventually(thingChan).Should(Receive(&myThing, ContainSubstring("bar")))
func Receive(args ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.ReceiveMatcher{
Args: args,
// BeSent succeeds if a value can be sent to actual.
// Actual must be a channel (and cannot be a receive-only channel) that can sent the type of the value passed into BeSent -- anything else is an error.
// In addition, actual must not be closed.
// BeSent never blocks:
// - If the channel `c` is not ready to receive then Expect(c).Should(BeSent("foo")) will fail immediately
// - If the channel `c` is eventually ready to receive then Eventually(c).Should(BeSent("foo")) will succeed.. presuming the channel becomes ready to receive before Eventually's timeout
// - If the channel `c` is closed then Expect(c).Should(BeSent("foo")) and Ω(c).ShouldNot(BeSent("foo")) will both fail immediately
// Of course, the value is actually sent to the channel. The point of `BeSent` is less to make an assertion about the availability of the channel (which is typically an implementation detail that your test should not be concerned with).
// Rather, the point of `BeSent` is to make it possible to easily and expressively write tests that can timeout on blocked channel sends.
func BeSent(arg interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeSentMatcher{
Arg: arg,
// MatchRegexp succeeds if actual is a string or stringer that matches the
// passed-in regexp. Optional arguments can be provided to construct a regexp
// via fmt.Sprintf().
func MatchRegexp(regexp string, args ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.MatchRegexpMatcher{
Regexp: regexp,
Args: args,
// ContainSubstring succeeds if actual is a string or stringer that contains the
// passed-in substring. Optional arguments can be provided to construct the substring
// via fmt.Sprintf().
func ContainSubstring(substr string, args ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.ContainSubstringMatcher{
Substr: substr,
Args: args,
// HavePrefix succeeds if actual is a string or stringer that contains the
// passed-in string as a prefix. Optional arguments can be provided to construct
// via fmt.Sprintf().
func HavePrefix(prefix string, args ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HavePrefixMatcher{
Prefix: prefix,
Args: args,
// HaveSuffix succeeds if actual is a string or stringer that contains the
// passed-in string as a suffix. Optional arguments can be provided to construct
// via fmt.Sprintf().
func HaveSuffix(suffix string, args ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveSuffixMatcher{
Suffix: suffix,
Args: args,
// MatchJSON succeeds if actual is a string or stringer of JSON that matches
// the expected JSON. The JSONs are decoded and the resulting objects are compared via
// reflect.DeepEqual so things like key-ordering and whitespace shouldn't matter.
func MatchJSON(json interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.MatchJSONMatcher{
JSONToMatch: json,
// MatchXML succeeds if actual is a string or stringer of XML that matches
// the expected XML. The XMLs are decoded and the resulting objects are compared via
// reflect.DeepEqual so things like whitespaces shouldn't matter.
func MatchXML(xml interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.MatchXMLMatcher{
XMLToMatch: xml,
// MatchYAML succeeds if actual is a string or stringer of YAML that matches
// the expected YAML. The YAML's are decoded and the resulting objects are compared via
// reflect.DeepEqual so things like key-ordering and whitespace shouldn't matter.
func MatchYAML(yaml interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.MatchYAMLMatcher{
YAMLToMatch: yaml,
// BeEmpty succeeds if actual is empty. Actual must be of type string, array, map, chan, or slice.
func BeEmpty() types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeEmptyMatcher{}
// HaveLen succeeds if actual has the passed-in length. Actual must be of type string, array, map, chan, or slice.
func HaveLen(count int) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveLenMatcher{
Count: count,
// HaveCap succeeds if actual has the passed-in capacity. Actual must be of type array, chan, or slice.
func HaveCap(count int) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveCapMatcher{
Count: count,
// BeZero succeeds if actual is the zero value for its type or if actual is nil.
func BeZero() types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeZeroMatcher{}
// ContainElement succeeds if actual contains the passed in element. By default
// ContainElement() uses Equal() to perform the match, however a matcher can be
// passed in instead:
// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(ContainElement(ContainSubstring("Bar")))
// Actual must be an array, slice or map. For maps, ContainElement searches
// through the map's values.
// If you want to have a copy of the matching element(s) found you can pass a
// pointer to a variable of the appropriate type. If the variable isn't a slice
// or map, then exactly one match will be expected and returned. If the variable
// is a slice or map, then at least one match is expected and all matches will be
// stored in the variable.
// var findings []string
// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(ContainElement(ContainSubString("Bar", &findings)))
func ContainElement(element interface{}, result ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.ContainElementMatcher{
Element: element,
Result: result,
// BeElementOf succeeds if actual is contained in the passed in elements.
