2018-11-26 13:23:56 -05:00

874 B


Serves as the base image for k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy-${ARCH} and multiarch (not amd64) k8s.gcr.io/flannel-${ARCH} images.

This image is compiled for multiple architectures.

How to release

If you're editing the Dockerfile or some other thing, please bump the TAG in the Makefile.

Build and  push images for all the architectures
$ make all-push
# ---> staging-k8s.gcr.io/debian-iptables-amd64:TAG
# ---> staging-k8s.gcr.io/debian-iptables-arm:TAG
# ---> staging-k8s.gcr.io/debian-iptables-arm64:TAG
# ---> staging-k8s.gcr.io/debian-iptables-ppc64le:TAG
# ---> staging-k8s.gcr.io/debian-iptables-s390x:TAG

If you don't want to push the images, run make build ARCH={target_arch} or make all-build instead
