Niels de Vos f87d06ed85 build: move e2e dependencies into e2e/go.mod
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These
packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the
final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image.

By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is
easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the
testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs).

Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
2025-03-04 17:43:49 +01:00

608 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The etcd Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package clientv3
import (
pb "go.etcd.io/etcd/api/v3/etcdserverpb"
type (
LeaseRevokeResponse pb.LeaseRevokeResponse
LeaseID int64
// LeaseGrantResponse wraps the protobuf message LeaseGrantResponse.
type LeaseGrantResponse struct {
ID LeaseID
TTL int64
Error string
// LeaseKeepAliveResponse wraps the protobuf message LeaseKeepAliveResponse.
type LeaseKeepAliveResponse struct {
ID LeaseID
TTL int64
// LeaseTimeToLiveResponse wraps the protobuf message LeaseTimeToLiveResponse.
type LeaseTimeToLiveResponse struct {
ID LeaseID `json:"id"`
// TTL is the remaining TTL in seconds for the lease; the lease will expire in under TTL+1 seconds. Expired lease will return -1.
TTL int64 `json:"ttl"`
// GrantedTTL is the initial granted time in seconds upon lease creation/renewal.
GrantedTTL int64 `json:"granted-ttl"`
// Keys is the list of keys attached to this lease.
Keys [][]byte `json:"keys"`
// LeaseStatus represents a lease status.
type LeaseStatus struct {
ID LeaseID `json:"id"`
// TODO: TTL int64
// LeaseLeasesResponse wraps the protobuf message LeaseLeasesResponse.
type LeaseLeasesResponse struct {
Leases []LeaseStatus `json:"leases"`
const (
// defaultTTL is the assumed lease TTL used for the first keepalive
// deadline before the actual TTL is known to the client.
defaultTTL = 5 * time.Second
// NoLease is a lease ID for the absence of a lease.
NoLease LeaseID = 0
// retryConnWait is how long to wait before retrying request due to an error
retryConnWait = 500 * time.Millisecond
// LeaseResponseChSize is the size of buffer to store unsent lease responses.
// Only for testing purposes.
var LeaseResponseChSize = 16
// ErrKeepAliveHalted is returned if client keep alive loop halts with an unexpected error.
// This usually means that automatic lease renewal via KeepAlive is broken, but KeepAliveOnce will still work as expected.
type ErrKeepAliveHalted struct {
Reason error
func (e ErrKeepAliveHalted) Error() string {
s := "etcdclient: leases keep alive halted"
if e.Reason != nil {
s += ": " + e.Reason.Error()
return s
type Lease interface {
// Grant creates a new lease.
Grant(ctx context.Context, ttl int64) (*LeaseGrantResponse, error)
// Revoke revokes the given lease.
Revoke(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (*LeaseRevokeResponse, error)
// TimeToLive retrieves the lease information of the given lease ID.
TimeToLive(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID, opts ...LeaseOption) (*LeaseTimeToLiveResponse, error)
// Leases retrieves all leases.
Leases(ctx context.Context) (*LeaseLeasesResponse, error)
// KeepAlive attempts to keep the given lease alive forever. If the keepalive responses posted
// to the channel are not consumed promptly the channel may become full. When full, the lease
// client will continue sending keep alive requests to the etcd server, but will drop responses
// until there is capacity on the channel to send more responses.
// If client keep alive loop halts with an unexpected error (e.g. "etcdserver: no leader") or
// canceled by the caller (e.g. context.Canceled), KeepAlive returns a ErrKeepAliveHalted error
// containing the error reason.
// The returned "LeaseKeepAliveResponse" channel closes if underlying keep
// alive stream is interrupted in some way the client cannot handle itself;
// given context "ctx" is canceled or timed out.
// TODO(v4.0): post errors to last keep alive message before closing
// (see https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/pull/7866)
KeepAlive(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (<-chan *LeaseKeepAliveResponse, error)
// KeepAliveOnce renews the lease once. The response corresponds to the
// first message from calling KeepAlive. If the response has a recoverable
// error, KeepAliveOnce will retry the RPC with a new keep alive message.
