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2019-02-04 02:56:43 +00:00
package restfulspec
import (
type definitionBuilder struct {
Definitions spec.Definitions
Config Config
// Documented is
type Documented interface {
SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
// Check if this structure has a method with signature func (<theModel>) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
// If it exists, retrieve the documentation and overwrite all struct tag descriptions
func getDocFromMethodSwaggerDoc2(model reflect.Type) map[string]string {
if docable, ok := reflect.New(model).Elem().Interface().(Documented); ok {
return docable.SwaggerDoc()
return make(map[string]string)
// addModelFrom creates and adds a Schema to the builder and detects and calls
// the post build hook for customizations
func (b definitionBuilder) addModelFrom(sample interface{}) {
b.addModel(reflect.TypeOf(sample), "")
func (b definitionBuilder) addModel(st reflect.Type, nameOverride string) *spec.Schema {
// Turn pointers into simpler types so further checks are
// correct.
if st.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
st = st.Elem()
modelName := keyFrom(st, b.Config)
if nameOverride != "" {
modelName = nameOverride
// no models needed for primitive types
if b.isPrimitiveType(modelName) {
return nil
// golang encoding/json packages says array and slice values encode as
// JSON arrays, except that []byte encodes as a base64-encoded string.
// If we see a []byte here, treat it at as a primitive type (string)
// and deal with it in buildArrayTypeProperty.
if (st.Kind() == reflect.Slice || st.Kind() == reflect.Array) &&
st.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
return nil
// see if we already have visited this model
if _, ok := b.Definitions[modelName]; ok {
return nil
sm := spec.Schema{
SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{
Required: []string{},
Properties: map[string]spec.Schema{},
// reference the model before further initializing (enables recursive structs)
b.Definitions[modelName] = sm
// check for slice or array
if st.Kind() == reflect.Slice || st.Kind() == reflect.Array {
st = st.Elem()
// check for structure or primitive type
if st.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return &sm
fullDoc := getDocFromMethodSwaggerDoc2(st)
modelDescriptions := []string{}
for i := 0; i < st.NumField(); i++ {
field := st.Field(i)
jsonName, modelDescription, prop := b.buildProperty(field, &sm, modelName)
if len(modelDescription) > 0 {
modelDescriptions = append(modelDescriptions, modelDescription)
// add if not omitted
if len(jsonName) != 0 {
// update description
if fieldDoc, ok := fullDoc[jsonName]; ok {
prop.Description = fieldDoc
// update Required
if b.isPropertyRequired(field) {
sm.Required = append(sm.Required, jsonName)
sm.Properties[jsonName] = prop
// We always overwrite documentation if SwaggerDoc method exists
// "" is special for documenting the struct itself
if modelDoc, ok := fullDoc[""]; ok {
sm.Description = modelDoc
} else if len(modelDescriptions) != 0 {
sm.Description = strings.Join(modelDescriptions, "\n")
// Needed to pass openapi validation. This field exists for json-schema compatibility,
// but it conflicts with the openapi specification.
// See https://github.com/go-openapi/spec/issues/23 for more context
sm.ID = ""
// update model builder with completed model
b.Definitions[modelName] = sm
return &sm
func (b definitionBuilder) isPropertyRequired(field reflect.StructField) bool {
required := true
if optionalTag := field.Tag.Get("optional"); optionalTag == "true" {
return false
if jsonTag := field.Tag.Get("json"); jsonTag != "" {
s := strings.Split(jsonTag, ",")
if len(s) > 1 && s[1] == "omitempty" {
return false
return required
func (b definitionBuilder) buildProperty(field reflect.StructField, model *spec.Schema, modelName string) (jsonName, modelDescription string, prop spec.Schema) {
jsonName = b.jsonNameOfField(field)
if len(jsonName) == 0 {
// empty name signals skip property
return "", "", prop
if field.Name == "XMLName" && field.Type.String() == "xml.Name" {
// property is metadata for the xml.Name attribute, can be skipped
return "", "", prop
if tag := field.Tag.Get("modelDescription"); tag != "" {
modelDescription = tag
setPropertyMetadata(&prop, field)
if prop.Type != nil {
return jsonName, modelDescription, prop
fieldType := field.Type
// check if type is doing its own marshalling
marshalerType := reflect.TypeOf((*json.Marshaler)(nil)).Elem()
if fieldType.Implements(marshalerType) {
var pType = "string"
if prop.Type == nil {
prop.Type = []string{pType}
if prop.Format == "" {
prop.Format = b.jsonSchemaFormat(keyFrom(fieldType, b.Config))
return jsonName, modelDescription, prop
// check if annotation says it is a string
if jsonTag := field.Tag.Get("json"); jsonTag != "" {
s := strings.Split(jsonTag, ",")
if len(s) > 1 && s[1] == "string" {
stringt := "string"
prop.Type = []string{stringt}
return jsonName, modelDescription, prop
fieldKind := fieldType.Kind()
switch {
case fieldKind == reflect.Struct:
jsonName, prop := b.buildStructTypeProperty(field, jsonName, model)
return jsonName, modelDescription, prop
case fieldKind == reflect.Slice || fieldKind == reflect.Array:
jsonName, prop := b.buildArrayTypeProperty(field, jsonName, modelName)
return jsonName, modelDescription, prop
case fieldKind == reflect.Ptr:
jsonName, prop := b.buildPointerTypeProperty(field, jsonName, modelName)
return jsonName, modelDescription, prop
case fieldKind == reflect.String:
stringt := "string"
prop.Type = []string{stringt}
return jsonName, modelDescription, prop
case fieldKind == reflect.Map:
jsonName, prop := b.buildMapTypeProperty(field, jsonName, modelName)
return jsonName, modelDescription, prop
fieldTypeName := keyFrom(fieldType, b.Config)
if b.isPrimitiveType(fieldTypeName) {
mapped := b.jsonSchemaType(fieldTypeName)
prop.Type = []string{mapped}
prop.Format = b.jsonSchemaFormat(fieldTypeName)
return jsonName, modelDescription, prop
modelType := keyFrom(fieldType, b.Config)
prop.Ref = spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + modelType)
if fieldType.Name() == "" { // override type of anonymous structs
// FIXME: Still need a way to handle anonymous struct model naming.
