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synced 2025-03-10 01:19:29 +00:00
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image. By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs). Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package schemamutation
import (
// Walker runs callback functions on all references of an OpenAPI spec,
// replacing the values when visiting corresponding types.
type Walker struct {
// SchemaCallback will be called on each schema, taking the original schema,
// and before any other callbacks of the Walker.
// If the schema needs to be mutated, DO NOT mutate it in-place,
// always create a copy, mutate, and return it.
SchemaCallback func(schema *spec.Schema) *spec.Schema
// RefCallback will be called on each ref.
// If the ref needs to be mutated, DO NOT mutate it in-place,
// always create a copy, mutate, and return it.
RefCallback func(ref *spec.Ref) *spec.Ref
type SchemaCallbackFunc func(schema *spec.Schema) *spec.Schema
type RefCallbackFunc func(ref *spec.Ref) *spec.Ref
var SchemaCallBackNoop SchemaCallbackFunc = func(schema *spec.Schema) *spec.Schema {
return schema
var RefCallbackNoop RefCallbackFunc = func(ref *spec.Ref) *spec.Ref {
return ref
// ReplaceReferences rewrites the references without mutating the input.
// The output might share data with the input.
func ReplaceReferences(walkRef func(ref *spec.Ref) *spec.Ref, sp *spec.Swagger) *spec.Swagger {
walker := &Walker{RefCallback: walkRef, SchemaCallback: SchemaCallBackNoop}
return walker.WalkRoot(sp)
func (w *Walker) WalkSchema(schema *spec.Schema) *spec.Schema {
if schema == nil {
return nil
orig := schema
clone := func() {
if orig == schema {
schema = &spec.Schema{}
*schema = *orig
// Always run callback on the whole schema first
// so that SchemaCallback can take the original schema as input.
schema = w.SchemaCallback(schema)
if r := w.RefCallback(&schema.Ref); r != &schema.Ref {
schema.Ref = *r
definitionsCloned := false
for k, v := range schema.Definitions {
if s := w.WalkSchema(&v); s != &v {
if !definitionsCloned {
definitionsCloned = true
schema.Definitions = make(spec.Definitions, len(orig.Definitions))
for k2, v2 := range orig.Definitions {
schema.Definitions[k2] = v2
schema.Definitions[k] = *s
propertiesCloned := false
for k, v := range schema.Properties {
if s := w.WalkSchema(&v); s != &v {
if !propertiesCloned {
propertiesCloned = true
schema.Properties = make(map[string]spec.Schema, len(orig.Properties))
for k2, v2 := range orig.Properties {
schema.Properties[k2] = v2
schema.Properties[k] = *s
patternPropertiesCloned := false
for k, v := range schema.PatternProperties {
if s := w.WalkSchema(&v); s != &v {
if !patternPropertiesCloned {
patternPropertiesCloned = true
schema.PatternProperties = make(map[string]spec.Schema, len(orig.PatternProperties))
for k2, v2 := range orig.PatternProperties {
schema.PatternProperties[k2] = v2
schema.PatternProperties[k] = *s
allOfCloned := false
for i := range schema.AllOf {
if s := w.WalkSchema(&schema.AllOf[i]); s != &schema.AllOf[i] {
if !allOfCloned {
allOfCloned = true
schema.AllOf = make([]spec.Schema, len(orig.AllOf))
copy(schema.AllOf, orig.AllOf)
schema.AllOf[i] = *s
anyOfCloned := false
for i := range schema.AnyOf {
if s := w.WalkSchema(&schema.AnyOf[i]); s != &schema.AnyOf[i] {
if !anyOfCloned {
anyOfCloned = true
