Madhu Rajanna 5a66991bb3 rebase: update kubernetes to latest
updating the kubernetes release to the
latest in main go.mod

Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <madhupr007@gmail.com>
2024-08-20 08:17:01 +00:00

451 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
package antlr
import (
// CommonTokenStream is an implementation of TokenStream that loads tokens from
// a TokenSource on-demand and places the tokens in a buffer to provide access
// to any previous token by index. This token stream ignores the value of
// Token.getChannel. If your parser requires the token stream filter tokens to
// only those on a particular channel, such as Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL or
// Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL, use a filtering token stream such a CommonTokenStream.
type CommonTokenStream struct {
channel int
// fetchedEOF indicates whether the Token.EOF token has been fetched from
// tokenSource and added to tokens. This field improves performance for the
// following cases:
// consume: The lookahead check in consume to preven consuming the EOF symbol is
// optimized by checking the values of fetchedEOF and p instead of calling LA.
// fetch: The check to prevent adding multiple EOF symbols into tokens is
// trivial with bt field.
fetchedEOF bool
// index into [tokens] of the current token (next token to consume).
// tokens[p] should be LT(1). It is set to -1 when the stream is first
// constructed or when SetTokenSource is called, indicating that the first token
// has not yet been fetched from the token source. For additional information,
// see the documentation of [IntStream] for a description of initializing methods.
index int
// tokenSource is the [TokenSource] from which tokens for the bt stream are
// fetched.
tokenSource TokenSource
// tokens contains all tokens fetched from the token source. The list is considered a
// complete view of the input once fetchedEOF is set to true.
tokens []Token
// NewCommonTokenStream creates a new CommonTokenStream instance using the supplied lexer to produce
// tokens and will pull tokens from the given lexer channel.
func NewCommonTokenStream(lexer Lexer, channel int) *CommonTokenStream {
return &CommonTokenStream{
channel: channel,
index: -1,
tokenSource: lexer,
tokens: make([]Token, 0),
// GetAllTokens returns all tokens currently pulled from the token source.
func (c *CommonTokenStream) GetAllTokens() []Token {
return c.tokens
func (c *CommonTokenStream) Mark() int {
return 0
func (c *CommonTokenStream) Release(_ int) {}
func (c *CommonTokenStream) Reset() {
c.fetchedEOF = false
c.tokens = make([]Token, 0)
func (c *CommonTokenStream) Seek(index int) {
c.index = c.adjustSeekIndex(index)
func (c *CommonTokenStream) Get(index int) Token {
return c.tokens[index]
func (c *CommonTokenStream) Consume() {
SkipEOFCheck := false
if c.index >= 0 {
if c.fetchedEOF {
// The last token in tokens is EOF. Skip the check if p indexes any fetched.
// token except the last.
SkipEOFCheck = c.index < len(c.tokens)-1
} else {
// No EOF token in tokens. Skip the check if p indexes a fetched token.
SkipEOFCheck = c.index < len(c.tokens)
} else {
// Not yet initialized
SkipEOFCheck = false
if !SkipEOFCheck && c.LA(1) == TokenEOF {
panic("cannot consume EOF")
if c.Sync(c.index + 1) {
c.index = c.adjustSeekIndex(c.index + 1)
// Sync makes sure index i in tokens has a token and returns true if a token is
// located at index i and otherwise false.
func (c *CommonTokenStream) Sync(i int) bool {
n := i - len(c.tokens) + 1 // How many more elements do we need?
if n > 0 {
fetched := c.fetch(n)
return fetched >= n
return true
// fetch adds n elements to buffer and returns the actual number of elements
// added to the buffer.
func (c *CommonTokenStream) fetch(n int) int {
if c.fetchedEOF {
return 0
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
t := c.tokenSource.NextToken()
c.tokens = append(c.tokens, t)
if t.GetTokenType() == TokenEOF {
c.fetchedEOF = true
return i + 1
return n
// GetTokens gets all tokens from start to stop inclusive.
func (c *CommonTokenStream) GetTokens(start int, stop int, types *IntervalSet) []Token {
if start < 0 || stop < 0 {
return nil
subset := make([]Token, 0)
if stop >= len(c.tokens) {
stop = len(c.tokens) - 1
for i := start; i < stop; i++ {
t := c.tokens[i]
if t.GetTokenType() == TokenEOF {
if types == nil || types.contains(t.GetTokenType()) {
subset = append(subset, t)
return subset
func (c *CommonTokenStream) LA(i int) int {
return c.LT(i).GetTokenType()
func (c *CommonTokenStream) lazyInit() {
if c.index == -1 {
func (c *CommonTokenStream) setup() {
c.index = c.adjustSeekIndex(0)
func (c *CommonTokenStream) GetTokenSource() TokenSource {
return c.tokenSource
// SetTokenSource resets the c token stream by setting its token source.
func (c *CommonTokenStream) SetTokenSource(tokenSource TokenSource) {
c.tokenSource = tokenSource
c.tokens = make([]Token, 0)
c.index = -1
c.fetchedEOF = false
// NextTokenOnChannel returns the index of the next token on channel given a
// starting index. Returns i if tokens[i] is on channel. Returns -1 if there are
// no tokens on channel between 'i' and [TokenEOF].
