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Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package rest
import (
metainternalversion "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/internalversion"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
// Storage interfaces need to be separated into two groups; those that operate
// on collections and those that operate on individually named items.
// Collection interfaces:
// (Method: Current -> Proposed)
// GET: Lister -> CollectionGetter
// WATCH: Watcher -> CollectionWatcher
// CREATE: Creater -> CollectionCreater
// DELETE: (n/a) -> CollectionDeleter
// UPDATE: (n/a) -> CollectionUpdater
// Single item interfaces:
// (Method: Current -> Proposed)
// GET: Getter -> NamedGetter
// WATCH: (n/a) -> NamedWatcher
// CREATE: (n/a) -> NamedCreater
// DELETE: Deleter -> NamedDeleter
// UPDATE: Update -> NamedUpdater
// Storage is a generic interface for RESTful storage services.
// Resources which are exported to the RESTful API of apiserver need to implement this interface. It is expected
// that objects may implement any of the below interfaces.
type Storage interface {
// New returns an empty object that can be used with Create and Update after request data has been put into it.
// This object must be a pointer type for use with Codec.DecodeInto([]byte, runtime.Object)
New() runtime.Object
// Destroy cleans up its resources on shutdown.
// Destroy has to be implemented in thread-safe way and be prepared
// for being called more than once.
// Scoper indicates what scope the resource is at. It must be specified.
// It is usually provided automatically based on your strategy.
type Scoper interface {
// NamespaceScoped returns true if the storage is namespaced
NamespaceScoped() bool
// KindProvider specifies a different kind for its API than for its internal storage. This is necessary for external
// objects that are not compiled into the api server. For such objects, there is no in-memory representation for
// the object, so they must be represented as generic objects (e.g. runtime.Unknown), but when we present the object as part of
// API discovery we want to present the specific kind, not the generic internal representation.
type KindProvider interface {
Kind() string
// ShortNamesProvider is an interface for RESTful storage services. Delivers a list of short names for a resource. The list is used by kubectl to have short names representation of resources.
type ShortNamesProvider interface {
ShortNames() []string
// CategoriesProvider allows a resource to specify which groups of resources (categories) it's part of. Categories can
// be used by API clients to refer to a batch of resources by using a single name (e.g. "all" could translate to "pod,rc,svc,...").
type CategoriesProvider interface {
Categories() []string
// SingularNameProvider returns singular name of resources. This is used by kubectl discovery to have singular
// name representation of resources. In case of shortcut conflicts(with CRD shortcuts) singular name should always map to this resource.
type SingularNameProvider interface {
GetSingularName() string
// GroupVersionKindProvider is used to specify a particular GroupVersionKind to discovery. This is used for polymorphic endpoints
// which generally point to foreign versions. Scale refers to Scale.v1beta1.extensions for instance.
// This trumps KindProvider since it is capable of providing the information required.
// TODO KindProvider (only used by federation) should be removed and replaced with this, but that presents greater risk late in 1.8.
type GroupVersionKindProvider interface {
GroupVersionKind(containingGV schema.GroupVersion) schema.GroupVersionKind
// GroupVersionAcceptor is used to determine if a particular GroupVersion is acceptable to send to an endpoint.
// This is used for endpoints which accept multiple versions (which is extremely rare).
// The only known instance is pods/evictions which accepts policy/v1, but also policy/v1beta1 for backwards compatibility.
type GroupVersionAcceptor interface {
AcceptsGroupVersion(gv schema.GroupVersion) bool
// Lister is an object that can retrieve resources that match the provided field and label criteria.
type Lister interface {
// NewList returns an empty object that can be used with the List call.
// This object must be a pointer type for use with Codec.DecodeInto([]byte, runtime.Object)
NewList() runtime.Object
// List selects resources in the storage which match to the selector. 'options' can be nil.
List(ctx context.Context, options *metainternalversion.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error)
// TableConvertor ensures all list implementers also implement table conversion
// Getter is an object that can retrieve a named RESTful resource.
type Getter interface {
// Get finds a resource in the storage by name and returns it.
// Although it can return an arbitrary error value, IsNotFound(err) is true for the
// returned error value err when the specified resource is not found.
Get(ctx context.Context, name string, options *metav1.GetOptions) (runtime.Object, error)
// GetterWithOptions is an object that retrieve a named RESTful resource and takes
// additional options on the get request. It allows a caller to also receive the
// subpath of the GET request.
type GetterWithOptions interface {
// Get finds a resource in the storage by name and returns it.
// Although it can return an arbitrary error value, IsNotFound(err) is true for the
// returned error value err when the specified resource is not found.
// The options object passed to it is of the same type returned by the NewGetOptions
// method.
// TODO: Pass metav1.GetOptions.
Get(ctx context.Context, name string, options runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error)
// NewGetOptions returns an empty options object that will be used to pass
// options to the Get method. It may return a bool and a string, if true, the
// value of the request path below the object will be included as the named
// string in the serialization of the runtime object. E.g., returning "path"
// will convert the trailing request scheme value to "path" in the map[string][]string
// passed to the converter.
