Yug Gupta c9ad904331 cephfs: Add support for multiple subvolumegroups
With the current code base, the subvolumegroup will
be created once, and even for a different cluster,
subvolumegroup creation is not allowed again.

Added support multiple subvolumegroups creation by
validating one subvolumegroup creation per cluster.

Fixes: #1123

Signed-off-by: Yug Gupta <ygupta@redhat.com>
2020-06-26 09:19:24 +00:00

326 lines
9.8 KiB

package e2e
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" // nolint
clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
e2elog "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/log"
var (
cephfsProvisioner = "csi-cephfsplugin-provisioner.yaml"
cephfsProvisionerRBAC = "csi-provisioner-rbac.yaml"
cephfsProvisionerPSP = "csi-provisioner-psp.yaml"
cephfsNodePlugin = "csi-cephfsplugin.yaml"
cephfsNodePluginRBAC = "csi-nodeplugin-rbac.yaml"
cephfsNodePluginPSP = "csi-nodeplugin-psp.yaml"
cephfsDeploymentName = "csi-cephfsplugin-provisioner"
cephfsDeamonSetName = "csi-cephfsplugin"
cephfsDirPath = "../deploy/cephfs/kubernetes/"
cephfsExamplePath = "../examples/cephfs/"
func deployCephfsPlugin() {
// delete objects deployed by rook
data, err := replaceNamespaceInTemplate(cephfsDirPath + cephfsProvisionerRBAC)
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to read content from %s %v", cephfsDirPath+cephfsProvisionerRBAC, err)
_, err = framework.RunKubectlInput(cephCSINamespace, data, "--ignore-not-found=true", ns, "delete", "-f", "-")
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to delete provisioner rbac %s %v", cephfsDirPath+cephfsProvisionerRBAC, err)
data, err = replaceNamespaceInTemplate(cephfsDirPath + cephfsNodePluginRBAC)
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to read content from %s %v", cephfsDirPath+cephfsNodePluginRBAC, err)
_, err = framework.RunKubectlInput(cephCSINamespace, data, "delete", "--ignore-not-found=true", ns, "-f", "-")
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to delete nodeplugin rbac %s %v", cephfsDirPath+cephfsNodePluginRBAC, err)
func deleteCephfsPlugin() {
func createORDeleteCephfsResouces(action string) {
data, err := replaceNamespaceInTemplate(cephfsDirPath + cephfsProvisioner)
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to read content from %s %v", cephfsDirPath+cephfsProvisioner, err)
_, err = framework.RunKubectlInput(cephCSINamespace, data, action, ns, "-f", "-")
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to %s cephfs provisioner %v", action, err)
data, err = replaceNamespaceInTemplate(cephfsDirPath + cephfsProvisionerRBAC)
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to read content from %s %v", cephfsDirPath+cephfsProvisionerRBAC, err)
_, err = framework.RunKubectlInput(cephCSINamespace, data, action, ns, "-f", "-")
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to %s cephfs provisioner rbac %v", action, err)
data, err = replaceNamespaceInTemplate(cephfsDirPath + cephfsProvisionerPSP)
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to read content from %s %v", cephfsDirPath+cephfsProvisionerPSP, err)
_, err = framework.RunKubectlInput(cephCSINamespace, data, action, ns, "-f", "-")
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to %s cephfs provisioner psp %v", action, err)
data, err = replaceNamespaceInTemplate(cephfsDirPath + cephfsNodePlugin)
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to read content from %s %v", cephfsDirPath+cephfsNodePlugin, err)
_, err = framework.RunKubectlInput(cephCSINamespace, data, action, ns, "-f", "-")
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to %s cephfs nodeplugin %v", action, err)
data, err = replaceNamespaceInTemplate(cephfsDirPath + cephfsNodePluginRBAC)
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to read content from %s %v", cephfsDirPath+cephfsNodePluginRBAC, err)
_, err = framework.RunKubectlInput(cephCSINamespace, data, action, ns, "-f", "-")
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to %s cephfs nodeplugin rbac %v", action, err)
data, err = replaceNamespaceInTemplate(cephfsDirPath + cephfsNodePluginPSP)
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to read content from %s %v", cephfsDirPath+cephfsNodePluginPSP, err)
_, err = framework.RunKubectlInput(cephCSINamespace, data, action, ns, "-f", "-")
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to %s cephfs nodeplugin psp %v", action, err)
var _ = Describe("cephfs", func() {
f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("cephfs")
var c clientset.Interface
// deploy cephfs CSI
BeforeEach(func() {
c = f.ClientSet
if deployCephFS {