schema.AnyOf = make([]spec.Schema, len(orig.AnyOf))
copy(schema.AnyOf, orig.AnyOf)
schema.AnyOf[i] = *s
oneOfCloned := false
for i := range schema.OneOf {
if s := w.WalkSchema(&schema.OneOf[i]); s != &schema.OneOf[i] {
if !oneOfCloned {
oneOfCloned = true
schema.OneOf = make([]spec.Schema, len(orig.OneOf))
copy(schema.OneOf, orig.OneOf)
schema.OneOf[i] = *s
if schema.Not != nil {
if s := w.WalkSchema(schema.Not); s != schema.Not {
schema.Not = s
if schema.AdditionalProperties != nil && schema.AdditionalProperties.Schema != nil {
if s := w.WalkSchema(schema.AdditionalProperties.Schema); s != schema.AdditionalProperties.Schema {
schema.AdditionalProperties = &spec.SchemaOrBool{Schema: s, Allows: schema.AdditionalProperties.Allows}
if schema.AdditionalItems != nil && schema.AdditionalItems.Schema != nil {
if s := w.WalkSchema(schema.AdditionalItems.Schema); s != schema.AdditionalItems.Schema {
schema.AdditionalItems = &spec.SchemaOrBool{Schema: s, Allows: schema.AdditionalItems.Allows}
if schema.Items != nil {
if schema.Items.Schema != nil {
if s := w.WalkSchema(schema.Items.Schema); s != schema.Items.Schema {
schema.Items = &spec.SchemaOrArray{Schema: s}
} else {
itemsCloned := false
for i := range schema.Items.Schemas {
if s := w.WalkSchema(&schema.Items.Schemas[i]); s != &schema.Items.Schemas[i] {
if !itemsCloned {
schema.Items = &spec.SchemaOrArray{
Schemas: make([]spec.Schema, len(orig.Items.Schemas)),
itemsCloned = true
copy(schema.Items.Schemas, orig.Items.Schemas)
schema.Items.Schemas[i] = *s
return schema
func (w *Walker) walkParameter(param *spec.Parameter) *spec.Parameter {
if param == nil {
return nil
orig := param
cloned := false
clone := func() {
if !cloned {
cloned = true
param = &spec.Parameter{}
*param = *orig
if r := w.RefCallback(¶m.Ref); r != ¶m.Ref {
param.Ref = *r
if s := w.WalkSchema(param.Schema); s != param.Schema {
param.Schema = s
if param.Items != nil {
if r := w.RefCallback(¶m.Items.Ref); r != ¶m.Items.Ref {
param.Items.Ref = *r
return param
func (w *Walker) walkParameters(params []spec.Parameter) ([]spec.Parameter, bool) {
if params == nil {
return nil, false
orig := params
cloned := false
clone := func() {
if !cloned {
cloned = true
params = make([]spec.Parameter, len(params))
copy(params, orig)
for i := range params {
if s := w.walkParameter(¶ms[i]); s != ¶ms[i] {
params[i] = *s
return params, cloned
func (w *Walker) walkResponse(resp *spec.Response) *spec.Response {
if resp == nil {
return nil
orig := resp
cloned := false
clone := func() {
if !cloned {
cloned = true
resp = &spec.Response{}
*resp = *orig
if r := w.RefCallback(&resp.Ref); r != &resp.Ref {
resp.Ref = *r
if s := w.WalkSchema(resp.Schema); s != resp.Schema {
resp.Schema = s
return resp
func (w *Walker) walkResponses(resps *spec.Responses) *spec.Responses {
if resps == nil {
return nil
orig := resps
cloned := false
clone := func() {
if !cloned {
cloned = true
resps = &spec.Responses{}
*resps = *orig
if r := w.walkResponse(resps.ResponsesProps.Default); r != resps.ResponsesProps.Default {
resps.Default = r
responsesCloned := false
for k, v := range resps.ResponsesProps.StatusCodeResponses {
if r := w.walkResponse(&v); r != &v {
if !responsesCloned {
responsesCloned = true
resps.ResponsesProps.StatusCodeResponses = make(map[int]spec.Response, len(orig.StatusCodeResponses))
for k2, v2 := range orig.StatusCodeResponses {
