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# Development Guide
## New to Go
Ceph-csi is written in Go and if you are new to the language,
it is **highly** encouraged to:
* Take the [A Tour of Go](http://tour.golang.org/welcome/1) course.
* [Set up](https://golang.org/doc/code.html) Go development environment on your machine.
* Read [Effective Go](https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html) for best practices.
## Development Workflow
### Workspace and repository setup
* [Download](https://golang.org/dl/) Go (>=1.11.x) and
[install](https://golang.org/doc/install) it on your system.
* Setup the [GOPATH](http://www.g33knotes.org/2014/07/60-second-count-down-to-go.html)
* Run `$ go get -d github.com/ceph/ceph-csi`
This will just download the source and not build it. The downloaded source
will be at `$GOPATH/src/github.com/ceph/ceph-csi`
* Fork the [ceph-csi repo](https://github.com/ceph/ceph-csi) on Github.
* Add your fork as a git remote:
`$ git remote add fork https://github.com/<your-github-username>/ceph-csi`
> Editors: Our favorite editor is vim with the [vim-go](https://github.com/fatih/vim-go)
> plugin, but there are many others like [vscode](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-go)
### Building Ceph-CSI
To build ceph-csi run:
`$ make`
The built binary will be present under `_output/` directory.
### Code contribution workflow
ceph-csi repository currently follows GitHub's
[Fork & Pull] (<https://help.github.com/articles/about-pull-requests/>) workflow
for code contributions.
Please read the [coding guidelines](coding.md) document before submitting a PR.
Here is a short guide on how to work on a new patch. In this example, we will
work on a patch called *hellopatch*:
* `$ git checkout master`
* `$ git pull`
* `$ git checkout -b hellopatch`
Do your work here and commit.
Run the test suite, which includes linting checks, static code check, and unit
`$ make test`
You will need to provide unit tests and functional tests for your changes
wherever applicable.
Once you are ready to push, you will type the following:
`$ git push fork hellopatch`
**Creating A Pull Request:**
When you are satisfied with your changes, you will then need to go to your repo
in GitHub.com and create a pull request for your branch. Automated tests will
be run against the pull request. Your pull request will be reviewed and merged.
If you are planning on making a large set of changes or a major architectural
change it is often desirable to first build a consensus in an issue discussion
and/or create an initial design doc PR. Once the design has been agreed upon
one or more PRs implementing the plan can be made.
**Review Process:**
Once your PR has been submitted for review the following critieria will
need to be met before it will be merged:
* Each PR needs reviews accepting the change from at least two developers
* for merging
* It is common to request reviews from those reviewers automatically suggested
* by github
* Each PR needs to have been open for at least 24 working hours to allow for
* community feedback
* The 24 working hours counts hours occuring Mon-Fri in the local timezone
* of the submitter
* Each PR must be fully updated to master and tests must have passed
When the criteria are met, a project maintainer can merge your changes into
the project's master branch.