Niels de Vos f87d06ed85 build: move e2e dependencies into e2e/go.mod
Several packages are only used while running the e2e suite. These
packages are less important to update, as the they can not influence the
final executable that is part of the Ceph-CSI container-image.

By moving these dependencies out of the main Ceph-CSI go.mod, it is
easier to identify if a reported CVE affects Ceph-CSI, or only the
testing (like most of the Kubernetes CVEs).

Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@ibm.com>
2025-03-04 17:43:49 +01:00

544 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package interpreter
import (
type astPruner struct {
expr ast.Expr
macroCalls map[int64]ast.Expr
state EvalState
nextExprID int64
// TODO Consider having a separate walk of the AST that finds common
// subexpressions. This can be called before or after constant folding to find
// common subexpressions.
// PruneAst prunes the given AST based on the given EvalState and generates a new AST.
// Given AST is copied on write and a new AST is returned.
// Couple of typical use cases this interface would be:
// A)
// 1) Evaluate expr with some unknowns,
// 2) If result is unknown:
// a) PruneAst
// b) Goto 1
// Functional call results which are known would be effectively cached across
// iterations.
// B)
// 1) Compile the expression (maybe via a service and maybe after checking a
// compiled expression does not exists in local cache)
// 2) Prepare the environment and the interpreter. Activation might be empty.
// 3) Eval the expression. This might return unknown or error or a concrete
// value.
// 4) PruneAst
// 4) Maybe cache the expression
// This is effectively constant folding the expression. How the environment is
// prepared in step 2 is flexible. For example, If the caller caches the
// compiled and constant folded expressions, but is not willing to constant
// fold(and thus cache results of) some external calls, then they can prepare
// the overloads accordingly.
func PruneAst(expr ast.Expr, macroCalls map[int64]ast.Expr, state EvalState) *ast.AST {
pruneState := NewEvalState()
for _, id := range state.IDs() {
v, _ := state.Value(id)
pruneState.SetValue(id, v)
pruner := &astPruner{
ExprFactory: ast.NewExprFactory(),
expr: expr,
macroCalls: macroCalls,
state: pruneState,
nextExprID: getMaxID(expr)}
newExpr, _ := pruner.maybePrune(expr)
newInfo := ast.NewSourceInfo(nil)
for id, call := range pruner.macroCalls {
newInfo.SetMacroCall(id, call)
return ast.NewAST(newExpr, newInfo)
func (p *astPruner) maybeCreateLiteral(id int64, val ref.Val) (ast.Expr, bool) {
switch v := val.(type) {
case types.Bool, types.Bytes, types.Double, types.Int, types.Null, types.String, types.Uint:
p.state.SetValue(id, val)
return p.NewLiteral(id, val), true
case types.Duration:
p.state.SetValue(id, val)
durationString := v.ConvertToType(types.StringType).(types.String)
return p.NewCall(id, overloads.TypeConvertDuration, p.NewLiteral(p.nextID(), durationString)), true
case types.Timestamp:
timestampString := v.ConvertToType(types.StringType).(types.String)
return p.NewCall(id, overloads.TypeConvertTimestamp, p.NewLiteral(p.nextID(), timestampString)), true
// Attempt to build a list literal.
if list, isList := val.(traits.Lister); isList {
sz := list.Size().(types.Int)
elemExprs := make([]ast.Expr, sz)
for i := types.Int(0); i < sz; i++ {
elem := list.Get(i)
if types.IsUnknownOrError(elem) {
return nil, false
elemExpr, ok := p.maybeCreateLiteral(p.nextID(), elem)
if !ok {
return nil, false
elemExprs[i] = elemExpr
p.state.SetValue(id, val)
return p.NewList(id, elemExprs, []int32{}), true
// Create a map literal if possible.
if mp, isMap := val.(traits.Mapper); isMap {
it := mp.Iterator()
entries := make([]ast.EntryExpr, mp.Size().(types.Int))
i := 0
for it.HasNext() != types.False {
key := it.Next()
val := mp.Get(key)
if types.IsUnknownOrError(key) || types.IsUnknownOrError(val) {
return nil, false
keyExpr, ok := p.maybeCreateLiteral(p.nextID(), key)
if !ok {
return nil, false
valExpr, ok := p.maybeCreateLiteral(p.nextID(), val)
if !ok {
return nil, false
entry := p.NewMapEntry(p.nextID(), keyExpr, valExpr, false)
entries[i] = entry
p.state.SetValue(id, val)
return p.NewMap(id, entries), true
// TODO(issues/377) To construct message literals, the type provider will need to support
// the enumeration the fields for a given message.
