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synced 2025-03-10 09:29:30 +00:00
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image. By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs). Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
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// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package interpreter
import (
// interpretablePlanner creates an Interpretable evaluation plan from a proto Expr value.
type interpretablePlanner interface {
// Plan generates an Interpretable value (or error) from the input proto Expr.
Plan(expr ast.Expr) (Interpretable, error)
// newPlanner creates an interpretablePlanner which references a Dispatcher, TypeProvider,
// TypeAdapter, Container, and CheckedExpr value. These pieces of data are used to resolve
// functions, types, and namespaced identifiers at plan time rather than at runtime since
// it only needs to be done once and may be semi-expensive to compute.
func newPlanner(disp Dispatcher,
provider types.Provider,
adapter types.Adapter,
attrFactory AttributeFactory,
cont *containers.Container,
exprAST *ast.AST,
decorators ...InterpretableDecorator) interpretablePlanner {
return &planner{
disp: disp,
provider: provider,
adapter: adapter,
attrFactory: attrFactory,
container: cont,
refMap: exprAST.ReferenceMap(),
typeMap: exprAST.TypeMap(),
decorators: decorators,
// planner is an implementation of the interpretablePlanner interface.
type planner struct {
disp Dispatcher
provider types.Provider
adapter types.Adapter
attrFactory AttributeFactory
container *containers.Container
refMap map[int64]*ast.ReferenceInfo
typeMap map[int64]*types.Type
decorators []InterpretableDecorator
// Plan implements the interpretablePlanner interface. This implementation of the Plan method also
// applies decorators to each Interpretable generated as part of the overall plan. Decorators are
// useful for layering functionality into the evaluation that is not natively understood by CEL,
// such as state-tracking, expression re-write, and possibly efficient thread-safe memoization of
// repeated expressions.
func (p *planner) Plan(expr ast.Expr) (Interpretable, error) {
switch expr.Kind() {
case ast.CallKind:
return p.decorate(p.planCall(expr))
case ast.IdentKind:
return p.decorate(p.planIdent(expr))
case ast.LiteralKind:
return p.decorate(p.planConst(expr))
case ast.SelectKind:
return p.decorate(p.planSelect(expr))
case ast.ListKind:
return p.decorate(p.planCreateList(expr))
case ast.MapKind:
return p.decorate(p.planCreateMap(expr))
case ast.StructKind:
return p.decorate(p.planCreateStruct(expr))
case ast.ComprehensionKind:
return p.decorate(p.planComprehension(expr))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported expr: %v", expr)
// decorate applies the InterpretableDecorator functions to the given Interpretable.
// Both the Interpretable and error generated by a Plan step are accepted as arguments
// for convenience.
func (p *planner) decorate(i Interpretable, err error) (Interpretable, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, dec := range p.decorators {
i, err = dec(i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return i, nil
// planIdent creates an Interpretable that resolves an identifier from an Activation.
func (p *planner) planIdent(expr ast.Expr) (Interpretable, error) {
// Establish whether the identifier is in the reference map.
if identRef, found := p.refMap[expr.ID()]; found {
return p.planCheckedIdent(expr.ID(), identRef)
// Create the possible attribute list for the unresolved reference.
ident := expr.AsIdent()
return &evalAttr{
adapter: p.adapter,
attr: p.attrFactory.MaybeAttribute(expr.ID(), ident),
}, nil
func (p *planner) planCheckedIdent(id int64, identRef *ast.ReferenceInfo) (Interpretable, error) {
// Plan a constant reference if this is the case for this simple identifier.
if identRef.Value != nil {
return NewConstValue(id, identRef.Value), nil
// Check to see whether the type map indicates this is a type name. All types should be
// registered with the provider.
cType := p.typeMap[id]
if cType.Kind() == types.TypeKind {
cVal, found := p.provider.FindIdent(identRef.Name)
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reference to undefined type: %s", identRef.Name)
return NewConstValue(id, cVal), nil
// Otherwise, return the attribute for the resolved identifier name.
return &evalAttr{
adapter: p.adapter,
attr: p.attrFactory.AbsoluteAttribute(id, identRef.Name),
}, nil
// planSelect creates an Interpretable with either:
// a) selects a field from a map or proto.
// b) creates a field presence test for a select within a has() macro.