// BeElementOf() always uses Equal() to perform the match.
// When the passed in elements are comprised of a single element that is either an Array or Slice, BeElementOf() behaves
// as the reverse of ContainElement() that operates with Equal() to perform the match.
// Expect(2).Should(BeElementOf([]int{1, 2}))
// Expect(2).Should(BeElementOf([2]int{1, 2}))
// Otherwise, BeElementOf() provides a syntactic sugar for Or(Equal(_), Equal(_), ...):
// Expect(2).Should(BeElementOf(1, 2))
// Actual must be typed.
func BeElementOf(elements ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeElementOfMatcher{
Elements: elements,
// BeKeyOf succeeds if actual is contained in the keys of the passed in map.
// BeKeyOf() always uses Equal() to perform the match between actual and the map keys.
// Expect("foo").Should(BeKeyOf(map[string]bool{"foo": true, "bar": false}))
func BeKeyOf(element interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeKeyOfMatcher{
Map: element,
// ConsistOf succeeds if actual contains precisely the elements passed into the matcher. The ordering of the elements does not matter.
// By default ConsistOf() uses Equal() to match the elements, however custom matchers can be passed in instead. Here are some examples:
// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(ConsistOf("FooBar", "Foo"))
// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(ConsistOf(ContainSubstring("Bar"), "Foo"))
// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(ConsistOf(ContainSubstring("Foo"), ContainSubstring("Foo")))
// Actual must be an array, slice or map. For maps, ConsistOf matches against the map's values.
// You typically pass variadic arguments to ConsistOf (as in the examples above). However, if you need to pass in a slice you can provided that it
// is the only element passed in to ConsistOf:
// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(ConsistOf([]string{"FooBar", "Foo"}))
// Note that Go's type system does not allow you to write this as ConsistOf([]string{"FooBar", "Foo"}...) as []string and []interface{} are different types - hence the need for this special rule.
func ConsistOf(elements ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.ConsistOfMatcher{
Elements: elements,
// HaveExactElements succeeds if actual contains elements that precisely match the elemets passed into the matcher. The ordering of the elements does matter.
// By default HaveExactElements() uses Equal() to match the elements, however custom matchers can be passed in instead. Here are some examples:
// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(HaveExactElements("Foo", "FooBar"))
// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(HaveExactElements("Foo", ContainSubstring("Bar")))
// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(HaveExactElements(ContainSubstring("Foo"), ContainSubstring("Foo")))
// Actual must be an array or slice.
func HaveExactElements(elements ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveExactElementsMatcher{
Elements: elements,
// ContainElements succeeds if actual contains the passed in elements. The ordering of the elements does not matter.
// By default ContainElements() uses Equal() to match the elements, however custom matchers can be passed in instead. Here are some examples:
// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(ContainElements("FooBar"))
// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(ContainElements(ContainSubstring("Bar"), "Foo"))
// Actual must be an array, slice or map.
// For maps, ContainElements searches through the map's values.
func ContainElements(elements ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.ContainElementsMatcher{
Elements: elements,
// HaveEach succeeds if actual solely contains elements that match the passed in element.
// Please note that if actual is empty, HaveEach always will fail.
// By default HaveEach() uses Equal() to perform the match, however a
// matcher can be passed in instead:
// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(HaveEach(ContainSubstring("Foo")))
// Actual must be an array, slice or map.
// For maps, HaveEach searches through the map's values.
func HaveEach(element interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveEachMatcher{
Element: element,
// HaveKey succeeds if actual is a map with the passed in key.
// By default HaveKey uses Equal() to perform the match, however a
// matcher can be passed in instead:
// Expect(map[string]string{"Foo": "Bar", "BazFoo": "Duck"}).Should(HaveKey(MatchRegexp(`.+Foo$`)))
func HaveKey(key interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveKeyMatcher{
Key: key,
// HaveKeyWithValue succeeds if actual is a map with the passed in key and value.
// By default HaveKeyWithValue uses Equal() to perform the match, however a
// matcher can be passed in instead:
// Expect(map[string]string{"Foo": "Bar", "BazFoo": "Duck"}).Should(HaveKeyWithValue("Foo", "Bar"))
// Expect(map[string]string{"Foo": "Bar", "BazFoo": "Duck"}).Should(HaveKeyWithValue(MatchRegexp(`.+Foo$`), "Bar"))
func HaveKeyWithValue(key interface{}, value interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveKeyWithValueMatcher{
Key: key,
Value: value,
// HaveField succeeds if actual is a struct and the value at the passed in field
// matches the passed in matcher. By default HaveField used Equal() to perform the match,
// however a matcher can be passed in in stead.
