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2019-02-04 02:56:43 +00:00
package restful
// Copyright 2013 Ernest Micklei. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import (
// RouteBuilder is a helper to construct Routes.
type RouteBuilder struct {
rootPath string
currentPath string
produces []string
consumes []string
httpMethod string // required
function RouteFunction // required
filters []FilterFunction
conditions []RouteSelectionConditionFunction
typeNameHandleFunc TypeNameHandleFunction // required
// documentation
doc string
notes string
operation string
readSample, writeSample interface{}
parameters []*Parameter
errorMap map[int]ResponseError
metadata map[string]interface{}
deprecated bool
// Do evaluates each argument with the RouteBuilder itself.
// This allows you to follow DRY principles without breaking the fluent programming style.
// Example:
// ws.Route(ws.DELETE("/{name}").To(t.deletePerson).Do(Returns200, Returns500))
// func Returns500(b *RouteBuilder) {
// b.Returns(500, "Internal Server Error", restful.ServiceError{})
// }
func (b *RouteBuilder) Do(oneArgBlocks ...func(*RouteBuilder)) *RouteBuilder {
for _, each := range oneArgBlocks {
return b
// To bind the route to a function.
// If this route is matched with the incoming Http Request then call this function with the *Request,*Response pair. Required.
func (b *RouteBuilder) To(function RouteFunction) *RouteBuilder {
b.function = function
return b
// Method specifies what HTTP method to match. Required.
func (b *RouteBuilder) Method(method string) *RouteBuilder {
b.httpMethod = method
return b
// Produces specifies what MIME types can be produced ; the matched one will appear in the Content-Type Http header.
func (b *RouteBuilder) Produces(mimeTypes ...string) *RouteBuilder {
b.produces = mimeTypes
return b
// Consumes specifies what MIME types can be consumes ; the Accept Http header must matched any of these
func (b *RouteBuilder) Consumes(mimeTypes ...string) *RouteBuilder {
b.consumes = mimeTypes
return b
// Path specifies the relative (w.r.t WebService root path) URL path to match. Default is "/".
func (b *RouteBuilder) Path(subPath string) *RouteBuilder {
b.currentPath = subPath
return b
// Doc tells what this route is all about. Optional.
func (b *RouteBuilder) Doc(documentation string) *RouteBuilder {
b.doc = documentation
return b
// Notes is a verbose explanation of the operation behavior. Optional.
func (b *RouteBuilder) Notes(notes string) *RouteBuilder {
b.notes = notes
return b
// Reads tells what resource type will be read from the request payload. Optional.
// A parameter of type "body" is added ,required is set to true and the dataType is set to the qualified name of the sample's type.
func (b *RouteBuilder) Reads(sample interface{}, optionalDescription ...string) *RouteBuilder {
fn := b.typeNameHandleFunc
if fn == nil {
fn = reflectTypeName
typeAsName := fn(sample)
description := ""
if len(optionalDescription) > 0 {
description = optionalDescription[0]
b.readSample = sample
bodyParameter := &Parameter{&ParameterData{Name: "body", Description: description}}
return b
// ParameterNamed returns a Parameter already known to the RouteBuilder. Returns nil if not.
// Use this to modify or extend information for the Parameter (through its Data()).
func (b RouteBuilder) ParameterNamed(name string) (p *Parameter) {
for _, each := range b.parameters {
if each.Data().Name == name {
return each
return p
// Writes tells what resource type will be written as the response payload. Optional.
func (b *RouteBuilder) Writes(sample interface{}) *RouteBuilder {
b.writeSample = sample
return b
// Param allows you to document the parameters of the Route. It adds a new Parameter (does not check for duplicates).
func (b *RouteBuilder) Param(parameter *Parameter) *RouteBuilder {
if b.parameters == nil {
b.parameters = []*Parameter{}
b.parameters = append(b.parameters, parameter)
return b
// Operation allows you to document what the actual method/function call is of the Route.
// Unless called, the operation name is derived from the RouteFunction set using To(..).
func (b *RouteBuilder) Operation(name string) *RouteBuilder {
b.operation = name
return b
// ReturnsError is deprecated, use Returns instead.
func (b *RouteBuilder) ReturnsError(code int, message string, model interface{}) *RouteBuilder {
log.Print("ReturnsError is deprecated, use Returns instead.")
return b.Returns(code, message, model)
// Returns allows you to document what responses (errors or regular) can be expected.