// c) resolves the select expression to a namespaced identifier.
func (p *planner) planSelect(expr ast.Expr) (Interpretable, error) {
// If the Select id appears in the reference map from the CheckedExpr proto then it is either
// a namespaced identifier or enum value.
if identRef, found := p.refMap[expr.ID()]; found {
return p.planCheckedIdent(expr.ID(), identRef)
sel := expr.AsSelect()
// Plan the operand evaluation.
op, err := p.Plan(sel.Operand())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opType := p.typeMap[sel.Operand().ID()]
// If the Select was marked TestOnly, this is a presence test.
// Note: presence tests are defined for structured (e.g. proto) and dynamic values (map, json)
// as follows:
// - True if the object field has a non-default value, e.g. obj.str != ""
// - True if the dynamic value has the field defined, e.g. key in map
// However, presence tests are not defined for qualified identifier names with primitive types.
// If a string named 'a.b.c' is declared in the environment and referenced within `has(a.b.c)`,
// it is not clear whether has should error or follow the convention defined for structured
// values.
// Establish the attribute reference.
attr, isAttr := op.(InterpretableAttribute)
if !isAttr {
attr, err = p.relativeAttr(op.ID(), op, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Build a qualifier for the attribute.
qual, err := p.attrFactory.NewQualifier(opType, expr.ID(), sel.FieldName(), false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Modify the attribute to be test-only.
if sel.IsTestOnly() {
attr = &evalTestOnly{
id: expr.ID(),
InterpretableAttribute: attr,
// Append the qualifier on the attribute.
_, err = attr.AddQualifier(qual)
return attr, err
// planCall creates a callable Interpretable while specializing for common functions and invocation
// patterns. Specifically, conditional operators &&, ||, ?:, and (in)equality functions result in
// optimized Interpretable values.
func (p *planner) planCall(expr ast.Expr) (Interpretable, error) {
call := expr.AsCall()
target, fnName, oName := p.resolveFunction(expr)
argCount := len(call.Args())
var offset int
if target != nil {
args := make([]Interpretable, argCount)
if target != nil {
arg, err := p.Plan(target)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args[0] = arg
for i, argExpr := range call.Args() {
arg, err := p.Plan(argExpr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args[i+offset] = arg
// Generate specialized Interpretable operators by function name if possible.
switch fnName {
case operators.LogicalAnd:
return p.planCallLogicalAnd(expr, args)
case operators.LogicalOr:
return p.planCallLogicalOr(expr, args)
case operators.Conditional:
return p.planCallConditional(expr, args)
case operators.Equals:
return p.planCallEqual(expr, args)
case operators.NotEquals:
return p.planCallNotEqual(expr, args)
case operators.Index:
return p.planCallIndex(expr, args, false)
case operators.OptSelect, operators.OptIndex:
return p.planCallIndex(expr, args, true)
// Otherwise, generate Interpretable calls specialized by argument count.
// Try to find the specific function by overload id.
var fnDef *functions.Overload
if oName != "" {
fnDef, _ = p.disp.FindOverload(oName)
// If the overload id couldn't resolve the function, try the simple function name.
if fnDef == nil {
fnDef, _ = p.disp.FindOverload(fnName)
switch argCount {
case 0:
return p.planCallZero(expr, fnName, oName, fnDef)
case 1:
// If the FunctionOp has been used, then use it as it may exist for the purposes
// of dynamic dispatch within a singleton function implementation.
if fnDef != nil && fnDef.Unary == nil && fnDef.Function != nil {
return p.planCallVarArgs(expr, fnName, oName, fnDef, args)
return p.planCallUnary(expr, fnName, oName, fnDef, args)
case 2:
// If the FunctionOp has been used, then use it as it may exist for the purposes
// of dynamic dispatch within a singleton function implementation.