return nil, false
func (p *astPruner) maybePruneOptional(elem ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, bool) {
elemVal, found := p.value(elem.ID())
if found && elemVal.Type() == types.OptionalType {
opt := elemVal.(*types.Optional)
if !opt.HasValue() {
return nil, true
if newElem, pruned := p.maybeCreateLiteral(elem.ID(), opt.GetValue()); pruned {
return newElem, true
return elem, false
func (p *astPruner) maybePruneIn(node ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, bool) {
// elem in list
call := node.AsCall()
val, exists := p.maybeValue(call.Args()[1].ID())
if !exists {
return nil, false
if sz, ok := val.(traits.Sizer); ok && sz.Size() == types.IntZero {
return p.maybeCreateLiteral(node.ID(), types.False)
return nil, false
func (p *astPruner) maybePruneLogicalNot(node ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, bool) {
call := node.AsCall()
arg := call.Args()[0]
val, exists := p.maybeValue(arg.ID())
if !exists {
return nil, false
if b, ok := val.(types.Bool); ok {
return p.maybeCreateLiteral(node.ID(), !b)
return nil, false
func (p *astPruner) maybePruneOr(node ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, bool) {
call := node.AsCall()
// We know result is unknown, so we have at least one unknown arg
// and if one side is a known value, we know we can ignore it.
if v, exists := p.maybeValue(call.Args()[0].ID()); exists {
if v == types.True {
return p.maybeCreateLiteral(node.ID(), types.True)
return call.Args()[1], true
if v, exists := p.maybeValue(call.Args()[1].ID()); exists {
if v == types.True {
return p.maybeCreateLiteral(node.ID(), types.True)
return call.Args()[0], true
return nil, false
func (p *astPruner) maybePruneAnd(node ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, bool) {
call := node.AsCall()
// We know result is unknown, so we have at least one unknown arg
// and if one side is a known value, we know we can ignore it.
if v, exists := p.maybeValue(call.Args()[0].ID()); exists {
if v == types.False {
return p.maybeCreateLiteral(node.ID(), types.False)
return call.Args()[1], true
if v, exists := p.maybeValue(call.Args()[1].ID()); exists {
if v == types.False {
return p.maybeCreateLiteral(node.ID(), types.False)
return call.Args()[0], true
return nil, false
func (p *astPruner) maybePruneConditional(node ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, bool) {
call := node.AsCall()
cond, exists := p.maybeValue(call.Args()[0].ID())
if !exists {
return nil, false
if cond.Value().(bool) {
return call.Args()[1], true
return call.Args()[2], true
func (p *astPruner) maybePruneFunction(node ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, bool) {
if _, exists := p.value(node.ID()); !exists {
return nil, false
call := node.AsCall()
if call.FunctionName() == operators.LogicalOr {
return p.maybePruneOr(node)
if call.FunctionName() == operators.LogicalAnd {
return p.maybePruneAnd(node)
if call.FunctionName() == operators.Conditional {
return p.maybePruneConditional(node)
if call.FunctionName() == operators.In {
return p.maybePruneIn(node)
if call.FunctionName() == operators.LogicalNot {
return p.maybePruneLogicalNot(node)
return nil, false
func (p *astPruner) maybePrune(node ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, bool) {
return p.prune(node)
func (p *astPruner) prune(node ast.Expr) (ast.Expr, bool) {
if node == nil {
return node, false
val, valueExists := p.maybeValue(node.ID())
if valueExists {
if newNode, ok := p.maybeCreateLiteral(node.ID(), val); ok {
delete(p.macroCalls, node.ID())
return newNode, true
if macro, found := p.macroCalls[node.ID()]; found {
// Ensure that intermediate values for the comprehension are cleared during pruning
if node.Kind() == ast.ComprehensionKind {
compre := node.AsComprehension()
visit(macro, clearIterVarVisitor(compre.IterVar(), p.state))
// prune the expression in terms of the macro call instead of the expanded form.
if newMacro, pruned := p.prune(macro); pruned {
p.macroCalls[node.ID()] = newMacro
// We have either an unknown/error value, or something we don't want to
// transform, or expression was not evaluated. If possible, drill down
// more.
switch node.Kind() {
case ast.SelectKind:
sel := node.AsSelect()
if operand, isPruned := p.maybePrune(sel.Operand()); isPruned {
if sel.IsTestOnly() {
return p.NewPresenceTest(node.ID(), operand, sel.FieldName()), true
return p.NewSelect(node.ID(), operand, sel.FieldName()), true
case ast.CallKind:
argsPruned := false
call := node.AsCall()
args := call.Args()
newArgs := make([]ast.Expr, len(args))
for i, a := range args {
newArgs[i] = a
if arg, isPruned := p.maybePrune(a); isPruned {
argsPruned = true
newArgs[i] = arg
if !call.IsMemberFunction() {
newCall := p.NewCall(node.ID(), call.FunctionName(), newArgs...)
if prunedCall, isPruned := p.maybePruneFunction(newCall); isPruned {
return prunedCall, true
return newCall, argsPruned
newTarget := call.Target()
targetPruned := false
if prunedTarget, isPruned := p.maybePrune(call.Target()); isPruned {
targetPruned = true
newTarget = prunedTarget
newCall := p.NewMemberCall(node.ID(), call.FunctionName(), newTarget, newArgs...)
