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synced 2025-03-10 09:29:30 +00:00
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image. By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs). Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
337 lines
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337 lines
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// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ext
import (
// Bindings returns a cel.EnvOption to configure support for local variable
// bindings in expressions.
// # Cel.Bind
// Binds a simple identifier to an initialization expression which may be used
// in a subsequenct result expression. Bindings may also be nested within each
// other.
// cel.bind(<varName>, <initExpr>, <resultExpr>)
// Examples:
// cel.bind(a, 'hello',
// cel.bind(b, 'world', a + b + b + a)) // "helloworldworldhello"
// // Avoid a list allocation within the exists comprehension.
// cel.bind(valid_values, [a, b, c],
// [d, e, f].exists(elem, elem in valid_values))
// Local bindings are not guaranteed to be evaluated before use.
func Bindings(options ...BindingsOption) cel.EnvOption {
b := &celBindings{version: math.MaxUint32}
for _, o := range options {
b = o(b)
return cel.Lib(b)
const (
celNamespace = "cel"
bindMacro = "bind"
blockFunc = "@block"
unusedIterVar = "#unused"
// BindingsOption declares a functional operator for configuring the Bindings library behavior.
type BindingsOption func(*celBindings) *celBindings
// BindingsVersion sets the version of the bindings library to an explicit version.
func BindingsVersion(version uint32) BindingsOption {
return func(lib *celBindings) *celBindings {
lib.version = version
return lib
type celBindings struct {
version uint32
func (*celBindings) LibraryName() string {
return "cel.lib.ext.cel.bindings"
func (lib *celBindings) CompileOptions() []cel.EnvOption {
opts := []cel.EnvOption{
// cel.bind(var, <init>, <expr>)
cel.ReceiverMacro(bindMacro, 3, celBind),
if lib.version >= 1 {
// The cel.@block signature takes a list of subexpressions and a typed expression which is
// used as the output type.
paramType := cel.TypeParamType("T")
opts = append(opts,
[]*cel.Type{cel.ListType(cel.DynType), paramType}, paramType)),
opts = append(opts, cel.ASTValidators(blockValidationExemption{}))
return opts
func (lib *celBindings) ProgramOptions() []cel.ProgramOption {
if lib.version >= 1 {
celBlockPlan := func(i interpreter.Interpretable) (interpreter.Interpretable, error) {
call, ok := i.(interpreter.InterpretableCall)
if !ok {
return i, nil
switch call.Function() {
case "cel.@block":
args := call.Args()
if len(args) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cel.@block expects two arguments, but got %d", len(args))
expr := args[1]
// Non-empty block
if block, ok := args[0].(interpreter.InterpretableConstructor); ok {
slotExprs := block.InitVals()
return newDynamicBlock(slotExprs, expr), nil
// Constant valued block which can happen during runtime optimization.
if cons, ok := args[0].(interpreter.InterpretableConst); ok {
if cons.Value().Type() == types.ListType {
l := cons.Value().(traits.Lister)
if l.Size().Equal(types.IntZero) == types.True {
return args[1], nil
return newConstantBlock(l, expr), nil
return nil, errors.New("cel.@block expects a list constructor as the first argument")
return i, nil
return []cel.ProgramOption{cel.CustomDecorator(celBlockPlan)}
return []cel.ProgramOption{}
type blockValidationExemption struct{}
// Name returns the name of the validator.
func (blockValidationExemption) Name() string {
return "cel.lib.ext.validate.functions.cel.block"
// Configure implements the ASTValidatorConfigurer interface and augments the list of functions to skip
// during homogeneous aggregate literal type-checks.
func (blockValidationExemption) Configure(config cel.MutableValidatorConfig) error {
functions := config.GetOrDefault(cel.HomogeneousAggregateLiteralExemptFunctions, []string{}).([]string)
functions = append(functions, "cel.@block")
return config.Set(cel.HomogeneousAggregateLiteralExemptFunctions, functions)
// Validate is a no-op as the intent is to simply disable strong type-checks for list literals during
// when they occur within cel.@block calls as the arg types have already been validated.