if fnDef != nil && fnDef.Binary == nil && fnDef.Function != nil {
return p.planCallVarArgs(expr, fnName, oName, fnDef, args)
return p.planCallBinary(expr, fnName, oName, fnDef, args)
return p.planCallVarArgs(expr, fnName, oName, fnDef, args)
// planCallZero generates a zero-arity callable Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planCallZero(expr ast.Expr,
function string,
overload string,
impl *functions.Overload) (Interpretable, error) {
if impl == nil || impl.Function == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no such overload: %s()", function)
return &evalZeroArity{
id: expr.ID(),
function: function,
overload: overload,
impl: impl.Function,
}, nil
// planCallUnary generates a unary callable Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planCallUnary(expr ast.Expr,
function string,
overload string,
impl *functions.Overload,
args []Interpretable) (Interpretable, error) {
var fn functions.UnaryOp
var trait int
var nonStrict bool
if impl != nil {
if impl.Unary == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no such overload: %s(arg)", function)
fn = impl.Unary
trait = impl.OperandTrait
nonStrict = impl.NonStrict
return &evalUnary{
id: expr.ID(),
function: function,
overload: overload,
arg: args[0],
trait: trait,
impl: fn,
nonStrict: nonStrict,
}, nil
// planCallBinary generates a binary callable Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planCallBinary(expr ast.Expr,
function string,
overload string,
impl *functions.Overload,
args []Interpretable) (Interpretable, error) {
var fn functions.BinaryOp
var trait int
var nonStrict bool
if impl != nil {
if impl.Binary == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no such overload: %s(lhs, rhs)", function)
fn = impl.Binary
trait = impl.OperandTrait
nonStrict = impl.NonStrict
return &evalBinary{
id: expr.ID(),
function: function,
overload: overload,
lhs: args[0],
rhs: args[1],
trait: trait,
impl: fn,
nonStrict: nonStrict,
}, nil
// planCallVarArgs generates a variable argument callable Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planCallVarArgs(expr ast.Expr,
function string,
overload string,
impl *functions.Overload,
args []Interpretable) (Interpretable, error) {
var fn functions.FunctionOp
var trait int
var nonStrict bool
if impl != nil {
if impl.Function == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no such overload: %s(...)", function)
fn = impl.Function
trait = impl.OperandTrait
nonStrict = impl.NonStrict
return &evalVarArgs{
id: expr.ID(),
function: function,
overload: overload,
args: args,
trait: trait,
impl: fn,
nonStrict: nonStrict,
}, nil
// planCallEqual generates an equals (==) Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planCallEqual(expr ast.Expr, args []Interpretable) (Interpretable, error) {
return &evalEq{
id: expr.ID(),
lhs: args[0],
rhs: args[1],
}, nil
// planCallNotEqual generates a not equals (!=) Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planCallNotEqual(expr ast.Expr, args []Interpretable) (Interpretable, error) {
return &evalNe{
id: expr.ID(),
lhs: args[0],
rhs: args[1],
}, nil
// planCallLogicalAnd generates a logical and (&&) Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planCallLogicalAnd(expr ast.Expr, args []Interpretable) (Interpretable, error) {
return &evalAnd{
id: expr.ID(),
terms: args,
}, nil
// planCallLogicalOr generates a logical or (||) Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planCallLogicalOr(expr ast.Expr, args []Interpretable) (Interpretable, error) {
return &evalOr{
id: expr.ID(),
terms: args,
}, nil
// planCallConditional generates a conditional / ternary (c ? t : f) Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planCallConditional(expr ast.Expr, args []Interpretable) (Interpretable, error) {
cond := args[0]
t := args[1]
var tAttr Attribute
truthyAttr, isTruthyAttr := t.(InterpretableAttribute)
if isTruthyAttr {
tAttr = truthyAttr.Attr()
} else {
tAttr = p.attrFactory.RelativeAttribute(t.ID(), t)
f := args[2]
var fAttr Attribute
falsyAttr, isFalsyAttr := f.(InterpretableAttribute)
if isFalsyAttr {
fAttr = falsyAttr.Attr()
} else {
fAttr = p.attrFactory.RelativeAttribute(f.ID(), f)
return &evalAttr{
adapter: p.adapter,
attr: p.attrFactory.ConditionalAttribute(expr.ID(), cond, tAttr, fAttr),
}, nil
// planCallIndex either extends an attribute with the argument to the index operation, or creates
// a relative attribute based on the return of a function call or operation.
func (p *planner) planCallIndex(expr ast.Expr, args []Interpretable, optional bool) (Interpretable, error) {
op := args[0]
ind := args[1]
opType := p.typeMap[op.ID()]
// Establish the attribute reference.
var err error
attr, isAttr := op.(InterpretableAttribute)
if !isAttr {
attr, err = p.relativeAttr(op.ID(), op, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Construct the qualifier type.
