Niels de Vos f87d06ed85 build: move e2e dependencies into e2e/go.mod
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These
packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the
final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image.

By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is
easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the
testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs).

Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
2025-03-04 17:43:49 +01:00

422 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package oauth2 provides support for making
// OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests,
// as specified in RFC 6749.
// It can additionally grant authorization with Bearer JWT.
package oauth2 // import "golang.org/x/oauth2"
import (
// NoContext is the default context you should supply if not using
// your own context.Context (see https://golang.org/x/net/context).
// Deprecated: Use context.Background() or context.TODO() instead.
var NoContext = context.TODO()
// RegisterBrokenAuthHeaderProvider previously did something. It is now a no-op.
// Deprecated: this function no longer does anything. Caller code that
// wants to avoid potential extra HTTP requests made during
// auto-probing of the provider's auth style should set
// Endpoint.AuthStyle.
func RegisterBrokenAuthHeaderProvider(tokenURL string) {}
// Config describes a typical 3-legged OAuth2 flow, with both the
// client application information and the server's endpoint URLs.
// For the client credentials 2-legged OAuth2 flow, see the clientcredentials
// package (https://golang.org/x/oauth2/clientcredentials).
type Config struct {
// ClientID is the application's ID.
ClientID string
// ClientSecret is the application's secret.
ClientSecret string
// Endpoint contains the resource server's token endpoint
// URLs. These are constants specific to each server and are
// often available via site-specific packages, such as
// google.Endpoint or github.Endpoint.
Endpoint Endpoint
// RedirectURL is the URL to redirect users going through
// the OAuth flow, after the resource owner's URLs.
RedirectURL string
// Scope specifies optional requested permissions.
Scopes []string
// authStyleCache caches which auth style to use when Endpoint.AuthStyle is
// the zero value (AuthStyleAutoDetect).
authStyleCache internal.LazyAuthStyleCache
// A TokenSource is anything that can return a token.
type TokenSource interface {
// Token returns a token or an error.
// Token must be safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
// The returned Token must not be modified.
Token() (*Token, error)
// Endpoint represents an OAuth 2.0 provider's authorization and token
// endpoint URLs.
type Endpoint struct {
AuthURL string
DeviceAuthURL string
TokenURL string
// AuthStyle optionally specifies how the endpoint wants the
// client ID & client secret sent. The zero value means to
// auto-detect.
AuthStyle AuthStyle
// AuthStyle represents how requests for tokens are authenticated
// to the server.
type AuthStyle int
const (
// AuthStyleAutoDetect means to auto-detect which authentication
// style the provider wants by trying both ways and caching
// the successful way for the future.
AuthStyleAutoDetect AuthStyle = 0
// AuthStyleInParams sends the "client_id" and "client_secret"
// in the POST body as application/x-www-form-urlencoded parameters.
AuthStyleInParams AuthStyle = 1
// AuthStyleInHeader sends the client_id and client_password
// using HTTP Basic Authorization. This is an optional style
// described in the OAuth2 RFC 6749 section 2.3.1.
AuthStyleInHeader AuthStyle = 2
var (
// AccessTypeOnline and AccessTypeOffline are options passed
// to the Options.AuthCodeURL method. They modify the
// "access_type" field that gets sent in the URL returned by
// AuthCodeURL.
// Online is the default if neither is specified. If your
// application needs to refresh access tokens when the user
// is not present at the browser, then use offline. This will
// result in your application obtaining a refresh token the
// first time your application exchanges an authorization
// code for a user.
AccessTypeOnline AuthCodeOption = SetAuthURLParam("access_type", "online")
AccessTypeOffline AuthCodeOption = SetAuthURLParam("access_type", "offline")
// ApprovalForce forces the users to view the consent dialog
// and confirm the permissions request at the URL returned
// from AuthCodeURL, even if they've already done so.
ApprovalForce AuthCodeOption = SetAuthURLParam("prompt", "consent")
// An AuthCodeOption is passed to Config.AuthCodeURL.
type AuthCodeOption interface {
type setParam struct{ k, v string }
func (p setParam) setValue(m url.Values) { m.Set(p.k, p.v) }
// SetAuthURLParam builds an AuthCodeOption which passes key/value parameters
// to a provider's authorization endpoint.
func SetAuthURLParam(key, value string) AuthCodeOption {
return setParam{key, value}
// AuthCodeURL returns a URL to OAuth 2.0 provider's consent page
// that asks for permissions for the required scopes explicitly.
