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// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
package antlr
type LL1Analyzer struct {
atn *ATN
func NewLL1Analyzer(atn *ATN) *LL1Analyzer {
la := new(LL1Analyzer)
la.atn = atn
return la
const (
// LL1AnalyzerHitPred is a special value added to the lookahead sets to indicate that we hit
// a predicate during analysis if
// seeThruPreds==false
LL1AnalyzerHitPred = TokenInvalidType
// *
// Calculates the SLL(1) expected lookahead set for each outgoing transition
// of an {@link ATNState}. The returned array has one element for each
// outgoing transition in {@code s}. If the closure from transition
// <em>i</em> leads to a semantic predicate before Matching a symbol, the
// element at index <em>i</em> of the result will be {@code nil}.
// @param s the ATN state
// @return the expected symbols for each outgoing transition of {@code s}.
func (la *LL1Analyzer) getDecisionLookahead(s ATNState) []*IntervalSet {
if s == nil {
return nil
count := len(s.GetTransitions())
look := make([]*IntervalSet, count)
for alt := 0; alt < count; alt++ {
look[alt] = NewIntervalSet()
lookBusy := NewJStore[*ATNConfig, Comparator[*ATNConfig]](aConfEqInst, ClosureBusyCollection, "LL1Analyzer.getDecisionLookahead for lookBusy")
la.look1(s.GetTransitions()[alt].getTarget(), nil, BasePredictionContextEMPTY, look[alt], lookBusy, NewBitSet(), false, false)
// Wipe out lookahead for la alternative if we found nothing,
// or we had a predicate when we !seeThruPreds
if look[alt].length() == 0 || look[alt].contains(LL1AnalyzerHitPred) {
look[alt] = nil
return look
// Look computes the set of tokens that can follow s in the [ATN] in the
// specified ctx.
// If ctx is nil and the end of the rule containing
// s is reached, [EPSILON] is added to the result set.
// If ctx is not nil and the end of the outermost rule is
// reached, [EOF] is added to the result set.
// Parameter s the ATN state, and stopState is the ATN state to stop at. This can be a
// [BlockEndState] to detect epsilon paths through a closure.
// Parameter ctx is the complete parser context, or nil if the context
// should be ignored
// The func returns the set of tokens that can follow s in the [ATN] in the
// specified ctx.
func (la *LL1Analyzer) Look(s, stopState ATNState, ctx RuleContext) *IntervalSet {
r := NewIntervalSet()
var lookContext *PredictionContext
if ctx != nil {
lookContext = predictionContextFromRuleContext(s.GetATN(), ctx)
la.look1(s, stopState, lookContext, r, NewJStore[*ATNConfig, Comparator[*ATNConfig]](aConfEqInst, ClosureBusyCollection, "LL1Analyzer.Look for la.look1()"),
NewBitSet(), true, true)
return r
// Compute set of tokens that can follow {@code s} in the ATN in the
// specified {@code ctx}.
// <p>If {@code ctx} is {@code nil} and {@code stopState} or the end of the
// rule containing {@code s} is reached, {@link Token//EPSILON} is added to
// the result set. If {@code ctx} is not {@code nil} and {@code addEOF} is
// {@code true} and {@code stopState} or the end of the outermost rule is
// reached, {@link Token//EOF} is added to the result set.</p>
// @param s the ATN state.
// @param stopState the ATN state to stop at. This can be a
// {@link BlockEndState} to detect epsilon paths through a closure.
// @param ctx The outer context, or {@code nil} if the outer context should
// not be used.
// @param look The result lookahead set.
// @param lookBusy A set used for preventing epsilon closures in the ATN
// from causing a stack overflow. Outside code should pass
// {@code NewSet<ATNConfig>} for la argument.
// @param calledRuleStack A set used for preventing left recursion in the
// ATN from causing a stack overflow. Outside code should pass
// {@code NewBitSet()} for la argument.
// @param seeThruPreds {@code true} to true semantic predicates as
// implicitly {@code true} and "see through them", otherwise {@code false}
// to treat semantic predicates as opaque and add {@link //HitPred} to the
// result if one is encountered.
// @param addEOF Add {@link Token//EOF} to the result if the end of the
// outermost context is reached. This parameter has no effect if {@code ctx}
// is {@code nil}.
func (la *LL1Analyzer) look2(_, stopState ATNState, ctx *PredictionContext, look *IntervalSet, lookBusy *JStore[*ATNConfig, Comparator[*ATNConfig]],
calledRuleStack *BitSet, seeThruPreds, addEOF bool, i int) {
returnState := la.atn.states[ctx.getReturnState(i)]
la.look1(returnState, stopState, ctx.GetParent(i), look, lookBusy, calledRuleStack, seeThruPreds, addEOF)
func (la *LL1Analyzer) look1(s, stopState ATNState, ctx *PredictionContext, look *IntervalSet, lookBusy *JStore[*ATNConfig, Comparator[*ATNConfig]], calledRuleStack *BitSet, seeThruPreds, addEOF bool) {
c := NewATNConfig6(s, 0, ctx)
if lookBusy.Contains(c) {
_, present := lookBusy.Put(c)
if present {
if s == stopState {
if ctx == nil {
} else if ctx.isEmpty() && addEOF {
_, ok := s.(*RuleStopState)
if ok {
if ctx == nil {
} else if ctx.isEmpty() && addEOF {
if ctx.pcType != PredictionContextEmpty {
removed := calledRuleStack.contains(s.GetRuleIndex())
defer func() {
if removed {
// run thru all possible stack tops in ctx
for i := 0; i < ctx.length(); i++ {
returnState := la.atn.states[ctx.getReturnState(i)]
la.look2(returnState, stopState, ctx, look, lookBusy, calledRuleStack, seeThruPreds, addEOF, i)
n := len(s.GetTransitions())
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
t := s.GetTransitions()[i]
if t1, ok := t.(*RuleTransition); ok {
if calledRuleStack.contains(t1.getTarget().GetRuleIndex()) {
newContext := SingletonBasePredictionContextCreate(ctx, t1.followState.GetStateNumber())
la.look3(stopState, newContext, look, lookBusy, calledRuleStack, seeThruPreds, addEOF, t1)
} else if t2, ok := t.(AbstractPredicateTransition); ok {
if seeThruPreds {
la.look1(t2.getTarget(), stopState, ctx, look, lookBusy, calledRuleStack, seeThruPreds, addEOF)
} else {
} else if t.getIsEpsilon() {
la.look1(t.getTarget(), stopState, ctx, look, lookBusy, calledRuleStack, seeThruPreds, addEOF)
} else if _, ok := t.(*WildcardTransition); ok {
look.addRange(TokenMinUserTokenType, la.atn.maxTokenType)
} else {
set := t.getLabel()
if set != nil {
if _, ok := t.(*NotSetTransition); ok {
set = set.complement(TokenMinUserTokenType, la.atn.maxTokenType)
func (la *LL1Analyzer) look3(stopState ATNState, ctx *PredictionContext, look *IntervalSet, lookBusy *JStore[*ATNConfig, Comparator[*ATNConfig]],
calledRuleStack *BitSet, seeThruPreds, addEOF bool, t1 *RuleTransition) {
newContext := SingletonBasePredictionContextCreate(ctx, t1.followState.GetStateNumber())
defer func() {
la.look1(t1.getTarget(), stopState, newContext, look, lookBusy, calledRuleStack, seeThruPreds, addEOF)