Niels de Vos 477a1225c9 ci: remove jjb Pods after job finished
Currently the number of Pods is growing in the OpenShift Console. The
pods are all Completed, so not running anymore, but there is also no
need to keep them around.

Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
2020-06-10 13:09:14 +00:00

70 lines
1.5 KiB
Executable File

# Create a new Job in OCP that runs the jbb-validate container once. This
# script will wait for completion of the validation, and uses the result of the
# container to report the status.
# error out in case a command fails
set -e
get_pod_status() {
oc get "pod/${1}" --no-headers -o=jsonpath='{.status.phase}'
case "${CMD}" in
echo "no such command: ${CMD}"
exit 1
# make sure there is a valid OCP session
oc version
# the deploy directory where this script is located, contains files we need
cd "$(dirname "${0}")"
# unique ID for the session
oc process -f "jjb-${CMD}.yaml" -p=SESSION="${SESSION}" | oc create -f -
# loop until pod is available
while true
jjb_pod=$(oc get pods --no-headers -l "jjb/session=${SESSION}" -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
# break the loop when the command returned success and jjb_pod is not empty
[ ${ret} = 0 ] && [ -n "${jjb_pod}" ] && break
sleep 1
# loop until the pod has finished
while true
status=$(get_pod_status "${jjb_pod}")
# TODO: is Running as a status sufficient, did it terminate yet?
[ ${ret} = 0 ] && { [ "${status}" = "Succeeded" ] || [ "${status}" = "Failed" ]; } && break
sleep 0.5
# show the log of the finished pod
oc logs "${jjb_pod}"
# delete the job, so a next run can create it again
oc process -f "jjb-${CMD}.yaml" -p=SESSION="${SESSION}" | oc delete --wait -f -
oc delete pod "${jjb_pod}"
# return the exit status of the pod
[ "${status}" = 'Succeeded' ]