Niels de Vos f87d06ed85 build: move e2e dependencies into e2e/go.mod
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These
packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the
final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image.

By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is
easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the
testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs).

Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
2025-03-04 17:43:49 +01:00

584 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The etcd Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package clientv3
import pb "go.etcd.io/etcd/api/v3/etcdserverpb"
type opType int
const (
// A default Op has opType 0, which is invalid.
tRange opType = iota + 1
var noPrefixEnd = []byte{0}
// Op represents an Operation that kv can execute.
type Op struct {
t opType
key []byte
end []byte
// for range
limit int64
sort *SortOption
serializable bool
keysOnly bool
countOnly bool
minModRev int64
maxModRev int64
minCreateRev int64
maxCreateRev int64
// for range, watch
rev int64
// for watch, put, delete
prevKV bool
// for watch
// fragmentation should be disabled by default
// if true, split watch events when total exceeds
// "--max-request-bytes" flag value + 512-byte
fragment bool
// for put
ignoreValue bool
ignoreLease bool
// progressNotify is for progress updates.
progressNotify bool
// createdNotify is for created event
createdNotify bool
// filters for watchers
filterPut bool
filterDelete bool
// for put
val []byte
leaseID LeaseID
// txn
cmps []Cmp
thenOps []Op
elseOps []Op
isOptsWithFromKey bool
isOptsWithPrefix bool
// accessors / mutators
// IsTxn returns true if the "Op" type is transaction.
func (op Op) IsTxn() bool {
return op.t == tTxn
// Txn returns the comparison(if) operations, "then" operations, and "else" operations.
func (op Op) Txn() ([]Cmp, []Op, []Op) {
return op.cmps, op.thenOps, op.elseOps
// KeyBytes returns the byte slice holding the Op's key.
func (op Op) KeyBytes() []byte { return op.key }
// WithKeyBytes sets the byte slice for the Op's key.
func (op *Op) WithKeyBytes(key []byte) { op.key = key }
// RangeBytes returns the byte slice holding with the Op's range end, if any.
func (op Op) RangeBytes() []byte { return op.end }
// Rev returns the requested revision, if any.
func (op Op) Rev() int64 { return op.rev }
// IsPut returns true iff the operation is a Put.
func (op Op) IsPut() bool { return op.t == tPut }
// IsGet returns true iff the operation is a Get.
func (op Op) IsGet() bool { return op.t == tRange }
// IsDelete returns true iff the operation is a Delete.
func (op Op) IsDelete() bool { return op.t == tDeleteRange }
// IsSerializable returns true if the serializable field is true.
func (op Op) IsSerializable() bool { return op.serializable }
// IsKeysOnly returns whether keysOnly is set.
func (op Op) IsKeysOnly() bool { return op.keysOnly }
// IsCountOnly returns whether countOnly is set.
func (op Op) IsCountOnly() bool { return op.countOnly }
// MinModRev returns the operation's minimum modify revision.
func (op Op) MinModRev() int64 { return op.minModRev }
// MaxModRev returns the operation's maximum modify revision.
func (op Op) MaxModRev() int64 { return op.maxModRev }
// MinCreateRev returns the operation's minimum create revision.
func (op Op) MinCreateRev() int64 { return op.minCreateRev }
// MaxCreateRev returns the operation's maximum create revision.
func (op Op) MaxCreateRev() int64 { return op.maxCreateRev }
// WithRangeBytes sets the byte slice for the Op's range end.
func (op *Op) WithRangeBytes(end []byte) { op.end = end }
// ValueBytes returns the byte slice holding the Op's value, if any.
func (op Op) ValueBytes() []byte { return op.val }
// WithValueBytes sets the byte slice for the Op's value.