var qual Qualifier
switch ind := ind.(type) {
case InterpretableConst:
qual, err = p.attrFactory.NewQualifier(opType, expr.ID(), ind.Value(), optional)
case InterpretableAttribute:
qual, err = p.attrFactory.NewQualifier(opType, expr.ID(), ind, optional)
qual, err = p.relativeAttr(expr.ID(), ind, optional)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add the qualifier to the attribute
_, err = attr.AddQualifier(qual)
return attr, err
// planCreateList generates a list construction Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planCreateList(expr ast.Expr) (Interpretable, error) {
list := expr.AsList()
optionalIndices := list.OptionalIndices()
elements := list.Elements()
optionals := make([]bool, len(elements))
for _, index := range optionalIndices {
if index < 0 || index >= int32(len(elements)) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("optional index %d out of element bounds [0, %d]", index, len(elements))
optionals[index] = true
elems := make([]Interpretable, len(elements))
for i, elem := range elements {
elemVal, err := p.Plan(elem)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
elems[i] = elemVal
return &evalList{
id: expr.ID(),
elems: elems,
optionals: optionals,
hasOptionals: len(optionals) != 0,
adapter: p.adapter,
}, nil
// planCreateStruct generates a map or object construction Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planCreateMap(expr ast.Expr) (Interpretable, error) {
m := expr.AsMap()
entries := m.Entries()
optionals := make([]bool, len(entries))
keys := make([]Interpretable, len(entries))
vals := make([]Interpretable, len(entries))
for i, e := range entries {
entry := e.AsMapEntry()
keyVal, err := p.Plan(entry.Key())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keys[i] = keyVal
valVal, err := p.Plan(entry.Value())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vals[i] = valVal
optionals[i] = entry.IsOptional()
return &evalMap{
id: expr.ID(),
keys: keys,
vals: vals,
optionals: optionals,
hasOptionals: len(optionals) != 0,
adapter: p.adapter,
}, nil
// planCreateObj generates an object construction Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planCreateStruct(expr ast.Expr) (Interpretable, error) {
obj := expr.AsStruct()
typeName, defined := p.resolveTypeName(obj.TypeName())
if !defined {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type: %s", obj.TypeName())
objFields := obj.Fields()
optionals := make([]bool, len(objFields))
fields := make([]string, len(objFields))
vals := make([]Interpretable, len(objFields))
for i, f := range objFields {
field := f.AsStructField()
fields[i] = field.Name()
val, err := p.Plan(field.Value())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vals[i] = val
optionals[i] = field.IsOptional()
return &evalObj{
id: expr.ID(),
typeName: typeName,
fields: fields,
vals: vals,
optionals: optionals,
hasOptionals: len(optionals) != 0,
provider: p.provider,
}, nil
// planComprehension generates an Interpretable fold operation.
func (p *planner) planComprehension(expr ast.Expr) (Interpretable, error) {
fold := expr.AsComprehension()
accu, err := p.Plan(fold.AccuInit())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
iterRange, err := p.Plan(fold.IterRange())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cond, err := p.Plan(fold.LoopCondition())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
step, err := p.Plan(fold.LoopStep())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result, err := p.Plan(fold.Result())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &evalFold{
id: expr.ID(),
accuVar: fold.AccuVar(),
accu: accu,
iterVar: fold.IterVar(),
iterVar2: fold.IterVar2(),
iterRange: iterRange,
cond: cond,
step: step,
result: result,
adapter: p.adapter,
}, nil
// planConst generates a constant valued Interpretable.
func (p *planner) planConst(expr ast.Expr) (Interpretable, error) {
return NewConstValue(expr.ID(), expr.AsLiteral()), nil
// resolveTypeName takes a qualified string constructed at parse time, applies the proto
// namespace resolution rules to it in a scan over possible matching types in the TypeProvider.
func (p *planner) resolveTypeName(typeName string) (string, bool) {
for _, qualifiedTypeName := range p.container.ResolveCandidateNames(typeName) {
if _, found := p.provider.FindStructType(qualifiedTypeName); found {
return qualifiedTypeName, true
return "", false
// resolveFunction determines the call target, function name, and overload name from a given Expr
// value.
// The resolveFunction resolves ambiguities where a function may either be a receiver-style
// invocation or a qualified global function name.
