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// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
package antlr
import (
const (
lexerConfig = iota // Indicates that this ATNConfig is for a lexer
parserConfig // Indicates that this ATNConfig is for a parser
// ATNConfig is a tuple: (ATN state, predicted alt, syntactic, semantic
// context). The syntactic context is a graph-structured stack node whose
// path(s) to the root is the rule invocation(s) chain used to arrive in the
// state. The semantic context is the tree of semantic predicates encountered
// before reaching an ATN state.
type ATNConfig struct {
precedenceFilterSuppressed bool
state ATNState
alt int
context *PredictionContext
semanticContext SemanticContext
reachesIntoOuterContext int
cType int // lexerConfig or parserConfig
lexerActionExecutor *LexerActionExecutor
passedThroughNonGreedyDecision bool
// NewATNConfig6 creates a new ATNConfig instance given a state, alt and context only
func NewATNConfig6(state ATNState, alt int, context *PredictionContext) *ATNConfig {
return NewATNConfig5(state, alt, context, SemanticContextNone)
// NewATNConfig5 creates a new ATNConfig instance given a state, alt, context and semantic context
func NewATNConfig5(state ATNState, alt int, context *PredictionContext, semanticContext SemanticContext) *ATNConfig {
if semanticContext == nil {
panic("semanticContext cannot be nil") // TODO: Necessary?
pac := &ATNConfig{}
pac.state = state
pac.alt = alt
pac.context = context
pac.semanticContext = semanticContext
pac.cType = parserConfig
return pac
// NewATNConfig4 creates a new ATNConfig instance given an existing config, and a state only
func NewATNConfig4(c *ATNConfig, state ATNState) *ATNConfig {
return NewATNConfig(c, state, c.GetContext(), c.GetSemanticContext())
// NewATNConfig3 creates a new ATNConfig instance given an existing config, a state and a semantic context
func NewATNConfig3(c *ATNConfig, state ATNState, semanticContext SemanticContext) *ATNConfig {
return NewATNConfig(c, state, c.GetContext(), semanticContext)
// NewATNConfig2 creates a new ATNConfig instance given an existing config, and a context only
func NewATNConfig2(c *ATNConfig, semanticContext SemanticContext) *ATNConfig {
return NewATNConfig(c, c.GetState(), c.GetContext(), semanticContext)
// NewATNConfig1 creates a new ATNConfig instance given an existing config, a state, and a context only
func NewATNConfig1(c *ATNConfig, state ATNState, context *PredictionContext) *ATNConfig {
return NewATNConfig(c, state, context, c.GetSemanticContext())
// NewATNConfig creates a new ATNConfig instance given an existing config, a state, a context and a semantic context, other 'constructors'
// are just wrappers around this one.
func NewATNConfig(c *ATNConfig, state ATNState, context *PredictionContext, semanticContext SemanticContext) *ATNConfig {
if semanticContext == nil {
panic("semanticContext cannot be nil") // TODO: Remove this - probably put here for some bug that is now fixed
b := &ATNConfig{}
b.InitATNConfig(c, state, c.GetAlt(), context, semanticContext)
b.cType = parserConfig
return b
func (a *ATNConfig) InitATNConfig(c *ATNConfig, state ATNState, alt int, context *PredictionContext, semanticContext SemanticContext) {
a.state = state
a.alt = alt
a.context = context
a.semanticContext = semanticContext
a.reachesIntoOuterContext = c.GetReachesIntoOuterContext()
a.precedenceFilterSuppressed = c.getPrecedenceFilterSuppressed()
func (a *ATNConfig) getPrecedenceFilterSuppressed() bool {
return a.precedenceFilterSuppressed
func (a *ATNConfig) setPrecedenceFilterSuppressed(v bool) {
a.precedenceFilterSuppressed = v
// GetState returns the ATN state associated with this configuration
func (a *ATNConfig) GetState() ATNState {
return a.state
// GetAlt returns the alternative associated with this configuration
func (a *ATNConfig) GetAlt() int {
return a.alt
// SetContext sets the rule invocation stack associated with this configuration
func (a *ATNConfig) SetContext(v *PredictionContext) {
a.context = v
// GetContext returns the rule invocation stack associated with this configuration
func (a *ATNConfig) GetContext() *PredictionContext {
return a.context
// GetSemanticContext returns the semantic context associated with this configuration
func (a *ATNConfig) GetSemanticContext() SemanticContext {
return a.semanticContext
// GetReachesIntoOuterContext returns the count of references to an outer context from this configuration
func (a *ATNConfig) GetReachesIntoOuterContext() int {
return a.reachesIntoOuterContext
// SetReachesIntoOuterContext sets the count of references to an outer context from this configuration
func (a *ATNConfig) SetReachesIntoOuterContext(v int) {
a.reachesIntoOuterContext = v
// Equals is the default comparison function for an ATNConfig when no specialist implementation is required
// for a collection.
// An ATN configuration is equal to another if both have the same state, they
// predict the same alternative, and syntactic/semantic contexts are the same.
func (a *ATNConfig) Equals(o Collectable[*ATNConfig]) bool {
switch a.cType {
case lexerConfig:
return a.LEquals(o)
case parserConfig:
return a.PEquals(o)
panic("Invalid ATNConfig type")
// PEquals is the default comparison function for a Parser ATNConfig when no specialist implementation is required
// for a collection.