// In most of the cases, Keepalive should be used instead of KeepAliveOnce.
KeepAliveOnce(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (*LeaseKeepAliveResponse, error)
// Close releases all resources Lease keeps for efficient communication
// with the etcd server.
Close() error
type lessor struct {
mu sync.Mutex // guards all fields
// donec is closed and loopErr is set when recvKeepAliveLoop stops
donec chan struct{}
loopErr error
remote pb.LeaseClient
stream pb.Lease_LeaseKeepAliveClient
streamCancel context.CancelFunc
stopCtx context.Context
stopCancel context.CancelFunc
keepAlives map[LeaseID]*keepAlive
// firstKeepAliveTimeout is the timeout for the first keepalive request
// before the actual TTL is known to the lease client
firstKeepAliveTimeout time.Duration
// firstKeepAliveOnce ensures stream starts after first KeepAlive call.
firstKeepAliveOnce sync.Once
callOpts []grpc.CallOption
lg *zap.Logger
// keepAlive multiplexes a keepalive for a lease over multiple channels
type keepAlive struct {
chs []chan<- *LeaseKeepAliveResponse
ctxs []context.Context
// deadline is the time the keep alive channels close if no response
deadline time.Time
// nextKeepAlive is when to send the next keep alive message
nextKeepAlive time.Time
// donec is closed on lease revoke, expiration, or cancel.
donec chan struct{}
func NewLease(c *Client) Lease {
return NewLeaseFromLeaseClient(RetryLeaseClient(c), c, c.cfg.DialTimeout+time.Second)
func NewLeaseFromLeaseClient(remote pb.LeaseClient, c *Client, keepAliveTimeout time.Duration) Lease {
l := &lessor{
donec: make(chan struct{}),
keepAlives: make(map[LeaseID]*keepAlive),
remote: remote,
firstKeepAliveTimeout: keepAliveTimeout,
lg: c.lg,
if l.firstKeepAliveTimeout == time.Second {
l.firstKeepAliveTimeout = defaultTTL
if c != nil {
l.callOpts = c.callOpts
reqLeaderCtx := WithRequireLeader(context.Background())
l.stopCtx, l.stopCancel = context.WithCancel(reqLeaderCtx)
return l
func (l *lessor) Grant(ctx context.Context, ttl int64) (*LeaseGrantResponse, error) {
r := &pb.LeaseGrantRequest{TTL: ttl}
resp, err := l.remote.LeaseGrant(ctx, r, l.callOpts...)
if err == nil {
gresp := &LeaseGrantResponse{
ResponseHeader: resp.GetHeader(),
ID: LeaseID(resp.ID),
TTL: resp.TTL,
Error: resp.Error,
return gresp, nil
return nil, ContextError(ctx, err)
func (l *lessor) Revoke(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (*LeaseRevokeResponse, error) {
r := &pb.LeaseRevokeRequest{ID: int64(id)}
resp, err := l.remote.LeaseRevoke(ctx, r, l.callOpts...)
if err == nil {
return (*LeaseRevokeResponse)(resp), nil
return nil, ContextError(ctx, err)
func (l *lessor) TimeToLive(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID, opts ...LeaseOption) (*LeaseTimeToLiveResponse, error) {
r := toLeaseTimeToLiveRequest(id, opts...)
resp, err := l.remote.LeaseTimeToLive(ctx, r, l.callOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, ContextError(ctx, err)
gresp := &LeaseTimeToLiveResponse{
ResponseHeader: resp.GetHeader(),
ID: LeaseID(resp.ID),
TTL: resp.TTL,
GrantedTTL: resp.GrantedTTL,
Keys: resp.Keys,
return gresp, nil
func (l *lessor) Leases(ctx context.Context) (*LeaseLeasesResponse, error) {
resp, err := l.remote.LeaseLeases(ctx, &pb.LeaseLeasesRequest{}, l.callOpts...)