// - The target expression may only consist of ident and select expressions.
// - The function is declared in the environment using its fully-qualified name.
// - The fully-qualified function name matches the string serialized target value.
func (p *planner) resolveFunction(expr ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, string, string) {
// Note: similar logic exists within the `checker/checker.go`. If making changes here
// please consider the impact on checker.go and consolidate implementations or mirror code
// as appropriate.
call := expr.AsCall()
var target ast.Expr = nil
if call.IsMemberFunction() {
target = call.Target()
fnName := call.FunctionName()
// Checked expressions always have a reference map entry, and _should_ have the fully qualified
// function name as the fnName value.
oRef, hasOverload := p.refMap[expr.ID()]
if hasOverload {
if len(oRef.OverloadIDs) == 1 {
return target, fnName, oRef.OverloadIDs[0]
// Note, this namespaced function name will not appear as a fully qualified name in ASTs
// built and stored before cel-go v0.5.0; however, this functionality did not work at all
// before the v0.5.0 release.
return target, fnName, ""
// Parse-only expressions need to handle the same logic as is normally performed at check time,
// but with potentially much less information. The only reliable source of information about
// which functions are configured is the dispatcher.
if target == nil {
// If the user has a parse-only expression, then it should have been configured as such in
// the interpreter dispatcher as it may have been omitted from the checker environment.
for _, qualifiedName := range p.container.ResolveCandidateNames(fnName) {
_, found := p.disp.FindOverload(qualifiedName)
if found {
return nil, qualifiedName, ""
// It's possible that the overload was not found, but this situation is accounted for in
// the planCall phase; however, the leading dot used for denoting fully-qualified
// namespaced identifiers must be stripped, as all declarations already use fully-qualified
// names. This stripping behavior is handled automatically by the ResolveCandidateNames
// call.
return target, stripLeadingDot(fnName), ""
// Handle the situation where the function target actually indicates a qualified function name.
qualifiedPrefix, maybeQualified := p.toQualifiedName(target)
if maybeQualified {
maybeQualifiedName := qualifiedPrefix + "." + fnName
for _, qualifiedName := range p.container.ResolveCandidateNames(maybeQualifiedName) {
_, found := p.disp.FindOverload(qualifiedName)
if found {
// Clear the target to ensure the proper arity is used for finding the
// implementation.
return nil, qualifiedName, ""
// In the default case, the function is exactly as it was advertised: a receiver call on with
// an expression-based target with the given simple function name.
return target, fnName, ""
// relativeAttr indicates that the attribute in this case acts as a qualifier and as such needs to
// be observed to ensure that it's evaluation value is properly recorded for state tracking.
func (p *planner) relativeAttr(id int64, eval Interpretable, opt bool) (InterpretableAttribute, error) {
eAttr, ok := eval.(InterpretableAttribute)
if !ok {
eAttr = &evalAttr{
adapter: p.adapter,
attr: p.attrFactory.RelativeAttribute(id, eval),
optional: opt,
// This looks like it should either decorate the new evalAttr node, or early return the InterpretableAttribute
decAttr, err := p.decorate(eAttr, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
eAttr, ok = decAttr.(InterpretableAttribute)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid attribute decoration: %v(%T)", decAttr, decAttr)
return eAttr, nil
// toQualifiedName converts an expression AST into a qualified name if possible, with a boolean
// 'found' value that indicates if the conversion is successful.
func (p *planner) toQualifiedName(operand ast.Expr) (string, bool) {
// If the checker identified the expression as an attribute by the type-checker, then it can't
// possibly be part of qualified name in a namespace.
_, isAttr := p.refMap[operand.ID()]
if isAttr {
return "", false
// Since functions cannot be both namespaced and receiver functions, if the operand is not an
// qualified variable name, return the (possibly) qualified name given the expressions.
switch operand.Kind() {
case ast.IdentKind:
id := operand.AsIdent()
return id, true
case ast.SelectKind:
sel := operand.AsSelect()
// Test only expressions are not valid as qualified names.
if sel.IsTestOnly() {
return "", false
if qual, found := p.toQualifiedName(sel.Operand()); found {
return qual + "." + sel.FieldName(), true
return "", false
func stripLeadingDot(name string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, ".") {
return name[1:]
return name