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synced 2025-03-10 09:29:30 +00:00
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image. By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs). Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
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// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cel
import (
const (
optMapMacro = "optMap"
optFlatMapMacro = "optFlatMap"
hasValueFunc = "hasValue"
optionalNoneFunc = "optional.none"
optionalOfFunc = "optional.of"
optionalOfNonZeroValueFunc = "optional.ofNonZeroValue"
valueFunc = "value"
unusedIterVar = "#unused"
// Library provides a collection of EnvOption and ProgramOption values used to configure a CEL
// environment for a particular use case or with a related set of functionality.
// Note, the ProgramOption values provided by a library are expected to be static and not vary
// between calls to Env.Program(). If there is a need for such dynamic configuration, prefer to
// configure these options outside the Library and within the Env.Program() call directly.
type Library interface {
// CompileOptions returns a collection of functional options for configuring the Parse / Check
// environment.
CompileOptions() []EnvOption
// ProgramOptions returns a collection of functional options which should be included in every
// Program generated from the Env.Program() call.
ProgramOptions() []ProgramOption
// SingletonLibrary refines the Library interface to ensure that libraries in this format are only
// configured once within the environment.
type SingletonLibrary interface {
// LibraryName provides a namespaced name which is used to check whether the library has already
// been configured in the environment.
LibraryName() string
// Lib creates an EnvOption out of a Library, allowing libraries to be provided as functional args,
// and to be linked to each other.
func Lib(l Library) EnvOption {
singleton, isSingleton := l.(SingletonLibrary)
return func(e *Env) (*Env, error) {
if isSingleton {
if e.HasLibrary(singleton.LibraryName()) {
return e, nil
e.libraries[singleton.LibraryName()] = true
var err error
for _, opt := range l.CompileOptions() {
e, err = opt(e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
e.progOpts = append(e.progOpts, l.ProgramOptions()...)
return e, nil
// StdLib returns an EnvOption for the standard library of CEL functions and macros.
func StdLib() EnvOption {
return Lib(stdLibrary{})
// stdLibrary implements the Library interface and provides functional options for the core CEL
// features documented in the specification.
type stdLibrary struct{}
// LibraryName implements the SingletonLibrary interface method.
func (stdLibrary) LibraryName() string {
return "cel.lib.std"
// CompileOptions returns options for the standard CEL function declarations and macros.
func (stdLibrary) CompileOptions() []EnvOption {
return []EnvOption{
func(e *Env) (*Env, error) {
var err error
for _, fn := range stdlib.Functions() {
existing, found := e.functions[fn.Name()]
if found {
fn, err = existing.Merge(fn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
e.functions[fn.Name()] = fn
return e, nil
func(e *Env) (*Env, error) {
e.variables = append(e.variables, stdlib.Types()...)
return e, nil
// ProgramOptions returns function implementations for the standard CEL functions.
func (stdLibrary) ProgramOptions() []ProgramOption {
return []ProgramOption{}
// OptionalTypes enable support for optional syntax and types in CEL.
// The optional value type makes it possible to express whether variables have
// been provided, whether a result has been computed, and in the future whether
// an object field path, map key value, or list index has a value.
// # Syntax Changes
// OptionalTypes are unlike other CEL extensions because they modify the CEL
// syntax itself, notably through the use of a `?` preceding a field name or
// index value.
// ## Field Selection
// The optional syntax in field selection is denoted as `obj.?field`. In other
// words, if a field is set, return `optional.of(obj.field)“, else
// `optional.none()`. The optional field selection is viral in the sense that
// after the first optional selection all subsequent selections or indices
// are treated as optional, i.e. the following expressions are equivalent:
// obj.?field.subfield
// obj.?field.?subfield
// ## Indexing
// Similar to field selection, the optional syntax can be used in index
// expressions on maps and lists:
// list[?0]
// map[?key]
// ## Optional Field Setting
// When creating map or message literals, if a field may be optionally set
// based on its presence, then placing a `?` before the field name or key
// will ensure the type on the right-hand side must be optional(T) where T
// is the type of the field or key-value.
// The following returns a map with the key expression set only if the
// subfield is present, otherwise an empty map is created:
// {?key: obj.?field.subfield}
// ## Optional Element Setting
// When creating list literals, an element in the list may be optionally added
// when the element expression is preceded by a `?`:
// [a, ?b, ?c] // return a list with either [a], [a, b], [a, b, c], or [a, c]
// # Optional.Of
// Create an optional(T) value of a given value with type T.