nestedTypeName := modelName + "." + jsonName
prop.Ref = spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + nestedTypeName)
b.addModel(fieldType, nestedTypeName)
return jsonName, modelDescription, prop
func hasNamedJSONTag(field reflect.StructField) bool {
parts := strings.Split(field.Tag.Get("json"), ",")
if len(parts) == 0 {
return false
for _, s := range parts[1:] {
if s == "inline" {
return false
return len(parts[0]) > 0
func (b definitionBuilder) buildStructTypeProperty(field reflect.StructField, jsonName string, model *spec.Schema) (nameJson string, prop spec.Schema) {
setPropertyMetadata(&prop, field)
fieldType := field.Type
// check for anonymous
if len(fieldType.Name()) == 0 {
// anonymous
// FIXME: Still need a way to handle anonymous struct model naming.
anonType := model.ID + "." + jsonName
b.addModel(fieldType, anonType)
prop.Ref = spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + anonType)
return jsonName, prop
if field.Name == fieldType.Name() && field.Anonymous && !hasNamedJSONTag(field) {
// embedded struct
sub := definitionBuilder{make(spec.Definitions), b.Config}
sub.addModel(fieldType, "")
subKey := keyFrom(fieldType, b.Config)
// merge properties from sub
subModel, _ := sub.Definitions[subKey]
for k, v := range subModel.Properties {
model.Properties[k] = v
// if subModel says this property is required then include it
required := false
for _, each := range subModel.Required {
if k == each {
required = true
if required {
model.Required = append(model.Required, k)
// add all new referenced models
for key, sub := range sub.Definitions {
if key != subKey {
if _, ok := b.Definitions[key]; !ok {
b.Definitions[key] = sub
// empty name signals skip property
return "", prop
// simple struct
b.addModel(fieldType, "")
var pType = keyFrom(fieldType, b.Config)
prop.Ref = spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + pType)
return jsonName, prop
func (b definitionBuilder) buildArrayTypeProperty(field reflect.StructField, jsonName, modelName string) (nameJson string, prop spec.Schema) {
setPropertyMetadata(&prop, field)
fieldType := field.Type
if fieldType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
stringt := "string"
prop.Type = []string{stringt}
return jsonName, prop
var pType = "array"
prop.Type = []string{pType}
isPrimitive := b.isPrimitiveType(fieldType.Elem().Name())
elemTypeName := b.getElementTypeName(modelName, jsonName, fieldType.Elem())
prop.Items = &spec.SchemaOrArray{
Schema: &spec.Schema{},
if isPrimitive {
mapped := b.jsonSchemaType(elemTypeName)
prop.Items.Schema.Type = []string{mapped}
} else {
prop.Items.Schema.Ref = spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + elemTypeName)
// add|overwrite model for element type
if fieldType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
fieldType = fieldType.Elem()
if !isPrimitive {
b.addModel(fieldType.Elem(), elemTypeName)
return jsonName, prop
func (b definitionBuilder) buildMapTypeProperty(field reflect.StructField, jsonName, modelName string) (nameJson string, prop spec.Schema) {
setPropertyMetadata(&prop, field)
fieldType := field.Type
var pType = "object"
prop.Type = []string{pType}
// As long as the element isn't an interface, we should be able to figure out what the
// intended type is and represent it in `AdditionalProperties`.