if err == nil {
leases := make([]LeaseStatus, len(resp.Leases))
for i := range resp.Leases {
leases[i] = LeaseStatus{ID: LeaseID(resp.Leases[i].ID)}
return &LeaseLeasesResponse{ResponseHeader: resp.GetHeader(), Leases: leases}, nil
return nil, ContextError(ctx, err)
func (l *lessor) KeepAlive(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (<-chan *LeaseKeepAliveResponse, error) {
ch := make(chan *LeaseKeepAliveResponse, LeaseResponseChSize)
// ensure that recvKeepAliveLoop is still running
select {
case <-l.donec:
err := l.loopErr
return ch, ErrKeepAliveHalted{Reason: err}
ka, ok := l.keepAlives[id]
if !ok {
// create fresh keep alive
ka = &keepAlive{
chs: []chan<- *LeaseKeepAliveResponse{ch},
ctxs: []context.Context{ctx},
deadline: time.Now().Add(l.firstKeepAliveTimeout),
nextKeepAlive: time.Now(),
donec: make(chan struct{}),
l.keepAlives[id] = ka
} else {
// add channel and context to existing keep alive
ka.ctxs = append(ka.ctxs, ctx)
ka.chs = append(ka.chs, ch)
if ctx.Done() != nil {
go l.keepAliveCtxCloser(ctx, id, ka.donec)
l.firstKeepAliveOnce.Do(func() {
go l.recvKeepAliveLoop()
go l.deadlineLoop()
return ch, nil
func (l *lessor) KeepAliveOnce(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (*LeaseKeepAliveResponse, error) {
for {
resp, err := l.keepAliveOnce(ctx, id)
if err == nil {
if resp.TTL <= 0 {
err = rpctypes.ErrLeaseNotFound
return resp, err
if isHaltErr(ctx, err) {
return nil, ContextError(ctx, err)
func (l *lessor) Close() error {
// close for synchronous teardown if stream goroutines never launched
l.firstKeepAliveOnce.Do(func() { close(l.donec) })
return nil
func (l *lessor) keepAliveCtxCloser(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID, donec <-chan struct{}) {
select {
case <-donec:
case <-l.donec:
case <-ctx.Done():
defer l.mu.Unlock()
ka, ok := l.keepAlives[id]
if !ok {
// close channel and remove context if still associated with keep alive
for i, c := range ka.ctxs {
if c == ctx {
ka.ctxs = append(ka.ctxs[:i], ka.ctxs[i+1:]...)
ka.chs = append(ka.chs[:i], ka.chs[i+1:]...)
// remove if no one more listeners
if len(ka.chs) == 0 {
delete(l.keepAlives, id)
// closeRequireLeader scans keepAlives for ctxs that have require leader
// and closes the associated channels.