// optional.of(10)
// # Optional.OfNonZeroValue
// Create an optional(T) value of a given value with type T if it is not a
// zero-value. A zero-value the default empty value for any given CEL type,
// including empty protobuf message types. If the value is empty, the result
// of this call will be optional.none().
// optional.ofNonZeroValue([1, 2, 3]) // optional(list(int))
// optional.ofNonZeroValue([]) // optional.none()
// optional.ofNonZeroValue(0) // optional.none()
// optional.ofNonZeroValue("") // optional.none()
// # Optional.None
// Create an empty optional value.
// # HasValue
// Determine whether the optional contains a value.
// optional.of(b'hello').hasValue() // true
// optional.ofNonZeroValue({}).hasValue() // false
// # Value
// Get the value contained by the optional. If the optional does not have a
// value, the result will be a CEL error.
// optional.of(b'hello').value() // b'hello'
// optional.ofNonZeroValue({}).value() // error
// # Or
// If the value on the left-hand side is optional.none(), the optional value
// on the right hand side is returned. If the value on the left-hand set is
// valued, then it is returned. This operation is short-circuiting and will
// only evaluate as many links in the `or` chain as are needed to return a
// non-empty optional value.
// obj.?field.or(m[?key])
// l[?index].or(obj.?field.subfield).or(obj.?other)
// # OrValue
// Either return the value contained within the optional on the left-hand side
// or return the alternative value on the right hand side.
// m[?key].orValue("none")
// # OptMap
// Apply a transformation to the optional's underlying value if it is not empty
// and return an optional typed result based on the transformation. The
// transformation expression type must return a type T which is wrapped into
// an optional.
// msg.?elements.optMap(e, e.size()).orValue(0)
// # OptFlatMap
// Introduced in version: 1
// Apply a transformation to the optional's underlying value if it is not empty
// and return the result. The transform expression must return an optional(T)
// rather than type T. This can be useful when dealing with zero values and
// conditionally generating an empty or non-empty result in ways which cannot
// be expressed with `optMap`.
// msg.?elements.optFlatMap(e, e[?0]) // return the first element if present.
func OptionalTypes(opts ...OptionalTypesOption) EnvOption {
lib := &optionalLib{version: math.MaxUint32}
for _, opt := range opts {
lib = opt(lib)
return Lib(lib)
type optionalLib struct {
version uint32
// OptionalTypesOption is a functional interface for configuring the strings library.
type OptionalTypesOption func(*optionalLib) *optionalLib
// OptionalTypesVersion configures the version of the optional type library.
// The version limits which functions are available. Only functions introduced
// below or equal to the given version included in the library. If this option
// is not set, all functions are available.
// See the library documentation to determine which version a function was introduced.
// If the documentation does not state which version a function was introduced, it can
// be assumed to be introduced at version 0, when the library was first created.
func OptionalTypesVersion(version uint32) OptionalTypesOption {
return func(lib *optionalLib) *optionalLib {
lib.version = version
return lib
// LibraryName implements the SingletonLibrary interface method.
func (lib *optionalLib) LibraryName() string {
return "cel.lib.optional"
// CompileOptions implements the Library interface method.
func (lib *optionalLib) CompileOptions() []EnvOption {
paramTypeK := TypeParamType("K")
paramTypeV := TypeParamType("V")
optionalTypeV := OptionalType(paramTypeV)
listTypeV := ListType(paramTypeV)
mapTypeKV := MapType(paramTypeK, paramTypeV)
opts := []EnvOption{
// Enable the optional syntax in the parser.
// Introduce the optional type.
// Configure the optMap and optFlatMap macros.
Macros(ReceiverMacro(optMapMacro, 2, optMap)),
// Global and member functions for working with optional values.