// State is an opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the
// request and callback. The authorization server includes this value when
// redirecting the user agent back to the client.
// Opts may include AccessTypeOnline or AccessTypeOffline, as well
// as ApprovalForce.
// To protect against CSRF attacks, opts should include a PKCE challenge
// (S256ChallengeOption). Not all servers support PKCE. An alternative is to
// generate a random state parameter and verify it after exchange.
// See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-10.12 (predating
// PKCE), https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/pkce/ and
// https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-1-09.html#name-cross-site-request-forgery (describing both approaches)
func (c *Config) AuthCodeURL(state string, opts ...AuthCodeOption) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
v := url.Values{
"response_type": {"code"},
"client_id": {c.ClientID},
if c.RedirectURL != "" {
v.Set("redirect_uri", c.RedirectURL)
if len(c.Scopes) > 0 {
v.Set("scope", strings.Join(c.Scopes, " "))
if state != "" {
v.Set("state", state)
for _, opt := range opts {
if strings.Contains(c.Endpoint.AuthURL, "?") {
} else {
return buf.String()
// PasswordCredentialsToken converts a resource owner username and password
// pair into a token.
// Per the RFC, this grant type should only be used "when there is a high
// degree of trust between the resource owner and the client (e.g., the client
// is part of the device operating system or a highly privileged application),
// and when other authorization grant types are not available."
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.3 for more info.
// The provided context optionally controls which HTTP client is used. See the HTTPClient variable.
func (c *Config) PasswordCredentialsToken(ctx context.Context, username, password string) (*Token, error) {
v := url.Values{
"grant_type": {"password"},
"username": {username},
"password": {password},
if len(c.Scopes) > 0 {
v.Set("scope", strings.Join(c.Scopes, " "))
return retrieveToken(ctx, c, v)
// Exchange converts an authorization code into a token.
// It is used after a resource provider redirects the user back
// to the Redirect URI (the URL obtained from AuthCodeURL).
// The provided context optionally controls which HTTP client is used. See the HTTPClient variable.
// The code will be in the *http.Request.FormValue("code"). Before
// calling Exchange, be sure to validate FormValue("state") if you are
// using it to protect against CSRF attacks.
// If using PKCE to protect against CSRF attacks, opts should include a
// VerifierOption.
func (c *Config) Exchange(ctx context.Context, code string, opts ...AuthCodeOption) (*Token, error) {
v := url.Values{
"grant_type": {"authorization_code"},
"code": {code},
if c.RedirectURL != "" {
v.Set("redirect_uri", c.RedirectURL)
for _, opt := range opts {
return retrieveToken(ctx, c, v)
// Client returns an HTTP client using the provided token.
// The token will auto-refresh as necessary. The underlying
// HTTP transport will be obtained using the provided context.
// The returned client and its Transport should not be modified.
func (c *Config) Client(ctx context.Context, t *Token) *http.Client {
return NewClient(ctx, c.TokenSource(ctx, t))
// TokenSource returns a TokenSource that returns t until t expires,
// automatically refreshing it as necessary using the provided context.
// Most users will use Config.Client instead.
func (c *Config) TokenSource(ctx context.Context, t *Token) TokenSource {
tkr := &tokenRefresher{
ctx: ctx,
conf: c,
if t != nil {
tkr.refreshToken = t.RefreshToken
return &reuseTokenSource{
t: t,
new: tkr,
// tokenRefresher is a TokenSource that makes "grant_type"=="refresh_token"
// HTTP requests to renew a token using a RefreshToken.
type tokenRefresher struct {
ctx context.Context // used to get HTTP requests
conf *Config
refreshToken string
// WARNING: Token is not safe for concurrent access, as it
// updates the tokenRefresher's refreshToken field.
