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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package image
import (
yaml "sigs.k8s.io/yaml/goyaml.v2"
// RegistryList holds public and private image registries
type RegistryList struct {
GcAuthenticatedRegistry string `yaml:"gcAuthenticatedRegistry"`
PromoterE2eRegistry string `yaml:"promoterE2eRegistry"`
BuildImageRegistry string `yaml:"buildImageRegistry"`
InvalidRegistry string `yaml:"invalidRegistry"`
GcEtcdRegistry string `yaml:"gcEtcdRegistry"`
GcRegistry string `yaml:"gcRegistry"`
SigStorageRegistry string `yaml:"sigStorageRegistry"`
PrivateRegistry string `yaml:"privateRegistry"`
DockerLibraryRegistry string `yaml:"dockerLibraryRegistry"`
CloudProviderGcpRegistry string `yaml:"cloudProviderGcpRegistry"`
// Config holds an images registry, name, and version
type Config struct {
registry string
name string
version string
// SetRegistry sets an image registry in a Config struct
func (i *Config) SetRegistry(registry string) {
i.registry = registry
// SetName sets an image name in a Config struct
func (i *Config) SetName(name string) {
i.name = name
// SetVersion sets an image version in a Config struct
func (i *Config) SetVersion(version string) {
i.version = version
func Init(repoList string) {
registry, imageConfigs, originalImageConfigs = readRepoList(repoList)
func readRepoList(repoList string) (RegistryList, map[ImageID]Config, map[ImageID]Config) {
registry := initRegistry
if repoList == "" {
imageConfigs, originalImageConfigs := initImageConfigs(registry)
return registry, imageConfigs, originalImageConfigs
var fileContent []byte
var err error
if strings.HasPrefix(repoList, "https://") || strings.HasPrefix(repoList, "http://") {
var b bytes.Buffer
err = readFromURL(repoList, bufio.NewWriter(&b))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error reading '%v' url contents: %v", repoList, err))
fileContent = b.Bytes()
} else {
fileContent, err = os.ReadFile(repoList)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error reading '%v' file contents: %v", repoList, err))
err = yaml.Unmarshal(fileContent, ®istry)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling '%v' YAML file: %v", repoList, err))
imageConfigs, originalImageConfigs := initImageConfigs(registry)
return registry, imageConfigs, originalImageConfigs
// Essentially curl url | writer
func readFromURL(url string, writer io.Writer) error {
httpTransport := new(http.Transport)
httpTransport.Proxy = http.ProxyFromEnvironment
c := &http.Client{Transport: httpTransport}
r, err := c.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Body.Close()
if r.StatusCode >= 400 {
return fmt.Errorf("%v returned %d", url, r.StatusCode)
_, err = io.Copy(writer, r.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
var (
initRegistry = RegistryList{
GcAuthenticatedRegistry: "gcr.io/authenticated-image-pulling",
PromoterE2eRegistry: "registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images",
BuildImageRegistry: "registry.k8s.io/build-image",
InvalidRegistry: "invalid.registry.k8s.io/invalid",
GcEtcdRegistry: "registry.k8s.io",
GcRegistry: "registry.k8s.io",
SigStorageRegistry: "registry.k8s.io/sig-storage",
PrivateRegistry: "gcr.io/k8s-authenticated-test",
DockerLibraryRegistry: "docker.io/library",
CloudProviderGcpRegistry: "registry.k8s.io/cloud-provider-gcp",
registry, imageConfigs, originalImageConfigs = readRepoList(os.Getenv("KUBE_TEST_REPO_LIST"))
type ImageID int
const (
// None is to be used for unset/default images
None ImageID = iota
// Agnhost image
// AgnhostPrivate image
// APIServer image
// AppArmorLoader image
// AuthenticatedAlpine image
// AuthenticatedWindowsNanoServer image
// BusyBox image
// DistrolessIptables Image
// Etcd image
// Httpd image
// HttpdNew image
// InvalidRegistryImage image
// IpcUtils image
// JessieDnsutils image
// Kitten image
// Nautilus image
// NFSProvisioner image
// Nginx image
// NginxNew image
// NodePerfNpbEp image
// NodePerfNpbIs image
// NodePerfTfWideDeep image
// Nonewprivs image
// NonRoot runs with a default user of 1234
// Pause - when these values are updated, also update cmd/kubelet/app/options/container_runtime.go
// Pause image
// Perl image
// Redis image
// RegressionIssue74839 image
// ResourceConsumer image
// VolumeNFSServer image
// VolumeISCSIServer image
func initImageConfigs(list RegistryList) (map[ImageID]Config, map[ImageID]Config) {
configs := map[ImageID]Config{}
configs[Agnhost] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "agnhost", "2.53"}
configs[AgnhostPrivate] = Config{list.PrivateRegistry, "agnhost", "2.6"}