// The model parameter is optional ; either pass a struct instance or use nil if not applicable.
func (b *RouteBuilder) Returns(code int, message string, model interface{}) *RouteBuilder {
err := ResponseError{
Code: code,
Message: message,
Model: model,
IsDefault: false,
// lazy init because there is no NewRouteBuilder (yet)
if b.errorMap == nil {
b.errorMap = map[int]ResponseError{}
b.errorMap[code] = err
return b
// DefaultReturns is a special Returns call that sets the default of the response ; the code is zero.
func (b *RouteBuilder) DefaultReturns(message string, model interface{}) *RouteBuilder {
b.Returns(0, message, model)
// Modify the ResponseError just added/updated
re := b.errorMap[0]
// errorMap is initialized
b.errorMap[0] = ResponseError{
Code: re.Code,
Message: re.Message,
Model: re.Model,
IsDefault: true,
return b
// Metadata adds or updates a key=value pair to the metadata map.
func (b *RouteBuilder) Metadata(key string, value interface{}) *RouteBuilder {
if b.metadata == nil {
b.metadata = map[string]interface{}{}
b.metadata[key] = value
return b
// Deprecate sets the value of deprecated to true. Deprecated routes have a special UI treatment to warn against use
func (b *RouteBuilder) Deprecate() *RouteBuilder {
b.deprecated = true
return b
// ResponseError represents a response; not necessarily an error.
type ResponseError struct {
Code int
Message string
Model interface{}
IsDefault bool
func (b *RouteBuilder) servicePath(path string) *RouteBuilder {
b.rootPath = path
return b
// Filter appends a FilterFunction to the end of filters for this Route to build.
func (b *RouteBuilder) Filter(filter FilterFunction) *RouteBuilder {
b.filters = append(b.filters, filter)
return b
// If sets a condition function that controls matching the Route based on custom logic.
// The condition function is provided the HTTP request and should return true if the route
// should be considered.
// Efficiency note: the condition function is called before checking the method, produces, and
// consumes criteria, so that the correct HTTP status code can be returned.
// Lifecycle note: no filter functions have been called prior to calling the condition function,
// so the condition function should not depend on any context that might be set up by container
// or route filters.
func (b *RouteBuilder) If(condition RouteSelectionConditionFunction) *RouteBuilder {
b.conditions = append(b.conditions, condition)
return b
// If no specific Route path then set to rootPath
// If no specific Produces then set to rootProduces
// If no specific Consumes then set to rootConsumes
func (b *RouteBuilder) copyDefaults(rootProduces, rootConsumes []string) {
if len(b.produces) == 0 {
b.produces = rootProduces
if len(b.consumes) == 0 {
b.consumes = rootConsumes
// typeNameHandler sets the function that will convert types to strings in the parameter
// and model definitions.
func (b *RouteBuilder) typeNameHandler(handler TypeNameHandleFunction) *RouteBuilder {
b.typeNameHandleFunc = handler
return b
// Build creates a new Route using the specification details collected by the RouteBuilder
func (b *RouteBuilder) Build() Route {
pathExpr, err := newPathExpression(b.currentPath)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Invalid path:%s because:%v", b.currentPath, err)
if b.function == nil {
log.Printf("No function specified for route:" + b.currentPath)
operationName := b.operation
if len(operationName) == 0 && b.function != nil {
// extract from definition
operationName = nameOfFunction(b.function)
route := Route{
Method: b.httpMethod,
Path: concatPath(b.rootPath, b.currentPath),
Produces: b.produces,
Consumes: b.consumes,
Function: b.function,
Filters: b.filters,
If: b.conditions,
relativePath: b.currentPath,
pathExpr: pathExpr,
Doc: b.doc,
Notes: b.notes,
Operation: operationName,
ParameterDocs: b.parameters,
ResponseErrors: b.errorMap,
ReadSample: b.readSample,
WriteSample: b.writeSample,
Metadata: b.metadata,
Deprecated: b.deprecated}
return route
func concatPath(path1, path2 string) string {
return strings.TrimRight(path1, "/") + "/" + strings.TrimLeft(path2, "/")
var anonymousFuncCount int32
// nameOfFunction returns the short name of the function f for documentation.
// It uses a runtime feature for debugging ; its value may change for later Go versions.
func nameOfFunction(f interface{}) string {
fun := runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(f).Pointer())
tokenized := strings.Split(fun.Name(), ".")
last := tokenized[len(tokenized)-1]
last = strings.TrimSuffix(last, ")·fm") // < Go 1.5
last = strings.TrimSuffix(last, ")-fm") // Go 1.5
last = strings.TrimSuffix(last, "·fm") // < Go 1.5
last = strings.TrimSuffix(last, "-fm") // Go 1.5
if last == "func1" { // this could mean conflicts in API docs
val := atomic.AddInt32(&anonymousFuncCount, 1)
last = "func" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", val)
atomic.StoreInt32(&anonymousFuncCount, val)
return last