func (op *Op) WithValueBytes(v []byte) { op.val = v }
func (op Op) toRangeRequest() *pb.RangeRequest {
if op.t != tRange {
panic("op.t != tRange")
r := &pb.RangeRequest{
Key: op.key,
RangeEnd: op.end,
Limit: op.limit,
Revision: op.rev,
Serializable: op.serializable,
KeysOnly: op.keysOnly,
CountOnly: op.countOnly,
MinModRevision: op.minModRev,
MaxModRevision: op.maxModRev,
MinCreateRevision: op.minCreateRev,
MaxCreateRevision: op.maxCreateRev,
if op.sort != nil {
r.SortOrder = pb.RangeRequest_SortOrder(op.sort.Order)
r.SortTarget = pb.RangeRequest_SortTarget(op.sort.Target)
return r
func (op Op) toTxnRequest() *pb.TxnRequest {
thenOps := make([]*pb.RequestOp, len(op.thenOps))
for i, tOp := range op.thenOps {
thenOps[i] = tOp.toRequestOp()
elseOps := make([]*pb.RequestOp, len(op.elseOps))
for i, eOp := range op.elseOps {
elseOps[i] = eOp.toRequestOp()
cmps := make([]*pb.Compare, len(op.cmps))
for i := range op.cmps {
cmps[i] = (*pb.Compare)(&op.cmps[i])
return &pb.TxnRequest{Compare: cmps, Success: thenOps, Failure: elseOps}
func (op Op) toRequestOp() *pb.RequestOp {
switch op.t {
case tRange:
return &pb.RequestOp{Request: &pb.RequestOp_RequestRange{RequestRange: op.toRangeRequest()}}
case tPut:
r := &pb.PutRequest{Key: op.key, Value: op.val, Lease: int64(op.leaseID), PrevKv: op.prevKV, IgnoreValue: op.ignoreValue, IgnoreLease: op.ignoreLease}
return &pb.RequestOp{Request: &pb.RequestOp_RequestPut{RequestPut: r}}
case tDeleteRange:
r := &pb.DeleteRangeRequest{Key: op.key, RangeEnd: op.end, PrevKv: op.prevKV}
return &pb.RequestOp{Request: &pb.RequestOp_RequestDeleteRange{RequestDeleteRange: r}}
case tTxn:
return &pb.RequestOp{Request: &pb.RequestOp_RequestTxn{RequestTxn: op.toTxnRequest()}}
panic("Unknown Op")
func (op Op) isWrite() bool {
if op.t == tTxn {
for _, tOp := range op.thenOps {
if tOp.isWrite() {
return true
for _, tOp := range op.elseOps {
if tOp.isWrite() {
return true
return false
return op.t != tRange
func NewOp() *Op {
return &Op{key: []byte("")}
// OpGet returns "get" operation based on given key and operation options.
func OpGet(key string, opts ...OpOption) Op {
// WithPrefix and WithFromKey are not supported together
if IsOptsWithPrefix(opts) && IsOptsWithFromKey(opts) {
panic("`WithPrefix` and `WithFromKey` cannot be set at the same time, choose one")
ret := Op{t: tRange, key: []byte(key)}
return ret
// OpDelete returns "delete" operation based on given key and operation options.
func OpDelete(key string, opts ...OpOption) Op {
// WithPrefix and WithFromKey are not supported together
if IsOptsWithPrefix(opts) && IsOptsWithFromKey(opts) {
panic("`WithPrefix` and `WithFromKey` cannot be set at the same time, choose one")
ret := Op{t: tDeleteRange, key: []byte(key)}
switch {
case ret.leaseID != 0:
panic("unexpected lease in delete")
case ret.limit != 0:
panic("unexpected limit in delete")
case ret.rev != 0:
panic("unexpected revision in delete")
case ret.sort != nil:
panic("unexpected sort in delete")
case ret.serializable:
panic("unexpected serializable in delete")
case ret.countOnly:
panic("unexpected countOnly in delete")
case ret.minModRev != 0, ret.maxModRev != 0:
panic("unexpected mod revision filter in delete")
case ret.minCreateRev != 0, ret.maxCreateRev != 0:
panic("unexpected create revision filter in delete")
case ret.filterDelete, ret.filterPut:
panic("unexpected filter in delete")
case ret.createdNotify:
panic("unexpected createdNotify in delete")
return ret
// OpPut returns "put" operation based on given key-value and operation options.
func OpPut(key, val string, opts ...OpOption) Op {
ret := Op{t: tPut, key: []byte(key), val: []byte(val)}
switch {
case ret.end != nil:
panic("unexpected range in put")
case ret.limit != 0:
panic("unexpected limit in put")
case ret.rev != 0:
panic("unexpected revision in put")
case ret.sort != nil:
panic("unexpected sort in put")
case ret.serializable:
panic("unexpected serializable in put")
case ret.countOnly:
panic("unexpected countOnly in put")
case ret.minModRev != 0, ret.maxModRev != 0:
panic("unexpected mod revision filter in put")
case ret.minCreateRev != 0, ret.maxCreateRev != 0:
panic("unexpected create revision filter in put")
case ret.filterDelete, ret.filterPut:
panic("unexpected filter in put")
case ret.createdNotify:
panic("unexpected createdNotify in put")
return ret
// OpTxn returns "txn" operation based on given transaction conditions.