configs[AuthenticatedAlpine] = Config{list.GcAuthenticatedRegistry, "alpine", "3.7"}
configs[AuthenticatedWindowsNanoServer] = Config{list.GcAuthenticatedRegistry, "windows-nanoserver", "v1"}
configs[APIServer] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "sample-apiserver", "1.29.2"}
configs[AppArmorLoader] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "apparmor-loader", "1.4"}
configs[BusyBox] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "busybox", "1.36.1-1"}
configs[DistrolessIptables] = Config{list.BuildImageRegistry, "distroless-iptables", "v0.6.6"}
configs[Etcd] = Config{list.GcEtcdRegistry, "etcd", "3.5.16-0"}
configs[Httpd] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "httpd", "2.4.38-4"}
configs[HttpdNew] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "httpd", "2.4.39-4"}
configs[InvalidRegistryImage] = Config{list.InvalidRegistry, "alpine", "3.1"}
configs[IpcUtils] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "ipc-utils", "1.3"}
configs[JessieDnsutils] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "jessie-dnsutils", "1.7"}
configs[Kitten] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "kitten", "1.7"}
configs[Nautilus] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "nautilus", "1.7"}
configs[NFSProvisioner] = Config{list.SigStorageRegistry, "nfs-provisioner", "v4.0.8"}
configs[Nginx] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "nginx", "1.14-4"}
configs[NginxNew] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "nginx", "1.15-4"}
configs[NodePerfNpbEp] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "node-perf/npb-ep", "1.2"}
configs[NodePerfNpbIs] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "node-perf/npb-is", "1.2"}
configs[NodePerfTfWideDeep] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "node-perf/tf-wide-deep", "1.3"}
configs[Nonewprivs] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "nonewprivs", "1.3"}
configs[NonRoot] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "nonroot", "1.4"}
// Pause - when these values are updated, also update cmd/kubelet/app/options/container_runtime.go
configs[Pause] = Config{list.GcRegistry, "pause", "3.10"}
configs[Perl] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "perl", "5.26"}
configs[Redis] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "redis", "5.0.5-3"}
configs[RegressionIssue74839] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "regression-issue-74839", "1.2"}
configs[ResourceConsumer] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "resource-consumer", "1.13"}
configs[VolumeNFSServer] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "volume/nfs", "1.4"}
configs[VolumeISCSIServer] = Config{list.PromoterE2eRegistry, "volume/iscsi", "2.6"}
// This adds more config entries. Those have no pre-defined ImageID number,
// but will be used via ReplaceRegistryInImageURL when deploying
// CSI drivers (test/e2e/storage/util/create.go).
// if requested, map all the SHAs into a known format based on the input
originalImageConfigs := configs
if repo := os.Getenv("KUBE_TEST_REPO"); len(repo) > 0 {
configs = GetMappedImageConfigs(originalImageConfigs, repo)
return configs, originalImageConfigs
// GetMappedImageConfigs returns the images if they were mapped to the provided
// image repository.
func GetMappedImageConfigs(originalImageConfigs map[ImageID]Config, repo string) map[ImageID]Config {
configs := make(map[ImageID]Config)
for i, config := range originalImageConfigs {
switch i {
case InvalidRegistryImage, AuthenticatedAlpine,
AuthenticatedWindowsNanoServer, AgnhostPrivate:
// These images are special and can't be run out of the cloud - some because they
// are authenticated, and others because they are not real images. Tests that depend
// on these images can't be run without access to the public internet.
configs[i] = config
// Build a new tag with the ImageID, a hash of the image spec (to be unique) and
// shorten and make the pull spec "safe" so it will fit in the tag
configs[i] = getRepositoryMappedConfig(i, config, repo)
return configs
var (
reCharSafe = regexp.MustCompile(`[^\w]`)
reDashes = regexp.MustCompile(`-+`)
// getRepositoryMappedConfig maps an existing image to the provided repo, generating a
// tag that is unique with the input config. The tag will contain the imageID, a hash of
// the image spec (to be unique) and shorten and make the pull spec "safe" so it will
// fit in the tag to allow a human to recognize the value. If imageID is None, then no
// imageID will be added to the tag.
