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synced 2025-03-09 17:09:29 +00:00
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image. By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs). Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
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316 lines
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//go:build linux
// +build linux
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Package inotify implements a wrapper for the Linux inotify system.
watcher, err := inotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
err = watcher.Watch("/tmp")
if err != nil {
for {
select {
case ev := <-watcher.Event:
log.Println("event:", ev)
case err := <-watcher.Error:
log.Println("error:", err)
package inotify // import "k8s.io/utils/inotify"
import (
// NewWatcher creates and returns a new inotify instance using inotify_init(2)
func NewWatcher() (*Watcher, error) {
fd, errno := syscall.InotifyInit1(syscall.IN_CLOEXEC)
if fd == -1 {
return nil, os.NewSyscallError("inotify_init", errno)
w := &Watcher{
fd: fd,
watches: make(map[string]*watch),
paths: make(map[int]string),
Event: make(chan *Event),
Error: make(chan error),
done: make(chan bool, 1),
go w.readEvents()
return w, nil
// Close closes an inotify watcher instance
// It sends a message to the reader goroutine to quit and removes all watches
// associated with the inotify instance
func (w *Watcher) Close() error {
if w.isClosed {
return nil
w.isClosed = true
// Send "quit" message to the reader goroutine
w.done <- true
for path := range w.watches {
return nil
// AddWatch adds path to the watched file set.
// The flags are interpreted as described in inotify_add_watch(2).
func (w *Watcher) AddWatch(path string, flags uint32) error {
if w.isClosed {
return errors.New("inotify instance already closed")
watchEntry, found := w.watches[path]
if found {
watchEntry.flags |= flags
flags |= syscall.IN_MASK_ADD
w.mu.Lock() // synchronize with readEvents goroutine
wd, err := syscall.InotifyAddWatch(w.fd, path, flags)
if err != nil {
return &os.PathError{
Op: "inotify_add_watch",
Path: path,
Err: err,
if !found {
w.watches[path] = &watch{wd: uint32(wd), flags: flags}
w.paths[wd] = path
return nil
// Watch adds path to the watched file set, watching all events.
func (w *Watcher) Watch(path string) error {
return w.AddWatch(path, InAllEvents)
// RemoveWatch removes path from the watched file set.
func (w *Watcher) RemoveWatch(path string) error {
watch, ok := w.watches[path]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("can't remove non-existent inotify watch for: %s", path)
success, errno := syscall.InotifyRmWatch(w.fd, watch.wd)
if success == -1 {
// when file descriptor or watch descriptor not found, InotifyRmWatch syscall return EINVAL error
// if return error, it may lead this path remain in watches and paths map, and no other event can trigger remove action.
if errno != syscall.EINVAL {
return os.NewSyscallError("inotify_rm_watch", errno)
delete(w.watches, path)
// Locking here to protect the read from paths in readEvents.
delete(w.paths, int(watch.wd))
return nil
// readEvents reads from the inotify file descriptor, converts the
// received events into Event objects and sends them via the Event channel
func (w *Watcher) readEvents() {
var buf [syscall.SizeofInotifyEvent * 4096]byte
for {
n, err := syscall.Read(w.fd, buf[:])
// See if there is a message on the "done" channel
var done bool
select {
case done = <-w.done:
// If EOF or a "done" message is received
if n == 0 || done {
// The syscall.Close can be slow. Close
// w.Event first.
err := syscall.Close(w.fd)
if err != nil {
w.Error <- os.NewSyscallError("close", err)
if n < 0 {
w.Error <- os.NewSyscallError("read", err)
if n < syscall.SizeofInotifyEvent {
w.Error <- errors.New("inotify: short read in readEvents()")
var offset uint32
// We don't know how many events we just read into the buffer
// While the offset points to at least one whole event...
for offset <= uint32(n-syscall.SizeofInotifyEvent) {
// Point "raw" to the event in the buffer
raw := (*syscall.InotifyEvent)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[offset]))
event := new(Event)
event.Mask = uint32(raw.Mask)
event.Cookie = uint32(raw.Cookie)
nameLen := uint32(raw.Len)
// If the event happened to the watched directory or the watched file, the kernel
// doesn't append the filename to the event, but we would like to always fill the
// the "Name" field with a valid filename. We retrieve the path of the watch from
// the "paths" map.
name, ok := w.paths[int(raw.Wd)]
if ok {
event.Name = name
if nameLen > 0 {
// Point "bytes" at the first byte of the filename
bytes := (*[syscall.PathMax]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[offset+syscall.SizeofInotifyEvent]))
// The filename is padded with NUL bytes. TrimRight() gets rid of those.