// Within this package, it is used by reuseTokenSource which
// synchronizes calls to this method with its own mutex.
func (tf *tokenRefresher) Token() (*Token, error) {
if tf.refreshToken == "" {
return nil, errors.New("oauth2: token expired and refresh token is not set")
tk, err := retrieveToken(tf.ctx, tf.conf, url.Values{
"grant_type": {"refresh_token"},
"refresh_token": {tf.refreshToken},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if tf.refreshToken != tk.RefreshToken {
tf.refreshToken = tk.RefreshToken
return tk, err
// reuseTokenSource is a TokenSource that holds a single token in memory
// and validates its expiry before each call to retrieve it with
// Token. If it's expired, it will be auto-refreshed using the
// new TokenSource.
type reuseTokenSource struct {
new TokenSource // called when t is expired.
mu sync.Mutex // guards t
t *Token
expiryDelta time.Duration
// Token returns the current token if it's still valid, else will
// refresh the current token (using r.Context for HTTP client
// information) and return the new one.
func (s *reuseTokenSource) Token() (*Token, error) {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
if s.t.Valid() {
return s.t, nil
t, err := s.new.Token()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t.expiryDelta = s.expiryDelta
s.t = t
return t, nil
// StaticTokenSource returns a TokenSource that always returns the same token.
// Because the provided token t is never refreshed, StaticTokenSource is only
// useful for tokens that never expire.
func StaticTokenSource(t *Token) TokenSource {
return staticTokenSource{t}
// staticTokenSource is a TokenSource that always returns the same Token.
type staticTokenSource struct {
t *Token
func (s staticTokenSource) Token() (*Token, error) {
return s.t, nil
// HTTPClient is the context key to use with golang.org/x/net/context's
// WithValue function to associate an *http.Client value with a context.
var HTTPClient internal.ContextKey
// NewClient creates an *http.Client from a Context and TokenSource.
// The returned client is not valid beyond the lifetime of the context.
// Note that if a custom *http.Client is provided via the Context it
// is used only for token acquisition and is not used to configure the
// *http.Client returned from NewClient.
// As a special case, if src is nil, a non-OAuth2 client is returned
// using the provided context. This exists to support related OAuth2
// packages.
func NewClient(ctx context.Context, src TokenSource) *http.Client {
if src == nil {
return internal.ContextClient(ctx)
return &http.Client{
Transport: &Transport{
Base: internal.ContextClient(ctx).Transport,
Source: ReuseTokenSource(nil, src),
// ReuseTokenSource returns a TokenSource which repeatedly returns the
// same token as long as it's valid, starting with t.
// When its cached token is invalid, a new token is obtained from src.
// ReuseTokenSource is typically used to reuse tokens from a cache
// (such as a file on disk) between runs of a program, rather than
// obtaining new tokens unnecessarily.
// The initial token t may be nil, in which case the TokenSource is
// wrapped in a caching version if it isn't one already. This also
// means it's always safe to wrap ReuseTokenSource around any other
// TokenSource without adverse effects.
func ReuseTokenSource(t *Token, src TokenSource) TokenSource {
// Don't wrap a reuseTokenSource in itself. That would work,
// but cause an unnecessary number of mutex operations.
// Just build the equivalent one.
if rt, ok := src.(*reuseTokenSource); ok {
if t == nil {
// Just use it directly.
return rt
src = rt.new
return &reuseTokenSource{
t: t,
new: src,
// ReuseTokenSourceWithExpiry returns a TokenSource that acts in the same manner as the
// TokenSource returned by ReuseTokenSource, except the expiry buffer is
// configurable. The expiration time of a token is calculated as
// t.Expiry.Add(-earlyExpiry).
func ReuseTokenSourceWithExpiry(t *Token, src TokenSource, earlyExpiry time.Duration) TokenSource {
// Don't wrap a reuseTokenSource in itself. That would work,
// but cause an unnecessary number of mutex operations.
// Just build the equivalent one.
if rt, ok := src.(*reuseTokenSource); ok {
if t == nil {
// Just use it directly, but set the expiryDelta to earlyExpiry,
// so the behavior matches what the user expects.
rt.expiryDelta = earlyExpiry
return rt
src = rt.new
if t != nil {
t.expiryDelta = earlyExpiry
return &reuseTokenSource{
t: t,
new: src,
expiryDelta: earlyExpiry,