Overload("optional_of", []*Type{paramTypeV}, optionalTypeV,
UnaryBinding(func(value ref.Val) ref.Val {
return types.OptionalOf(value)
Overload("optional_ofNonZeroValue", []*Type{paramTypeV}, optionalTypeV,
UnaryBinding(func(value ref.Val) ref.Val {
v, isZeroer := value.(traits.Zeroer)
if !isZeroer || !v.IsZeroValue() {
return types.OptionalOf(value)
return types.OptionalNone
Overload("optional_none", []*Type{}, optionalTypeV,
FunctionBinding(func(values ...ref.Val) ref.Val {
return types.OptionalNone
MemberOverload("optional_value", []*Type{optionalTypeV}, paramTypeV,
UnaryBinding(func(value ref.Val) ref.Val {
opt := value.(*types.Optional)
return opt.GetValue()
MemberOverload("optional_hasValue", []*Type{optionalTypeV}, BoolType,
UnaryBinding(func(value ref.Val) ref.Val {
opt := value.(*types.Optional)
return types.Bool(opt.HasValue())
// Implementation of 'or' and 'orValue' are special-cased to support short-circuiting in the
// evaluation chain.
MemberOverload("optional_or_optional", []*Type{optionalTypeV, optionalTypeV}, optionalTypeV)),
MemberOverload("optional_orValue_value", []*Type{optionalTypeV, paramTypeV}, paramTypeV)),
// OptSelect is handled specially by the type-checker, so the receiver's field type is used to determine the
// optput type.
Overload("select_optional_field", []*Type{DynType, StringType}, optionalTypeV)),
// OptIndex is handled mostly like any other indexing operation on a list or map, so the type-checker can use
// these signatures to determine type-agreement without any special handling.
Overload("list_optindex_optional_int", []*Type{listTypeV, IntType}, optionalTypeV),
Overload("optional_list_optindex_optional_int", []*Type{OptionalType(listTypeV), IntType}, optionalTypeV),
Overload("map_optindex_optional_value", []*Type{mapTypeKV, paramTypeK}, optionalTypeV),
Overload("optional_map_optindex_optional_value", []*Type{OptionalType(mapTypeKV), paramTypeK}, optionalTypeV)),
// Index overloads to accommodate using an optional value as the operand.
Overload("optional_list_index_int", []*Type{OptionalType(listTypeV), IntType}, optionalTypeV),
Overload("optional_map_index_value", []*Type{OptionalType(mapTypeKV), paramTypeK}, optionalTypeV)),
if lib.version >= 1 {
opts = append(opts, Macros(ReceiverMacro(optFlatMapMacro, 2, optFlatMap)))
return opts
// ProgramOptions implements the Library interface method.
func (lib *optionalLib) ProgramOptions() []ProgramOption {
return []ProgramOption{
func optMap(meh MacroExprFactory, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *Error) {
varIdent := args[0]
varName := ""
switch varIdent.Kind() {
case ast.IdentKind:
varName = varIdent.AsIdent()
return nil, meh.NewError(varIdent.ID(), "optMap() variable name must be a simple identifier")
mapExpr := args[1]
return meh.NewCall(
meh.NewMemberCall(hasValueFunc, target),
meh.NewMemberCall(valueFunc, meh.Copy(target)),
), nil
func optFlatMap(meh MacroExprFactory, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *Error) {
varIdent := args[0]
varName := ""
switch varIdent.Kind() {
case ast.IdentKind:
varName = varIdent.AsIdent()
return nil, meh.NewError(varIdent.ID(), "optFlatMap() variable name must be a simple identifier")
mapExpr := args[1]
return meh.NewCall(
meh.NewMemberCall(hasValueFunc, target),
meh.NewMemberCall(valueFunc, meh.Copy(target)),
), nil
func enableOptionalSyntax() EnvOption {
return func(e *Env) (*Env, error) {
e.prsrOpts = append(e.prsrOpts, parser.EnableOptionalSyntax(true))
return e, nil
// EnableErrorOnBadPresenceTest enables error generation when a presence test or optional field
// selection is performed on a primitive type.
func EnableErrorOnBadPresenceTest(value bool) EnvOption {
return features(featureEnableErrorOnBadPresenceTest, value)
func decorateOptionalOr(i interpreter.Interpretable) (interpreter.Interpretable, error) {
call, ok := i.(interpreter.InterpretableCall)
if !ok {
return i, nil
args := call.Args()
if len(args) != 2 {
return i, nil
switch call.Function() {
case "or":
if call.OverloadID() != "" && call.OverloadID() != "optional_or_optional" {
return i, nil
return &evalOptionalOr{
id: call.ID(),
lhs: args[0],
rhs: args[1],
}, nil
case "orValue":
if call.OverloadID() != "" && call.OverloadID() != "optional_orValue_value" {
return i, nil
return &evalOptionalOrValue{
id: call.ID(),
lhs: args[0],
rhs: args[1],
}, nil
return i, nil
// evalOptionalOr selects between two optional values, either the first if it has a value, or
// the second optional expression is evaluated and returned.