event.Name += "/" + strings.TrimRight(string(bytes[0:nameLen]), "\000")
// Send the event on the events channel
w.Event <- event
// Move to the next event in the buffer
offset += syscall.SizeofInotifyEvent + nameLen
// String formats the event e in the form
// "filename: 0xEventMask = IN_ACCESS|IN_ATTRIB_|..."
func (e *Event) String() string {
var events string
m := e.Mask
for _, b := range eventBits {
if m&b.Value == b.Value {
m &^= b.Value
events += "|" + b.Name
if m != 0 {
events += fmt.Sprintf("|%#x", m)
if len(events) > 0 {
events = " == " + events[1:]
return fmt.Sprintf("%q: %#x%s", e.Name, e.Mask, events)
const (
// Options for inotify_init() are not exported
// IN_CLOEXEC uint32 = syscall.IN_CLOEXEC
// IN_NONBLOCK uint32 = syscall.IN_NONBLOCK
// Options for AddWatch
// InDontFollow : Don't dereference pathname if it is a symbolic link
InDontFollow uint32 = syscall.IN_DONT_FOLLOW
// InOneshot : Monitor the filesystem object corresponding to pathname for one event, then remove from watch list
InOneshot uint32 = syscall.IN_ONESHOT
// InOnlydir : Watch pathname only if it is a directory
InOnlydir uint32 = syscall.IN_ONLYDIR
// The "IN_MASK_ADD" option is not exported, as AddWatch
// adds it automatically, if there is already a watch for the given path
// IN_MASK_ADD uint32 = syscall.IN_MASK_ADD
// Events
// InAccess : File was accessed
InAccess uint32 = syscall.IN_ACCESS
// InAllEvents : Bit mask for all notify events
InAllEvents uint32 = syscall.IN_ALL_EVENTS
// InAttrib : Metadata changed
InAttrib uint32 = syscall.IN_ATTRIB
InClose uint32 = syscall.IN_CLOSE
// InCloseNowrite : File or directory not opened for writing was closed
InCloseNowrite uint32 = syscall.IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE
// InCloseWrite : File opened for writing was closed
InCloseWrite uint32 = syscall.IN_CLOSE_WRITE
// InCreate : File/directory created in watched directory
InCreate uint32 = syscall.IN_CREATE
// InDelete : File/directory deleted from watched directory
InDelete uint32 = syscall.IN_DELETE
// InDeleteSelf : Watched file/directory was itself deleted
InDeleteSelf uint32 = syscall.IN_DELETE_SELF
// InModify : File was modified
InModify uint32 = syscall.IN_MODIFY
// InMove : Equates to IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVED_TO
InMove uint32 = syscall.IN_MOVE
// InMovedFrom : Generated for the directory containing the old filename when a file is renamed
InMovedFrom uint32 = syscall.IN_MOVED_FROM
// InMovedTo : Generated for the directory containing the new filename when a file is renamed
InMovedTo uint32 = syscall.IN_MOVED_TO
// InMoveSelf : Watched file/directory was itself moved
InMoveSelf uint32 = syscall.IN_MOVE_SELF
// InOpen : File or directory was opened
InOpen uint32 = syscall.IN_OPEN
// Special events
// InIsdir : Subject of this event is a directory
InIsdir uint32 = syscall.IN_ISDIR
// InIgnored : Watch was removed explicitly or automatically
InIgnored uint32 = syscall.IN_IGNORED
// InQOverflow : Event queue overflowed
InQOverflow uint32 = syscall.IN_Q_OVERFLOW
// InUnmount : Filesystem containing watched object was unmounted
InUnmount uint32 = syscall.IN_UNMOUNT
var eventBits = []struct {
Value uint32
Name string
{InAccess, "IN_ACCESS"},
{InAttrib, "IN_ATTRIB"},
{InClose, "IN_CLOSE"},
{InCloseNowrite, "IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE"},
{InCloseWrite, "IN_CLOSE_WRITE"},
{InCreate, "IN_CREATE"},
{InDelete, "IN_DELETE"},
{InDeleteSelf, "IN_DELETE_SELF"},
{InModify, "IN_MODIFY"},
{InMove, "IN_MOVE"},
{InMovedFrom, "IN_MOVED_FROM"},
{InMovedTo, "IN_MOVED_TO"},
{InMoveSelf, "IN_MOVE_SELF"},
{InOpen, "IN_OPEN"},
{InIsdir, "IN_ISDIR"},
{InIgnored, "IN_IGNORED"},
{InQOverflow, "IN_Q_OVERFLOW"},
{InUnmount, "IN_UNMOUNT"},