// The field must be a string that resolves to the name of a field in the struct. Structs can be traversed
// using the '.' delimiter. If the field ends with '()' a method named field is assumed to exist on the struct and is invoked.
// Such methods must take no arguments and return a single value:
// type Book struct {
// Title string
// Author Person
// }
// type Person struct {
// FirstName string
// LastName string
// DOB time.Time
// }
// Expect(book).To(HaveField("Title", "Les Miserables"))
// Expect(book).To(HaveField("Title", ContainSubstring("Les"))
// Expect(book).To(HaveField("Author.FirstName", Equal("Victor"))
// Expect(book).To(HaveField("Author.DOB.Year()", BeNumerically("<", 1900))
func HaveField(field string, expected interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveFieldMatcher{
Field: field,
Expected: expected,
// HaveExistingField succeeds if actual is a struct and the specified field
// exists.
// HaveExistingField can be combined with HaveField in order to cover use cases
// with optional fields. HaveField alone would trigger an error in such situations.
// Expect(MrHarmless).NotTo(And(HaveExistingField("Title"), HaveField("Title", "Supervillain")))
func HaveExistingField(field string) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveExistingFieldMatcher{
Field: field,
// HaveValue applies the given matcher to the value of actual, optionally and
// repeatedly dereferencing pointers or taking the concrete value of interfaces.
// Thus, the matcher will always be applied to non-pointer and non-interface
// values only. HaveValue will fail with an error if a pointer or interface is
// nil. It will also fail for more than 31 pointer or interface dereferences to
// guard against mistakenly applying it to arbitrarily deep linked pointers.
// HaveValue differs from gstruct.PointTo in that it does not expect actual to
// be a pointer (as gstruct.PointTo does) but instead also accepts non-pointer
// and even interface values.
// actual := 42
// Expect(actual).To(HaveValue(42))
// Expect(&actual).To(HaveValue(42))
func HaveValue(matcher types.GomegaMatcher) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveValueMatcher{
Matcher: matcher,
// BeNumerically performs numerical assertions in a type-agnostic way.
// Actual and expected should be numbers, though the specific type of
// number is irrelevant (float32, float64, uint8, etc...).
// There are six, self-explanatory, supported comparators:
// Expect(1.0).Should(BeNumerically("==", 1))
// Expect(1.0).Should(BeNumerically("~", 0.999, 0.01))
// Expect(1.0).Should(BeNumerically(">", 0.9))
// Expect(1.0).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 1.0))
// Expect(1.0).Should(BeNumerically("<", 3))
// Expect(1.0).Should(BeNumerically("<=", 1.0))
func BeNumerically(comparator string, compareTo ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeNumericallyMatcher{
Comparator: comparator,
CompareTo: compareTo,
// BeTemporally compares time.Time's like BeNumerically
// Actual and expected must be time.Time. The comparators are the same as for BeNumerically
// Expect(time.Now()).Should(BeTemporally(">", time.Time{}))
// Expect(time.Now()).Should(BeTemporally("~", time.Now(), time.Second))
func BeTemporally(comparator string, compareTo time.Time, threshold ...time.Duration) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeTemporallyMatcher{
Comparator: comparator,
CompareTo: compareTo,
Threshold: threshold,
// BeAssignableToTypeOf succeeds if actual is assignable to the type of expected.
// It will return an error when one of the values is nil.
// Expect(0).Should(BeAssignableToTypeOf(0)) // Same values
// Expect(5).Should(BeAssignableToTypeOf(-1)) // different values same type
// Expect("foo").Should(BeAssignableToTypeOf("bar")) // different values same type
// Expect(struct{ Foo string }{}).Should(BeAssignableToTypeOf(struct{ Foo string }{}))
func BeAssignableToTypeOf(expected interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.AssignableToTypeOfMatcher{
Expected: expected,
// Panic succeeds if actual is a function that, when invoked, panics.
// Actual must be a function that takes no arguments and returns no results.
func Panic() types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.PanicMatcher{}
// PanicWith succeeds if actual is a function that, when invoked, panics with a specific value.
// Actual must be a function that takes no arguments and returns no results.
// By default PanicWith uses Equal() to perform the match, however a
// matcher can be passed in instead:
// Expect(fn).Should(PanicWith(MatchRegexp(`.+Foo$`)))
func PanicWith(expected interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.PanicMatcher{Expected: expected}
// BeAnExistingFile succeeds if a file exists.