type evalOptionalOr struct {
id int64
lhs interpreter.Interpretable
rhs interpreter.Interpretable
// ID implements the Interpretable interface method.
func (opt *evalOptionalOr) ID() int64 {
return opt.id
// Eval evaluates the left-hand side optional to determine whether it contains a value, else
// proceeds with the right-hand side evaluation.
func (opt *evalOptionalOr) Eval(ctx interpreter.Activation) ref.Val {
// short-circuit lhs.
optLHS := opt.lhs.Eval(ctx)
optVal, ok := optLHS.(*types.Optional)
if !ok {
return optLHS
if optVal.HasValue() {
return optVal
return opt.rhs.Eval(ctx)
// evalOptionalOrValue selects between an optional or a concrete value. If the optional has a value,
// its value is returned, otherwise the alternative value expression is evaluated and returned.
type evalOptionalOrValue struct {
id int64
lhs interpreter.Interpretable
rhs interpreter.Interpretable
// ID implements the Interpretable interface method.
func (opt *evalOptionalOrValue) ID() int64 {
return opt.id
// Eval evaluates the left-hand side optional to determine whether it contains a value, else
// proceeds with the right-hand side evaluation.
func (opt *evalOptionalOrValue) Eval(ctx interpreter.Activation) ref.Val {
// short-circuit lhs.
optLHS := opt.lhs.Eval(ctx)
optVal, ok := optLHS.(*types.Optional)
if !ok {
return optLHS
if optVal.HasValue() {
return optVal.GetValue()
return opt.rhs.Eval(ctx)
type timeUTCLibrary struct{}
func (timeUTCLibrary) CompileOptions() []EnvOption {
return timeOverloadDeclarations
func (timeUTCLibrary) ProgramOptions() []ProgramOption {
return []ProgramOption{}
// Declarations and functions which enable using UTC on time.Time inputs when the timezone is unspecified
// in the CEL expression.
var (
utcTZ = types.String("UTC")
timeOverloadDeclarations = []EnvOption{
MemberOverload(overloads.DurationToHours, []*Type{DurationType}, IntType,
MemberOverload(overloads.DurationToMinutes, []*Type{DurationType}, IntType,
MemberOverload(overloads.DurationToSeconds, []*Type{DurationType}, IntType,
MemberOverload(overloads.DurationToMilliseconds, []*Type{DurationType}, IntType,
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToYear, []*Type{TimestampType}, IntType,
UnaryBinding(func(ts ref.Val) ref.Val {
return timestampGetFullYear(ts, utcTZ)
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToYearWithTz, []*Type{TimestampType, StringType}, IntType,
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToMonth, []*Type{TimestampType}, IntType,
UnaryBinding(func(ts ref.Val) ref.Val {
return timestampGetMonth(ts, utcTZ)
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToMonthWithTz, []*Type{TimestampType, StringType}, IntType,
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToDayOfYear, []*Type{TimestampType}, IntType,
UnaryBinding(func(ts ref.Val) ref.Val {
return timestampGetDayOfYear(ts, utcTZ)
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToDayOfYearWithTz, []*Type{TimestampType, StringType}, IntType,
BinaryBinding(func(ts, tz ref.Val) ref.Val {
return timestampGetDayOfYear(ts, tz)
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToDayOfMonthZeroBased, []*Type{TimestampType}, IntType,
UnaryBinding(func(ts ref.Val) ref.Val {
return timestampGetDayOfMonthZeroBased(ts, utcTZ)
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToDayOfMonthZeroBasedWithTz, []*Type{TimestampType, StringType}, IntType,
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToDayOfMonthOneBased, []*Type{TimestampType}, IntType,
UnaryBinding(func(ts ref.Val) ref.Val {
return timestampGetDayOfMonthOneBased(ts, utcTZ)
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToDayOfMonthOneBasedWithTz, []*Type{TimestampType, StringType}, IntType,
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToDayOfWeek, []*Type{TimestampType}, IntType,
UnaryBinding(func(ts ref.Val) ref.Val {
return timestampGetDayOfWeek(ts, utcTZ)