func (c *CommonTokenStream) NextTokenOnChannel(i, _ int) int {
if i >= len(c.tokens) {
return -1
token := c.tokens[i]
for token.GetChannel() != c.channel {
if token.GetTokenType() == TokenEOF {
return -1
token = c.tokens[i]
return i
// previousTokenOnChannel returns the index of the previous token on channel
// given a starting index. Returns i if tokens[i] is on channel. Returns -1 if
// there are no tokens on channel between i and 0.
func (c *CommonTokenStream) previousTokenOnChannel(i, channel int) int {
for i >= 0 && c.tokens[i].GetChannel() != channel {
return i
// GetHiddenTokensToRight collects all tokens on a specified channel to the
// right of the current token up until we see a token on DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL
// or EOF. If channel is -1, it finds any non-default channel token.
func (c *CommonTokenStream) GetHiddenTokensToRight(tokenIndex, channel int) []Token {
if tokenIndex < 0 || tokenIndex >= len(c.tokens) {
panic(strconv.Itoa(tokenIndex) + " not in 0.." + strconv.Itoa(len(c.tokens)-1))
nextOnChannel := c.NextTokenOnChannel(tokenIndex+1, LexerDefaultTokenChannel)
from := tokenIndex + 1
// If no onChannel to the right, then nextOnChannel == -1, so set 'to' to the last token
var to int
if nextOnChannel == -1 {
to = len(c.tokens) - 1
} else {
to = nextOnChannel
return c.filterForChannel(from, to, channel)
// GetHiddenTokensToLeft collects all tokens on channel to the left of the
// current token until we see a token on DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL. If channel is
// -1, it finds any non default channel token.
func (c *CommonTokenStream) GetHiddenTokensToLeft(tokenIndex, channel int) []Token {
if tokenIndex < 0 || tokenIndex >= len(c.tokens) {
panic(strconv.Itoa(tokenIndex) + " not in 0.." + strconv.Itoa(len(c.tokens)-1))
prevOnChannel := c.previousTokenOnChannel(tokenIndex-1, LexerDefaultTokenChannel)
if prevOnChannel == tokenIndex-1 {
return nil
// If there are none on channel to the left and prevOnChannel == -1 then from = 0
from := prevOnChannel + 1
to := tokenIndex - 1
return c.filterForChannel(from, to, channel)
func (c *CommonTokenStream) filterForChannel(left, right, channel int) []Token {
hidden := make([]Token, 0)
for i := left; i < right+1; i++ {
t := c.tokens[i]
if channel == -1 {
if t.GetChannel() != LexerDefaultTokenChannel {
hidden = append(hidden, t)
} else if t.GetChannel() == channel {
hidden = append(hidden, t)
if len(hidden) == 0 {
return nil
return hidden
func (c *CommonTokenStream) GetSourceName() string {
return c.tokenSource.GetSourceName()
func (c *CommonTokenStream) Size() int {
return len(c.tokens)
func (c *CommonTokenStream) Index() int {
return c.index
func (c *CommonTokenStream) GetAllText() string {
return c.GetTextFromInterval(NewInterval(0, len(c.tokens)-1))
func (c *CommonTokenStream) GetTextFromTokens(start, end Token) string {
if start == nil || end == nil {
return ""
return c.GetTextFromInterval(NewInterval(start.GetTokenIndex(), end.GetTokenIndex()))
func (c *CommonTokenStream) GetTextFromRuleContext(interval RuleContext) string {
return c.GetTextFromInterval(interval.GetSourceInterval())
func (c *CommonTokenStream) GetTextFromInterval(interval Interval) string {
start := interval.Start
stop := interval.Stop
if start < 0 || stop < 0 {
return ""
if stop >= len(c.tokens) {
stop = len(c.tokens) - 1
s := ""
for i := start; i < stop+1; i++ {
t := c.tokens[i]
if t.GetTokenType() == TokenEOF {
s += t.GetText()
return s
// Fill gets all tokens from the lexer until EOF.
func (c *CommonTokenStream) Fill() {
for c.fetch(1000) == 1000 {
func (c *CommonTokenStream) adjustSeekIndex(i int) int {
return c.NextTokenOnChannel(i, c.channel)
func (c *CommonTokenStream) LB(k int) Token {
if k == 0 || c.index-k < 0 {
return nil
i := c.index
n := 1
// Find k good tokens looking backward
for n <= k {
// Skip off-channel tokens
i = c.previousTokenOnChannel(i-1, c.channel)
if i < 0 {
return nil
return c.tokens[i]
func (c *CommonTokenStream) LT(k int) Token {
if k == 0 {
return nil
if k < 0 {
return c.LB(-k)
i := c.index
n := 1 // We know tokens[n] is valid
// Find k good tokens
for n < k {
// Skip off-channel tokens, but make sure to not look past EOF
if c.Sync(i + 1) {
i = c.NextTokenOnChannel(i+1, c.channel)
return c.tokens[i]
// getNumberOfOnChannelTokens counts EOF once.
func (c *CommonTokenStream) getNumberOfOnChannelTokens() int {
var n int
for i := 0; i < len(c.tokens); i++ {
t := c.tokens[i]
if t.GetChannel() == c.channel {
if t.GetTokenType() == TokenEOF {
return n