func OpTxn(cmps []Cmp, thenOps []Op, elseOps []Op) Op {
return Op{t: tTxn, cmps: cmps, thenOps: thenOps, elseOps: elseOps}
func opWatch(key string, opts ...OpOption) Op {
ret := Op{t: tRange, key: []byte(key)}
switch {
case ret.leaseID != 0:
panic("unexpected lease in watch")
case ret.limit != 0:
panic("unexpected limit in watch")
case ret.sort != nil:
panic("unexpected sort in watch")
case ret.serializable:
panic("unexpected serializable in watch")
case ret.countOnly:
panic("unexpected countOnly in watch")
case ret.minModRev != 0, ret.maxModRev != 0:
panic("unexpected mod revision filter in watch")
case ret.minCreateRev != 0, ret.maxCreateRev != 0:
panic("unexpected create revision filter in watch")
return ret
func (op *Op) applyOpts(opts []OpOption) {
for _, opt := range opts {
// OpOption configures Operations like Get, Put, Delete.
type OpOption func(*Op)
// WithLease attaches a lease ID to a key in 'Put' request.
func WithLease(leaseID LeaseID) OpOption {
return func(op *Op) { op.leaseID = leaseID }
// WithLimit limits the number of results to return from 'Get' request.
// If WithLimit is given a 0 limit, it is treated as no limit.
func WithLimit(n int64) OpOption { return func(op *Op) { op.limit = n } }
// WithRev specifies the store revision for 'Get' request.
// Or the start revision of 'Watch' request.
func WithRev(rev int64) OpOption { return func(op *Op) { op.rev = rev } }
// WithSort specifies the ordering in 'Get' request. It requires
// 'WithRange' and/or 'WithPrefix' to be specified too.
// 'target' specifies the target to sort by: key, version, revisions, value.
// 'order' can be either 'SortNone', 'SortAscend', 'SortDescend'.
func WithSort(target SortTarget, order SortOrder) OpOption {
return func(op *Op) {
if target == SortByKey && order == SortAscend {
// If order != SortNone, server fetches the entire key-space,
// and then applies the sort and limit, if provided.
// Since by default the server returns results sorted by keys
// in lexicographically ascending order, the client should ignore
// SortOrder if the target is SortByKey.
order = SortNone
op.sort = &SortOption{target, order}
// GetPrefixRangeEnd gets the range end of the prefix.
// 'Get(foo, WithPrefix())' is equal to 'Get(foo, WithRange(GetPrefixRangeEnd(foo))'.
func GetPrefixRangeEnd(prefix string) string {
return string(getPrefix([]byte(prefix)))
func getPrefix(key []byte) []byte {
end := make([]byte, len(key))
copy(end, key)
for i := len(end) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if end[i] < 0xff {
end[i] = end[i] + 1
end = end[:i+1]
return end
// next prefix does not exist (e.g., 0xffff);
// default to WithFromKey policy
return noPrefixEnd
// WithPrefix enables 'Get', 'Delete', or 'Watch' requests to operate
// on the keys with matching prefix. For example, 'Get(foo, WithPrefix())'
// can return 'foo1', 'foo2', and so on.
func WithPrefix() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) {
op.isOptsWithPrefix = true
if len(op.key) == 0 {
op.key, op.end = []byte{0}, []byte{0}
op.end = getPrefix(op.key)
// WithRange specifies the range of 'Get', 'Delete', 'Watch' requests.
// For example, 'Get' requests with 'WithRange(end)' returns
// the keys in the range [key, end).
// endKey must be lexicographically greater than start key.
func WithRange(endKey string) OpOption {
return func(op *Op) { op.end = []byte(endKey) }
// WithFromKey specifies the range of 'Get', 'Delete', 'Watch' requests
// to be equal or greater than the key in the argument.
func WithFromKey() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) {
if len(op.key) == 0 {
op.key = []byte{0}
op.end = []byte("\x00")
op.isOptsWithFromKey = true
// WithSerializable makes 'Get' request serializable. By default,
// it's linearizable. Serializable requests are better for lower latency
// requirement.
func WithSerializable() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) { op.serializable = true }
// WithKeysOnly makes the 'Get' request return only the keys and the corresponding
// values will be omitted.
func WithKeysOnly() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) { op.keysOnly = true }
// WithCountOnly makes the 'Get' request return only the count of keys.
func WithCountOnly() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) { op.countOnly = true }
// WithMinModRev filters out keys for Get with modification revisions less than the given revision.
func WithMinModRev(rev int64) OpOption { return func(op *Op) { op.minModRev = rev } }
// WithMaxModRev filters out keys for Get with modification revisions greater than the given revision.