// Actual must be a string representing the abs path to the file being checked.
func BeAnExistingFile() types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeAnExistingFileMatcher{}
// BeARegularFile succeeds if a file exists and is a regular file.
// Actual must be a string representing the abs path to the file being checked.
func BeARegularFile() types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeARegularFileMatcher{}
// BeADirectory succeeds if a file exists and is a directory.
// Actual must be a string representing the abs path to the file being checked.
func BeADirectory() types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.BeADirectoryMatcher{}
// HaveHTTPStatus succeeds if the Status or StatusCode field of an HTTP response matches.
// Actual must be either a *http.Response or *httptest.ResponseRecorder.
// Expected must be either an int or a string.
// Expect(resp).Should(HaveHTTPStatus(http.StatusOK)) // asserts that resp.StatusCode == 200
// Expect(resp).Should(HaveHTTPStatus("404 Not Found")) // asserts that resp.Status == "404 Not Found"
// Expect(resp).Should(HaveHTTPStatus(http.StatusOK, http.StatusNoContent)) // asserts that resp.StatusCode == 200 || resp.StatusCode == 204
func HaveHTTPStatus(expected ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveHTTPStatusMatcher{Expected: expected}
// HaveHTTPHeaderWithValue succeeds if the header is found and the value matches.
// Actual must be either a *http.Response or *httptest.ResponseRecorder.
// Expected must be a string header name, followed by a header value which
// can be a string, or another matcher.
func HaveHTTPHeaderWithValue(header string, value interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveHTTPHeaderWithValueMatcher{
Header: header,
Value: value,
// HaveHTTPBody matches if the body matches.
// Actual must be either a *http.Response or *httptest.ResponseRecorder.
// Expected must be either a string, []byte, or other matcher
func HaveHTTPBody(expected interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.HaveHTTPBodyMatcher{Expected: expected}
// And succeeds only if all of the given matchers succeed.
// The matchers are tried in order, and will fail-fast if one doesn't succeed.
// Expect("hi").To(And(HaveLen(2), Equal("hi"))
// And(), Or(), Not() and WithTransform() allow matchers to be composed into complex expressions.
func And(ms ...types.GomegaMatcher) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.AndMatcher{Matchers: ms}
// SatisfyAll is an alias for And().
// Expect("hi").Should(SatisfyAll(HaveLen(2), Equal("hi")))
func SatisfyAll(matchers ...types.GomegaMatcher) types.GomegaMatcher {
return And(matchers...)
// Or succeeds if any of the given matchers succeed.
// The matchers are tried in order and will return immediately upon the first successful match.
// Expect("hi").To(Or(HaveLen(3), HaveLen(2))
// And(), Or(), Not() and WithTransform() allow matchers to be composed into complex expressions.
func Or(ms ...types.GomegaMatcher) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.OrMatcher{Matchers: ms}
// SatisfyAny is an alias for Or().
// Expect("hi").SatisfyAny(Or(HaveLen(3), HaveLen(2))
func SatisfyAny(matchers ...types.GomegaMatcher) types.GomegaMatcher {
return Or(matchers...)
// Not negates the given matcher; it succeeds if the given matcher fails.
// Expect(1).To(Not(Equal(2))
// And(), Or(), Not() and WithTransform() allow matchers to be composed into complex expressions.
func Not(matcher types.GomegaMatcher) types.GomegaMatcher {
return &matchers.NotMatcher{Matcher: matcher}
// WithTransform applies the `transform` to the actual value and matches it against `matcher`.
// The given transform must be either a function of one parameter that returns one value or a
// function of one parameter that returns two values, where the second value must be of the
// error type.
// var plus1 = func(i int) int { return i + 1 }
// Expect(1).To(WithTransform(plus1, Equal(2))
// var failingplus1 = func(i int) (int, error) { return 42, "this does not compute" }
// Expect(1).To(WithTransform(failingplus1, Equal(2)))
// And(), Or(), Not() and WithTransform() allow matchers to be composed into complex expressions.
func WithTransform(transform interface{}, matcher types.GomegaMatcher) types.GomegaMatcher {
return matchers.NewWithTransformMatcher(transform, matcher)
// Satisfy matches the actual value against the `predicate` function.
// The given predicate must be a function of one paramter that returns bool.
// var isEven = func(i int) bool { return i%2 == 0 }
// Expect(2).To(Satisfy(isEven))
func Satisfy(predicate interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
return matchers.NewSatisfyMatcher(predicate)