NewGetOptions() (runtime.Object, bool, string)
type TableConvertor interface {
ConvertToTable(ctx context.Context, object runtime.Object, tableOptions runtime.Object) (*metav1.Table, error)
// GracefulDeleter knows how to pass deletion options to allow delayed deletion of a
// RESTful object.
type GracefulDeleter interface {
// Delete finds a resource in the storage and deletes it.
// The delete attempt is validated by the deleteValidation first.
// If options are provided, the resource will attempt to honor them or return an invalid
// request error.
// Although it can return an arbitrary error value, IsNotFound(err) is true for the
// returned error value err when the specified resource is not found.
// Delete *may* return the object that was deleted, or a status object indicating additional
// information about deletion.
// It also returns a boolean which is set to true if the resource was instantly
// deleted or false if it will be deleted asynchronously.
Delete(ctx context.Context, name string, deleteValidation ValidateObjectFunc, options *metav1.DeleteOptions) (runtime.Object, bool, error)
// MayReturnFullObjectDeleter may return deleted object (instead of a simple status) on deletion.
type MayReturnFullObjectDeleter interface {
DeleteReturnsDeletedObject() bool
// CollectionDeleter is an object that can delete a collection
// of RESTful resources.
type CollectionDeleter interface {
// DeleteCollection selects all resources in the storage matching given 'listOptions'
// and deletes them. The delete attempt is validated by the deleteValidation first.
// If 'options' are provided, the resource will attempt to honor them or return an
// invalid request error.
// DeleteCollection may not be atomic - i.e. it may delete some objects and still
// return an error after it. On success, returns a list of deleted objects.
DeleteCollection(ctx context.Context, deleteValidation ValidateObjectFunc, options *metav1.DeleteOptions, listOptions *metainternalversion.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error)
// Creater is an object that can create an instance of a RESTful object.
type Creater interface {
// New returns an empty object that can be used with Create after request data has been put into it.
// This object must be a pointer type for use with Codec.DecodeInto([]byte, runtime.Object)
New() runtime.Object
// Create creates a new version of a resource.
Create(ctx context.Context, obj runtime.Object, createValidation ValidateObjectFunc, options *metav1.CreateOptions) (runtime.Object, error)
// NamedCreater is an object that can create an instance of a RESTful object using a name parameter.
type NamedCreater interface {
// New returns an empty object that can be used with Create after request data has been put into it.
// This object must be a pointer type for use with Codec.DecodeInto([]byte, runtime.Object)
New() runtime.Object
// Create creates a new version of a resource. It expects a name parameter from the path.
// This is needed for create operations on subresources which include the name of the parent
// resource in the path.
Create(ctx context.Context, name string, obj runtime.Object, createValidation ValidateObjectFunc, options *metav1.CreateOptions) (runtime.Object, error)
// SubresourceObjectMetaPreserver adds configuration options to a Creater for subresources.
type SubresourceObjectMetaPreserver interface {
// PreserveRequestObjectMetaSystemFieldsOnSubresourceCreate indicates that a
// handler should preserve fields of ObjectMeta that are managed by the system.
PreserveRequestObjectMetaSystemFieldsOnSubresourceCreate() bool
// UpdatedObjectInfo provides information about an updated object to an Updater.
// It requires access to the old object in order to return the newly updated object.
type UpdatedObjectInfo interface {
// Returns preconditions built from the updated object, if applicable.
// May return nil, or a preconditions object containing nil fields,
// if no preconditions can be determined from the updated object.
Preconditions() *metav1.Preconditions
// UpdatedObject returns the updated object, given a context and old object.
// The only time an empty oldObj should be passed in is if a "create on update" is occurring (there is no oldObj).
UpdatedObject(ctx context.Context, oldObj runtime.Object) (newObj runtime.Object, err error)
// ValidateObjectFunc is a function to act on a given object. An error may be returned
// if the hook cannot be completed. A ValidateObjectFunc may NOT transform the provided
// object.
type ValidateObjectFunc func(ctx context.Context, obj runtime.Object) error
// ValidateAllObjectFunc is a "admit everything" instance of ValidateObjectFunc.
func ValidateAllObjectFunc(ctx context.Context, obj runtime.Object) error {
return nil
// ValidateObjectUpdateFunc is a function to act on a given object and its predecessor.
// An error may be returned if the hook cannot be completed. An UpdateObjectFunc
// may NOT transform the provided object.
type ValidateObjectUpdateFunc func(ctx context.Context, obj, old runtime.Object) error
// ValidateAllObjectUpdateFunc is a "admit everything" instance of ValidateObjectUpdateFunc.
func ValidateAllObjectUpdateFunc(ctx context.Context, obj, old runtime.Object) error {
return nil
// Updater is an object that can update an instance of a RESTful object.
type Updater interface {
// New returns an empty object that can be used with Update after request data has been put into it.
// This object must be a pointer type for use with Codec.DecodeInto([]byte, runtime.Object)
New() runtime.Object
// Update finds a resource in the storage and updates it. Some implementations
// may allow updates creates the object - they should set the created boolean
// to true.