func (l *lessor) closeRequireLeader() {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
for _, ka := range l.keepAlives {
reqIdxs := 0
// find all required leader channels, close, mark as nil
for i, ctx := range ka.ctxs {
md, ok := metadata.FromOutgoingContext(ctx)
if !ok {
ks := md[rpctypes.MetadataRequireLeaderKey]
if len(ks) < 1 || ks[0] != rpctypes.MetadataHasLeader {
ka.chs[i] = nil
if reqIdxs == 0 {
// remove all channels that required a leader from keepalive
newChs := make([]chan<- *LeaseKeepAliveResponse, len(ka.chs)-reqIdxs)
newCtxs := make([]context.Context, len(newChs))
newIdx := 0
for i := range ka.chs {
if ka.chs[i] == nil {
newChs[newIdx], newCtxs[newIdx] = ka.chs[i], ka.ctxs[newIdx]
ka.chs, ka.ctxs = newChs, newCtxs
func (l *lessor) keepAliveOnce(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (karesp *LeaseKeepAliveResponse, ferr error) {
cctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
stream, err := l.remote.LeaseKeepAlive(cctx, l.callOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, ContextError(ctx, err)
defer func() {
if err := stream.CloseSend(); err != nil {
if ferr == nil {
ferr = ContextError(ctx, err)
err = stream.Send(&pb.LeaseKeepAliveRequest{ID: int64(id)})
if err != nil {
return nil, ContextError(ctx, err)
resp, rerr := stream.Recv()
if rerr != nil {
return nil, ContextError(ctx, rerr)
karesp = &LeaseKeepAliveResponse{
ResponseHeader: resp.GetHeader(),
ID: LeaseID(resp.ID),
TTL: resp.TTL,
return karesp, nil
func (l *lessor) recvKeepAliveLoop() (gerr error) {
defer func() {
l.loopErr = gerr
for _, ka := range l.keepAlives {
l.keepAlives = make(map[LeaseID]*keepAlive)
for {
stream, err := l.resetRecv()
if err != nil {
if canceledByCaller(l.stopCtx, err) {
return err
} else {
for {
resp, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
if canceledByCaller(l.stopCtx, err) {
return err
if ContextError(l.stopCtx, err) == rpctypes.ErrNoLeader {
select {
case <-time.After(retryConnWait):
case <-l.stopCtx.Done():
return l.stopCtx.Err()
// resetRecv opens a new lease stream and starts sending keep alive requests.
func (l *lessor) resetRecv() (pb.Lease_LeaseKeepAliveClient, error) {
sctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(l.stopCtx)
stream, err := l.remote.LeaseKeepAlive(sctx, append(l.callOpts, withMax(0))...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.stream != nil && l.streamCancel != nil {
l.streamCancel = cancel
l.stream = stream
go l.sendKeepAliveLoop(stream)
return stream, nil
// recvKeepAlive updates a lease based on its LeaseKeepAliveResponse
func (l *lessor) recvKeepAlive(resp *pb.LeaseKeepAliveResponse) {
karesp := &LeaseKeepAliveResponse{
ResponseHeader: resp.GetHeader(),
ID: LeaseID(resp.ID),
TTL: resp.TTL,
defer l.mu.Unlock()
ka, ok := l.keepAlives[karesp.ID]
if !ok {
if karesp.TTL <= 0 {
// lease expired; close all keep alive channels
delete(l.keepAlives, karesp.ID)
// send update to all channels
nextKeepAlive := time.Now().Add((time.Duration(karesp.TTL) * time.Second) / 3.0)
ka.deadline = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(karesp.TTL) * time.Second)
for _, ch := range ka.chs {
select {
case ch <- karesp:
if l.lg != nil {
l.lg.Warn("lease keepalive response queue is full; dropping response send",
zap.Int("queue-size", len(ch)),
zap.Int("queue-capacity", cap(ch)),
// still advance in order to rate-limit keep-alive sends
ka.nextKeepAlive = nextKeepAlive
// deadlineLoop reaps any keep alive channels that have not received a response
// within the lease TTL
func (l *lessor) deadlineLoop() {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second):
case <-l.donec:
now := time.Now()
for id, ka := range l.keepAlives {
if ka.deadline.Before(now) {
// waited too long for response; lease may be expired
delete(l.keepAlives, id)
// sendKeepAliveLoop sends keep alive requests for the lifetime of the given stream.
func (l *lessor) sendKeepAliveLoop(stream pb.Lease_LeaseKeepAliveClient) {
for {
var tosend []LeaseID
now := time.Now()
for id, ka := range l.keepAlives {
if ka.nextKeepAlive.Before(now) {
tosend = append(tosend, id)
for _, id := range tosend {
r := &pb.LeaseKeepAliveRequest{ID: int64(id)}
if err := stream.Send(r); err != nil {
// TODO do something with this error?
select {
case <-time.After(retryConnWait):
case <-stream.Context().Done():
case <-l.donec:
case <-l.stopCtx.Done():
func (ka *keepAlive) close() {
for _, ch := range ka.chs {