if cephCSINamespace != defaultNs {
err := createNamespace(c, cephCSINamespace)
if err != nil {
createConfigMap(cephfsDirPath, f.ClientSet, f)
createCephfsSecret(f.ClientSet, f)
AfterEach(func() {
if CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Failed {
// log pods created by helm chart
logsCSIPods("app=ceph-csi-cephfs", c)
// log provisoner
logsCSIPods("app=csi-cephfsplugin-provisioner", c)
// log node plugin
logsCSIPods("app=csi-cephfsplugin", c)
deleteResource(cephfsExamplePath + "secret.yaml")
deleteResource(cephfsExamplePath + "storageclass.yaml")
if deployCephFS {
if cephCSINamespace != defaultNs {
err := deleteNamespace(c, cephCSINamespace)
if err != nil {
Context("Test cephfs CSI", func() {
It("Test cephfs CSI", func() {
pvcPath := cephfsExamplePath + "pvc.yaml"
appPath := cephfsExamplePath + "pod.yaml"
By("checking provisioner deployment is running")
var err error
err = waitForDeploymentComplete(cephfsDeploymentName, cephCSINamespace, f.ClientSet, deployTimeout)
if err != nil {
By("checking nodeplugin deamonsets is running")
err = waitForDaemonSets(cephfsDeamonSetName, cephCSINamespace, f.ClientSet, deployTimeout)
if err != nil {
By("check static PVC", func() {
scPath := cephfsExamplePath + "secret.yaml"
err := validateCephFsStaticPV(f, appPath, scPath)
if err != nil {
By("create a storage class with pool and a PVC then Bind it to an app", func() {
createCephfsStorageClass(f.ClientSet, f, true, "")
validatePVCAndAppBinding(pvcPath, appPath, f)
deleteResource(cephfsExamplePath + "storageclass.yaml")
createCephfsStorageClass(f.ClientSet, f, false, "")
By("create and delete a PVC", func() {
By("create a PVC and Bind it to an app", func() {
validatePVCAndAppBinding(pvcPath, appPath, f)
By("create a PVC and Bind it to an app with normal user", func() {
validateNormalUserPVCAccess(pvcPath, f)
By("create/delete multiple PVCs and Apps", func() {
totalCount := 2
pvc, err := loadPVC(pvcPath)
if err != nil {
pvc.Namespace = f.UniqueName
app, err := loadApp(appPath)
if err != nil {
app.Namespace = f.UniqueName
// create pvc and app
for i := 0; i < totalCount; i++ {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, i)
err := createPVCAndApp(name, f, pvc, app, deployTimeout)
if err != nil {
// TODO add cephfs backend validation
// delete pvc and app
for i := 0; i < totalCount; i++ {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", f.UniqueName, i)
err := deletePVCAndApp(name, f, pvc, app)
if err != nil {
By("check data persist after recreating pod with same pvc", func() {
err := checkDataPersist(pvcPath, appPath, f)
if err != nil {
By("creating a PVC, deleting backing subvolume, and checking successful PV deletion", func() {
pvc, err := loadPVC(pvcPath)
if pvc == nil {
pvc.Namespace = f.UniqueName
err = createPVCAndvalidatePV(f.ClientSet, pvc, deployTimeout)
if err != nil {
err = deleteBackingCephFSVolume(f, pvc)
if err != nil {
err = deletePVCAndValidatePV(f.ClientSet, pvc, deployTimeout)
if err != nil {
By("validate multiple subvolumegroup creation", func() {
deleteResource(cephfsExamplePath + "storageclass.yaml")
// re-define configmap with information of multiple clusters.
subvolgrpInfo := map[string]string{
"clusterID-1": "subvolgrp1",
"clusterID-2": "subvolgrp2",
createCustomConfigMap(f.ClientSet, cephfsDirPath, subvolgrpInfo)
createCephfsStorageClass(f.ClientSet, f, false, "clusterID-1")
validatePVCAndAppBinding(pvcPath, appPath, f)
deleteResource(cephfsExamplePath + "storageclass.yaml")
// verify subvolumegroup creation.
err := validateSubvolumegroup(f, "subvolgrp1")
if err != nil {
// create resources and verify subvolume group creation
// for the second cluster.
createCephfsStorageClass(f.ClientSet, f, false, "clusterID-2")
validatePVCAndAppBinding(pvcPath, appPath, f)
deleteResource(cephfsExamplePath + "storageclass.yaml")
err = validateSubvolumegroup(f, "subvolgrp2")
if err != nil {
createConfigMap(cephfsDirPath, f.ClientSet, f)
createCephfsStorageClass(f.ClientSet, f, false, "")
By("Resize PVC and check application directory size", func() {
v, err := f.ClientSet.Discovery().ServerVersion()
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to get server version with error %v", err)
// Resize 0.3.0 is only supported from v1.15+
if v.Major > "1" || (v.Major == "1" && v.Minor >= "15") {
err := resizePVCAndValidateSize(pvcPath, appPath, f)
if err != nil {
e2elog.Logf("failed to resize PVC %v", err)
// Make sure this should be last testcase in this file, because
// it deletes pool
By("Create a PVC and Delete PVC when backend pool deleted", func() {
err := pvcDeleteWhenPoolNotFound(pvcPath, true, f)
if err != nil {