Update(ctx context.Context, name string, objInfo UpdatedObjectInfo, createValidation ValidateObjectFunc, updateValidation ValidateObjectUpdateFunc, forceAllowCreate bool, options *metav1.UpdateOptions) (runtime.Object, bool, error)
// CreaterUpdater is a storage object that must support both create and update.
// Go prevents embedded interfaces that implement the same method.
type CreaterUpdater interface {
Update(ctx context.Context, name string, objInfo UpdatedObjectInfo, createValidation ValidateObjectFunc, updateValidation ValidateObjectUpdateFunc, forceAllowCreate bool, options *metav1.UpdateOptions) (runtime.Object, bool, error)
// CreaterUpdater must satisfy the Updater interface.
var _ Updater = CreaterUpdater(nil)
// Patcher is a storage object that supports both get and update.
type Patcher interface {
// Watcher should be implemented by all Storage objects that
// want to offer the ability to watch for changes through the watch api.
type Watcher interface {
// 'label' selects on labels; 'field' selects on the object's fields. Not all fields
// are supported; an error should be returned if 'field' tries to select on a field that
// isn't supported. 'resourceVersion' allows for continuing/starting a watch at a
// particular version.
Watch(ctx context.Context, options *metainternalversion.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
// StandardStorage is an interface covering the common verbs. Provided for testing whether a
// resource satisfies the normal storage methods. Use Storage when passing opaque storage objects.
type StandardStorage interface {
// Destroy cleans up its resources on shutdown.
// Destroy has to be implemented in thread-safe way and be prepared
// for being called more than once.
// Redirector know how to return a remote resource's location.
type Redirector interface {
// ResourceLocation should return the remote location of the given resource, and an optional transport to use to request it, or an error.
ResourceLocation(ctx context.Context, id string) (remoteLocation *url.URL, transport http.RoundTripper, err error)
// Responder abstracts the normal response behavior for a REST method and is passed to callers that
// may wish to handle the response directly in some cases, but delegate to the normal error or object
// behavior in other cases.
type Responder interface {
// Object writes the provided object to the response. Invoking this method multiple times is undefined.
Object(statusCode int, obj runtime.Object)
// Error writes the provided error to the response. This method may only be invoked once.
Error(err error)
// Connecter is a storage object that responds to a connection request.
type Connecter interface {
// Connect returns an http.Handler that will handle the request/response for a given API invocation.
// The provided responder may be used for common API responses. The responder will write both status
// code and body, so the ServeHTTP method should exit after invoking the responder. The Handler will
// be used for a single API request and then discarded. The Responder is guaranteed to write to the
// same http.ResponseWriter passed to ServeHTTP.
Connect(ctx context.Context, id string, options runtime.Object, r Responder) (http.Handler, error)
// NewConnectOptions returns an empty options object that will be used to pass
// options to the Connect method. If nil, then a nil options object is passed to
// Connect. It may return a bool and a string. If true, the value of the request
// path below the object will be included as the named string in the serialization
// of the runtime object.
NewConnectOptions() (runtime.Object, bool, string)
// ConnectMethods returns the list of HTTP methods handled by Connect
ConnectMethods() []string
// ResourceStreamer is an interface implemented by objects that prefer to be streamed from the server
// instead of decoded directly.
type ResourceStreamer interface {
// InputStream should return an io.ReadCloser if the provided object supports streaming. The desired
// api version and an accept header (may be empty) are passed to the call. If no error occurs,
// the caller may return a flag indicating whether the result should be flushed as writes occur
// and a content type string that indicates the type of the stream.
// If a null stream is returned, a StatusNoContent response wil be generated.
InputStream(ctx context.Context, apiVersion, acceptHeader string) (stream io.ReadCloser, flush bool, mimeType string, err error)
// StorageMetadata is an optional interface that callers can implement to provide additional
// information about their Storage objects.
type StorageMetadata interface {
// ProducesMIMETypes returns a list of the MIME types the specified HTTP verb (GET, POST, DELETE,
// PATCH) can respond with.
ProducesMIMETypes(verb string) []string
// ProducesObject returns an object the specified HTTP verb respond with. It will overwrite storage object if
// it is not nil. Only the type of the return object matters, the value will be ignored.
ProducesObject(verb string) interface{}
// StorageVersionProvider is an optional interface that a storage object can
// implement if it wishes to disclose its storage version.
type StorageVersionProvider interface {
// StorageVersion returns a group versioner, which will outputs the gvk
// an object will be converted to before persisted in etcd, given a
// list of kinds the object might belong to.
StorageVersion() runtime.GroupVersioner
// ResetFieldsStrategy is an optional interface that a storage object can
// implement if it wishes to provide the fields reset by its strategies.
type ResetFieldsStrategy interface {
GetResetFields() map[fieldpath.APIVersion]*fieldpath.Set
// CreateUpdateResetFieldsStrategy is a union of RESTCreateUpdateStrategy
// and ResetFieldsStrategy.
type CreateUpdateResetFieldsStrategy interface {
// UpdateResetFieldsStrategy is a union of RESTUpdateStrategy
// and ResetFieldsStrategy.
type UpdateResetFieldsStrategy interface {