resps.ResponsesProps.StatusCodeResponses[k2] = v2
resps.ResponsesProps.StatusCodeResponses[k] = *r
return resps
func (w *Walker) walkOperation(op *spec.Operation) *spec.Operation {
if op == nil {
return nil
orig := op
cloned := false
clone := func() {
if !cloned {
cloned = true
op = &spec.Operation{}
*op = *orig
parametersCloned := false
for i := range op.Parameters {
if s := w.walkParameter(&op.Parameters[i]); s != &op.Parameters[i] {
if !parametersCloned {
parametersCloned = true
op.Parameters = make([]spec.Parameter, len(orig.Parameters))
copy(op.Parameters, orig.Parameters)
op.Parameters[i] = *s
if r := w.walkResponses(op.Responses); r != op.Responses {
op.Responses = r
return op
func (w *Walker) walkPathItem(pathItem *spec.PathItem) *spec.PathItem {
if pathItem == nil {
return nil
orig := pathItem
cloned := false
clone := func() {
if !cloned {
cloned = true
pathItem = &spec.PathItem{}
*pathItem = *orig
if p, changed := w.walkParameters(pathItem.Parameters); changed {
pathItem.Parameters = p
if op := w.walkOperation(pathItem.Get); op != pathItem.Get {
pathItem.Get = op
if op := w.walkOperation(pathItem.Head); op != pathItem.Head {
pathItem.Head = op
if op := w.walkOperation(pathItem.Delete); op != pathItem.Delete {
pathItem.Delete = op
if op := w.walkOperation(pathItem.Options); op != pathItem.Options {
pathItem.Options = op
if op := w.walkOperation(pathItem.Patch); op != pathItem.Patch {
pathItem.Patch = op
if op := w.walkOperation(pathItem.Post); op != pathItem.Post {
pathItem.Post = op
if op := w.walkOperation(pathItem.Put); op != pathItem.Put {
pathItem.Put = op
return pathItem
func (w *Walker) walkPaths(paths *spec.Paths) *spec.Paths {
if paths == nil {
return nil
orig := paths
cloned := false
clone := func() {
if !cloned {
cloned = true
paths = &spec.Paths{}
*paths = *orig
pathsCloned := false
for k, v := range paths.Paths {
if p := w.walkPathItem(&v); p != &v {
if !pathsCloned {
pathsCloned = true
paths.Paths = make(map[string]spec.PathItem, len(orig.Paths))
for k2, v2 := range orig.Paths {
paths.Paths[k2] = v2
paths.Paths[k] = *p
return paths
func (w *Walker) WalkRoot(swagger *spec.Swagger) *spec.Swagger {
if swagger == nil {
return nil
orig := swagger
cloned := false
clone := func() {
if !cloned {
cloned = true
swagger = &spec.Swagger{}
*swagger = *orig
parametersCloned := false
for k, v := range swagger.Parameters {
if p := w.walkParameter(&v); p != &v {
if !parametersCloned {
parametersCloned = true
swagger.Parameters = make(map[string]spec.Parameter, len(orig.Parameters))
for k2, v2 := range orig.Parameters {
swagger.Parameters[k2] = v2
swagger.Parameters[k] = *p
responsesCloned := false
for k, v := range swagger.Responses {
if r := w.walkResponse(&v); r != &v {
if !responsesCloned {
responsesCloned = true
swagger.Responses = make(map[string]spec.Response, len(orig.Responses))
for k2, v2 := range orig.Responses {
swagger.Responses[k2] = v2
swagger.Responses[k] = *r
definitionsCloned := false
for k, v := range swagger.Definitions {
if s := w.WalkSchema(&v); s != &v {
if !definitionsCloned {
definitionsCloned = true
swagger.Definitions = make(spec.Definitions, len(orig.Definitions))
for k2, v2 := range orig.Definitions {
swagger.Definitions[k2] = v2
swagger.Definitions[k] = *s
if swagger.Paths != nil {
if p := w.walkPaths(swagger.Paths); p != swagger.Paths {
swagger.Paths = p
return swagger