func (blockValidationExemption) Validate(env *cel.Env, _ cel.ValidatorConfig, a *ast.AST, iss *cel.Issues) {
func celBind(mef cel.MacroExprFactory, target ast.Expr, args []ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, *cel.Error) {
if !macroTargetMatchesNamespace(celNamespace, target) {
return nil, nil
varIdent := args[0]
varName := ""
switch varIdent.Kind() {
case ast.IdentKind:
varName = varIdent.AsIdent()
return nil, mef.NewError(varIdent.ID(), "cel.bind() variable names must be simple identifiers")
varInit := args[1]
resultExpr := args[2]
return mef.NewComprehension(
), nil
func newDynamicBlock(slotExprs []interpreter.Interpretable, expr interpreter.Interpretable) interpreter.Interpretable {
bs := &dynamicBlock{
slotExprs: slotExprs,
expr: expr,
bs.slotActivationPool = &sync.Pool{
New: func() any {
slotCount := len(slotExprs)
sa := &dynamicSlotActivation{
slotExprs: slotExprs,
slotCount: slotCount,
slotVals: make([]*slotVal, slotCount),
for i := 0; i < slotCount; i++ {
sa.slotVals[i] = &slotVal{}
return sa
return bs
type dynamicBlock struct {
slotExprs []interpreter.Interpretable
expr interpreter.Interpretable
slotActivationPool *sync.Pool
// ID implements the Interpretable interface method.
func (b *dynamicBlock) ID() int64 {
return b.expr.ID()
// Eval implements the Interpretable interface method.
func (b *dynamicBlock) Eval(activation interpreter.Activation) ref.Val {
sa := b.slotActivationPool.Get().(*dynamicSlotActivation)
sa.Activation = activation
defer b.clearSlots(sa)
return b.expr.Eval(sa)
func (b *dynamicBlock) clearSlots(sa *dynamicSlotActivation) {
type slotVal struct {
value *ref.Val
visited bool
type dynamicSlotActivation struct {
slotExprs []interpreter.Interpretable
slotCount int
slotVals []*slotVal
// ResolveName implements the Activation interface method but handles variables prefixed with `@index`
// as special variables which exist within the slot-based memory of the cel.@block() where each slot
// refers to an expression which must be computed only once.
func (sa *dynamicSlotActivation) ResolveName(name string) (any, bool) {
if idx, found := matchSlot(name, sa.slotCount); found {
v := sa.slotVals[idx]
if v.visited {
// Return not found if the index expression refers to itself
if v.value == nil {
return nil, false
return *v.value, true
v.visited = true
val := sa.slotExprs[idx].Eval(sa)
v.value = &val
return val, true
return sa.Activation.ResolveName(name)
func (sa *dynamicSlotActivation) reset() {
sa.Activation = nil
for _, sv := range sa.slotVals {
sv.visited = false
sv.value = nil
func newConstantBlock(slots traits.Lister, expr interpreter.Interpretable) interpreter.Interpretable {
count := slots.Size().(types.Int)
return &constantBlock{slots: slots, slotCount: int(count), expr: expr}
type constantBlock struct {
slots traits.Lister
slotCount int
expr interpreter.Interpretable
// ID implements the interpreter.Interpretable interface method.
func (b *constantBlock) ID() int64 {
return b.expr.ID()
// Eval implements the interpreter.Interpretable interface method, and will proxy @index prefixed variable
// lookups into a set of constant slots determined from the plan step.
func (b *constantBlock) Eval(activation interpreter.Activation) ref.Val {
vars := constantSlotActivation{Activation: activation, slots: b.slots, slotCount: b.slotCount}
return b.expr.Eval(vars)
type constantSlotActivation struct {
slots traits.Lister
slotCount int
// ResolveName implements Activation interface method and proxies @index prefixed lookups into the slot
// activation associated with the block scope.
func (sa constantSlotActivation) ResolveName(name string) (any, bool) {
if idx, found := matchSlot(name, sa.slotCount); found {
return sa.slots.Get(types.Int(idx)), true
return sa.Activation.ResolveName(name)
func matchSlot(name string, slotCount int) (int, bool) {
if idx, found := strings.CutPrefix(name, indexPrefix); found {
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(idx)
// Return not found if the index is not numeric
if err != nil {
return -1, false
// Return not found if the index is not a valid slot
if idx < 0 || idx >= slotCount {
return -1, false
return idx, true
return -1, false
var (
indexPrefix = "@index"