if prunedCall, isPruned := p.maybePruneFunction(newCall); isPruned {
return prunedCall, true
return newCall, targetPruned || argsPruned
case ast.ListKind:
l := node.AsList()
elems := l.Elements()
optIndices := l.OptionalIndices()
optIndexMap := map[int32]bool{}
for _, i := range optIndices {
optIndexMap[i] = true
newOptIndexMap := make(map[int32]bool, len(optIndexMap))
newElems := make([]ast.Expr, 0, len(elems))
var listPruned bool
prunedIdx := 0
for i, elem := range elems {
_, isOpt := optIndexMap[int32(i)]
if isOpt {
newElem, pruned := p.maybePruneOptional(elem)
if pruned {
listPruned = true
if newElem != nil {
newElems = append(newElems, newElem)
newOptIndexMap[int32(prunedIdx)] = true
if newElem, prunedElem := p.maybePrune(elem); prunedElem {
newElems = append(newElems, newElem)
listPruned = true
} else {
newElems = append(newElems, elem)
optIndices = make([]int32, len(newOptIndexMap))
idx := 0
for i := range newOptIndexMap {
optIndices[idx] = i
if listPruned {
return p.NewList(node.ID(), newElems, optIndices), true
case ast.MapKind:
var mapPruned bool
m := node.AsMap()
entries := m.Entries()
newEntries := make([]ast.EntryExpr, len(entries))
for i, entry := range entries {
newEntries[i] = entry
e := entry.AsMapEntry()
newKey, keyPruned := p.maybePrune(e.Key())
newValue, valuePruned := p.maybePrune(e.Value())
if !keyPruned && !valuePruned {
mapPruned = true
newEntry := p.NewMapEntry(entry.ID(), newKey, newValue, e.IsOptional())
newEntries[i] = newEntry
if mapPruned {
return p.NewMap(node.ID(), newEntries), true
case ast.StructKind:
var structPruned bool
obj := node.AsStruct()
fields := obj.Fields()
newFields := make([]ast.EntryExpr, len(fields))
for i, field := range fields {
newFields[i] = field
f := field.AsStructField()
newValue, prunedValue := p.maybePrune(f.Value())
if !prunedValue {
structPruned = true
newEntry := p.NewStructField(field.ID(), f.Name(), newValue, f.IsOptional())
newFields[i] = newEntry
if structPruned {
return p.NewStruct(node.ID(), obj.TypeName(), newFields), true
case ast.ComprehensionKind:
compre := node.AsComprehension()
// Only the range of the comprehension is pruned since the state tracking only records
// the last iteration of the comprehension and not each step in the evaluation which
// means that the any residuals computed in between might be inaccurate.
if newRange, pruned := p.maybePrune(compre.IterRange()); pruned {
return p.NewComprehension(
), true
return node, false
func (p *astPruner) value(id int64) (ref.Val, bool) {
val, found := p.state.Value(id)
return val, (found && val != nil)
func (p *astPruner) maybeValue(id int64) (ref.Val, bool) {
val, found := p.value(id)
if !found || types.IsUnknownOrError(val) {
return nil, false
return val, true
func (p *astPruner) nextID() int64 {
next := p.nextExprID
return next
type astVisitor struct {
// visitEntry is called on every expr node, including those within a map/struct entry.
visitExpr func(expr ast.Expr)
// visitEntry is called before entering the key, value of a map/struct entry.
visitEntry func(entry ast.EntryExpr)
func getMaxID(expr ast.Expr) int64 {
maxID := int64(1)
visit(expr, maxIDVisitor(&maxID))
return maxID
func clearIterVarVisitor(varName string, state EvalState) astVisitor {
return astVisitor{
visitExpr: func(e ast.Expr) {
if e.Kind() == ast.IdentKind && e.AsIdent() == varName {
state.SetValue(e.ID(), nil)
func maxIDVisitor(maxID *int64) astVisitor {
return astVisitor{
visitExpr: func(e ast.Expr) {
if e.ID() >= *maxID {
*maxID = e.ID() + 1
visitEntry: func(e ast.EntryExpr) {
if e.ID() >= *maxID {
*maxID = e.ID() + 1
func visit(expr ast.Expr, visitor astVisitor) {
exprs := []ast.Expr{expr}
for len(exprs) != 0 {
e := exprs[0]
if visitor.visitExpr != nil {
exprs = exprs[1:]
switch e.Kind() {
case ast.SelectKind:
exprs = append(exprs, e.AsSelect().Operand())
case ast.CallKind:
call := e.AsCall()
if call.Target() != nil {
exprs = append(exprs, call.Target())
exprs = append(exprs, call.Args()...)
case ast.ComprehensionKind:
compre := e.AsComprehension()
exprs = append(exprs,
case ast.ListKind:
list := e.AsList()
exprs = append(exprs, list.Elements()...)
case ast.MapKind:
for _, entry := range e.AsMap().Entries() {
e := entry.AsMapEntry()
if visitor.visitEntry != nil {
exprs = append(exprs, e.Key())
exprs = append(exprs, e.Value())
case ast.StructKind:
for _, entry := range e.AsStruct().Fields() {
f := entry.AsStructField()
if visitor.visitEntry != nil {
exprs = append(exprs, f.Value())