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToDayOfWeekWithTz, []*Type{TimestampType, StringType}, IntType,
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToHours, []*Type{TimestampType}, IntType,
UnaryBinding(func(ts ref.Val) ref.Val {
return timestampGetHours(ts, utcTZ)
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToHoursWithTz, []*Type{TimestampType, StringType}, IntType,
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToMinutes, []*Type{TimestampType}, IntType,
UnaryBinding(func(ts ref.Val) ref.Val {
return timestampGetMinutes(ts, utcTZ)
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToMinutesWithTz, []*Type{TimestampType, StringType}, IntType,
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToSeconds, []*Type{TimestampType}, IntType,
UnaryBinding(func(ts ref.Val) ref.Val {
return timestampGetSeconds(ts, utcTZ)
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToSecondsWithTz, []*Type{TimestampType, StringType}, IntType,
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToMilliseconds, []*Type{TimestampType}, IntType,
UnaryBinding(func(ts ref.Val) ref.Val {
return timestampGetMilliseconds(ts, utcTZ)
MemberOverload(overloads.TimestampToMillisecondsWithTz, []*Type{TimestampType, StringType}, IntType,
func timestampGetFullYear(ts, tz ref.Val) ref.Val {
t, err := inTimeZone(ts, tz)
if err != nil {
return types.NewErr(err.Error())
return types.Int(t.Year())
func timestampGetMonth(ts, tz ref.Val) ref.Val {
t, err := inTimeZone(ts, tz)
if err != nil {
return types.NewErr(err.Error())
// CEL spec indicates that the month should be 0-based, but the Time value
// for Month() is 1-based.
return types.Int(t.Month() - 1)
func timestampGetDayOfYear(ts, tz ref.Val) ref.Val {
t, err := inTimeZone(ts, tz)
if err != nil {
return types.NewErr(err.Error())
return types.Int(t.YearDay() - 1)
func timestampGetDayOfMonthZeroBased(ts, tz ref.Val) ref.Val {
t, err := inTimeZone(ts, tz)
if err != nil {
return types.NewErr(err.Error())
return types.Int(t.Day() - 1)
func timestampGetDayOfMonthOneBased(ts, tz ref.Val) ref.Val {
t, err := inTimeZone(ts, tz)
if err != nil {
return types.NewErr(err.Error())
return types.Int(t.Day())
func timestampGetDayOfWeek(ts, tz ref.Val) ref.Val {
t, err := inTimeZone(ts, tz)
if err != nil {
return types.NewErr(err.Error())
return types.Int(t.Weekday())
func timestampGetHours(ts, tz ref.Val) ref.Val {
t, err := inTimeZone(ts, tz)
if err != nil {
return types.NewErr(err.Error())
return types.Int(t.Hour())
func timestampGetMinutes(ts, tz ref.Val) ref.Val {
t, err := inTimeZone(ts, tz)
if err != nil {
return types.NewErr(err.Error())
return types.Int(t.Minute())
func timestampGetSeconds(ts, tz ref.Val) ref.Val {
t, err := inTimeZone(ts, tz)
if err != nil {
return types.NewErr(err.Error())
return types.Int(t.Second())
func timestampGetMilliseconds(ts, tz ref.Val) ref.Val {
t, err := inTimeZone(ts, tz)
if err != nil {
return types.NewErr(err.Error())
return types.Int(t.Nanosecond() / 1000000)
func inTimeZone(ts, tz ref.Val) (time.Time, error) {
t := ts.(types.Timestamp)
val := string(tz.(types.String))
ind := strings.Index(val, ":")
if ind == -1 {
loc, err := time.LoadLocation(val)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return t.In(loc), nil
// If the input is not the name of a timezone (for example, 'US/Central'), it should be a numerical offset from UTC
// in the format ^(+|-)(0[0-9]|1[0-4]):[0-5][0-9]$. The numerical input is parsed in terms of hours and minutes.
hr, err := strconv.Atoi(string(val[0:ind]))
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
min, err := strconv.Atoi(string(val[ind+1:]))
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
var offset int
if string(val[0]) == "-" {
offset = hr*60 - min
} else {
offset = hr*60 + min
secondsEastOfUTC := int((time.Duration(offset) * time.Minute).Seconds())
timezone := time.FixedZone("", secondsEastOfUTC)
return t.In(timezone), nil