// See: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/data-models/dictionaries/
if fieldType.Elem().Kind().String() != "interface" {
isPrimitive := b.isPrimitiveType(fieldType.Elem().Name())
elemTypeName := b.getElementTypeName(modelName, jsonName, fieldType.Elem())
prop.AdditionalProperties = &spec.SchemaOrBool{
Schema: &spec.Schema{},
if isPrimitive {
mapped := b.jsonSchemaType(elemTypeName)
prop.AdditionalProperties.Schema.Type = []string{mapped}
} else {
prop.AdditionalProperties.Schema.Ref = spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + elemTypeName)
// add|overwrite model for element type
if fieldType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
fieldType = fieldType.Elem()
if !isPrimitive {
b.addModel(fieldType.Elem(), elemTypeName)
return jsonName, prop
func (b definitionBuilder) buildPointerTypeProperty(field reflect.StructField, jsonName, modelName string) (nameJson string, prop spec.Schema) {
setPropertyMetadata(&prop, field)
fieldType := field.Type
// override type of pointer to list-likes
if fieldType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Slice || fieldType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Array {
var pType = "array"
prop.Type = []string{pType}
isPrimitive := b.isPrimitiveType(fieldType.Elem().Elem().Name())
elemName := b.getElementTypeName(modelName, jsonName, fieldType.Elem().Elem())
prop.Items = &spec.SchemaOrArray{
Schema: &spec.Schema{},
if isPrimitive {
primName := b.jsonSchemaType(elemName)
prop.Items.Schema.Type = []string{primName}
} else {
prop.Items.Schema.Ref = spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + elemName)
if !isPrimitive {
// add|overwrite model for element type
b.addModel(fieldType.Elem().Elem(), elemName)
} else {
// non-array, pointer type
fieldTypeName := keyFrom(fieldType.Elem(), b.Config)
var pType = b.jsonSchemaType(fieldTypeName) // no star, include pkg path
if b.isPrimitiveType(fieldTypeName) {
prop.Type = []string{pType}
prop.Format = b.jsonSchemaFormat(fieldTypeName)
return jsonName, prop
prop.Ref = spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + pType)
elemName := ""
if fieldType.Elem().Name() == "" {
elemName = modelName + "." + jsonName
prop.Ref = spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + elemName)
b.addModel(fieldType.Elem(), elemName)
return jsonName, prop
func (b definitionBuilder) getElementTypeName(modelName, jsonName string, t reflect.Type) string {
if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
t = t.Elem()
if t.Name() == "" {
return modelName + "." + jsonName
return keyFrom(t, b.Config)
func keyFrom(st reflect.Type, cfg Config) string {
key := st.String()
if cfg.ModelTypeNameHandler != nil {
if name, ok := cfg.ModelTypeNameHandler(st); ok {
key = name
if len(st.Name()) == 0 { // unnamed type
// If it is an array, remove the leading []
key = strings.TrimPrefix(key, "[]")
// Swagger UI has special meaning for [
key = strings.Replace(key, "[]", "||", -1)
return key
// see also https://golang.org/ref/spec#Numeric_types
func (b definitionBuilder) isPrimitiveType(modelName string) bool {
if len(modelName) == 0 {
return false
return strings.Contains("uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 int int8 int16 int32 int64 float32 float64 bool string byte rune time.Time", modelName)
// jsonNameOfField returns the name of the field as it should appear in JSON format
// An empty string indicates that this field is not part of the JSON representation
func (b definitionBuilder) jsonNameOfField(field reflect.StructField) string {
if jsonTag := field.Tag.Get("json"); jsonTag != "" {
s := strings.Split(jsonTag, ",")
if s[0] == "-" {
// empty name signals skip property
return ""
} else if s[0] != "" {
return s[0]
return field.Name
// see also http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-core.html#anchor8
func (b definitionBuilder) jsonSchemaType(modelName string) string {
schemaMap := map[string]string{
"uint": "integer",
"uint8": "integer",
"uint16": "integer",
"uint32": "integer",
"uint64": "integer",
"int": "integer",
"int8": "integer",
"int16": "integer",
"int32": "integer",
"int64": "integer",
"byte": "integer",
"float64": "number",
"float32": "number",
"bool": "boolean",
"time.Time": "string",
mapped, ok := schemaMap[modelName]
if !ok {
return modelName // use as is (custom or struct)
return mapped
func (b definitionBuilder) jsonSchemaFormat(modelName string) string {
if b.Config.SchemaFormatHandler != nil {
if mapped := b.Config.SchemaFormatHandler(modelName); mapped != "" {
return mapped
schemaMap := map[string]string{
"int": "int32",
"int32": "int32",
"int64": "int64",
"byte": "byte",
"uint": "integer",
"uint8": "byte",
"float64": "double",
"float32": "float",
"time.Time": "date-time",
"*time.Time": "date-time",
mapped, ok := schemaMap[modelName]
if !ok {
return "" // no format
return mapped