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synced 2024-11-18 20:30:23 +00:00
Kubernetes v1.22 version has been released and this update ceph csi dependencies to use the same version. Signed-off-by: Humble Chirammal <hchiramm@redhat.com>
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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv"
import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute"
// Semantic conventions for attribute keys used for network related
// operations.
const (
// Transport protocol used.
NetTransportKey = attribute.Key("net.transport")
// Remote address of the peer.
NetPeerIPKey = attribute.Key("net.peer.ip")
// Remote port number.
NetPeerPortKey = attribute.Key("net.peer.port")
// Remote hostname or similar.
NetPeerNameKey = attribute.Key("net.peer.name")
// Local host IP. Useful in case of a multi-IP host.
NetHostIPKey = attribute.Key("net.host.ip")
// Local host port.
NetHostPortKey = attribute.Key("net.host.port")
// Local hostname or similar.
NetHostNameKey = attribute.Key("net.host.name")
// Semantic conventions for common transport protocol attributes.
var (
NetTransportTCP = NetTransportKey.String("IP.TCP")
NetTransportUDP = NetTransportKey.String("IP.UDP")
NetTransportIP = NetTransportKey.String("IP")
NetTransportUnix = NetTransportKey.String("Unix")
NetTransportPipe = NetTransportKey.String("pipe")
NetTransportInProc = NetTransportKey.String("inproc")
NetTransportOther = NetTransportKey.String("other")
// General attribute keys for spans.
const (
// Service name of the remote service. Should equal the actual
// `service.name` resource attribute of the remote service, if any.
PeerServiceKey = attribute.Key("peer.service")
// Semantic conventions for attribute keys used to identify an authorized
// user.
const (
// Username or the client identifier extracted from the access token or
// authorization header in the inbound request from outside the system.
EnduserIDKey = attribute.Key("enduser.id")
// Actual or assumed role the client is making the request with.
EnduserRoleKey = attribute.Key("enduser.role")
// Scopes or granted authorities the client currently possesses.
EnduserScopeKey = attribute.Key("enduser.scope")
// Semantic conventions for attribute keys for HTTP.
const (
// HTTP request method.
HTTPMethodKey = attribute.Key("http.method")
// Full HTTP request URL in the form:
// scheme://host[:port]/path?query[#fragment].
HTTPURLKey = attribute.Key("http.url")
// The full request target as passed in a HTTP request line or
// equivalent, e.g. "/path/12314/?q=ddds#123".
HTTPTargetKey = attribute.Key("http.target")
// The value of the HTTP host header.
HTTPHostKey = attribute.Key("http.host")
// The URI scheme identifying the used protocol.
HTTPSchemeKey = attribute.Key("http.scheme")
// HTTP response status code.
HTTPStatusCodeKey = attribute.Key("http.status_code")
// Kind of HTTP protocol used.
HTTPFlavorKey = attribute.Key("http.flavor")
// Value of the HTTP User-Agent header sent by the client.
HTTPUserAgentKey = attribute.Key("http.user_agent")
// The primary server name of the matched virtual host.
HTTPServerNameKey = attribute.Key("http.server_name")
// The matched route served (path template). For example,
// "/users/:userID?".
HTTPRouteKey = attribute.Key("http.route")
// The IP address of the original client behind all proxies, if known
// (e.g. from X-Forwarded-For).
HTTPClientIPKey = attribute.Key("http.client_ip")
// The size of the request payload body in bytes.
HTTPRequestContentLengthKey = attribute.Key("http.request_content_length")
// The size of the uncompressed request payload body after transport decoding.
// Not set if transport encoding not used.
HTTPRequestContentLengthUncompressedKey = attribute.Key("http.request_content_length_uncompressed")
// The size of the response payload body in bytes.
HTTPResponseContentLengthKey = attribute.Key("http.response_content_length")
// The size of the uncompressed response payload body after transport decoding.
// Not set if transport encoding not used.
HTTPResponseContentLengthUncompressedKey = attribute.Key("http.response_content_length_uncompressed")
// Semantic conventions for common HTTP attributes.
var (
// Semantic conventions for HTTP(S) URI schemes.
HTTPSchemeHTTP = HTTPSchemeKey.String("http")
HTTPSchemeHTTPS = HTTPSchemeKey.String("https")
// Semantic conventions for HTTP protocols.
HTTPFlavor1_0 = HTTPFlavorKey.String("1.0")
HTTPFlavor1_1 = HTTPFlavorKey.String("1.1")
HTTPFlavor2 = HTTPFlavorKey.String("2")
HTTPFlavorSPDY = HTTPFlavorKey.String("SPDY")
HTTPFlavorQUIC = HTTPFlavorKey.String("QUIC")
// Semantic conventions for attribute keys for database connections.
const (
// Identifier for the database system (DBMS) being used.