func WithMaxModRev(rev int64) OpOption { return func(op *Op) { op.maxModRev = rev } }
// WithMinCreateRev filters out keys for Get with creation revisions less than the given revision.
func WithMinCreateRev(rev int64) OpOption { return func(op *Op) { op.minCreateRev = rev } }
// WithMaxCreateRev filters out keys for Get with creation revisions greater than the given revision.
func WithMaxCreateRev(rev int64) OpOption { return func(op *Op) { op.maxCreateRev = rev } }
// WithFirstCreate gets the key with the oldest creation revision in the request range.
func WithFirstCreate() []OpOption { return withTop(SortByCreateRevision, SortAscend) }
// WithLastCreate gets the key with the latest creation revision in the request range.
func WithLastCreate() []OpOption { return withTop(SortByCreateRevision, SortDescend) }
// WithFirstKey gets the lexically first key in the request range.
func WithFirstKey() []OpOption { return withTop(SortByKey, SortAscend) }
// WithLastKey gets the lexically last key in the request range.
func WithLastKey() []OpOption { return withTop(SortByKey, SortDescend) }
// WithFirstRev gets the key with the oldest modification revision in the request range.
func WithFirstRev() []OpOption { return withTop(SortByModRevision, SortAscend) }
// WithLastRev gets the key with the latest modification revision in the request range.
func WithLastRev() []OpOption { return withTop(SortByModRevision, SortDescend) }
// withTop gets the first key over the get's prefix given a sort order
func withTop(target SortTarget, order SortOrder) []OpOption {
return []OpOption{WithPrefix(), WithSort(target, order), WithLimit(1)}
// WithProgressNotify makes watch server send periodic progress updates
// every 10 minutes when there is no incoming events.
// Progress updates have zero events in WatchResponse.
func WithProgressNotify() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) {
op.progressNotify = true
// WithCreatedNotify makes watch server sends the created event.
func WithCreatedNotify() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) {
op.createdNotify = true
// WithFilterPut discards PUT events from the watcher.
func WithFilterPut() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) { op.filterPut = true }
// WithFilterDelete discards DELETE events from the watcher.
func WithFilterDelete() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) { op.filterDelete = true }
// WithPrevKV gets the previous key-value pair before the event happens. If the previous KV is already compacted,
// nothing will be returned.
func WithPrevKV() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) {
op.prevKV = true
// WithFragment to receive raw watch response with fragmentation.
// Fragmentation is disabled by default. If fragmentation is enabled,
// etcd watch server will split watch response before sending to clients
// when the total size of watch events exceed server-side request limit.
// The default server-side request limit is 1.5 MiB, which can be configured
// as "--max-request-bytes" flag value + gRPC-overhead 512 bytes.
// See "etcdserver/api/v3rpc/watch.go" for more details.
func WithFragment() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) { op.fragment = true }
// WithIgnoreValue updates the key using its current value.
// This option can not be combined with non-empty values.
// Returns an error if the key does not exist.
func WithIgnoreValue() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) {
op.ignoreValue = true
// WithIgnoreLease updates the key using its current lease.
// This option can not be combined with WithLease.
// Returns an error if the key does not exist.
func WithIgnoreLease() OpOption {
return func(op *Op) {
op.ignoreLease = true
// LeaseOp represents an Operation that lease can execute.
type LeaseOp struct {
id LeaseID
// for TimeToLive
attachedKeys bool
// LeaseOption configures lease operations.
type LeaseOption func(*LeaseOp)
func (op *LeaseOp) applyOpts(opts []LeaseOption) {
for _, opt := range opts {
// WithAttachedKeys makes TimeToLive list the keys attached to the given lease ID.
func WithAttachedKeys() LeaseOption {
return func(op *LeaseOp) { op.attachedKeys = true }
func toLeaseTimeToLiveRequest(id LeaseID, opts ...LeaseOption) *pb.LeaseTimeToLiveRequest {
ret := &LeaseOp{id: id}
return &pb.LeaseTimeToLiveRequest{ID: int64(id), Keys: ret.attachedKeys}
// IsOptsWithPrefix returns true if WithPrefix option is called in the given opts.
func IsOptsWithPrefix(opts []OpOption) bool {
ret := NewOp()
for _, opt := range opts {
return ret.isOptsWithPrefix
// IsOptsWithFromKey returns true if WithFromKey option is called in the given opts.
func IsOptsWithFromKey(opts []OpOption) bool {
ret := NewOp()
for _, opt := range opts {
return ret.isOptsWithFromKey