func getRepositoryMappedConfig(imageID ImageID, config Config, repo string) Config {
parts := strings.SplitN(repo, "/", 2)
registry, name := parts[0], parts[1]
pullSpec := config.GetE2EImage()
h := sha256.New()
hash := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))[:16]
shortName := reCharSafe.ReplaceAllLiteralString(pullSpec, "-")
shortName = reDashes.ReplaceAllLiteralString(shortName, "-")
maxLength := 127 - 16 - 6 - 10
if len(shortName) > maxLength {
shortName = shortName[len(shortName)-maxLength:]
var version string
if imageID == None {
version = fmt.Sprintf("e2e-%s-%s", shortName, hash)
} else {
version = fmt.Sprintf("e2e-%d-%s-%s", imageID, shortName, hash)
return Config{
registry: registry,
name: name,
version: version,
// GetOriginalImageConfigs returns the configuration before any mapping rules.
func GetOriginalImageConfigs() map[ImageID]Config {
return originalImageConfigs
// GetImageConfigs returns the map of imageConfigs
func GetImageConfigs() map[ImageID]Config {
return imageConfigs
// GetConfig returns the Config object for an image
func GetConfig(image ImageID) Config {
return imageConfigs[image]
// GetE2EImage returns the fully qualified URI to an image (including version)
func GetE2EImage(image ImageID) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s:%s", imageConfigs[image].registry, imageConfigs[image].name, imageConfigs[image].version)
// GetE2EImage returns the fully qualified URI to an image (including version)
func (i *Config) GetE2EImage() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s:%s", i.registry, i.name, i.version)
// GetPauseImageName returns the pause image name with proper version
func GetPauseImageName() string {
return GetE2EImage(Pause)
// ReplaceRegistryInImageURL replaces the registry in the image URL with a custom one based
// on the configured registries.
func ReplaceRegistryInImageURL(imageURL string) (string, error) {
return replaceRegistryInImageURLWithList(imageURL, registry)
// replaceRegistryInImageURLWithList replaces the registry in the image URL with a custom one based
// on the given registry list.
func replaceRegistryInImageURLWithList(imageURL string, reg RegistryList) (string, error) {
parts := strings.Split(imageURL, "/")
countParts := len(parts)
registryAndUser := strings.Join(parts[:countParts-1], "/")
if repo := os.Getenv("KUBE_TEST_REPO"); len(repo) > 0 {
imageID := None
for i, v := range originalImageConfigs {
if v.GetE2EImage() == imageURL {
imageID = i
last := strings.SplitN(parts[countParts-1], ":", 2)
if len(last) == 1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("image %q is required to be in an image:tag format", imageURL)
config := getRepositoryMappedConfig(imageID, Config{
registry: parts[0],
name: strings.Join([]string{strings.Join(parts[1:countParts-1], "/"), last[0]}, "/"),
version: last[1],
}, repo)
return config.GetE2EImage(), nil
switch registryAndUser {
case initRegistry.GcRegistry:
registryAndUser = reg.GcRegistry
case initRegistry.SigStorageRegistry:
registryAndUser = reg.SigStorageRegistry
case initRegistry.PrivateRegistry:
registryAndUser = reg.PrivateRegistry
case initRegistry.InvalidRegistry:
registryAndUser = reg.InvalidRegistry
case initRegistry.PromoterE2eRegistry:
registryAndUser = reg.PromoterE2eRegistry
case initRegistry.BuildImageRegistry:
registryAndUser = reg.BuildImageRegistry
case initRegistry.GcAuthenticatedRegistry:
registryAndUser = reg.GcAuthenticatedRegistry
case initRegistry.DockerLibraryRegistry:
registryAndUser = reg.DockerLibraryRegistry
case initRegistry.CloudProviderGcpRegistry:
registryAndUser = reg.CloudProviderGcpRegistry
if countParts == 1 {
// We assume we found an image from docker hub library
// e.g. openjdk -> docker.io/library/openjdk
registryAndUser = reg.DockerLibraryRegistry
return "", fmt.Errorf("Registry: %s is missing in test/utils/image/manifest.go, please add the registry, otherwise the test will fail on air-gapped clusters", registryAndUser)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", registryAndUser, parts[countParts-1]), nil