DBSystemKey = attribute.Key("db.system")
// Database Connection String with embedded credentials removed.
DBConnectionStringKey = attribute.Key("db.connection_string")
// Username for accessing database.
DBUserKey = attribute.Key("db.user")
// Semantic conventions for common database system attributes.
var (
DBSystemDB2 = DBSystemKey.String("db2") // IBM DB2
DBSystemDerby = DBSystemKey.String("derby") // Apache Derby
DBSystemHive = DBSystemKey.String("hive") // Apache Hive
DBSystemMariaDB = DBSystemKey.String("mariadb") // MariaDB
DBSystemMSSql = DBSystemKey.String("mssql") // Microsoft SQL Server
DBSystemMySQL = DBSystemKey.String("mysql") // MySQL
DBSystemOracle = DBSystemKey.String("oracle") // Oracle Database
DBSystemPostgres = DBSystemKey.String("postgresql") // PostgreSQL
DBSystemSqlite = DBSystemKey.String("sqlite") // SQLite
DBSystemTeradata = DBSystemKey.String("teradata") // Teradata
DBSystemOtherSQL = DBSystemKey.String("other_sql") // Some other Sql database. Fallback only
DBSystemCassandra = DBSystemKey.String("cassandra") // Cassandra
DBSystemCosmosDB = DBSystemKey.String("cosmosdb") // Microsoft Azure CosmosDB
DBSystemCouchbase = DBSystemKey.String("couchbase") // Couchbase
DBSystemCouchDB = DBSystemKey.String("couchdb") // CouchDB
DBSystemDynamoDB = DBSystemKey.String("dynamodb") // Amazon DynamoDB
DBSystemHBase = DBSystemKey.String("hbase") // HBase
DBSystemMongodb = DBSystemKey.String("mongodb") // MongoDB
DBSystemNeo4j = DBSystemKey.String("neo4j") // Neo4j
DBSystemRedis = DBSystemKey.String("redis") // Redis
// Semantic conventions for attribute keys for database calls.
const (
// Database instance name.
DBNameKey = attribute.Key("db.name")
// A database statement for the given database type.
DBStatementKey = attribute.Key("db.statement")
// A database operation for the given database type.
DBOperationKey = attribute.Key("db.operation")
// Database technology-specific attributes
const (
// Name of the Cassandra keyspace accessed. Use instead of `db.name`.
DBCassandraKeyspaceKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.keyspace")
// HBase namespace accessed. Use instead of `db.name`.
DBHBaseNamespaceKey = attribute.Key("db.hbase.namespace")
// Index of Redis database accessed. Use instead of `db.name`.
DBRedisDBIndexKey = attribute.Key("db.redis.database_index")
// Collection being accessed within the database in `db.name`.
DBMongoDBCollectionKey = attribute.Key("db.mongodb.collection")
// Semantic conventions for attribute keys for RPC.
const (
// A string identifying the remoting system.
RPCSystemKey = attribute.Key("rpc.system")
// The full name of the service being called.
RPCServiceKey = attribute.Key("rpc.service")
// The name of the method being called.
RPCMethodKey = attribute.Key("rpc.method")
// Name of message transmitted or received.
RPCNameKey = attribute.Key("name")
// Type of message transmitted or received.
RPCMessageTypeKey = attribute.Key("message.type")
// Identifier of message transmitted or received.
RPCMessageIDKey = attribute.Key("message.id")
// The compressed size of the message transmitted or received in bytes.
RPCMessageCompressedSizeKey = attribute.Key("message.compressed_size")
// The uncompressed size of the message transmitted or received in
// bytes.
RPCMessageUncompressedSizeKey = attribute.Key("message.uncompressed_size")
// Semantic conventions for common RPC attributes.
var (
// Semantic convention for gRPC as the remoting system.
RPCSystemGRPC = RPCSystemKey.String("grpc")
// Semantic convention for a message named message.
RPCNameMessage = RPCNameKey.String("message")
// Semantic conventions for RPC message types.
RPCMessageTypeSent = RPCMessageTypeKey.String("SENT")
RPCMessageTypeReceived = RPCMessageTypeKey.String("RECEIVED")
// Semantic conventions for attribute keys for messaging systems.
const (
// A unique identifier describing the messaging system. For example,
// kafka, rabbitmq or activemq.
MessagingSystemKey = attribute.Key("messaging.system")
// The message destination name, e.g. MyQueue or MyTopic.
MessagingDestinationKey = attribute.Key("messaging.destination")
// The kind of message destination.