// An ATN configuration is equal to another if both have the same state, they
// predict the same alternative, and syntactic/semantic contexts are the same.
func (a *ATNConfig) PEquals(o Collectable[*ATNConfig]) bool {
var other, ok = o.(*ATNConfig)
if !ok {
return false
if a == other {
return true
} else if other == nil {
return false
var equal bool
if a.context == nil {
equal = other.context == nil
} else {
equal = a.context.Equals(other.context)
var (
nums = a.state.GetStateNumber() == other.state.GetStateNumber()
alts = a.alt == other.alt
cons = a.semanticContext.Equals(other.semanticContext)
sups = a.precedenceFilterSuppressed == other.precedenceFilterSuppressed
return nums && alts && cons && sups && equal
// Hash is the default hash function for a parser ATNConfig, when no specialist hash function
// is required for a collection
func (a *ATNConfig) Hash() int {
switch a.cType {
case lexerConfig:
return a.LHash()
case parserConfig:
return a.PHash()
panic("Invalid ATNConfig type")
// PHash is the default hash function for a parser ATNConfig, when no specialist hash function
// is required for a collection
func (a *ATNConfig) PHash() int {
var c int
if a.context != nil {
c = a.context.Hash()
h := murmurInit(7)
h = murmurUpdate(h, a.state.GetStateNumber())
h = murmurUpdate(h, a.alt)
h = murmurUpdate(h, c)
h = murmurUpdate(h, a.semanticContext.Hash())
return murmurFinish(h, 4)
// String returns a string representation of the ATNConfig, usually used for debugging purposes
func (a *ATNConfig) String() string {
var s1, s2, s3 string
if a.context != nil {
s1 = ",[" + fmt.Sprint(a.context) + "]"
if a.semanticContext != SemanticContextNone {
s2 = "," + fmt.Sprint(a.semanticContext)
if a.reachesIntoOuterContext > 0 {
s3 = ",up=" + fmt.Sprint(a.reachesIntoOuterContext)
return fmt.Sprintf("(%v,%v%v%v%v)", a.state, a.alt, s1, s2, s3)
func NewLexerATNConfig6(state ATNState, alt int, context *PredictionContext) *ATNConfig {
lac := &ATNConfig{}
lac.state = state
lac.alt = alt
lac.context = context
lac.semanticContext = SemanticContextNone
lac.cType = lexerConfig
return lac
func NewLexerATNConfig4(c *ATNConfig, state ATNState) *ATNConfig {
lac := &ATNConfig{}
lac.lexerActionExecutor = c.lexerActionExecutor
lac.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = checkNonGreedyDecision(c, state)
lac.InitATNConfig(c, state, c.GetAlt(), c.GetContext(), c.GetSemanticContext())
lac.cType = lexerConfig
return lac
func NewLexerATNConfig3(c *ATNConfig, state ATNState, lexerActionExecutor *LexerActionExecutor) *ATNConfig {
lac := &ATNConfig{}
lac.lexerActionExecutor = lexerActionExecutor
lac.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = checkNonGreedyDecision(c, state)
lac.InitATNConfig(c, state, c.GetAlt(), c.GetContext(), c.GetSemanticContext())
lac.cType = lexerConfig
return lac
func NewLexerATNConfig2(c *ATNConfig, state ATNState, context *PredictionContext) *ATNConfig {
lac := &ATNConfig{}
lac.lexerActionExecutor = c.lexerActionExecutor
lac.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = checkNonGreedyDecision(c, state)
lac.InitATNConfig(c, state, c.GetAlt(), context, c.GetSemanticContext())
lac.cType = lexerConfig
return lac
//goland:noinspection GoUnusedExportedFunction
func NewLexerATNConfig1(state ATNState, alt int, context *PredictionContext) *ATNConfig {
lac := &ATNConfig{}
lac.state = state
lac.alt = alt
lac.context = context
lac.semanticContext = SemanticContextNone
lac.cType = lexerConfig
return lac
// LHash is the default hash function for Lexer ATNConfig objects, it can be used directly or via
// the default comparator [ObjEqComparator].
func (a *ATNConfig) LHash() int {
var f int
if a.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision {
f = 1
} else {
f = 0
h := murmurInit(7)
h = murmurUpdate(h, a.state.GetStateNumber())
h = murmurUpdate(h, a.alt)
h = murmurUpdate(h, a.context.Hash())
h = murmurUpdate(h, a.semanticContext.Hash())
h = murmurUpdate(h, f)
h = murmurUpdate(h, a.lexerActionExecutor.Hash())
h = murmurFinish(h, 6)
return h
// LEquals is the default comparison function for Lexer ATNConfig objects, it can be used directly or via
// the default comparator [ObjEqComparator].
func (a *ATNConfig) LEquals(other Collectable[*ATNConfig]) bool {
var otherT, ok = other.(*ATNConfig)
if !ok {
return false
} else if a == otherT {
return true
} else if a.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision != otherT.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision {
return false
switch {
case a.lexerActionExecutor == nil && otherT.lexerActionExecutor == nil:
return true
case a.lexerActionExecutor != nil && otherT.lexerActionExecutor != nil:
if !a.lexerActionExecutor.Equals(otherT.lexerActionExecutor) {
return false
return false // One but not both, are nil
return a.PEquals(otherT)
func checkNonGreedyDecision(source *ATNConfig, target ATNState) bool {
var ds, ok = target.(DecisionState)
return source.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision || (ok && ds.getNonGreedy())