MessagingDestinationKindKey = attribute.Key("messaging.destination_kind")
// Describes if the destination is temporary or not.
MessagingTempDestinationKey = attribute.Key("messaging.temp_destination")
// The name of the transport protocol.
MessagingProtocolKey = attribute.Key("messaging.protocol")
// The version of the transport protocol.
MessagingProtocolVersionKey = attribute.Key("messaging.protocol_version")
// Messaging service URL.
MessagingURLKey = attribute.Key("messaging.url")
// Identifier used by the messaging system for a message.
MessagingMessageIDKey = attribute.Key("messaging.message_id")
// Identifier used by the messaging system for a conversation.
MessagingConversationIDKey = attribute.Key("messaging.conversation_id")
// The (uncompressed) size of the message payload in bytes.
MessagingMessagePayloadSizeBytesKey = attribute.Key("messaging.message_payload_size_bytes")
// The compressed size of the message payload in bytes.
MessagingMessagePayloadCompressedSizeBytesKey = attribute.Key("messaging.message_payload_compressed_size_bytes")
// Identifies which part and kind of message consumption is being
// preformed.
MessagingOperationKey = attribute.Key("messaging.operation")
// RabbitMQ specific attribute describing the destination routing key.
MessagingRabbitMQRoutingKeyKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rabbitmq.routing_key")
// Semantic conventions for common messaging system attributes.
var (
// Semantic conventions for message destinations.
MessagingDestinationKindKeyQueue = MessagingDestinationKindKey.String("queue")
MessagingDestinationKindKeyTopic = MessagingDestinationKindKey.String("topic")
// Semantic convention for message destinations that are temporary.
MessagingTempDestination = MessagingTempDestinationKey.Bool(true)
// Semantic convention for the operation parts of message consumption.
// This does not include a "send" attribute as that is explicitly not
// allowed in the OpenTelemetry specification.
MessagingOperationReceive = MessagingOperationKey.String("receive")
MessagingOperationProcess = MessagingOperationKey.String("process")
// Semantic conventions for attribute keys for FaaS systems.
const (
// Type of the trigger on which the function is executed.
FaaSTriggerKey = attribute.Key("faas.trigger")
// String containing the execution identifier of the function.
FaaSExecutionKey = attribute.Key("faas.execution")
// A boolean indicating that the serverless function is executed
// for the first time (aka cold start).
FaaSColdstartKey = attribute.Key("faas.coldstart")
// The name of the source on which the operation was performed.
// For example, in Cloud Storage or S3 corresponds to the bucket name,
// and in Cosmos DB to the database name.
FaaSDocumentCollectionKey = attribute.Key("faas.document.collection")
// The type of the operation that was performed on the data.
FaaSDocumentOperationKey = attribute.Key("faas.document.operation")
// A string containing the time when the data was accessed.
FaaSDocumentTimeKey = attribute.Key("faas.document.time")
// The document name/table subjected to the operation.
FaaSDocumentNameKey = attribute.Key("faas.document.name")
// The function invocation time.
FaaSTimeKey = attribute.Key("faas.time")
// The schedule period as Cron Expression.
FaaSCronKey = attribute.Key("faas.cron")
// Semantic conventions for common FaaS system attributes.
var (
// Semantic conventions for the types of triggers.
FaasTriggerDatasource = FaaSTriggerKey.String("datasource")
FaasTriggerHTTP = FaaSTriggerKey.String("http")
FaasTriggerPubSub = FaaSTriggerKey.String("pubsub")
FaasTriggerTimer = FaaSTriggerKey.String("timer")
FaasTriggerOther = FaaSTriggerKey.String("other")
// Semantic conventions for the types of operations performed.
FaaSDocumentOperationInsert = FaaSDocumentOperationKey.String("insert")
FaaSDocumentOperationEdit = FaaSDocumentOperationKey.String("edit")
FaaSDocumentOperationDelete = FaaSDocumentOperationKey.String("delete")
// Semantic conventions for source code attributes.
const (
// The method or function name, or equivalent (usually rightmost part of
// the code unit's name).
CodeFunctionKey = attribute.Key("code.function")
// The "namespace" within which `code.function` is defined. Usually the
// qualified class or module name, such that
// `code.namespace` + some separator + `code.function` form a unique
// identifier for the code unit.
CodeNamespaceKey = attribute.Key("code.namespace")
// The source code file name that identifies the code unit as uniquely as
// possible (preferably an absolute file path).
CodeFilepathKey = attribute.Key("code.filepath")
// The line number in `code.filepath` best representing the operation.
// It SHOULD point within the code unit named in `code.function`.
CodeLineNumberKey = attribute.Key("code.lineno")